My 6-month-old constantly pulls a blanket over her face: Advice?

Uhm. She is going to if you don’t catch this every single time. So either pull up a bedside commode and a mini fridge, or stop using the blanket.

As long as you pay attention, she’s fine. Both my kids slept with blankets, and my oldest. Would sleep with the blanket over his face, could pull it off all you want,but he would still pull it back. He couldn’t sleep with light on at all, he’d just cover his face. Follow your mom instincts, and you’ll be fine. But she’ll also be fine with a blanket too, she’s old enough to move her head and the blanket, so let her be.


she will not suffocate at this age unless there is something wrong with her, She can move, & she is the one pulling this up over her, It’s her comfy thing, If you are concern, wait until she is asleep & pull it down


No blanket until you’re comfortable. Just because she’s old enough doesn’t mean you’re ready. It’s okay to not step out of your comfort zone. They make plenty of sleep sacks and alternatives.

That’s why you are not supposed to put blankets in bed with babies. Put her in a sleep sack so she still stays warm but there is not blanket for her to pull over her face. Try giving her maybe a small stuffed animal to hold maybe it’s just she needs something to hold.

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My kids all had blankets and all done the same thing and they’re just fine …all 6 of them :purple_heart:…Let her enjoy her blankey :sparkling_heart:


If she holds her breath and passes out she will automatically start breathing again. My cousin would do that it would scare us to death. Talk to the doctor about it.

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She shouldn’t have a blanket at that age.
If she’s smiling though when you take the blanket off her face she’s playing peek-a-boo with you, not a good bedtime game but it’s cute lol

If you have to get a blanket get a tiny one like the size of a wash rag, or just dont use one.

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No blankets in the crib !
Get a sleep sac

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My youngest does this and this is how he plays

Sounds like this is a game she likes to play with you.


All my kids slept with blankets…my 7 month old does the same thing…its a security thing and soothing back to sleep


Cut it in small squares so she can’t hurt herself . It could be a comforter to her. She likes to play. My kids used to do the same lots of giggles too

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My son used to do this with his bibs lmao

Just in case you don’t know it’s not recommended to give a child under the age of one a blanket in bed


As long it’s the blankets with the holes in it it’s fine my son has done it from before then and he still does it now and he’s 1

Give her the thinnest blanket you can find?

Well, what you can do, just make it sure that the child is dress enough to keep him warm during the night so he won’t need the blanket. But if he want something on his face in order for him to go to sleep, give him a tiny and thin wash cloth.

I would get rid of the blankets and look into a sleep sack that way baby can be covered safely


If she is smiling, she probably thinks it’s a game. She knows if she puts the blanket over her head, you’ll come running over. Peek a boo is also very common at this age too. :wink:


That’s not safe sleep. Her crib is supposed to be empty with just her in it. If you want her to be warm, adjust the settings in your house or get a sleep sack.

Did you know most of the cases they label as SIDS, is totally preventable and actual SIDS is rare? Parents either suffocating them by sharing a bed or putting unsafe things in the crib. Deaths can be prevented with safe sleep.

If you don’t know where to start, please join Safe Sleep and Baby Care – Evidence Based Support


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Definitely get a grow bag, with blankets they could wrap them around their face and get stuck.

Maybe light bothers her

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Wearable blanket till 12 months. No blankets no stuffies nothing in the bed till 12 months. My 7 month old broke the zipper on her wearable blanket so I pulled out a larger size fleese pj outfit and I put that over her pajamas.

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My daughter would do that and she is a fine 22yr. She would even sleep like that till this day. My babies all had a blanket going to bed.

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Just dress her in jammys that keep her warm and give her a tiny thin blanket. She’s fine mama ! Ours still does it.

Dress baby in a warm footie pajama and don’t use a blanket. My son would pull blankets over his face too so I had to remove them all together. :heart:

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Don’t give her a blanket, just dress her more warmly if you need to.

Purchase and use only Breathable blankets please

We would tie a Muslin blanket in a knot, because our would only sleep with it up near his face.

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Maybe she is playing peek a boo


She should not have a blanket to sleep. But her in a blanket sleeper

I used a waffle baby blanket with my son bc he liked to pull it over his face.

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I have a soft crotchet blanket and it works wonders with this. My daughter puts it over her face to go to sleep, it has holes in it and she can breathe. Once she goes to sleep I obviously pull it down. But it works wonders. It’s the only blanket I use cause it’s soft, light & has holes within every crotchet.

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Would a swaddle work? Blankets scare the crap out of me because of SIDS.


My son did this and my 7 month old daughter does it still when she’s trying to fall asleep. I actually will just put a baby cloth rag (the small soft ones) on half her face like cover one eye and cheek and she falls right asleep. Those things are so thin and small so the minute she moves while sleeping it just falls right off


My blanket baby is now 3 and still wraps himself up in his blankets when he was a baby I would just move the blanket once he was asleep I don’t think she’s struggling I think she more like who turned out the lights what’s going on type thing


She’s messing with you because you keep on running to save her. It’s a joke to them


My daughter is about to be 7 months. She’s had a blanket her whole life. She’ll pull it over her face to sleep if it’s not there she won’t sleep. She’ll turn it into a game as well (obviously I make sure she’s safe and can breath, I remove the blanket after she falls asleep and I make sure she has room to breath). I wouldn’t be too concerned with it as long as you’re right there when she does it and can make sure she is okay and remove the blanket from her face after

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It’s a habit you aren’t supposed to start till they are a year old bc of it. Best advice is to dress warmly and don’t give blankets. The risk of SIDS increase.


My daughters do the same I let them fall asleep an then take it


It’s a game to her…alot of people sleep with a blanket over their heads with only their nose out…to avoid light.


I used a Birdseye unfolded diaper - my son had to have his noopie & his nappy to go to sleep. It’s so thin they can breathe through it if they cover their face. He had to have it in his hand. Noopie was pacifier

You’re lucky! You’ve got a prankster and she will add so much laughter to your laugh. Also gray hairs though


My son does the same thing!!!

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My youngest decided the receiving blanket was better than a pacifier :woman_facepalming: he was 2 before we broke this habit… all the Dr’s said just keep a watchful eye… kids do all sorts of strange things…


There are these pretty cool sleep sacks. It might calm your nerves.

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Its a comfort thing my daughter did it and wouldn’t sleep unless she had something covering her face

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Sounds like she trained you to get attention. If she’s smiling when she pulls the blanket down then she’s playing with you and she got you to do exactly what she wanted you to do. Just keep an eye on her


I really don’t think a 6m should have a blanket


My son did the same exact thing. Just give her a super thin blanket that she can breathe through. My son would cover his face and then flail his arms and feet but he was just having fun. Let me see if I can find a video

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My daughter does the same thing. It’s all’s game. She is playing with you.

Man parents are really uptight these days and are scared about everything! :rofl:


your daughter is just playing a game with u before she falls asleep it is nothing to worry about ! take it easy mothers today take to many things to seriously and most moms don’t know whats really happening , this is also a very breeding ground for all doctors - (more pay from mom’s like u )


I just use sleep sacks, really warm ones in winter with socks on her hands

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Technically you shouldn’t give a baby a blanket til age one.


I never gave my kids blankets at that age I waited till they were over 1 years I was so scared

My son does this, he’s almost 8 months. And my daughter did it to, they like the way it feels. Atleast for mine, they’re fuzzy or silky feeling. My daughter now 10yrs old still sleeps completely inside her blankets every night. Even now that it’s 75-80 at bedtime! Pay close attention of course but it’s nothing to worry about if she’s not screaming or freaking out.

Have you heard of peek a boo try it!

Baby shouldn’t have anything in crib with her in the first place but sounds to me like she’s just playing.


Ummmmmm because you’re not supposed to place any infant under the age of one with anything in their crib except the mattress and a fitted sheet. Dress them to keep them warm in fuzzy sleepers or buy a sleep sack. For goodness sakes, take the damn blanket.

Get soft breathable muslim blanket. They are very thin but great for this


My three month old has done this for a month now. He likes it covering his face when he sleeps, and laughs too. It’s okay, nothing to be concerned about momma . Don’t worry about the negativity, I understand being concerned as a first time momma, but your baby is okay. Just watch her when she sleeps and maybe put the blanket on the side of her face and make her cuddle with it around her body, like between her legs and arms if that makes sense.

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My son (7 months) likes to cover his face too, at first I was super concerned but now I just make sure when he’s asleep that I take it off. He doesn’t use blankets though, just his comfort toy things. If you tuck the blanket in nice and tight she shouldn’t be able to do it, I have to tuck them in extra tight because my son likes to kick them off if I don’t.

Loose blankets are not recommended til at least 12 months- its not a judgement thing it’s a safety issue- use a wearable blanket/sleep sack

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Get a more breathable blanket if you’re worried

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Maybe peek a boo? My daughter is due any day now and she told me that there will be no blankets in her babies crib and she’ll be using a sleeping sack until her baby is one!! I guess that’s a thing now??? All my kids and other grandkids had special blankets so I’m perplexed.

Get her a sleep sack…

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Take away the blanket and use a sleep sack!

Um don’t let her have a blanket

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My kids all did this. I made sure blankets were breathable… they still do it to this day…

Sleep sacks hun there a god send

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We’ve come up on summer now, your daughter could probably make do with a receiving blanket or even a sheet. Those are breathable. A loosely crocheted Afghan would work. She’d still feel like she was covered, but would have “air holes”. Babies really keep you on your toes!

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I’ve always slept with a blanket up over my ear and half of my face so when I had my son I knew I couldn’t let him have one. I used a sleep sack for him and when it got cold I’d put a blanket over him while he slept but I tucked it in so he couldn’t move it but he was in my room till about 6 months then his own room so no blanket. He now sleeps like I do with the blanket up around his face as does my mum.

She is playing is sounds like :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and probably loves the way the blanket feels. For her safety just snuggle her up with a zipped onesie so her legs and arms don’t get cold or pajama things like that so she is comfy and not too hot or cold but doesn’t have the blanket. Omg it would be more than awful to accidentally go to far and not be able to get it off her little head.

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Put her in a sleep sack and get her a breathable cuddly


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some just do they are ok we had a baby do that, I kept uncovering her face, she kept covering it and slept fine

Honestly its nothing to worry about. They have finally determined that sids is not caused by blankets or things in the crib. Sounds to me that shes just got a routine tof all asleep with a big stretch in there. The fact you worry means youre doing a good job!! Relax a lil mama, you got this.

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My daughters pediatrician just mentioned that baby’s don’t need to sleep with any blankets or pillows for the same reason that something like that can happen. She said baby’s skin is thick or something like that, that makes them stay warm at night. Also try putting you baby sideways once he/she is about to falls sleep, incase they spit out milk they don’t choke, i do.

I had three that all played this game, its like their own version of hidies. All slept very peacefully, but would do this when they woke up or were put down for a sleep. They started covering their faces very young and at about five to six months they would pull it over their face for a minute or so, start panting and smiling and moving their head from side to side, then flap their hands to remove it again, wait a minute or two and start all over again. This was a little game they played with themselves in their cot. They were all blankie babies / kiddos with a comfort blanket as they got older. They were fine, all have their own kids now. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.

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She’s trying to play peekaboo with you.


My 7 month old loves having a blanket over his face. :grimacing: We got him a small security blanket that he can fall asleep with & then I take it away once he falls asleep. When he sleeps he uses a sleep sack, so no real blankets.

Sleep sacks instead of blankets.


My daughter used to do the same but with my European Pillows when she would be on my bed, Used to freak me out too, but all she was doing was entertaining herself, she would giggle away than kick it off, than pull it back over her and repeat and do this for a good 30 minutes at least lol. She could almost fit her whole body under one.

When I was a baby, my parents told me, I only would go to sleep when they laid a burp rag flat covering me including my face I went right to sleep🤷‍♀️ could just be a comfort thing for baby

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Most kids will not suffocate in a blanket, but you can try to train her to sleep in a blanket sleeper instead of with a blanket. Most likely she knows this bothers you and like most small children enjoys the drama that results. Each of my kids had a different sleeping style, almost from their birth. Michael liked to sleep with his bottom in the air and often, though sound asleep, would rock back and forth, banging the headboard of his crib against the wall. Paul would wiggle out of any blanket we used and Kathryn would have to be excavated from a nest of her blankets every morning.

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We use these :heart: my son loves it and doesn’t use a blanket just his zipadee zip or his flying squirrel :blue_heart:

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Shes playing. My boys do that with damn near anything they can and theyre 2 and 3. Lol

My son did the same thing pretty early in his baby stage and luckily his blanket was very light no chance of him hurting himself, if his blanket is very light I wouldn’t worry…

Cut a lot of big holes in a blanket Tell her it’s a peekaboo blanket then play peekaboo. At least air can get through.

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Muslin blankets!!! My Grandaughter covers her face with these blankets and sleeps with face covered and these blankets will not do no harm trust me we use them everyday and she is only 5 months old.