Don’t let him on YouTube then? Its a simple fix?
Seriously…hes 4…what the hell is he on youtube for
YouTube is for adults you never let kids with free range to the internet everything needs to be supervised such as Disney plus, Netflix, Hulu and etc. I found PBS kids is more kid friendly.
U can block sites and don’t let him play with the phone…
Take away Youtube! That’s what we did!
Just put an app on his table called kidszone. It allows u too lock the table and he cant go downloading anything himself. Only download YouTube for kids and 6 other kid apps u approve of and he can go between 8 apps u load within the kid zone app and unless he knows ur 4 digit pin he wint be able to go out of it. I did this with my kids coz they were doing the exact same around that age.
He is 4. Give him crayons and paper, a book, play doh,…not internet access.
if thats the case why do u even have him go on youtube!!!
You can turn off this function. I would say he needs a discussion on personal body parts and such. Also stricter settings in general on the device. Mine has a tablet but its a kids fire so it doesnt even do that stuff.
Baby in mommy’s tummy is a natural curiosity but where’d he hear about people showing butts? (Maybe he meant something innocent).
Turn on parental controls or become more strict with it. Tell him if he has any questions to ask you and then answer them to an age appropriate fashion.
Don’t squash his curiosity, you’re the number one person he should be able to turn to. It just needs to be understandable and appropriate for his mind.
Ummm…take away the internet? Teach him how to play with toys. Build a fort. Make some play dough. Fingerpaint with pudding.
Take away his devices and give him a book, a toy something other than the internet.
How does a 4-year-old have access to youtube? Your family might want to consider a class involving boundary setting.
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My kids don’t have tablets and iPhones. 3,4,8 too many books and toys and each other
How funny it is that a lots of parents here are so “perfect”.
He’s curious about body parts and where babies come from. We all go through this phase. Don’t make him ashamed just teach boundaries and respect
They make you tube for just kids! Much better!
Kids YouTube! He’s probably just curious or thought the first one was funny
Hes probably just curious about human bodies at this point, you should talk to him about being appropriate and how our bodies are privates
My daughter has youtube kids. I approve every single video she can see. She turns 4 in March. She also has a Samsung tablet with Samsung Kids so she can’t access the internet or anything that I don’t approve.
Take away the voice to text and set him up on YouTube kids so that he doesn’t get the adult content from regular YouTube.
Kids think butts are funny and curiosity about babies in mommy’s tummy is normal.
Nancy Irene Spilman Kesecker that’s my thought to, what is this child a little genius, he might be looking but not knowing what he is looking at.
So my daughter somehow made it to those dark videos where they were like telling little kids how to kill themselves, pulling pranks where they did extremely dangerous things, kids toys acting out adult content like sex and drug use, etc. I took her iPad for 3 months. I gave it back without YouTube and a content blocker that requires a password to open YouTube. Now she plays ABC mouse, jump start and other kids games. Calls her friends on kids messenger and watches Disney+. I’d definitely take away YouTube
Ps she found these on kids YouTube too.
A 4 year old has no business on the internet.
Parental controls take like 30 seconds and talking to your son is a great start to understanding.
Yuck too the lot of you.
imagine actually being a struggling mum who reaches out for help and suggestions in this group.
Karen’s ain’t even a word for it.
Y’all are quite fucken nasty!
BUt I bet it’s the same people that throw Shady nasty ass comments around like that to people they dont know but
when it comes to anything that makes them look like a better parent they support it!
Takes a village to raise a child.
and I definitely wouldn’t take my child to this fucken Village!
Catty asf…
Delete the YouTube app and put the kids only app
Might be time for parental controls
Take away that phone. Remove the battery. Put it in a box. Put that box in a chest. Mail it to China and never look back as the ship sails away…
Take away electronics. Be a parent. Books, park, museums, cooking. Field trips.
Use parental controls on the device!
My son showed me a few videos that he was watching at dads house on YouTube. People killing animals and such. I told my son to put the iPad down and listen. I explained those videos were not meant for kids to view and that he needed to show daddy immediately. We talked about why and things like that. After our phone call I sent a message to his dad about watching the kids, parental controls and whatnot. My son is 7. They are not allowed to just surf YouTube videos when they are with me.
My son is 7 he uses kids youtube you can control what they watch.
I caught my 4 year old watching wierd medical stuff on YouTube (like one I seen was a doctor trying to get something out of a girls butt😷 it was blurred out so you couldn’t see well) but it freaked me out, and YouTube kids only from now on
The best thing you can do for your child is be a good example. Thats what a child is paying attention to the most. Love your child and put them first, and youve got a good chance of having a well balanced person and a good human.
I would just ask him what questions he has about babies or people’s butts. He’s definitely curious. Also I would definitely set up parental controls.
My kids only watch YouTube kids lol it only has age appropriate content
My son is 9 he’s not allowed to have regular YouTube but the kids version is perfect. I had to really put my foot down when it comes to certain apps. No TicTok no twitch and definitely no social media. His dad was not in agreement with me but I convinced him when he saw what kind of unfiltered content was easily accessible.
They have a kids YouTube for 10 a month. So they can’t look at stuff they aren’t supposed to
How does a 4 year old know how to look up that shit?
Lol he is a bum guy. Don’t let him control the apps that’s your job cast it to the telly. I found kids YouTube really bad for advertising.
There is a thing parent control or YouTube for kids
Or just download videos for him and let him watch them
A four year old with a phone:see_no_evil: with access to YouTube Really…
You can put parental controls on almost anything now days I had it for my kids even on direct tv cable.
Go for a walk, play with him… don’t use electronics as a babysitter. Maybe your child is very intelligent and needs explenations… give them to him,so he does not feel the Need to ask the internet …
Talk to your kid!
If it were me, I’d take away the device for a while. Not for days, for months. Especially if he blatantly disobeyed you. Then, if this was still me, I’d put stricter settings on the device when I do give it back months later.
You can use YouTube kids
Why not checking out the video before overreacting? And if you’re that concerned put up blockers or only let them use the kids version.
They explain it, and you get mad, and they freak out with anxiety.
Let them explain, check it out, most of the time its not bad, and talk it through how they should talk
Mine likes watch AFV on Hulu and I let him explain, he shows me, I fix the sentence structure cause it could be taken out of context.
If anything, take it away?
They get over the fact they dont have it and do something else
Sounds like you give them anxiety cause they seem like they’re always in trouble or else they wouldn’t scare. Nothing about that is bad.
Theres a you tube kids
Why is everyone shaming for the child having a device and access to YouTube? I’m sure this child doesn’t sit ten hours a day on the device and she is looking for advice and recommendations not condemnation for something some parents think is unacceptable! My recommendation is to use YouTube kids or use the parental blocking features that I believe YouTube has, maybe try talking with him again about what he is allowed to watch and if he’s not sure then tell him he has to ask you and that he can’t be watching things if he doesn’t think mommy will be happy about it. Good luck mama
My 4 yr old like this show siren head. But its absolutely forbidden. If i catch him on that video he is grounded off the phone for the day.
I would delete YouTube and take away internet apps like safari ect. Only let him play educational games and apps you approve of.
Well. For starters you wouldn’t have this issue if your 4 year old wasn’t on the internet, especially YouTube, unsupervised.
Why is a baby in mummy’s tummy wrong? He’s clearly interested in it why not talk to him and find some videos that are suitable?
I think the “people showing their butts” is just because he’s at the stage where he finds bums funny. Along with poo.
To me it sounds like the child it just curious ! Probably thinks butts are funny (as most children get a kick out of those things) I would sit down with him and have a chat, see why it is that he’s searching those things, and answer any questions he may have (appropriately of course). I’d then delete the app & get the children one ! Which honestly isn’t much better , I’ve still seen some questionable content on there.
I think you can put parental blockers on you tube. Otherwise, make sure that the only time he is allowed on, is when you or another adult or sitting there with him monitoring.
I have a 4 year old. He has an amazon fire. I downloaded Youtube Kids on his tablet and made his profile. I chose his age group and he cannot access anything outside of his age group.
My kids were doing similar, that was four years ago and YouTube is still not allowed for the kids in my house
You can get kids YouTube and choose settings, I did this with my youngest and didn’t have any issues after that
Paternal lock. - also if he does keep this up. Explain again. Then take away let him know why, 1 is he is not listening when you asked. BLOCK his phone, only you have the code. Then give it back to him. If he is still doing this then punishment. 2 to 3 minutes in a spot of your choice. It is up to you.
He is looking because he is curious. It’s time to have an age appropriate conversation addressing their searches. YouTube just happens to be convenient. There are other sites that would be better for a child this young. Like Nick Jr, or PBS kids, Disney. I would choose one of those so there is less concern about content. Hope this was helpful.
I do not allowed my kids youtube or to play on my phone for this very reason. But I would take youtube all together if he was doing this knowing it’s wrong!!
You can put a parental lock on it where he can’t watch those videos he can only watch what you have for him
He can only watch things appropriate for his age.
Kids YouTube. Tell him why it is bad. Instead of just no. It helps them remember
I know kids get curious. My son did something similar too. We set up a rule. No YouTube without me. And only on the device I allow. On his tab, I have disabled YouTube…
One simple fix YouTube kids and take the search option off
Get YouTube kids. It’s filters and only shows kids content and u can set it by age bracket.
Now the only thing she’s allowed to watch is disney plus
Youtube kids. You can set it to where they can’t search.
4 year olds don’t need a phone or play on one .
Take his device away.
ya kids yu tube is better than just utube…regular utube they can see everything
You can get youtube kids however even on youtube kids we caught her watching, “how I sold my virginity” it was a cartoon
More social time with your kids no 4 year old needs electronics
When you are in YouTube hit the three dots in top right corner, press general settings, then go down to restricted mode and turn it on
Take away ipads iphones tablets hes too little anyway besides he had to learn how to do it from someone
Whats bothering to me is how does your 4 year old know what to say to look at things you find offensive? But, I wouldn’t allow him to have the phone. Plain and simple he’s 4. There are far better things to occupy his time then having a phone in his face
Give him another phone!
Get you tube kids it’s a separate app just for kids
Stop giving a kid a phone simple Lmfaoo
Get him off the YouTube. I learned my lesson when my 5 year old saw a “scary paw patrol” video on there. Idk what was in that video but she is now terrified of paw patrol. No more YouTube
Theres nothing wrong with him being curious. I agree turn off the voice stuff and put on parental controls but most importantly talk to him. Ask what hes curious about and tell him he can talk to you anytime he is curious about anything. My 4 year old always tries to catch me changing and asks all kinds of funny questions about my body. They’re just curious. Its natural to be curious. No shaming. Hes not doing anything “bad” so he shouldn’t be made to feel bad.
Why is baby in mommy’s belly not for kids? That is a healthy curiosity. Find a video you can watch with him about that. Install YouTube kids instead if you can not supervise him while he is on the device. No judgment from me there. Tablet time might be while you are trying to cook or care for a younger child or ya know not my business at all lol. We do what we need to do to do what we need to do. YouTube kids is not perfect, but pretty good at filtering out things he shouldn’t be watching.
Granted my kids use my phone for educational purposes, but YouTube is not appropriate for a 4 year old. And just saying, he’s hearing these things from someone else. He’s way too young to know what that stuff means. You need to be the adult here. Until you take control, it won’t stop.
Sounds like he’s curious about those things. It’s best to initiate those conversations with them. At first they might feel awkward so u have to know when to let it go but always bring it back up n he’ll eventually feel comfortable coming to you not YouTube.
Easy solution… he’s only 4, keep him away from youtube! There is no reason for a child that young to be on it to begin with.
YES, take it away from him if u can’t control what he is doing! There are such things as PARENTAL Controls, use them.
The parent is responsible for the device, and he is far too young to be sitting on one. Take it away and spend time with him instead.
Why is your 4 year old on youtube? How about have him play with toys? Only allow him on anything electronic where you are with him and you can control what he watches. At that age it really shouldn’t be that hard. As a single parent I didn’t allow any of that for their use until they were much older and nothing without my supervision.
My 5 year old got an obsession with scary things on YouTube. It got to the point where he was too afraid to sit alone. The brightest light could be on, but I couldn’t get him to do it…UNTIL I TOOK YOUTUBE AWAY. Its been about 2 weeks and I haven’t backed down. He’ll go upstairs to use the bathroom alone, sit downstairs while I go up or to the basement. YOU’RE the mom. Take YouTube away and substitute it for something else.
Its funny how people assume giving a child an electric is so you dont have to deal with them! There are great learning games, what i do is download games that dont require internet and let them play. If he knows hes not supposed to do that then take the device away, hes old enough to understand consequences.
Take it away and give him age appropriate toys.
But he’s learned this from someone and that more concerning to me personally… He’s 4 !!
Ma’am , if he is never out of your sight then you control what he sees. You pull up what he can look at don’t let him have the control . If he keeps trying to look at inappropriate things then he looses the privilege of using any device connected to the internet no matter what age but especially @4 years old . You are the parent . He should be playing outside or with legos, Lincoln logs, coloring anyway.
This is why kids shouldn’t have unlimited access to technology…change his settings with the parental settings or take it away all together.
Don’t leave him unattended with the iPad. Also maybe get him his own with parental locks on it. Listen, no judgment we are all just doing our best.
He is 4 and a boy. Farts and butts are funny to a 4 year old. So is belching and snot and stuff we find . I would ask why he wants to see those things. As for pregnant bellies it might just be because he saw a woman pregnant or possibly wants to know about babies. Just talk to him. 4 year olds english and thinking is a lot different from adults. My daughter told everyone she came from a broken home because we had a busted pipe once and then told everyone that John the Baptist drowned people in church. She didn’t understand but that is what she heard and understood and so she told everyone.
Take the phone away. Period. At 4 he can play games, color, paint, play with toys, help in the kitchen. Seriously. You are his parent…do not give him access just so you don’t have to deal with him.