My 6-month-old cries unless I am holdering her: Advice?

How do you unspoil a baby? My 6 month old cries and cries and cries if i am not holding her…i just want peace or a few moments to myself to get things done but she always cries unless on me…


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My 6-month-old cries unless I am holdering her: Advice?

Babies cant be spoiled. Its a baby not a doll. Hold your child as much as needed. Try baby wearing.


If she is not hungry, wet, or tired. Let her down on floor. She going be mad but she needs tummy time.


She might need adjusted by a chiropractor. My 2 month old is the same way and I took him today. He is way calmer now


For starters you can’t spoil a baby.


Is she on formula? Have you tried a hypoallergenic like nutramigen or alimentum?

Put your baby in a swing, a bumbo, a playmat, or give her tummy time. I do these things to help but sometimes baby’s just need some of mama’s tlc.

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Fill a glove with corn or rice. Microwave to warm. Place baby down with glove on top.


Don’t put that baby down! Hold her, and snuggle, and cuddle, and love her as long as she wants you to, and then when she’s not in your arms anymore (which will happen sooner than you think) then do what you need to do!


Let her cry it out. Self soothing is important.


It’s a leap 6 months they go through a period where they can actually notice when mum or dad leaves them. So just try and be close and redirect or distract


What in the world…that’s totally normal smh


See if she is going through a leap. My 6 month old boy is nearly the end of a leap and has been very fussy, clingy and overbearing.

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i use a carrier for my very VERY clingy 9 month old

Try the swing. Or maybe SWADDLE her tighter❤

Get a baby sling or wrap and do what you need to do while freeing up your hands. You’re mama, she wants to be close to you :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:

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That does make it tough to get things done but it doesn’t last for long. You will get through it Mama, hang on! For now try a carrier or just let her cry she will eventually learn to self sooth. Try music. My son loved his hippo that played music and put lights on the ceiling.

Put her in a safe space like a crib or a tummy time mat and let her cry. She’s going to be mad but you deserve time to take of basic hygiene and time to yourself. I’m sorry mamas I know how hard it is I had a Velcro baby too :weary:


Oh the amount of mommas saying don’t put her down, babies can’t be spoiled. Good lord. She isn’t saying she’ll never hold her. Moms deserve a minute too. Take the minute momma. If you have to put her in her crib and walk away for a minute do so, but Definetly check into why she is. The formula, breastfeeding, something shes sensitive to you’re eating. Chiropractor is a GREAT start. See if you can find a cause on top of keeping your sanity. Good luck :white_heart:


She is spoiled. Plain and simple. Try a swing or jumpy seat for 15 min. at a time. Make sure she can see you most of the time while she is in them. But , to me this sounds like just spoiled . A little crying never hurt any baby. I am not talking long periods , but you need some time to yourself in order to be a good Mom. If she isn;t in pain , hungry or wet then it is plain spoiled. Wean her from your constant holding gradually.


I have three kids, my youngest is 11 months… my advice is slow down don’t worry so much about all the stuff you need to get done, they grow so fast. Just snuggle with her and enjoy her being little :heart:


One of my children (I raised five) wanted to be held all the time and that’s exactly what I did…in one of those baby slings (carriers). He’s 20 now…I miss those days :blue_heart::disappointed_relieved::blue_heart: I know it’s hard sometimes, but treasure those moments with your little one.


You can’t spoil a baby. It’s normal and good that your baby has bonded to you and wants you. She’s supposed to. Little ones need cuddle time and sometimes they cry so if you absolutely need to do something put her down somewhere safe or ina safe baby swing shower or do whatever and she will be ok. You may not understand now but baby time goes fast so snuggle as much as you can you will miss it when they are older


Baby back pack. Carry her around all day hands free and she has the comfort of you!:heart:


My 2 almost 3 month old is a complete mommy’s boy I can put him down to sleep now but I do end up cosleeping cause he won’t go back to sleep unless he’s next to me and so he gets to be in bed with me and before anyone goes after me for this he does have his own bed right next to my bed but I haven’t figured out how to get him back into it around 1 or 2am so that’s why he is in bed with me

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You can’t unspoil and 6 month old bc you can’t spoil a 6 month old.
Have you tried baby wearing?


Try baby wearing. Or give them a bath or some play time outside. Surely in those scenarios there will be something far more interesting than mama. Maybe try to give an independent activity for them.

Babies can’t be spoiled. She just wants comfort. Give babywearing a shot.


You cannot spoil a baby! You cannot hold a baby too much. You are responding to babies needs and communication!


A 6 month old is NOT spoiled… There is a reason for the crying.


Babies that young cannot be spoiled……


Mine is 4 months old and cries all the time and I have started laying her in her playpen on her tummy. She cries and throws a fit but once I get my things done I will pick her up. Sometimes she is just super tired and has started fighting her sleep so I lay her down either in the play pen or on her mat for tummy time and she cries a little bit then goes to sleep.

She’s not spoiled it’s just separation anxiety. Comfort and love for babies is necessary if someone is telling you that you’ve spoiled your child doing that then never take advice from them again.


Umm you not spoiling her. Get a baby wearing thing and put her in that. Get one of shirts that haven’t been washed and put near her for she has your smell. Also if you’re so desperate to get a few moments to yourself just put her in her crib or safely secure her in a baby swing or her car seat buckled in and just let her cry it out as long as you know she’s been fed and changed etc. letting her cry it out won’t hurt her regardless of what other ppl think she’ll be fine.


I wish I had a clingy baby but my 9 month old hates to be held she won’t sleep if she’s held and she tries to get down when she’s being held she’s most content crawling or walking in her walker

She’s not spoiled; babies at that age always have a reason for their crying or need for comfort, even if you’re not sure what it is. And there’s so much going on at 6 months! Mine is 7 months and is teething and hates being left alone. I legit even take her in the bathroom with me lol.
If I do need to sneak away, I put her in a safe place and surround her with toys for distraction. I can usually get a few minutes that way.


Momma do a baby carry. I know it hard but to soon he won’t even hold your hand…

Babies can not be spoiled. Think about it, she spent 9 months inside of you! You are all she knows. She needs comfort. These days won’t last forever and you’ll regret not holding her.


You truly can’t spoil a baby. I usually have to hold my baby or use our baby carrier while I do stuff around the house. She needs to be held. That’s how you comfort her. She needs her mommy & it’s okay


Uummm, 6 month old babies aren’t spoiled. Lol.


Have you eliminated all other possibilities? She could be colicky? Upset tummy due to formula if you’re formula feeding maybe she is on the wrong formula? Is she eating enough? There’s a lot of possibilities I would call your pediatrician and eliminate some possible issues if she cry’s all the time. like colic, issues with the formula if you’re feeding formula, baby needing more food/bottle intake etc etc. On the crying out method tho I do believe that you have to allow children to comfort themselves a little bit even when they’re under a year old, not for long or extensive periods of time because that’s not good for the baby. Do you use pacifiers? If not you might want to try that? You could also try sitting down and laying her down next to you on the couch or wherever it is you sit with her and rubbing her tummy, or her hair etc. Sometimes it’s just about keeping contact this worked really well for my daughter with her son when he was very small. Good luck

Hug him tight. And then wrap him in a tight blanket, so he feels warm and secure in his bed. He will cry for a while, but soon fall asleep.

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A crying baby has a need… all of their needs are valid.

Baby could be hungry, tired, lonely, bored, in pain.

Attention affection are valid needs.

Babies left to cry aren’t self-soothing. They have given up. They know that no one is coming.

I had one of these babies, every thing made her cry. I was sure that she hated us or was special ed or something. She is now almost 2 and doing well. It will get better.

A lot of people on here have some good ideas on how to meet her needs.

It’s frustrating for us that they can’t tell us what they need… it also must be frustrating for them.


This cant be a real post :joy::joy:


Babies can’t be spoiled.
Enjoy it.
It won’t last.
You will miss it.
Trust me.


Hold her they wont want you holding them forever.


Sit her next to you so some part of yours and her body is touching .


You can’t spoil a baby, if you really need a break it’s okay to let the baby cry for a few minutes in a safe space. You need to take care of yourself to take care of your baby!


Welcome to parenting that will be the rest of your life :face_with_monocle::woman_facepalming:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: gotta love it or you will go nuts


SMH …you can’t spoil an infant with too much holding and attention. Put the baby in a carrier and do what you need to do.


Babies can’t be spoiled. Try baby wearing.


Seriously, a spoiled baby?:flushed:

Honey as long as that baby is fed and changed and not needing a doctor do what you gotta do mama, then get back to baby, otherwise you’ll never get anything done!!


Enjoy it while it lasts :heart: Before u know it she will be the ages of mine… Youngest just left a couple days ago for college :broken_heart: Middle has been out of state for 10 years in military :broken_heart: Oldest just turned 30


Let her cry it out. I know it’s just terrible to admit that you just can’t hold your baby 24-7. Babies can’t be spoiled my rear. They most certainly can. Unpopular opinion I know. If you constantly hold an infant they will get used to it and it’s habit. You have to break the habit and it sucks sometimes.


You can’t spoil a baby… at that age, they are biologically incapable of being manipulative. They have basic needs, and some just need more comfort/security than others.


It’s a 6 month old baby and your the momma. If all the babies needs are met, they just need their momma. One day miss it when you’re begging them to snuggle with you for a few.

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Sometimes you do need a break and especially if this is your first. Ask dad, a friend or family member to give you an hour or two of time for yourself. Frustration with a crying baby can lead to bad judgment, so if there is noone that can give you some respite, put her where she will be safe (her crib?) and go outdoors to take a few deep breaths.


Get a front or hip pack. .y daughter was like this unt she was abku 8 months old. Baby wearing helps. I could clean house. Get groceries go for a walk. My husband came home and took over so I got q break.


I used to have a baby sling carrier and just wear my babies while I was doing things around the house. They loved it! Also a baby swing was great so I could rest or do other stuff for a little bit ( like take showers or eat) Babies just want to feel close to you. It is developmentally normal. You can’t spoil a baby, but I do understand needing relief for moments so try a swing or a chair with tray and place sensory toys in front of her. Sing songs so she can hear you while she plays on the floor .
Ask for help!
Ask your partner to hold her when at home to give you a chance to have some moments to yourself or ask a friend to come and watch her for an hour or two.
But In general just enjoy your baby and hold her. She won’t be that tiny forever


You can’t spoil a baby, I hold my baby boy (5months) a lot and he gets tired of being in the arms. If everything is okay with her put her down for your mental health it’s okay.


My now 17 year old used to cry like that and I carried her on my back . As I type now she is sleeping next to me , she has been sick for a few days and mommy is her comforting safe space.


Play pen with toys,not bears or blankets tho in eye range so u can see her

Let baby cry they will eventually stop or fall to sleep it’s nerve racking at first but will get better


Please listen!! She isn’t spoiled. You need a repreeve and that is understandable but she only has one way to communicate for a full range of emotions and needs! The more you can hold comfort and talk to baby the better. 6 months is the first growth spurt, she may be hurting from growing pains or teething. Try cold/frozen rag or baby toy. Soothing music or snacks…during growth spurt they eat extra. Google what do different cries mean…I know each baby sounds unique but it helped me. Try a warm water bottle (warm, not hot obviously) or if you breast feed give her your used bra or a vibrating mat/baby toy. Please feel free to reach out in message if you need help or more ideas. If you get too stressed, set her down on safe surface and calm down then go back…that is ok.


When she’s awake have her in a baby carrier or baby bouncer or on a play mat. When your partner/hubby are home ask him to hold her and entertain her while you do some things around home and for yourself. Move her to where she can see you and you can talk to her. My baby’s like any other baby, love to be glued to Mumma. It’s not easy but you literally are your little ones safety and comfort. FIY you cannot spoil a baby with love and affection.


Love that baby as much as you can :sob:


Let her cry…walk away. If she’s fed, dry, and otherwise safe in a crib…let her cry. If she doesn’t quiet after 30 mins. Go in and talk
To her, sing, soothe her. Try again…then pick her back up. But your peace of mind and mental health is FIRST!


She may be teething have you tried frozen fruit dummy while your doing your thing next to her?

You don’t spoil a baby


6 months can’t be spoiled. If baby is fed, dry and not sleepy than baby has to be teething and in pain.


It’s impossible to spoil a baby at that age. It’s not scientifically possible. The baby cries for you because it’s its only form of communication and they need you. Sounds like you just need help and a little break to destress.


Your mental health is important. But, you can’t spoil a baby! Not possible. You can put baby down in a safe place, maybe with a toy or 2, & walk away for a minute to breathe and gather your thoughts. Aslong as she’s fed & changed she will be okay. As far as getting things done, I put my daughter into a portable bouncer where she could see me and I could talk to her.


Let her cry , she will stop eventually.
Of course be sure that she is not hungry , wet or uncomfortable, if everything is fine …. Then let her cry


Gotta let them cry it out or give her something to play with or look at besides you


My boyfriend says the reason our 9 month old cries is because I hold him and give him too much attention… I told him this is why we aren’t married.

I don’t care anybodys opinion. To me, babies should be loved and held… my other four are very happy living kids I will hold my baby until he outgrows it


You 100% can over hold a baby and they will get used to it.


This behavior is a sign that she’s afraid of being away from you.

If you think about it, this makes great sense because for most of history a baby on its own might be forgotten and die.

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:woman_shrugging:! Mine are 18, 16, and 13. Still Haven’t figured it out! :joy::joy::joy:


You can’t spoil a baby. You’re her person, her comfort, her safe place. She also probably enjoys moving around. My babes were the same way at that age. I recommend getting a carrier or sling and just strap her on to you.


You can’t spoil a baby.


You should have thought about the habit you created. Good luck


She has YOU well trained. Let her cry a couple of times and she will get the idea. (The idea of a swing is good too - I had one for both of my babies and they loved it)


You should find a way to keep her close. You can’t spoil a baby!! She needs your comfort and to feel safe. Good luck :blush:

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You can’t spoil a baby.


Just put her down in a safe spot for a bit. She’s gonna cry but if you need a few minutes, take it. Every baby is different. Some are ok as long as they can see you. Some are better if they can’t see you. Tv helps. Just don’t do it for too long (the tv and the crying)

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Your baby is not spoilt she’s a baby sometimes they just want to be close called bor might have abit of separation anxiety don’t forgetcall she knows is her mommy wi get that itsctired but most babies go through this you will miss this when shes older so cherish this time.

You don’t, it’s literally a phase. And it goes by so quickly. Enjoy your baby!


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My baby is one d he’s been like this since birth, but I know it won’t last long so I hold him and only out him down when he wants to be down. I play with him, we watch TV, we sing and dance, he follows me everywhere. You just have to put up with it. There are things that help like her bottle, loud cartoons, music, swings, jumpers, toys, tethers, etc. Soon your baby will want to he away from you and that will bother you more. I dont think letting babies cry for long periods all day is good at all, there are so many studies that prove unnecessary crying causes cortisol stress hormone levels to rise in the brain and causes brain damage abnormalities. So small spouts of crying is ok but not long sessions. When you’re out of the room talk loud and sing, bring her with you in a walker, stroller, high chair, jumper, gumbo, etc.

You let her cry. It’s hard but you have to do it.
Night one… Let cry for 2 hrs
Night two will be a little less or the same.
Nigjt three less or same.
You just have to stay strong and consistent. Yoou will be crying in this other room. Do not let her hear you.

It could take up to two weeks… Eventually she will get to a whimper and learn what she’s is supposed to do. Its up yo you to teach her.

Also… You CANNOT hold her during the day either. Period. Floor/blanket, swing, walker, playpen, high chair… NOT CRIB. naps in playpen only. For now. Only hold her when you are feeding her… For now. Once she learns l… She will do.

Consistency, patience, and determination is key! Remember this is for her not you ultimately. Good luck!


Compromise with the little one. Swaddle her and find a comfy swing or rocker she enjoys! She just wants lovins and security :smiling_face:


Some music entertainment that baby will forgot trying to get ur attention because that she wants

I’m a hard no a
at just letting them cry. I would however recommend a baby swing, or something to strap on to yourself to carry the baby around with. I have 3 sons, all NICU survivors. Don’t just lay the baby in the crib and let them scream, they can over heat, and babies are strictly nose breathers for a while and can struggle to breathe if there nose is full of snot from screaming there head off. Personally I would talk to my pediatrician for advice. I just found baby swings and carrying mine around in body carriers helped. I also reached out to family and friends to help when I felt overwhelmed. I was a first time mom of micro premie twin boys, and I had all sisters growing up. There was a steep learning curve. Best mom advice I got is talk to the pediatrician and trust your gut. You may have a case of colic on your hands.

Babies can not be spoiled! My daughter cried a lot after she was home, she had a difficult delivery and needed to be comforted. So I held her most of the time.


Im heavy on the CIO method is BS.
BUT mums sanity does need to be considered heavily in situations where baby cries constantly.
It is okay to put baby down and let them cry so you can eat, shower, be a human being. Or if you feel yourself getting frustrated, put baby down & walk away for 5.
You CANNOT spoil a baby. A baby does not know how to manipulate you. They feel safe with you, that’s all. They want your comfort.
I’d heavily consider maybe speaking to a professional that will give you actual advice and not “let them scream”. White noise, lavender spray, whatever you can use to help soothe baby so you can get a little time for yourself. BABIES NATURALLY WANT TO BE WITH MUM!

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Let her cry :woman_shrugging:t2: she will be fine… it will teach her to self soothe and calm her self down, also it is good for her lungs :lungs: and of course make sure she is safe… check on her every 5 then 10 mins… and then go to 20 mins… say hello and let her know that she okay and you are right here, ma e try a walker… so she can follow you around…
it’s just breaking a bad habit of yours… she will be okay…
but honestly it goes by fast…


Colic? Don’t rub the tummy rub the head. Both my boys were colicky worked for my boys. Also put the baby in car seat sit them on washer on the spin cycle :person_shrugging:

Y’all saying you can’t spoil a baby, and then here’s this mom,who can’t do anything without her child needing to be in her hip,because she was held too much. You can never give to much love to a baby, but yes you can spoil a baby, and I think everyone gets those confused. When a baby is used to being held too much, they react this way, or when they start crying out of no where just to get your attention. It’s the same exact thing as a toddler pitching a fit to get what they want, when you say no and won’t give into them. You can never love too much, but yes you can spoil a baby.