My 6-week-old cries and I can't figure out why: Advice?

Onion tea. Try it. Worked wonders for my kids, f ok r their stomachs

I would talk and ask the babies doctor about whats going on there could be a few things bothering her or nothing at all… But in the mean time you can try “The Hold”… Ive seen success in it and have even tried it on my own and a few relatives and friends babies… You can watch a video on you tube about it… Type in the search bar, “How to calm a crying Baby by Dr. Robert Hamilton” it’s worth a shot… Also swaddling her nice and tight in her blankey… lavender oil too will help relax her dont put it directly on her bit maybe on her blanket or infused in the air… Good luck Momma!

Acid reflux? Feed smaller amounts more often. Keep her slightly upright especially after feeding.


Babies can be over stimulated. I sometimes just put her down and let her be.

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Gas drops were the only thing that worked for my baby at that age. Also I had to refrain from drinking milk while breastfeeding.

Colic, maybe warm her blankets slightly damp in microwave.
Use a coupledrops soap and nose sucker to give enema.
Both safe and relieve gas and colic.

Simulating how you would treat you if you suffered gas.
Baby’s gentle way.

Acid reflux burns your throat.
Keep sweet baby from lying flat and if you put baby on her left side, her organ placement compliments the relief and baby can sleep.
If acid reflux.

After a month I got low on my supply from lack of waking up to pump like I should have and formula made my young baby very gassy. I had to lay her on her belly on a pillow and pat her back sometimes for half an hour and she would burp and pass gas. My mom showed me this and thank God she did. After the baby falls asleep but her on her back. My baby also had acid reflux so gas drops wouldn’t help.

Look up the period of purple crying

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Car rides, dancing to soft music, lots of swaddling etc

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A lot of babies have 6 week colic. Its a stage where their digestive systems are maturing and combined with a growth spurt results in this. My daughter had it too. We had to rock her for hours, massage her tummy. It lasted for about a week.

If it is colic there is prescription meds for it. It was the only thing that worked on my baby

She might not like the milk also. My son cried because he was allergic to milk. When we switched him he stopped crying all the time.

Talk to your doctor.


Hum in her ear softly or place her on your heart.

Possibly purple crying?

Could be she’s colicky

She could have acid reflux my friend’s daughter had it very very bad and that stuff doesn’t always work for colic it never did for my sisters

Try a swaddle. If you’re going to attempt drops; use the infant gas drops. You never know for certain what is or is not in gripe water. If it’s gas, you can usually tell by grunting and pushing. Also feel her tummy. If it’s tight and/or distended it’s likely gas and a change in formula is often helpful. Sometimes, they just like to fight sleep and there isn’t a whole lot you can do but attempt to soothe them and find out what makes them content.