My 6-month-old constantly pulls a blanket over her face: Advice?

My daughter would fall straight to sleep when I threw a blanket on her face. I used the little thin blankets like the ones they’re wrapped in when born.

Why would you even give her a blanket in the first place? A few nights with less sleep while she gets adjusted to not having it (and she eventually will)is it worth it if it means there’s no potential for her to suffocate herself with it. Try a sleep sack, it’s basically a baby sleeping bag


Sleep sack instead of a blanket


Infants under the age of 12 months should never sleep with a blanket. Whether it is in a crib or cosleeping in their parent’s bed. Sleep sacks are a proven safer alternative. You won’t have to worry about what happens if that blanket is pulled over their face while you are sleeping.


Shouldn’t be sleeping with blankets until at least 18 months, but I think the AAP now states 24 months


Put her in pajamas. Give her blanket while u watch her fall asleep then immediately take it away that way she can’t pull it over when ur not watching, but will have it to fall asleep.

My daughter doesn’t do that when she’s sleeping but she does during the day. It’s a game to them and they got a reaction out of you so she will keep doing it. As for sleeping, I would take the blanket as soon as she goes to sleep. I don’t let my daughter sleep with hers all night.


My son did this so much. Freaked me out. But I think he was just experimenting and eventually it became like a game.

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pediatricians recommend not having kids that age sleep with a blanket. My kids always did and never had a problem. With that said, maybe have her sleep in something comfortable enough so she does not need to keep covered with a blanket

I’d suggest using a sleeping bag :slight_smile:

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It sounds like she is playjng a game with you. But you can get her a a little security blanket if it makes you uncomfortable. They’re not very big, about the size of a regular face cloth. She can’t hurt herself with it but she can cover her face like she likes to with it.

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Ask her baby doctor?

My daughter does this sleep suits are amazing

My oldest always covered her face with favorite blanket. It sounds like you running over to uncover it has made it into a game if she is waiting with a smile though lol.

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Don’t let her see you running to her, she might do it just to get you to do what you are doing?

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Cut a small piece of it and let her use that if it’s a comfort thing with her

Use breathable muslin blankets.

My daughter used to do this. Couldn’t fall asleep without pulling her baby blankets up over her mouth and nose… and she had a soother in her mouth too. It’s nothing more than a self soothing/comfort thing.