My 6-week-old cries and I can't figure out why: Advice?

Make sure you are burping her when she eats, and pump her legs to see if maybe she is gassy. Mine liked to be walked around at that age more than just rocked, if I was sitting rocking her she would cry, but as soon as I stood and paced pack and forth she would calm down.


My first 2 were allergic to breast milk. They were put on formula and thrived.

She might just want to be close to you.:woman_shrugging:

My daughter did this tried everything turned out she hated socks and footed pjs. Sometimes it’s just something simple. Heads up momma


Just let her cry it out… babies need a good cry, what I did with my 2 year old son when he did that was swaddle him and hold him while dancing to my favorite country music and eventually he would stop crying and fall asleep.

Try a chiropractor sometimes they are all out of wack… they were smoshed foraging time

I would talk to her pediatrician. Swaddling might help too. And I agree that sometimes babies just need to cry. They’ve have energy they just need to get out and crying does this. Keep your head up!

Have you tried a baby Bjorn? Sometimes they just want to be close and hear your hear/voice. Remember that’s all they knew for 9 months. Do you have a swing? Or bouncy seat? They also help.

My son went through this when he was around six weeks old. I tried EVERYTHING! I got to the point where I took him to the hospital. They said he was fine and some babies just do that. I eventually found that if I played a sound machine it kept him calm through the night. Maybe try that. :slightly_smiling_face: Keep your head up!

Walk rock and bounce till they sleep

Burp her really well and ask your Dr if she possibly has reflux. My daughter used to cry alot like that and once we did gripe water, a little rice in her bottle, and some baby Zantac, she stopped crying. Babies can be silent sufferers for acid reflux and not show signs or projectile vomiting.

My daughter is 5 weeks… she has gas and it’s hard for her to push it out have you tried gas drops? Wouldn’t hurt to try I use both gas drops and gripe water definitely works now…

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Try walking with her and bouncing while your walking

Same with my son, come to find out he’s lactose intolerant and also has bad reactions to the caffeine in my breast milk.

Is she eating normally? Or she wont eat because of crying?
My son did the same thing when he was 5 weeks old. wouldn’t stop crying n wouldn’t eat. So I took him to the ER and after many test, he had to be hospitalized for a Blood infection that no one knew how he got it. Hope is nothing but it’s scary when u can’t tell what is wrong. Good luck.

Have you tried just holding her… my.daughter would do that and she just wanted snuggles

My son had reflux. I had to hold him upright for at least 20 minutes after each feeding. That seemed to help him.

Talk to your ped. A co-worker kept being told her baby had reflux when in fact had a twist in her intestines.

“Purple cry” colic. It was the worst 4 months of my life from the moment he woke up until he went to sleep… nothing you can do.

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Yes, my daughter was colicky beginning at around 6 wks and it lasted until around 12-14 wks. Swaddling, white noise, and walking helped. It was something that just had to run its course, but we did our best to figure out what helped to reduce the crying. Every baby is different, and it can be very frustrating, but it does get better:)

Mine lays on my tummy on his tummy… there right now

Odd question, but what’s her poop like? And does she throw up

Yup. It lasted for about 5/6 mths for our fourth. Tried everything. Basically walked around… Used stroller alot… Played music… Etc. Just tryied to stay sane since Dad was travelling with work … good luck :relaxed::heart:

Also have you tried White noise

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Vacuum and baby wear…

My daughter was fussy at 3 weeks a nurse I lived with showed me the burrito swaddle and it cured it right up.

If you are bottle feeding, maybe the formula is not right for her. My son screamed after feedings. Ended up having to go to soy formula. Much better after he switxhed, no screaming.

Please check out the app wonder weeks. Babies go through developmental leaps where they are not themselves for weeks! PM if you have questions. My daughters leaps were HELL.

My son was colic and the only way we survived was being outside. Hang on momma it gets better.

I had that with my daughter, it turned out to be silent reflux! Is very hard to be diagnosed with silent reflux… So push it and push it to the doctor till they give you a diagnosis . Also my DD was having a allergy to dairy wich made the reflux even worse… Once the dairy was out of my diet as I was breast-feeding it was so much better, also was given Gaviscon and that was a game changer… From a baby that was crying for up to 16 hr a day to nearly 0 in one day…

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Gripe water helped w my son’s colic.

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My daughter has always liked white noise and lights. Could just want to be held and walked around too. Carrides also helped her calm down.

Take her in the shower or bath with you, skin to skin. Go outside. Change of scenery, environment.

my son did this for a bit when he was little, turned out he hated wearing socks especially at sleep time :woman_shrugging:t2:

There’s a liquid called spirit of peppermint it’s liquid peppermint and you put on your finger tip and then around the baby’s belly button and it will soothe them from any type of gas pains and the smell is soothing

Could be refulx. Without knowing more details its hard to give advice but try elevating her head while sleeping. I put pool noodles under my sons baby bed mattress to elevate him while he slept. It helped with the reflux. Hopefully youll get it figured out because I know it can be frustrating. :heart:

Lavender rub helped soothe my son.

Maybe she is still hungry

My daughter was a colic baby. At the same time for the same amount of time every day she would scream. Once I noticed the routine I would give her gripe water, swaddle her right, and give her the pacifier right before the time. Then I would hold her tightly and rock her for 2 hrs. It was the only way to get they the colic faze.

Every baby is different so you have to find what works

After feeding have the baby sit upright for 15 minutes. Burp well. Try gas drops. Could be over tired.

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Vacuum/white noise machine
Low humming while walking around, the low vibrations calm babies
Hold one leg higher than other For a bit, switch ever so often to help with gas

Pacifier , snug swaddle, and rock her she sounds like she may be gassy

first thing-consult with your dr to rule out any intolerances or stomach problems. Some babies need to be held more/comforted especially as most moms go back to work at the 6 week mark. Other babies are bored and need more stimulation.

You can try a swaddle
Lavender bath for relaxing
And the most helpful one for me when my daughter was that young was I would play soft lullabies on my phone.

Could be colic and unfortunately you just have to try to comfort her as much as possible. Try skin to skin, swaddling, gripe water, talk to the pediatrician always if you’re concerned though

They finally figured out my son had acid reflux. He suffered for 10 months! We tried every formula, gas drop, tummy medicine, rocking and burrito wrapping known to man! Good luck! Prayers

Colic, go to Wal-Mart and get Mothers Bliss in baby section

My daughter had acid reflux and gassy issues and doing the “bicycle” motions with her legs really helped. I would wait about 15-20 min after feeding and burping them do that and it really helped work the bubbles out

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At 6 weeks one of mine had to be rocked and sung to while I walked. My son liked queen played loud.

Could be gas. We had similar problems and once we started giving her Mylicon Gas Drops (dye free) before each feeding, problem solved.

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Is it the same time of day/evening/night? My son went through a phase that he had a “witching hour” and he would just cry. We had a whole list of things we would try every night. Sometimes one would help, other times nothing would. Usually around 2 hours. It was almost like clockwork and was worse if he was away from home during that time. He grew out of it after a couple months, but man that was soooo tough to get through. I feel for you mama!

Burp the baby! Pat or give a good pressure rub on back for burp! 1st baby would do the same and it turned out he needed to burp MORE! My next two I made sure to burp good and well didn’t have that problem again! Make sure baby is full as well! Sometimes they want more!

Is she colick? If you don’t have one buy a vibrating seat for her.

Some babies go through what I call the witching hour. With my youngest, at around 6:30 or 7 she would just cry and cry. She wasnt hungry and didn’t need a diaper change. She was a gassy baby so we used baby gas drops and probiotics religiously. The only thing that helped was either wrapping her up tight like a burrito or wearing her and then going outside. Everytime we took one step outside she stopped crying. My husband and I just took turns walking her around the neighborhood when she got like that. Usually 20 or 30 minutes outside and she was happy.

Try keeping her up right all the time for a few days and see if that is working if not go to doctor. Obviously it’s not uncommon but there could be a problem

Take her to the doctor they can tell you more about what’s going on and what you need to do

How are you feeding breastmilk ot formula? Could it be formula related? Gas?

Swaddle nice and tight, let her sleep nestled in a boppy pillow so she is elevated Incase it’s acid reflux plus they feel comforted by its shape. Also make sure the temperature is right in your house. When my son wouldn’t stop crying my husband made it hotter in the house and that actually made him calm down.


Wjay formula are you using?

Probiotic drops Gerber makes them here they’re about $30 a bottle but well worth it you give 5 drops directly in the mouth before each bottle

Definitely try Mylicon gas drops and try doing the “frog legs” … hold her feet up at her belly to help relieve gas … both my girls were so gassy and as they got older had a hard time with constipation :pensive: it was rough ! Keep in mind if this is her problem and she’s still gassy getting older … CVS sells a product called Windi’s, they are gas relieving tubes that can be used around 6 months old and they work wonders !! Such a God send for my girls, they are a little pricey and idk how they work magic, but they do! Good luck !

Could be gas or a lactose allergy. Are you formula or breast feeding. If formula. Maybe try a lactose sensitivity one and if breast feeding you may have to drink lactose free. Just a suggestion. Hoping your little one feels better soon

my son was extremely collicy the first 6 weeks of his life (hes 8 now). he cried one day for 10 hours straight… i thought i was going to have a mental break down seeing as i had post partum very bad as well after giving birth. i couldnt handle it anymore. i did everything i could at the time to soothe him. i held him all day, and he slept on my chest at night just to try to get him to stop crying. i finally took him to the doctor, screaming and all, and they diagnosed him with acid reflux and gas. once he was on a routine with his meds (ranidadine and gas drops, and then a nightly warm bath with lavender soap and lotion), he was so much better! take your little one in… and get some alone time!!! mamas need a break too!

My daughter had bad acid reflux at that age! Doing the bicycle legs would help also rubbing on her tummy and a warm bath. We tried the gripe water but didn’t help as much. We also changed to the dr brown bottles to help prevent air going into her stomach and that was a huge relief to her! She’s almost 3 months now and has hardly any acid reflux or cries. Only cried to be fed and to be held.

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Most likely colic… same crying time and for long periods of time

Bio gia probiotics did wonders for my fussy baby. Strongly recommend starting baby on those

Silent reflux or colic maybe

Go to the doctor had that problem with my 1 year old along with spitting up a lot had to change to a special formula we went from good start to enflamil a .r special for acid reflux. Also had to put him on a laxative due to constipation.

My daughter screamed for 9 months straight

My baby was like this for 3 months!! I was on no sleep. All she did was scream bloody murder all day everyday… I had to switch her formula 5x … finally found one and within a week she slowed down with the crying… she’s on a ready to feed formula. She can’t use power ones because they all have corn and cows milk

Could be the formula. My daughter could not tolerate what we where giving her had to change several time. She was lactose intolerant and could not have no dairy. Poor baby was full of gas and did nothing but cry until we found the right formula. Gas-x was a lifesaver. I would call the dr before changing anything.

Talk to their dr about the formula they are on… and gas drops saved my life with my youngest. Had to give it with every bottle for the longest time

When my daughter was a baby we used a vacuum cleaner to calm her. Believe me, we went through a lot of vacuum cleaners. My daughter would go onto YouTube and she found a video of the sound of a blow dryer. We used the sound of a blow dryer every time my granddaughter would cry and she needed to be calmed down. My daughter was pregnant while she was in Cosmetology school. Every time she would turn on the blow dryer my granddaughter would stop moving and go to sleep. I would recommend trying white noise to see if it will soothe your baby.

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“Purple period” google it and you will understand. Whitenoise is the only thing that helped my little guy.

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Bio gaia!!! Life saving stuff! It’s expensive… but after a couple of days it helps. My son was bruuuuutal… asked my paediatrician and she suggested these drops (for digestion, colic)… my son cried like crazy for basically the first 6 months but this stuff did help! Good luck

My son did this when he was to hot… took me forever to figure out his problem

Mine did. She’s 3 now, we walked a lot. Exhausting, but it helped. She was breastfed. :woman_shrugging:t2: hard to say but she grew out of it!

Welcome to the 6 week hell. At 6 weeks a lot of babies are going thru a growth spurt i want to say its called the purple period? Lasts about a week or two. If it goes beyond that or if momma gut is telling you differently take her to the ped might be formula or reflux and gripe water wont work for either. My 5th kiddo is 2 months so we just did the 6 week hell lol


Gas, constipation, milk allergy, reflux, too hot, too cold, a hair wrapped around a toe, could be anything really. Have you gone to the pediatrician to rule out something medical?? That should be the first step. Hard to know without seeing what happens or knowing more details.


When rocking your baby, have their head on your shoulder and position your mouth against baby’s head and hum. I find that very comforting for a lot of babies and it help create a comfort bond.

I have had one baby who had colic and second with reflux. I can tell you - gripewater is a waste of money. All it does is make the intestinal walls slick which is awesome for tapeworms and blockages, but not colic. It tastes horrible and smells like pickles.

For colic: After a feeding, take a warm cloth fresh from the dryer and put it on baby’s belly. Massage baby’s tummy on top of the warm cloth in a semi circle left to right. When the cloth isn’t as warm, gently bring baby’s knees up and into their tummy a few times and alternate the massage and knee pumping. I did this for about 45mins, then a warm swaddle and rocking helped my son fall asleep.

For reflux: when you feed baby, sit up and have baby sitting upright on your lap to feed. After feeding, hold baby upright along your breastbone and rock slowly. For naps and bedtime, take a thin blanket, fold it and place under one end of the baby’s bassinet mattress to give a 40 degree angle. You may need a thick blanket or more than one to angle a crib mattress. I had my daughter sleep on her side on the angled mattress and that was approved by my doctor. If you see baby coughing up reflux, get baby into an upright position. Just like adult reflux, it’s positional aggravation.

Always speak to your baby’s doctor if you are at a loss of solutions.

Is she getting enough to eat? Is she having any kind of reflux? Also, is she having regular bowel movements?

Period of purple tears maybe?

Sometimes a chiropractor adjustment works as well! Something you can research and make own decision, good luck new mama!!

Gripe water made my baby worse, we had to change to a gentlease formula and worked wonders

When my son was that age, I couldn’t figure it out, but did some research and talked to my ped. Ambient noise really calmed him down. When the babies are in our bellies, they hear our heartbeat, blood rushing, and my pediatrician said it’s pretty loud. So one night when I couldn’t console him, I decided to use my blow dryer as ambient noise and it worked like a charm. I would put it on the cool setting and just set it on the counter while I held and rocked him. Not sure if this is any help, hope you figure out what’s going on.

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My daughter was like this and she had a lactose allergy. I had no idea! If you breastfeed then change your diet and see if that helps.

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If you are nursing, it may be what you are eating or drinking that goes through your milk. Just a thought! Good luck to you!

Swaddle her. Have her sleep on the boppy pillow if you have one. The more they feel tight and snug like in your womb the calmer they are. Also try calling your doctor. Could be a milk allergy. That’s what happen to my daughter at 6 weeks. We found out she was lactose and they changed her formula and i had to cut out all dairy products (because i was breast feeding as well)

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It could be the type of formula if you are formula feeding, and check abdomen for a possible hernia.

Take her to the dr if nothing else is working. Go through different situations like change the baby first feed the baby wrap or unwrap baby she might be too hot if your breast feeding check that pump a couple of times and see if the baby is getting enough milk mine wasnt i wasnt drinking enough

Kids need to cry. If her needs are all met just let her cry no longer than 15 minutes or so if she doesn’t stop and or fall asleep then see if she’s hungry still

Is she breastfeed or bottle? My niece did nothing but cry no matter what her parents did and they found out that she couldn’t handle dairy. It’s not very common but it happens

One of my 4 went through a horrible bout of colic. It ended up being a lactose sensitivity so she was put on soy formula. If I was breastfeeding the doc said to cut all dairy out of my diet. After a week on soy she stopped all the crying and was way more relaxed and comfortable

Bonce on tummy while patting behind lightly

Could be allergic to milk! It happened with my daughter and my breast milk. She’s now on Similac Alimentum after being tested (it’s a hypoallergenic dairy free formula) and it’s helped SO much. She could finally gain weight and not be in pain all of the time.

Maybe gas… lay baby on her belly across your legs. Gently, very gently bounce your legs while patting her back with one hand and supporting her head with the other… if it’s gas… and often times in a case like this it is… then the light bouncing will help bring the air bubbles up

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Soy Milk… Probably gassy from milk.

Could be formula my son had to have soy and my granddaughter started crying after a couple weeks and I told her the same she changed her milk and never had a problem again she was back to being a happy little one again

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Colic use the nose sucker fill half way with warm water an a couple drops of hand soap gently squeeze into rectum it will wash out any stool an the warm water will stop the spasms

Gas she prob needs to burp or fart try to move her legs like she’s riding a bike