My 6 year old is angry all the time: Thoughts?

I have a son like this. I’m am curious if he has siblings? Older or younger? Mine is the baby and if he doesn’t measure up to the big boys he begins to act this way. I have to remind him he’s still growing and things will be different. Even when he gets in trouble, “you’re growing, you have to remember even though you’re getting bigger, momma is still the boss here” etc. he will eventually calm himself and come back.
He enjoys organizing his “pretties/collectibles” when angry and alone. After he’s processed through some anger he will come back and join us.
I am not the baby of my family but I imagine a lot of pressure is put on that even without parents saying so. I imagine he believes he’s not great until he’s “grown” like the big boys.

He will get it!!

I would suggest therapy for the mother to learn coping skills and steps to help her son. Therapy at any age is always helpful. Doesn’t always lead to medication either. Always come out with tools to use in certain situations. If mom is frustrated already then I wouldn’t wait on therapy it any help. Waiting and done nothing could lead to issue later on.

Sometimes they need a reeeeally long tech detox. It takes my son weeks after I take his stuff to get back to normal. I usually keep it back for a couple months. He’s a brand new kid.

Try having him draw his feelings and explain. Sometimes we forget to teach our children words they can use that are descriptive. Try a therapist

I’m in the same boat mine is 15 but he has emotional disturbance

Find a doctor and/or therapist! No one here truly knows what to do or say to help! I would hate for you to stress out more than needed by everyone else’s experiences! We cannot truly help you! God Bless and good luck!

I have this with my 5 year old who will be six in January. Comes home off bus kickin’ an screaming cuz the snow we just got was melting and he says he loves snow. Anytime he doesn’t get his way w everyone and everything. To the point he says he wishes we were in Heaven. Major meltdowns stomping and did the room thing.

Everyone’s a doctor here on FB. Maybe he’s just being a brat. My daughter went through that stage for a while and there was nothing wrong with her. Not everything is a disorder. Check with medical professionals to be sure.

My six year old does this…when she storms up stairs I am relieved…that just means a few minutes to myself. Then I might just get ice cream or something yummy to let her “catch” me eating and tell her I would have given her some but remind her that she chose to storm off instead of telling me what’s wrong. After that she realized how she reacted was wrong and it all ends with a hug. I say normal…no meds, no disorder. I must also mention I have a high schooler and middle schooler so this behavior from my 6 year old is the least of my concern…she’s my best buddy.

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When did this start(since the shutdown? Beginning of school? New routines?)? Could he be having trouble expressing other emotions so he comes across angry? Is it happening at or around the same times everyday( he might be hangry or just tired) How do you react when he’s acting this why? Do you keep calm
Or do you yell too? (Try not to react and show no emotion) could he need space to decompress after school (it’s a lot on their little bodied to do remote/hybrid and not move around) also when he’s calm talk to him about how you are feeling without shaming him. Tell him you want to help him but you can’t if you don’t know what’s wrong . Have him describe how he was physically feeling when he was angry. Talk about solutions my daughter has a calm box (a stuffie, slime, a glitter bottle, fidget spinner, stretchy toys, bubbles, stress ball, calming cards which has pictures on what to do to calm your body, and a weighted blanket) I also don’t take things away I set limits and then she has to earn points to get things she wants for exam 60 minutes of tablet time is 60 points, movie night is 120, sleeping in the living room is 200. And everything she does adds or takes away points. She cleared the table she gets 10 points, she didn’t turn off her light she loses a point. She slams the door loses a point. Makes her bed she gets points. Reward positive behavior and redirect negative into a positive

Something that worked well with my not-so-easy now eight year old is to have a journal or notepad to write/draw her thoughts and ideas on. She could then choose to do whatever she wanted with it- keep it, throw it away, hand it to me, or slip it under my pillow for me to read and respond to when she is asleep. This usually opens the door for a conversation with less pressure on the both of us to figure out where to start. This open communication has helped her to express her feelings without acting out. It took some time and effort, but she’s gotten a lot more comfortable releasing some frustration by getting those thoughts simply just out of her head, even if only for herself.

Try a “time in” hold him close to you to regulate his feelings.

My almost 4 year old is exactly the same!! I think it’s mostly modeled by movies/tv of how they’re supposed to act. That’s the only conclusion I could come to since she’s the most kindest happiest girl otherwise and she has never seen anyone do those behaviors in real life.

Is there anything going on in the home that can be upsetting? Relationship issues? Change in routine? Who does he spend the most time with? Does he know about improper touching etc? Sorry just trying to brainstorm with you

My 6 yr old is angry all the time also. I have been waiting 2m for an appointment to get him evaluated

My 5 yr old does this when she is tired we let her power nap when she gets bad … She wakes up a whole new person

I’ve been thinking about therapy for my 7 year old for the same reason…

Is he on singulair? It has been shown to have some of these side effects.

My son with ADHD was like that at that age, very impulsive if something set him off. I didnt realize that was his adhd

The Explosive Child was helpful to me


Sounds less to me like anger and more like being melodramatic…

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My 11 yr old is the same way

I feel ya! I have a 7 year old that does the same thing

Sounds like a chemical imbalance. Take him to see a psychiatrist. They will be able to tell you


I went through this when my son was 5 and 6 yrs old. He was very passive in school and saved his frustration for when he got home. He struggled so much with big feelings and I spoke with his pediatrician about early signs of puberty that may be causing these mood swings. When he mentioned hurting himself we did seek counseling. After a short assessment, we were told he was a fine well-adjusted. Good to hear but still didn’t make sense given our daily experiences with him. In the end, we set firm boundaries with him bc he could no longer rule out house with his tantrums. I read the book, “the Wholebrain Child” and that helped with strategies to help him during meltdowns. I also realized his behavior in school was because he was GT and bored. It’s been 2 yrs now and he’s a different child. He’s definitely more sensitive and emotional which is fine with me. He just needed to be a bit more resilient which was tough lesson for us both. Hang in there! :heart:

Behavior specialist ? Maybe a therapist ?

What’s his diet like?

Look up Pans/pandas its autoimmune

Please do not take medical advice from people on FB. No one here is qualified. Make an appointment with his Pediatrician.


I feel like there is a disorder for everything. I’m sorry I don’t want to sound insensitive but it seems a bit much.


Sounds like my son, set him up with play therapy

Get him into seeing a therapist especially a behavior therapist.

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It’s ok to get outside help. The sooner the better.

You need to see a professional for help.

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Get him evaluated. My boy was the same.

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General anxiety disorder. Talk to a therapist and see what they recommend. Meds may help for it.

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Look into Oppositional Defiance Disorder.

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Look up odd disorder.


Don’t listen to others take him to get help everybody trying to be doctor’s if you love him get him help

Depression and/or anxiety may be what he struggles with.

Maybe take him to a phsycologist

Therapy with the right counselor would help

I signed my son up for music therapy at school.i hope this helps him with his anger

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How about praying with him and for him?.

Similar situation and then tonsils, adenoids were removed and got his first set of tubes (at age 5) and he went from that to super sweet.

Maybe try some new activities with him

My daughter started acting out at 3, it got worse over the years. Once she was 6 she confessed to being sexually abused by a family member. She’s been in therapy since then, and it helps. (Not saying that is the same situation, but sudden changes in behavior is a sign.) Definitely recommend therapy, or evaluation to see if there is an underlying cause for his behavior.


Kids do go through phases, and don’t forget that kids are constantly testing boundaries. Have clear set rules and don’t give too many options. Kids that age shouldn’t have endless options. Lay out three books for him to pick from for story time, two shirts, ect. You know how hard it is to pick what you’re having for dinner?? Just keep the rules clear and the choices simple for a couple weeks and see if that helps.

I hate to think like this but maybe he’s being abused somewhere outside the home and then he’s not going to tell you because maybe it’ll make you upset and you might do something he don’t want you to do or maybe you won’t believe him not saying that you won’t but these are all thoughts that children have when stuff like that takes place I hope and pray that it’s not what’s going on but it does happen and don’t put it outside the possibility if that he is getting picked on at school that it could possibly be one of the teachers that’s what happened to my son they were allowing him to be beat up by other students taunting and teasing him themselves as teachers it also happened to my daughter in second grade where the teacher was actually calling her stupid all the time and I didn’t believe her one that she was telling me about it because the thought in my head was no teacher calls the kids stupid well towards the end of the year I finally got tired of it and I asked my nephew which happened to be in the same class as him if his teacher ever calls anybody stupid and he said yeah he calls Tiffany stupid all the time I was so angry and hurt by the fact that I didn’t listen to my daughter it was ridiculous and for the rest of her school years she has struggled and struggled she even want to deal with it another time the bus driver dropped her stuff off but didn’t drop her off and I literally paranoid and paralyzed myself because nobody knew where she was for 2 hours I was worried she fell down a well or somebody kidnapped her or whatever then I get a phone call from the school asking me why I didn’t pick up my kid yet after I had already talked to the school several different times asking them where my daughter was these are all just thoughts that and things that have happened throughout my kids’ life they’re all grown up now but it does happen and the kids don’t always want to talk to you about it in fear of rejection and fear of what you may do to the other people lots of things sometimes maybe just watch when he’s playing and see if he does anything weird with his toys or if he’s got a friend over or whatever listen at the door sometimes just to hear what they’re saying sometimes just do a surprise drop in at school to see what’s going on with that letting anybody know that you’re there including the teachers and just kind of eavesdrop and listen and look and see what’s going on because it took my son a couple of years to tell me that the teachers were bullying him because he was red-haired freckle-faced heavy set and wasn’t born into that group of kids

Have you tried spanking him?

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Bending over backwards and doing any and everything you can to accommodate your child will very likely worsen these behaviors than help in any way AND will burn you out. We can’t give our best to our kids if we aren’t taking care of ourselves as well. 6 years old is very young and still learning about emotions and feelings, as well as how to respond to those in an appropriate manner, and are sometimes innate and sometimes learned or a combination of both. It certainly wouldn’t hurt to speak to a therapist to assist him in developing healthy coping skills and to help you figure out how to provide structure and boundaries in a way that will fit his needs. There’s also an online program called Emotional ABCs that I’ve used with kids in therapy to help them. Pretty sure parents have to pay for it, but there are tons of free educational websites out there that are similar, I’m sure, as well as books online that might help you get some ideas to help him process better. The book I attached a pic of is highly recommended by therapists and professionals.

My son was the same exact way… I got him into counseling and it helped alot! His therapist also referred me to this book that helped also…

Please please do not contact a therapist or counseling ! He is to young for that !! He could be going through early stages of puberty I have researched and boys are experiencing it between 6-8 years old they are feeling things that 14 year old boys are feeling … kids that age do not need to seek professional help unless they are physically harming themselves or someone else … I have a 9 year old daughter and she is going through early stages of puberty …


I’m dealing with this with my 7 year old daughter. She’s an only child AND an only grandchild (on her fathers side). So I legit think she’s just spoiled. She’s used to people jumping at her every wish. I’m trying to teach her that she can’t have whatever she wants whenever she wants it. So when she throws her fit I let her cry it out in her room. When she’s done, we then have a good talk. But I refuse to coddle her during her fits. “You wanna act like that, you can do it your room. Let me know when you’re done.” She almost always comes out when she’s done crying and climbs in my lap ready to talk.


Yep experienced this this when my son was 5 he got diagnosed with mood disorder ADHD and schizophrenia…hes 13 now sweetest heart ever…but when hes mad or don’t get his way or jus simply had a bad day…approach with caution


Talk to his pediatrician get a referral for counseling or therapy for staters. Also as said above get him tested. My son has ADHD and ODD and we struggle with anger issues.

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My 9yr old used to be like that. He’s ADHD, has depression and anxiety. Definitely have him tested. Gather anything you can on his behavior at school. Please do this bc at this age, he can’t control it. I used to yell and spank my son bc I thought he was bad. Everyone said he needed to be whooped. It made things worse. He got put on meds and I learned his triggers. We’ve both worked hard to get him to a place where he’s confident enough to let me know when he’s overwhelmed or needs a break. Good luck to you and your son :purple_heart:

Mine also has ADHD, ODD with Anxiety. He had same issues. For longest time thought was just behavioral. Started with behavioral therapist at which point he was diagnosed with those listed after testing. for over a year saw therapist making some progress as I was anti-medication hoping just a phase. But after 1 certain time I decided to give in try medication. Oh my the world of difference everyone around noticed. He even notices if for some reason we miss a dose he will notice and realize we missed it and ask for it. The school is what helped the most with guiding us in right direction. He is super smart and straight A student both before and after medication! Hope you find your answers

Also it’s not abnormal for a 6 year old to be angry or upset they get angry and upset just like an adult would be and they’re valid in expressing that

Not many people think that this helps but a vitamin supplement high dose of vitamin D if you haven’t already gotten him on a vitamin supplement I highly recommend it also there’s this herb called calm child that helps along with valerian root

A simple and easy thing to try, is no artificial food dyes. This sounds like my daughter she would scream and if i asked her what was wrong or why she was crying shed just scream “I don’t know!!” If I asked her to try and breath/stop crying to talk she’d just scream “I can’t!!” It was the hardest thing to deal with. They were like tantrums on steroids!!! Before I knew about food dyes, I tried everything, time outs, spray bottle of water to the face, cold shower, and yes even spankings. Nothing worked, if anything it was like pouring gas on a fire. When I finally, reluctantly, took artificial dyes out of her diet I was blown away. I didnt really believe that they could affect anyone that much but she is just completely different now! She had a real tantrum for the first time a few months ago, and let me just tell you it took her 5 min to get over it and to stop being upset where before we would have had a screaming uncontrollable child for at least an hour or two!

My son was the same way when he was younger and we just worked through it I did go to the herb store and get valerian root which helped and calmed him down

But please don’t put your child on a man-made medicine

Growing up has never come the easier way. It comes with lots of challenges like lost marriages, lost love, financial and job problems and so many more, but still there has always been a solution to every challenges that we face in life. Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Sir Marere contact +2348109805184 email is: marerespells@gmail. com and told me Sir Marere will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Sir Marere and told her everything, he made a love and binding prayers for me and in 1 day of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much Sir Marere your prayers indeed work. You can call or whats-app Sir marere on +2348109805184 Email: marerespells@gmail. com incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you that even don’t know the situation you are going through, all that matters are the results so feel free to contact him.

Occupational Therapy !

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He needs his butt smacked real good

Try your best demon voice, with a little foul language and rush him. Make him think his life might end if his attitude doesn’t change… . You go a little bat shit crazy, and put the fear of god in him. That’s what I do and I’ve never had to raise a hand to my littles, who are 7 and 9.

Therapy never hurt anyone :heart:

GOOD possibility its ODD. Symptoms usually present around 5-6, or after the age of 8. Its very difficult to treat. You need to take him in to get checked to rule everything out just to be sure. Hang in there mama

Have you tried, I dunno, maybe spanking that ass. You’re his mom not his bitch.

Hes going through a phase.

Find professional help please!!

He needs to be evaluated now!

Have him tested. He may be bored

Therapist/ coach for sure

Take him to counseling.

Sounds to me hes a typical 6yr old and pushing boundaries.
My kids know, do not slam my doors or raise your voice at me. There are consequences. They only know because they’ve pushed before.
I dont give in to the tantrums anymore and the tantrums lessen. I talk calmly and clearly and let them know said behavior is unacceptable
I dont think taking for psychiatric therapy is necessary unless he harms himself or you.

Check for diabetis ??

My daughter is like this, she suffers from extreme anxiety. Id definitely speak with your dr.

Have you spoken with his teacher at school. He may be getting bullied or may be frustrated about something that’s happening there. I would suggest that you ask his teacher to keep an eye out. It’s important to understand that hime is his safe zone and whatever the issues are it’s probably the place he vents his frustration.

Have her tested for the STREP bacteria. It can have long lasting neurological problems.

I would seriously be thinking of a child physcologist .When you have run out of resources and you feel like you have done something wrong.YOU HAVENT.but just so you get some peace of mind think about some outside help

My daughter started to going to a therapist. She suggested We use a angry pillow. When she is over whelmed by anger she goes into her room and screams into her pillow. That way she dosnt take it out on everyone and she can release her anger . shes all good when she is done.

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My son had anger issues too, due to being a perfectionist, but wouldn’t let anyone know that was why he was upset (just things weren’t right or that’s not how it’s supposed to be in his mind) and he is super smart so things were always different in his mind​:woman_facepalming:. He was more lenient with teachers and friends than with me and my husband, but I could do nothing right sometimes. We got him into therapy and found out he had OCD. They worked with us on how to talk through things and life improved :100:%. Not day one, but extreme improvement. And I’m not diagnosing, just saying therapy works wonders. We went monthly for the 1st six months then followed up yearly or as needed if he started to get moody again, usually around growth spurts. We started at age 6 and he’s 13. Good luck momma. You got this. Just keep loving on him and make sure you keep telling him you love him every chance you get​:heart:

This sounds like my 9 year old daughter. Ever since quarantine started in March, she’s been having these outbursts. It got to the point that we talked to our pediatrician, and she’s now in therapy, diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Her angry outbursts are her way of trying to gain some control. We have been working through a workbook called What To Do When Your Temper Flairs - you can get it on Amazon. It explains a lot of what they’re feeling and possibly why they feel that way, and it offers a lot of good coping skills. Just remember - their world has recently been turned upside down and many things they may have been used to have completely changed. That’s a lot to deal with for anyone! Start with a conversation with your pediatrician. Honestly, the workbook is very helpful, too. You read thought it first, then work through the pages with him. Hang in there! Best of luck to you both!

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My son is doing the same thing. He’s 7. Been going through this now with him for about 3 years. I have tried everything, counseling, drs apts, different forms of punishment. Nothing has helped!! The behavioral specialists i took him to said it was odd. I have even thought about medication (which is last resort). But decided no on that because he’s just too young. Best thing is just to try and keep his mind busy. My little guy is good in school as well. Very smart. Just his anger mostly at home. He’s going to test u more because your his mom. I know how hard it is but have some patients. Message me if u would like. I could use all the advise as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Has he had any type of trauma occur? Even something small in a young child could cause his brain to react impulsively if something triggers a past loss. Is dad involved? Him even hearing other kids talk about “dad” if he doesnt have that could cause some angry feelings.

Sounds similar to ADHD. Yes they can focus. Just on the wrong stuff. Dont worry mama you are doing great.


You might reach out to your son’s school guidance counselor.


He might be bi-polar my son does this and it took a lot of talking and a lot of work. I would suggest getting him a child therapist (please do your research on these) don’t put him on drugs, when I put my son on drugs he was worse when coming down than when he is not using them

My son is 10 and was doing a lot of the same things as your son. When I talked talked to his Dr she referred him to be tested and he was diagnosed with ODD and selective mutism… He’s been in Behavioral Therapy ever since and it has helped tremendously. He’s been in therapy for about a year now. I won’t do medication for him but if I did it would be a fight… He has always fought me when it comes to taking medication…even the ones that taste like gum or candy.

Could be intermittent explosive disorder. Some people can’t handle any kind of anxiety or change and they can explode in anger easily

My son was in 6th grade acting similarly, school issues increased. Much therapy, IEP
I learned anger in childhood main symptom in children with depression. Add in ADHD, IQ

Doing this as a child is one thing but when he continues to do it as an adult that is bad. Talk to a doctor and get help.

He needs skills to deal with stress other than anger. Coping is a learned behavior. Some children require a more intentional approach. A counselor can give u exercises to walk him thru emotional breakdowns.

I know it might sound crazy but exercise and diet are extremely important. Go for a walk, outside, play in the dirt (it has healing properties) drink real fresh water not bottled crap, eat real fresh foods… i know it helps me i doubt it could hurt… good luck. Sending LOVE

He’s 6 and still just learning about his feelings and maybe he is having difficulty with coping with his feelings, maybe that could be the issue … there are some good children’s books that focus on coping skills on feelings you could give a try … and explain your feelings to him when you angry or sad ect… I would mention your difficulty to your family doctor… and maybe look it some child counselling to see if there’s an underlying issue… but I wouldn’t jump to a conclusion of a diagnosis, unless you have others suggesting that your child might be adhd or something else … it’s common for some children to have some trouble with coping with their feelings… if work on that first … good luck and the best

It could just be anxiety. Things right now are TOUGH, imagine being too young to fully understand what’s going on in the world? Frustration and anxiety can often manifest as anger. Try talking to him in a calm way, just the two of you, ask what has made him angry. See if he can maybe give examples of other times he has felt that way and you may find a link/trigger to what’s got his back up.

My son was doing the same thing until i started grounding him for 3 days each time he gets in trouble at school that didnt work so we moved up to 7 days and he hasnt gotten in trouble in nearly two months. I dont let him get away with any disrespect what so ever. It did take a 2 week grounding session befpre he gave in.