My 6 year old is angry all the time: Thoughts?

I can relate with you right now. I’m having a hard time with my 7 yr old and don’t know what is going on with him or what to do. I have tried everything also but nothing works. I thank you for sharing, it has helped me and I am looking into how I can help my son.

He could have a disorder autism adhd add maybe when he’s in second grade have him tested it wise he maybe gifted just suggestions be careful of how much sugar and processed foods he has that could affect moods

I know my comment may sound silly but honestly I feel like it in the food or water… How did behaviors change so drastically over the years… Your not the only one going threw it stay strong!!!

Put him on the wbole30 diet. It will change both your lives. Its very likely because of the food he eats.

My 6 year old daughter was struggling as well. She has started to go to therapy and this has helped me and my daughter a lot.

Food allergies! I know this sounds crazy and it really can be the problem.

Also…look into The Total Transformation program

I not even gonna comment what I REALLY wan to say … I’m Caribbean. But all I know my 2 sons KNOW how to act around me because I nipped certain behaviors in the butttt from early … 1 yr 2 yrs !!!

A belt works wonders with this age learns things fast

Where is his father in all of this?

he may be tired and growing give him extra sleep :sleeping:

Yes cause professional help always works!

If he has had strep , research pandas

Ok so where is his father

I would consult a therapist

Roll his ass a nice blunt and u will see his improvement.

I would say that either he is being bullied at school which happened to my grand-daughter last year. It got so bad that was suicidal. She was always angry and depressed. Then you might want to look into if he is just bored with school. If he is finding the work to be too easy for him. Everyone today wants to blame ADD or ADHD. Unfortunately it’s trial and error until you find the solution. Giving into everything he wants though is not the answer.

You said it he’s a smart kid. That figured out how to get attention. Negative attention is easier and more satisfying then positive. Have you just tried flat out ignoring him. Like you say No, he storms off and whatever he does you just ignore not even a “be quiet up there” if it’s just hen he doesn’t get his way, he’s spoiled. Let him rage. Put him in his room. Let him destroy his shit. And don’t buy him replacements. He knows how to get you emotional. Don’t let him. You’re in charge not him.

Pediatrician referral needed!