My 5-month-old refuses to eat for days in a row: Advice?

Hi i have a question we are scared for our baby so don’t judge or bash were doing the best we can our baby is 5 months old and she will go three or four days without eating eat than another couple days without eating/drink we try to"“force”" and just not act hungry and reject bottles won’t drink or eat and I need to know what can cause this? Her dr says nothing’s wrong since she’s playful and alert. What’s up?


She may have gas or reflux. Try gas drops first.

What are you feeding her? ’


Her belly probably hurts

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You could Try different bottles but I would go to a different doctor especially if she doesnt have many wet diapers or the diaper isnt very wet

I would definitely take her over to the hospital to be checked over by a pediatrician that does not sound right at all


Might be gassy. If formula fed… Change it asap. Hows her poop?

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Definitely seek a good children’s Dr! This is such a worry, good luck :heart_eyes:

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It could be a lot of gas. However, I would get a second opinion. Not eating for consecutive days does not sound good, or healthy. Best of luck

Time to get a second opinion

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Uh. You need a new doctor and you need to take her to a children’s hospital if she’s not drinking bottles. Dehydration in babies can get serious quickly


Talk to your doctor!

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That would definitely worry me too…an infant needs calories.

She could be teething. Just keep an eye on how many wet diapers she has bc you don’t want her dehydrated

Days, at 5 month old?! I’ve never heard of that. I would definitely get a second opinion.


She doesn’t actually need food yet will get everything she needs from milk, try colic drops, changing the milk, what about cooled boiled water

Definitely needs a second opinion. Its tr right and your doctor will welcome it. Best of luck :heart:

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If you’re trying to feed her solids like baby food, oatmeal, cereal, stop those. She may not be ready for them and they could be hurting her stomach.

Start syringe feeding her formula/breastmilk. If you don’t have a syringe you can get one for free at Walgreens or CVS. But I’d be on the way to a children’s hospital like RIGHT NOW.


My 5 month old ate nonstop for the most part. In fact, he was eating so much, his pediatrician suggested to start veggie solids. He was already eating oatmeal, veggies and most fruits plus around 8 ounces in a bottle about 6 times a day. I would definitely get a second opinion also.


At her age,she needs either a certain amount of formula or calories of some sort,I would definitely see a different dr.


Allergic to the baby formula?

Since her Dr seems to be of no use, I would look for a different pediatrician. In the meantime it’s a good idea to take a trip to the ER. They can run a few tests and check if there are any underlying causes.


Do you mean she won’t take food or drink, but is only taking formula or breastmilk?? If the baby is going 3 full days with no liquids, she will dehydrate and die. If it’s that she’s not taking solids or water, oh well. If it’s that she’s not ingesting anything for 3 or 4 days at a time, I take issue with her doctor’s assessment. She should be wasting away and be completely dehydrated. If she should get diarrhea in this state, she could die. This makes no sense to me.


Take her to a dif doctor

My son has done this. He was fine. Teething can commonly be a reason as what my son’s pediatrician has said.
As long as she is still having at least 6 wet diapers a day.
My pediatrician also said that if a baby is dehydrated, then the soft spot on the head will be sunk in.


I would look for a different Dr. ASAP. Count her diapers shes wetting per day . She may be getting dehydrated.


Check her stomach motility maybe? Thinking like gastroparesis

Id see a different doctor. Dehydration can happen super fast in babies. Even take her to your nearest childrens hospital, they can run tests to see if there is an underlying issue causing this.


No doctor would be ok with a 5 month old baby refusing bottles. Surely something is being consumed.


All 3 of my kids have done this during growth spurts and teething. I mean i was able to get a bottle down a day at least. My 10 month old wont eat baby food (i know yours is younger im just stating that) at all. Shes a bottle kid so she hasn’t skipped her bottle feedings…


Is she nursing or taking formula? She doesnt need solid food at this age but she should be taking formula or breast feeding. Take her to a dr, this isnt ok.


Wait… Bottles or solid food?? If its solid foods she is refusing then just wait a month and try again to introduce them. If it’s bottles then you need a second opinion because something isnt right.


Mamas Uncut can we get some clarification here?


That’s for sure not normal…so.a 5 month old not taking formula or breast milk.for days at a time ? I mean 5 months old and they shouldn’t be eating food…

Something is wrong with this situation.


My daughter did this when she was teething. We would literally fill up a Tylenol syringe to get milk in her or spoon feed her her milk because I was so scared. If she tolerated food and not the bottle I would try and supplement as much milk in her yogurt, oatmeal etc to hydrate her. And Tylenol itself helps 20 min before a feeding if it’s teething, but that I would ask your doctor about how much etc. good luck and hang in there!

Babies need calories!
If she isnt eating baby food that’s fine. But if she isnt taking formula/breast that is NOT ok.
Find a new doctor asap. It isnt ok for any person to go multiple days with no food.

As long as she’s peeing I wouldn’t worry.

We aren’t going to be much help to you, we are all just going to give you different answers, we aren’t there, we aren’t doctors (well some of us think that google gives us a degree)… Your best chance is to seek advice from another doctor, hospital even, that way they can do a more thorough examination on the cause.

But for a 5month old to turn off food or milk for that long, doesn’t sound healthy or normal. Babies decline so quickly and get dehydrated easily.


I truly wish this was more detailed and I hope that this baby gets medical attention ASAP. I’m super concerned about the well being of this baby. Can the people who moderate this page find out?


Take her to a better doctor.

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She does say bottles near the end. I’d find a new doctor if my baby stopped eating

A number of things . Start with a good pediatrician or go to ER. not drinking for 4-5 days in an infant can lead to dehydration quickly and really isn’t all that normal.


She don’t like the formula or food your giving ?

More details please? Concerning if she isn’t having formula /breast milk at such a young age… Or are you talking about solids/pureed food


Is the baby gaining weight? I would take her to the Er for blood work and fluids. You worry about failure to thrive when they don’t eat.

GO TO YOUR PEDIATRICIAN!!! at 5 months old breastmilk or formula needs to be the main source of nutrition, and if you have went to the dr like you said you need a new dr. NO dr will say that’s normal or okay

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I would get a second opinion


Only you as parents know your baby so we can’t give you a definite answer… so if you think that she isn’t acting like her normal self then I would go & consult your health visitor, another doctor or go straight to the hospital… however, my son does this & has done since he was about 4yrs old… he’d binge & then not eat, binge again then leave it a few days… he’s healthy but because she’s only a babba I’d get some more medical help x

mayby try yoghurt icy pole might help as its cold and she can suck it

Go to the hospital… and sometimes you have to make them eat their food, it’s a baby. They don’t know better.


Take to the doctor could be serious or nothing

Better safe than sorry

Hey, my baby isnt eating… better get to posting on Facebook :woman_facepalming:t3:


I honestly would try and get a gastro specialist to take a look at her. That’s definitely seems odd.


I would definitely see a new doctor and be extremely concerned!!! Maybe an underlying serious digestive issue!!!

Could you possibly have problems swallowing? I adopted a baby who had problems swallowing he needed food therapy. They taught him believe it or not how to swallow. He can only drink until he was almost two years old he couldn’t even swallow baby food. So he was on a liquid high-protein diet until he was two .through food therapy he began to eat. He is now almost 18 years old and he still has problems swallowing. He will lift his chin as he swallows. It has something to do with his birth parents and it is a birth defect

My kid goes through this - He’s 3 and still does it.

Food before 1 is just for fun, so not eating food isnt scary for a 5 month old, especially since its universally advised to not give them food until 6 months.

HOWEVER, bottles of formula/breast milk rejection is concerning though. The baby could get dehydrated if they arent drinking their milk/formula and I would take them to a different doctor.


Please take her to the hospital. That’s not normal for as 5 month old to not drink or eat for that many days.


Uhhh you should’ve been in the ER after a day, if that.


Get a new Dr to start… That’s not normal


You need to find a new dr asap because at 5 months that is NOT normal and needs to be addressed asap


Is the baby constipated, may need to use rectal glycerin suppositories!

That’s definitely not normal. I would get a new doctor or at least a second opinion. Is she gaining weight? I would be worried about dehydration.

We had the same problem with our wee one many many trips to doctor and hospital they kept saying she was fine shesnow 10mths old and has finally started eating and drinking properly.

If she is getting formula or breast milk then she is fine. That pretty much all she needs for now.

I dont Know if you do give her a binkie but if you do take it away and try a different formula

Take her to a doctor that will not dismiss it! Something is wrong if she’s going that long without eating. It could be something serious or it could be something less serious like acid reflux but you won’t know until you take her to a doctor that will look into it! Best of luck


Hi… could you please get off fb and take your baby to a fucking emergency room?

She’s not taking in Breast milk or formula either? No that’s not okay you need to go to the ER. Solid food is just for fun before 1 but MIlk is a MUST.


There is a condition called infantile anorexia nervosa. It’s not very common and normally presents around 6 months to 3 years of age. I’m not saying that this is what your child has, I am not a doctor, I have just read about someone who’s child had it. I would take your daughter to the ER and see if they can test if she is dehydrated and see what they suggest.

Please for the love of God. It is not normal.


Second opinion or ER, please watch for weight loss and dehydration, neither is good for child development.

Is she gaining weight? Peeing and pooping regularly. She may be taking in more formula that what you think.

My grandson did that and he ended up in emergency surgery after projectile vomiting blood one day. He had pyloric stenosis his pedi kept misdiagnosing as a formula allergy, lazy, GERD etc… But she was the doctor said my DIL. Please take baby to a pediatric gastrointestinal doc for evaluation

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That’s definitely not normal. may be constipated? I’d get a different dr or if she doesn’t eat anything by tomorrow I’d take her time the ER. My 6 month old never does that and he screams for a bottle every 3 hours and I feed him 5oz and baby food.

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Please please please take that baby in!! My daughter did that and went super lethargic and was in a diabetic coma (had no idea she was diabetic until that day)

Silly question but is ya baby constipated

Keep offering it to her and take her to the ER. And don’t let them brush it off. It’s not normal for babies to go days at a time without eating.

Man :woman_facepalming: if she’s going days without eating then her blood sugars need to be monitored and she needs to be hydrated. Your doctor is a quack.


Is he/she losing weight bc of it?

Is he/ she fussy after drinking a bottle?

If so the baby might be experiencing pain such as upset stomach or acid reflux and connects eating with pain.

You might need to change the formula she/he drinks.

I’m a RN , take her to ER something is wrong. NOW


Second opinion. No doctor should dismiss that. She can become severely dehydrated etc.

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She should only have breastmilk or formula that’s it. Keep a eye on wet diaper output. If that’s good then babe is good.

When was the last time you didn’t eat for 3 days and felt fine? Somethings obviously going on, you definitely need a new doctor poor bub. Goodluck

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Sounds like teething but I would definitely ask her primary

A 5 month old baby shouldn’t be going days without eating you need a second opinion ASAP

Do you feed her regular baby food??? Maybe try getting regular fruits and veggies and blending in a blender puree them see if your baby likes that… my kids never liked the baby food jars… i always made my own food whatever we for dinner I would out some in the blender and puree it and feed that to my girls

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Anything that starts with " no bashing " needs a reality check. More than half of these " concerns " start off that way. Next - if my daughter wouldn’t eat for 5 days I’d be going for a second opinion cuz your doctor got their license from a cracker jack box. How could you even accept that answer?? :woman_facepalming:


You need to take her to another dr, that’s not normal for 5 mo


This is not good at all. Her body needs nutrition at her age. She should not go days with anything. You seriously need to get a new doc ASAP and get her checked properly.

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TAKE HER TO THE ER, a 5 month old should not be going days without formula.


Is she having regular wet and dirty nappies? Is she gaining weight and meeting milestones? Does she have a fever? I would take her to another doctor quickly in any event.

Your baby needs to see a dr

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Make sure baby is keeping diapers wet. I had that with my daughter. No one ever took me seriously she did it for years. As she got older it got worse they still blow it off. Might seek GI referral. When she turned 16 years old they still didn’t take me serious told me she has done this for years. Now my child was non-verbal. So I could not ask why. At 16 she quit eating all together for 6 months she ended up with feeding tube. Just keep offering what they tell you the baby can eat. Maybe texture thing if you are doing solid ask for speech evaluation for Feeding therapy. That is where I would start. If only on breast milk or formula still could be texture feeding therapy thing, taste, protein taste, ask for speech evaluation for feeding. Besides feeding tube we also did feeding therapy she also had textual thing at 16 years old.

This is not normal.get it to another dr now.i have never heard of a baby not eating for days.she needs milk. Dr usually says no food till they are a year do you mean a bottle also

Take her to another pediatrician, or even the ER at this point, that’s not good, maybe did the same at 4months and I didn’t put up with it or accept the bs answers we got, he’s now healthy thriving and gaining weight.

Not good. Little ones can starve very easy. Maybe you need a different formula or different foods for her to try


Is the baby drinking formula and just not eating baby food? Or is the baby not eating or drinking? If its not eating or drinking you need to demand to figure out why… That is not ok.

I would take her back to the doctor immediately. She desperately needs the hydration and nutrition from formula/breastmilk.