My 7-Year-Old Refuses to Wear Underwear and Screams if I Make Her Try: Advice?

I just want to say you are a wonderful momma for being this concerned and reaching out for advice. I am glad you are taking her to the doctor and maybe you were hoping to see if anyone else has experienced this with their own child. I can’t give you any advice because I have no idea. But I hope you are able to find answers. You’re doing great!


My daughter done this exact same thing even would hide her panties behind toilet cause she would not wear them she claimed that the elastic around the legs bothered her. I got her boy shorts and she was fine with that, you just need to find out what she’s comfortable with and go from there.

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My daughter doesn’t like certain types of material. We do wear underwear everyday but we always wear bicycle shorts under dresses. Maybe it’s sensory.

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This is a comfort thing but I would definitely get rid of the pj shorts if that’s her go to if they ain’t there then no problems but my girls wear shorts under there dresses also get her boxer shirt for girls

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Yeah boy boxers.
My 7 yo has Pokemon boxers we got from Wal-Mart.
To be fair women panties suck…
They ride up and in every where.

Buy her more shorts if its in your budget. They make short shaped underwear


Taryn Marie this was you as a child. Maybe you have some pointers. Lol

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I haven’t worn underwear since I was 8. :woman_shrugging:t2: nothing wrong with getting her shorts she’s comfortable in so she can change out everyday.


Have you ever thought of possible sensory issues? Lots of kids have them. I was incredibly obsessive about mine when I was a child.


If she is just finding panties uncomfortable, I would ask what makes them uncomfortable to rule out a UTI or anything medical and then if it’s literally just the panties but her boy short underwear or boxers.
Maybe she had sensory processing disorder and they feel painful or too unbearably scratchy.
My youngest daughter is autistic and has sensory processing disorder and won’t tolerate many different types of clothing. Definitely not diagnosing you’re child as autistic but you don’t have to be autistic to have sensory processing disorder.

Talk it out with her. It’s her body, she should be able to let you know why and choose and alternative :slightly_smiling_face:


After checking with Dr and finding out whether something is seriously wrong or not… if nothing is wrong and it doesn’t get better (ALTHOUGH I USUALLY 100% DO NOT PROMOTE SPANKING) I suggest busting a little ass bc that’s just ridiculous for a 7 year old to act like that over some underwear.

My daughter started having issues with underwear and socks at age 4. I finally found some that worked for her. The Hanes Classic Brief basically it’s a granny panty. And she wears them inside out so the elastic doesn’t pinch. And the thinner Hanes socks.

Maybe get her the boy shorts style underwear or let her wear the boys boxers if that will make her more comfortable


Playground pals may be a good substitute until, she can find something more comfortable towards her. I would just let her pick out some that she may like more.

Calm down. It’s no big deal. Don’t force her to wear them. It doesn’t matter. You are still a good parent if she doesn’t wear them.


Buy extra shorts for under her dresses. If she doesn’t like underwear, she doesn’t like underwear. :woman_shrugging:

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I haven’t worn underwear since I was 8-9🤣


Maybe try the boy shorts style of underwear for her, they are similar to the pj shorts and might help her use them, they also have different materials you can try out to see if maybe it’s the regular underwear aren’t soft enough or are to tight(I personally hated anything tight even underwear)


My boys both went through that they wore regular underwear and then refused i bought boxers and boxer breifs and left them choose they each chose boxer breifs. At first it was any kind of material then phase hit again and had to switch to just the silky sport kind.Try letting her choose they style and fabric. Heck im a grown woman and i only wear certain kinds of boy shorts or thongs. Been that way since i was like 12. Somethings are just more comfy then others

My daughter would not wear anything tight fitting, or with tags for the longest time. I had to size up undershirts, socks, and underwear until she was like 10. She’s grown out of it a bit. She still hates tags and cuts them out still, but they fit her more comfortably without

I would try her with this type to see if that’s better for her :slight_smile:


My daughter did this for a few months. We had to just try different styles of underwear

Could be a sensory processing issue… Could be a control thing too… Take her shopping. Empower her to choose something she might feel more comfortable in…give her options and let her make final choice… Girls boxers, boy shorts, etc…whatever works


Maybe try the tighter boxers for boys

Did you ask her what it is about them that was uncomfortable? I went through this with my kid and she said they felt too tight around the legs (they were a size up from her pants) and all she needed was a new size

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Will she wear bike shorts? If so I would stock up on loads of pairs of those and she can just wear them under her clothes, they look cute and are not expensive

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Our daughter prefers the boxer type for girls they aren’t as tight and are like shorts amazon has quite a few different styles let her take part in picking them out maybe that will help

Maybe something like this will help.

I haven’t wore underwear since I came out diapers :joy: well besides for my monthly; that’s the only Time panties go in my arse. Stop forcing her

My boy doesn’t like underwear. Almost never wears them. And I’m ok with it! Now for a girl, under skirts she has to wear something. But under shorts and pants. No big deal. We shopped for comfortable boxers for mine and he only wears them at home. I was like you, making a big deal out of it and then realized why? No one else knows he’s not wearing underwear? Less laundry!

Get her some boxers. I hate underwear also cause they’re uncomfortable so get her boxers.

Try short style knickers. Even boxers from the boys section.

Get her some boys boxing shorts, have to admit I’ve pinched my fellas while doing house work :joy: cant believe us ladies have such uncomfortable undies

Boxers sound like a good idea

Try different underwear. When im home bra and panties are off. Lol

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N if you’ve known for a year she hates undies then you should’ve switched her to a pair she would like but u haven’t so u kinda made it worse yourself.


Honestly, as long as you are washing her clothes daily and she isn’t wearing a dress I don’t see the big deal if she doesn’t wear underwear. It’s probably a sensory issue.


Maybe she has sensory issues. There are softer underwear that don’t have the elastic band. Also, make sure they aren’t too small if you haven’t done so already.

You are the parent… Make him wear underwear… That’s the craziest thing I’ve ever heard

My 8yr for the past couple of years hasn’t like wearing regular cut underwear they hurt her legs where they sit. I won’t get my girls bikini cut because (just my opinion) I don’t think it’s very appropriate for little girls. We get boy shorts and she likes boy boxer briefs…

Try boy underwear like boxers? The stretchy kind maybe?

Get shorts for under dresses and move along. My twins are 10 and dont like em either and when they do where them they are ALWAYS PICKING at thier butts and bikini line. I tell them they will need to wear them when their monthly visits starts but until then im not fighting it. :woman_shrugging:

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My 9 year old son only wears underwear on gym day incase his pants get pulled down… unless she’s wearing a skirt I wouldn’t worry about it there’s some battles that aren’t worth it I’d rather they brush their teeth


Try boys boxers or breifs

Have you tried boys boxers?

Have you tried no seam boy short type underwear?

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Get her boxers or boxer briefs :person_shrugging: or just let her wear those shorts she’s comfy in, and get multiples of them for underwear use. Who said girls have to wear traditional panties :unamused:. My bonus daughter hates girls underwear and prefers boys, she’s the one that has to wear them, so we let her. No big deal. In all reality, the elastic could be irritating to her.


Try boxers? Also if she’s wearing pants or shorts I don’t see the issue with no underwear :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Seriously? Listen to her. She doesnt have to wear regular undies. Keep with the shorts or have her wear boxers. You are the one that is blowing it out of proportion :person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming:


Has anything changed within the last year? Like something that has caused her not to want to wear underwear? With children a tantrum is usually caused by something logical like when you take something away from them or tell them no. But tantrums caused by trama from something tend to be a illogical. Like her not wanting to wear undies just in the past year is a bit strange. You should definitely follow up with her doctor and maybe even calmly set your child down and talk to her or have someone like a counselor talk to her. It may not be anything bad but it’s best safer than sorry


Plenty of ppl go commando… Panties aren’t comfy. What’s the issue?? Like some shorts under skirts is really all that’s needed to fix this “problem”
Panties, bras, socks… Not necessary and not worth the fight


Just buy shorts underwear problem solved!

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So much more comfy for ppl with sensory issues

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U need to be more firm!!! U are giving her the option (a choice) to not wheat them at home when actually she needs to listen and wear them at home to because if not then that is what is making harder!!! Maybe take away things she really likes until she can listen and do as told!!!


It’s a sensory thing,try and find the loosest and softest ones. Have her help pick them out. Boxers,boxer briefs, a chemise? It is generational in my family. Pick your battles.

There’s more than one type of undies. Justice has individual panties buy a couple differnt types and see which ones she likes. Also maybe a bigger size. I have a 7 year old whom hates underwear too. Good luck! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Try boxer briefs. I’m not sure if they make little girl ones, but they make them for little boys and will totally work. Haynes makes them for women…oddly enough I’m wearing a pair. I love them. Feels like I’m not wearing underwear at all

I would let her pick them they shorts underwear you have show that your the boss she does this or she’s doesn’t get play outside let her cry tell her to her room

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Maybe it is a sensory issue .

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My daughter went through this her kindergarten year and I was at my wits end…she had like 3 pair of underwear that she would even consider wearing out of like 25 …we were washing them out by hand at times just so she would wear a pair…she hated wearing them and yes…the tantrums were nearly the death of me. She did eventually grow out of it but man she had me in tears at times… I feel for you… Good Luck!

Bike shorts by the load. She would probably love that!


So I am diagnosed ADHD and had an issue with bras when I was younger (like 4th grade) because of what I now realize were sensory issues. I used to wear a huge coat during class to cover up the fact that I wasn’t wearing a bra, and I always got in trouble for it, but I just couldn’t stand the feeling of wearing one. Have you ever considered it may be a sensory issue?


My daughter is the same has been for years. She has to wear leggings or shorts that are tight in the legs, similar to bike shorts, if she’s going to wear a dress. It’s not worth the fight and not unhealthy to go without underwear.

Seeing as people already jumped on me for something else I might as well say whay I wanted to…
Maybe girl panties are too girly.
Let her pick out her own underwear.
I have a 7 yo who went through the Exact thing. I bought Multiple pkgs of underwear.
My 18 yo child who is ftm trans suggested the boy shorts. Perfect.
Which leads me to… Let her pick out her own clothes. Explore. Who knows maybe its the girly aspect? Never know.


I would recommend boxer briefs. I wear them myself most of the time. They are way more comfy, like way more comfy. I’ve never liked traditional girl underwear even as a child I did the same thing when I was that age. I even went commando for awhile as an adult. As long as her goods are exposed, it doesn’t matter how they’re covered up.


Try a different style of underwear I think they even have undies that semi resemble shorts some styles can be uncomfortable for some and yet perfect for another

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Be assertive don’t let your child run your life and make her ware some …my mom would of spanked my ass and put some on me weather i liked it or not…this is the problem with parents now a days they let there kids choose to much and let them do what the hell they want…put some firmness in your voice and make her put them on !! Be the parent!!

I’m 36 and hate underwear! Lol seriously though I can’t stand wearing anything unless its in a boyshort style. See if you can find some good boyshort style underwear for her. Its kind of a compromise. My 10 and 12 yr olds both prefer them.


Maybe try boy shorts underwear

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My little granddaughter won’t wear panties, says they rub her vagina raw, I found playground shorts, super soft, woven with no seams, she will wear them. I hope you can find something comfy and be able to have a happy girl again.

Its a battle I would not fight and why make it an issue? Panties do nothing at such a young age (biker shorts under skirts/dresses of course). My daughter would only wear cotton pull on leggings and no panties until this year, she is now 12 and is discovering fashion and peer pressure. On her own she chose to wear panties AND jeans! I always had panties available and would suggest them but never fought her on it. She is her own person, let her be just that.


Let her pick them out

My daughter now 9 went through a phase of hating ‘Knickers’ because the frilly edges and elastic duh in and was uncomfortable, although she never got to the will not wear any stage and would only wear the little shorty ones she doesn’t mind so much now… must be a nightmare for you mum! Try little cycle shorts or shorts underwear see how she feels about them bless her she will get past it xx


I solved the problem with my daughters I bought them something called cartwheel shorts from the children’s place on line. They wear them under dresses and as underwear when going out. Other than that they are commando other times lol.:joy: wasn’t worth the headaches of tantrums and behavior issues. I went online to The Children’s Place. Give it a try, Good Luck!!!


Oh for the moms here saying you have to make her wear them. Shame on you !!!
Stop being so judgmental!!! Having a child with sensory issues is not that easy !! I have a 7 year old who can no have seams in clothes and absolutely not in the underwear there is one brand that she can wear.

Ma’am I hope you find something that will work for your daughter. I know exactly what you are going through.

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See if she likes the boys brief underware


Maybe let her wear boys boxer briefs ? Atheist its something

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Sounds like sensory processing issues to be honest. My 7 year old son does this.
Buy her some boys boxers or boxer briefs. The athletic ones that have less seams and see if that helps.
Edit. If those are an issue have her turn them inside out. The Seams of things really bother kids with sensory issues.

Buy different underwear that is soft and breathable. Little girls panties are super uncomfortable and itchy my daughter had the same issue at home she doesn’t wear any but she has breathable soft seamed underwear to wear out and about

My 4 yr old daughter is the same way and I asked her Dr about it and she had a good point, if women our age aren’t wearing underwear? I hate underwear it’s not comfortable, so how can we force our kids to do something that we might not be doing? And it’s ok that she doesn’t want too, it’s not considered unhealthy. My daughter does wear boxers under dresses or sleep shorts that look like boxers. Don’t fight the battle it’s really not worth the stress and argument, it’s ok as long as she’s got something on underneath with dresses.


I hate bras and underwear that dont feel like my pajama fabric. It is a sensory problem I have that stems from my Autism I like shorts under my dresses and sweatpants and just started getting boxer breifs or boy shorts I really hate under clothes

I dunno I’m 34 yrs old and I hardly ever wear underwear either :sweat_smile:


Boy cut is all I wear and find comfy. Maybe they would work. My son also hates to wear underwear, and it’s a battle I don’t consider worthy of fighting personally.

It may be a sensory issue. Try the ones that dont have elastic bands at the waist and legs. My daughter does much better with these cat and jack ones from target that have cloth around the elastic at the waist and the legs, more like cloth bands than that uncomfortable elastic

Buy some boy short underwear.

I never really liked underwear. I stop wearing them at 14 yrs old…maybe boxers for girls would help? Theyre more comfortable and well, short like…also theyre spandex so its more comfortable…

Would she wear boy shirts style underwear?

She may not like the shape. I wear the boy short shaped underwear because I hate the bikini cut ones between the crease in my leg pinches with them. I would talk with her and see about switching shapes.

What about trying boys underwear? Or the girls ones that are “boy cut” some you can even get are seemless so they are more comfortable

Id see if shes more comfy wearing boxer briefs

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Try boy shorts. Im an adult but I totally get it. I cant wear regular panties. They feel soooooo uncomfortable. So, I have to search everywhere to find them… goodluck.

I dont wear underwear and I’m fine lmao


Find sumtn she is comfy in,trial n error

Maybe let her pick out her own…direct her to boy shorts


Buy the boy short underwear for girls… Don’t call them underwear or panties and tell her they are special shorts for kids who don’t like underwear


Hanes sell boy shorts underwear for girls. She will love them.

I would see if you can find boxer briefs or boyshorts in her size. Maybe even boys boxer briefs. I honestly prefer them over panties some days. :woman_shrugging: They’re comfortable.


The little girl is digging clothes she will wear out of the laundry.
Wash the clothes she likes or buy more…
Goodwill or thrift stores for shorts.

Maybe try boy boxer briefs? They are similar to pajama shorts.

If shes wearing shorts willingly, go with boxers or boy shorts. With my daughter, injust had to go up a size since she doesnt like things snug on her skin (she refuses to wear jeans for the same reason.)