Boxers under dresses or at school if you really feel the need… Far more comfortable… there’s nothing wrong with not wearing underwear. I never have, the only time I do is when I’m on my period. Try other options not just straight to fighting over her wearing panties. They also have exercise shorts that work great with dresses.
She’s not comfortable and at the end of the day it’s her body. Offer alternatives but there’s no need to have full put screaming matches over underwear if anything that’s feeding it.
Get her some briefs from the boys section
They do sell girls short style underwear. They are much more comfortable
Legging shorts or bike shorts
Possibly has a yeast infection. Which could make her feel wor se by wearing tight undies
Hey momma try going to the boys section and buying some boxers briefs. They fit loser and are exactly like shorts! And still underpants!
Get her some boys briefs they make them in girls also i wouldnt make a big deal about it at that age she is just going to fight back harder the more you push the issue. She could also have a yeast infection maybe talk to her about why they are uncomfortable and ask her how you could help her feel better about wearing undies or trying the briefs is there something that can be fixed.
I’m not comfortable wearing underwear so I understand how she feels, I prefer men’s boxers to womens underwear, stop fighting it, it really not necessary until she starts her periods just buy her some more men boxers, and trust me they come in all different types they even have the high cut ones that you can wear under your denim Jean’s.
Let her choose her own underwear that’s comfortable to her surely that’s all that matters? You can buy short type i underwear maybe suggest them or get some cycling shorts for under skirts etc
Could have sensory processing disorder. My son refused to wear underwear and I would get so frustrated and then he started to do it with clothes only wearing certain types of shirts and trying to wear the same thing for days. Got him tested and found out about sensory issues. May be worth doing some research because there are therapies to help them overcome it.
Try jocks. They’re so much note comfortable.
Pick your battles, if they’re the underwear with the scalloping around the legholes I completely understand her P.O.V they’re not comfy! Chuck on some boxer briefs, get some crazy cheap some of different cuts and see what she likes. And shorts under school uniform should be a non issue tbh, it’s not life threatening so chillaxe - and I do mean that with kindness
Boxers i couldnt wear anything else because it would get so bad i couldn walk and even bleed
tell her if she doesn’t wear underpants then she can’t wear anything
What about trying boys?
Or I got my daughter short type knickers from next?
My daughter hates underwear too. I just pick my battles and let her wear shorts under her dresses.
Boxers, they’re definitely more comfortable than girls/womens underwear
My little girl used to wear boy short underwear when she was smaller. Walmart sold them then. A lot more comfortable fitting.
Just get her 7 pairs of shorts that are like those others. When my daughter wears dresses I always put shorts under it! She’s 5 and opens her legs all the time… shorts keep her private area PRIVATE. IMO all girls with dresses on should wear shorts underneath until they are old enough to learn how to keep their legs closed in public while wearing a dress! Good luck mamma!
Sounds like she’d be comfortable in boxers. can’t say I blame her who likes underwear riding up into the cracks?
I don’t wear them for the same reason. But if I wear a dress I wear tight shorts underneath.
What’s the harm of her not wearing them? Its actually beneficial for us not to wear them. Unless we have our period
Try getting her boy shorts type under or boxers…it’s probably a sensory issue
My girls are 3 & 5. They both have recently started giving me issues about their panties. So I went and found the softest, seamless panties I could find and so far that has stopped the problems. My older girl has SPD and she likes things a certain way. Like she likes briefs not bikini style. There are also shorts specifically for under skirts. They are basically like shorter style bike shorts. Maybe try boyshort style panties?
Maybe try boy leg underwear or even boys underwear? My sister never liked girls underwear. she was about 7ish and my great grandma accidentally bought her jocks because they had spiderman on them and she knew my sister would like them ever since she has preferred men’s underwear
My daughter hates underwear and she HATES socks. “The bead mom the bead, fix it” (she absolutely hates the seam)
She hates jeans too and will only wear leggings. We do our best to find items that don’t pinch or otherwise annoy. Panties I buy a little bigger so the elastic doesn’t dig into her legs and spend a fortune on outfits with leggings and socks with no toe seams
Sounds like a sensory issue, my autistic and neurotypical child have sensory issues when it comes to clothes so if it’s honestly bothering her that much then I would find her something she does like. Like others have suggested boxers are a great idea maybe let her feel inside the packages so she can pick one she prefers. Personally microfiber is a favorite for us
Get her some boys boxer briefs…they are tight fitting and comfortable
I suggest seamless undies. I too have issues with the seam and elastic. I also don’t like the crotch fabric to be too wide.
She might have sensory issues. Just let her wear shorts under her dresses. As long as her bottom is covered!!
It’s a real thing. Try buying different kinds until u find some for her that are comfy
It does sound like a sensory issue. Have you tried all the different kinds of underwear? You said she will wear pj shorts in place of underwear look for a style of underwear like them or yes buy a pair of pj shorts for everyday and let that be your compromise. My youngest boy has gone commando sense he was 5 because he can’t stand underwear
Why would you force her wear underwear? I’m sorry but its her body not yours. I totally get making her wear shorts under a dress but other than that who cares? I know a good handful of adults that never wear them my 12 year old son hasn’t worn a pair in at least a year. Do you know how many times we’ve had a huge fight about it? Zero. Pick your battles underwear is not worth it.
Maybe she’d like these
Underwear or not I always have my girls wear shorts or leggings under her dresses maybe she wants the shorts cuz kids are teasing her or something I say pick your battles and save your energy for the bigger problems
Try boxer briefs or boy short style panties
Try getting her some boy short ones
Find out the reasons why she isn’t wearing them. Are they tight? Have you considered purchasing the boy shorts underwear for women? She may like those
Have you tried different types of underwear? My oldest one only likes boy shorts or seamless. My middle daughter prefers silky boys boxer briefs. My youngest daughter doesn’t care…
This is a sensory issue. Change the style of panties. Let her pick out new styles.
Dollar store has duct tape.
Maybe try boys boxer briefs? Or girls boy shorts? I also hate regular underwear. Its the worst
Let her go without. What is the problem with that besides underwear are way too expensive anyway.
What about boxer briefs? Who cares if they are boys underwear if maybe they will be more comfy for her under a dress?
Something its just a power thing, as the Mama of 4 and grandmother of 2, they will just pick something in this case underwear to express their budding independence. Maybe try boxers or another style and give jer options of which ones to wear. Tell its her choice which ones to wear, but she’s wearing 1 of them. This allows her to feel like she has a little independence and a choice… it may help her and you !
That was my daughter as well. She outgrew it but she would only wear underwear that were too big. Was a 10 but bought size 16 and she was fine
We bought both of my girls these super soft boy short panties when they were about that age. It wasn’t a sensory issue with them it was more that the boy shorts more stayed put better than the brief kind.
Try boys boxer briefs they fit looser than girls and will feel more like shorts for her
I wouldnt fight the battle with her. There will be bigger battles in life. Get her the type of shorts she wants or let her go with none. Use your energy elsewhere .
I would tell her if she can’t listen then she needs to wear them all the time. Also my little one lije boys boxers but now they have them for girls it’s worth a try.
Well u could make a game out of it and tell her that mommie not that, ask her why and see what she says, try not to get mad,
I’m sensitive to clothing textures. Buy new underwear but make sure she can feel the texture first and cut out all the tags
If she likes shorts maybe she will wear the girls boxers.
She could have scensory disorder my sister did and this is almost the same thing that happened
Get her boy short underwear.
She could have a sensory disorder. I have one where things have to be tight to my body and I went through meltdowns before school because my clothes weren’t comfortable to me as well. Please look into it. If my mom and I would have known it would have really helped me and made things so much easier for me growing up.
My sister went threw this we put her in girls boxers instead as she got older she started whereing knickers
Where’s the harm in commando? Two of mine (7 yo twins) have Sensory Processing Disorder and choose no undies. They were gym shorts under pants sometimes when its cold.
Perhaps its sensory issues. They make special clothes for that. Target has a line of sensory friendly clothes for kids. Maybe try boy underwear since it mimicked the pjs Good luck. I couldn’t get my daughter to wear jeans for years
So she likes the pj shorts? Maybe she’d be more open to the boy shorts style in a really soft material. Have you tried taking her to the store and asking her to pick some? I am super picky myself and part of it is where seams are and part is fitting correctly for the most part but then being tight in one area. I also cannot stand high waists. Try asking her. And honestly, if you think it would help then let her go without when wearing pants/shorts. As others have said, no one would know.
My niece switched to the boy shorts cut and she liked those better, but I also remember not ever wanting to wear it either
My first daughter would hide her panties constantly. She said she didn’t like them cuz they were tight. We had to get her almost fall off panties then she wore them.
Try some boys briefs. Those might not ride up like some of these crap panties even us women have to deal with.
Get her more of the shorts she likes.
My daughter is 10 and has been that way forever I buy the girl short underwear and sometimes boys boxer brief the tight ones shes fine with those
My mom didnt mind buying every different kind of underwear for my boys until they liked the ones she got. She swore its the waistband being too tight and the elastic. Shes right, everyone prefers cotton style boy short and specifically husky size for my bigger boy. Sounds like she wont have a choice here pretty soon once she starts womanhood.
Try letting her wear boys boxers, they fit more like shorts and would work just as good as undies
My 3 year old dislikes undies so we do cartwheel shorts a lot. She loves them and they are so comfortable for her and I love that nobody can see anything when she wears dresses with them.
We went through the same thing with my daughter. Everytime she had to change her undies it was a fight because she said they didn’t fit her right even though they were fine. We just had to buy a few different kinds to see which ones “fit” her the best and were comfortable for her. After we found what she likes we haven’t had any issues.
I really hate to say this because alot of people r going to be upset about it , but who is the PARENT and who is the child ??? We decide to have children , fine , but if u decide that than b a PARENT , I’m 52 and if my parents told me I had to do something , I JUST DID IT , I’m sorry but that’s part of this world being as bad as it is , WHO knows best YOU or ur 7 year old kid ??? They no nothing but what u teach them , u had them so b a teacher , that’s like letting a dog shit on the floor over and over again and letting them do what they want !!! Set down the law ,and they will get over it , they will listen if u make them , take away tv , or their favorite video game , you had them now it’s time to actually be a parent !!!
Most parents today let their children control them , back in the day I would have gotten a good spanking , and than I would have done what my PARENTS said !!!
Take her shopping. They sell girls “boy shorts” underwear. They are longer in the leg. Don’t get the cheaper Fruit of the loom or Haines brand. Those are just underwear without elastic in the leg. They bunch and “ride up”, very uncomfortable.
Sensory issues possibly?.. My son has sensory issues with a LOT of stuff he’s been diagnosed with, socks and shoes and certain pants and shirts are a HUGE struggle. not to mention food and hair brushes, tooth brushes, toothpaste etc. It’s rough so I feel your pain.
My daughter was similar and it’s a sensory processing issue. She doesn’t like seams, tags or certain materials.
We found microfiber tagless seamless underwear on amazon that she likes.
I’m the same way. It’s very common.
My daughter just turned 8 and I would never force her to wear something that’s uncomfortable and hurts her just because “I said so”. When wearing said uncomfortable items she couldn’t focus, was distracted etc that’s far more of an issue
Who says we need to wear underwear. Its likely a sensory thing for her and fighting about it isnt going to help. As long a she is covered. If she wears a dress or something see if she will wear tights or shorts under it. Have her be part of that choice tho. It will help you and her get some peace about it
Take her out and let her choose which ones she’d like to wear. That way, she’s picked them
Get more shorts cause she clearly likes them better. Buy girls boxer style.
Buy her a few of them, if the school looks up hedress they are the ones that will be in trouble
So why not just buy her a bunch of shirts or boxers if that’s what she’s comfortable in?
My daughter really hated wearing underwear too and would throw fits about wearing them. She still takes them off at home, as soon as she can but she’ll wear them out in public in clothes she has to wear them with. I bought her undies that were bigger, just like a size up from what she’d be wearing and I bought her ones she really liked (Frozen and Ugly Dolls). It’s taken time and negotiation but she will wear them. I also let her wear a lot of bike shorts and leggings where she doesn’t need to wear underwear and that’s her favorite. Really, there’s quite a bit of clothing she could wear that doesn’t require underwear. For the longest time, I’d just have my daughter wear bike shorts instead because - for whatever reason - those were more acceptable to her then undies.
Why does she have to wear underwear? I understand if she’s wearing leggings that are kinda see through or a skirt but for jeans or something why does she have to wear underwear if she doesn’t want to?
l would question why she reacts so avidly, l am glad you are speaking to her Doctor soon. l wish l could advise you some how, just wanted t send encouragement
Why is this a power struggle? She doesn’t like underwear. Is it really worth the screaming tantrums. As long as she is covered it shouldn’t be an issue.
Don’t make her wear underwear. Get her more shorts to wear under her dresses, ones you Sean “appropriate” and be done with it. Who cares? I don’t wear underwear, it’s uncomfortable, stop trying to force a circle into a square and let her be herself!
Let her wear bike shorts. Some have cotton crotches. No different than boxers and they come in colors.
If she doesn’t want to wear underwear tell her she has to wear pants and no dresses.
Is it really that serious? Let her go without. If she wears a dress then she MUST wear bicycle shorts. No big deal. If she wants to wear regular shorts then let her get some boy short undies. Pick your battles momma. There are far more important thing to worry about. My 4 year old son rarely wears underwear because he has a hard time pulling them up and the get all twisted. She won’t die without them, I promise!
It could be the seams are rubbing her skin, try putting them on inside out, my son has to do this with his daughter’s socks
My son is 8 and he just started not wanting to wear underwear. I just pick my battles. He also doesn’t wear jeans or any type of long pants just basketball ball shorts
Whose the parent here? For hygiene purposes alone she should do what she is told! Stop pandying to a child! Children need rules to follow and boundaries. They are not capable of making their own at this age. Not wearing underwear is totally disgusting. If she falls over or something happens she will be embarrassed and then she will have something to whinge about!!
Maybe she isn’t getting the correct size if they are uncomfortable. How about go a size bigger?