My 7-year-old still has accidents: Advice?

Have you ever heard of Soursop leaves. Look it up it helps with bed wetting issues. It also helps kill worms in the intestines too. A lot of great benefits brewing the leaves into a tea. If you can get the fruit that’s good as well.

At 7 years old it’s time to bring him to the pediatrician… I have a son who has some challenges- and wears pull ups. So when he hits seven it’s time if needed to visit the pediatrician for this

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I would check with the doctor. My 7 year old was wetting the bed a couple times a week if he drank anything after a certain time. It turned out he has a small bladder.

Is he ok?? Worried or scared about anything?? Talk to him see if he reveals anything… decrease his fluid intake at least 1/2 hours before bed no liquids, and try a weighted blanket,my sis used on her son and it works…

Take him to the doctor’s it could be a medical issue Ecopresis. Bed wetting can be caused by lack of ADH at night and I believe they have treatment for it. Go see a doctor

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I had a hard time pooping I had ripped my insides of my butt which was called a Fisher when I was a kid it’s not pleasant maybe he needs to just soak in the tub for a while. My help and they put me on metamucil for it all right I hope it gets better the thoughts and prayers are with you

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I would say remind him often during the day to take a potty break especially before leaving anywhere and when they come back home from being out. I had a small bladder and didn’t want to stop playing as well I was 10 before I grew out of the day time wetting the nights were close to that age as well but were worst due to nightmares. I’d also have dreams I was peeing on the toilet but it was in my bed. Patience with him love and constant reminders will help during the day but at night don’t worry just get covers for the mattress and a couple chucks let him know to take the wet stuff to the washer and teach him how to change his clothes and sheets if he attends a sleepover give him a pull up for night. Good luck and a big hug. I know it’s difficult but it gets better.

This may sound odd but I had the same situation with my son. I tried everything and nothing worked. He didn’t mind peeing/pooping in an ice cream bucket. I felt so dumb bringing an ice cream bucket to daycare but it worked. No more accidents!

Is there anything going on in the house that makes him nervous. I wet the bed until I was 11 or 12 i.lived with an abusive father so I think I was just a mess. Maybe he is spoiled and lashing out in jealousy of younger siblings. Could be so many underlying factors. His cognitive health may have tested. His primary should be able to suggest something to help out to find the underlying issue. At this age one would think these things are controlled. Unless he is on the spectrum or has PTSD or.some underlying physiological issues. Good luck

Yes please see a doctor. This may not be getting distracted and not wanting to stop doing what hes doing to potty.

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I would definitely talk to a doctor, because at that age he’s going to try to come up with a reason because you’re upset without fully knowing why.

my 6 and 7 year olds decided one day they were totally dry n done with nappies when they were 4 and 5, whereas my eldest is only recently dry at night he 9. the accidents in the day is a behaviour thing but at night its different. it’s ok that he isnt dry at night, not fun but normal. iv known children who weren’t dry at night til they were much older. I’d concentrate on fixing his toilet habits during the day and let the night ones happen when hes ready as that’s a hormone thing as opposed to a behaviour xxx

Try talking to your child’s doctor. Explaining your concerns and having the doctor either talk to him and explain how gross it is and how bad it is for him and the doctor can also tell if there may be a medical co cern on why this is happening. They can also give you amazing tips on how to handle this at home, what to watch for, and how to hopefully stop this

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Ive worked for peds and urologist. There can be a medical thing or 2. But some kids are just lazy and dont want to stop playing their game. Check with dr first… Limit drinks past a certain time a night… Bathroom before bed. And scheduled bathroom breaks. Before get in a car… Before anything need to do to eleviate accidents happening

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i was told to let them clean their own undies. my son was 3 when he potty trained, clean 2 or 3 of his poopy gitch and that was that

Yes DEF make him use the toilet frequently as per pee , the poop a lot of the time people have a general time to poop say Mornings or arvo tap into that and remind him that He needs to stop what he’s doing and go IF needed . Then he has to wash his OWN laundry that he souled by hand like that them off go to toilet drop the poop in there flush then go into the laundry and rinse out his undies thaaats a lot more work than going to the toilet when needed and make sure when he is doing his own laundry the other kids get to do something fun or a treat time he won’t wNt to miss out hence no messing yourself then

I suggest no pullups…have home clean up himself…no water or drink after 8pm and reward him for dry nites…see if that work… don’t be too hard on him…not too sure about no.2…

He will not walk down the isle with poop or wet pants. Check with dr. Give him time. Might take till teens. Try and be Patient and just have him take care of it is my advice.

Pediatric urologist he can determine if it’s due to a problem or improper growth

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My son used to do this and I told him that everything can be paused to go to the toilet. so any game people are playing or an activity just say pause please and we all pause so he can use the toilet. And at night we carry them to the toilet when we go to bed which seems to help and then just stop when they don’t tend to have much of a wee xx

people he’s peeing and pooping his pants there’s something wrong he needs to be checked out by a psychiatrist and therefore his pediatrician not normal

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My son’s pediatrician said not to worry until he is 12 about wetting the bed. I don’t have a clue about pooping.

It will take two weeks of you waking him up every two hours to go…if he still has ‘accidents’ you might try a switch.

My son is on a prescription med to help with bed wetting abs he is 10 I’m sorry i don’t know the name since he doesn’t live with us at the moment.

I was having this issue with my step daughter and she would tell me she forgot or was busy i would take things away and not let her do things and i would make her goto the bathroom every hr no matter what. Still nothing unless she had friends over then she wouldnt have not one single “accident” all day long and so the next time she had an “accident” during the day i made her stay in her pissy pants for about 10 mins and i let her change not take a shower till that night before bed amd she didnt like that and her “accidents” started slowing down alot after that and then one day i watched her through the window and watched her get up from what she was doing to go hide and pee her pants so she had to stay in her pissy pants for 15mins and got grounded for the weekend and was not aloud to go stay the night at gmas with her sister. After that her “accidents” almost completely stopped besides at night and i simply stop letting her have drinks at a certain time and make her goto the bathroom a few times before bed. She only has accidents when she tries to sneak drinks and now she will get in trouble because she knows she will pee her bed if she has drinks before bed

Could be emotional issues…my boy had many accidents…then I found out he was being bullied at school…as soon as it stopped…he stopped having accidents

If he has a accedent you can’t do nothing about it bc he’s potty trained and there should be no drinking anything before he goes to bed

A Potty watch worked for my girl who was the same. Now, night accidents are rare and usually only happen when she sneaks drinks behind my back.

Is he constipated? My son poops himself multiple times a day if he doesn’t have miralax every day and sometimes he will pee himself. He is 6, almost 7.

My son is 11 and ive tried meds and waking him up on our way to see a dr for it. Because ive run outta ideas

Set an alarm on your phone to make him go to the restroom every hour or so. I know it sucks having to be on top of him like that but he admitted to not wanting to miss out on whatever it is hes doing at the the time of the accidents. The only way to fix the bad routine is to start a new good routine. As for bed time stop drinks a couple of hours before bed.

Cut back on how much he drinks before bed and ask him every 20 minutes if he needs to go to the bathroom

Be patient with him taking things away will not teach him do not humiliate him talk to him be patient like he would want someone to be with you he’s just a little you

This can also mean underlying issues… maybe the child isn’t telling the parent everything

If he’s admitting that he’s doing it intentionally because he doesn’t want to stop what he is doing. Then you do need to take stuff away. And only give it back after he has done what you require of him. If that is the basis on which he has to earn anything extra then he will choose to go willingly. As mean as people make this out to be, him getting beat up by the school bully for peeing himself in school will be worse. #reality.

i think its pretty common with boys. bot my brothers wet the bed for a long time whereas us girls didnt really have a problem with it

Most of the time the answer makes so much sense and turns out to be something so simple.

For my daughter we since the Daniel tiger song! “When you have to go potty, STOP! And go right away! Flush and wash and be on your way!” Look up the Daniel tiger song app! It has all the songs organized by category

My son wet the bed for years. I think alot had to do with him having ADHD.

Just asking out of curiosity, do you make him use the washroom enough? How does he do in school? And yes have him checked by dr? Does he understand when to use the bathroom? Etc.

It more common than you think. Exspecally while sleeping normally until the age of 12

Try taking him to the bathroom every hour??

My 6 yr old has this same issue he got an xray done and was told that he is very backed up due to being constipated and thats whats making him pee during the night he has no control over hes bladder

Mandatory bathroom breaks but definitely see the doctor. Could be worms, could be weak muscles, could be many things.

Remind him every so often throughout the day to go to the bathroom

During the day when he’s playing, call him in whether he likes it or not, and tell him he need s to go to the bathroom. Every day at the same time and after a while he will be coming home on his own. I wish you the best!

Maybe a pediatrician would have better advice than Facebook??

Have you talked to your pediatrician?

Take him to a doctor/paediatrician as he may have a medical issue. Good luck :kissing_heart:

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Make him a Dr appointment for it could be something that he has to have help to control it


Appointment with a Pediatric Urologist.

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My cousin had five kids and one had issues. Come to find out they had a pinched nerve or something in their back that was caused by back needing to be adjusted and stretch’s to be done.

Talk to your doctor sometimes there is medical reason.

My son had this issue 2 please be gentle please be kind he can’t help it … It’s just long process

Take him to a pediatric urologist. They specialize in this.

Deffo consult pediatrician could be underline problems with your son

have his kidneys checked or could be small bladder

Definitely see a doc. There HAS to be a reason he’s doing that at that age. Good luck to ya

See a urologist. He could have an obstruction.

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Get a potty watch for daytime and set a time to stop drinking to help tackle the nighttime

His bladder may not be completely matured. Ask his dr about it

Ask your Dr. Something is not right

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Some kids pee the bed. They eventually out grow it.

What kind of juices do you give your children

I had a new wet the bed till he was 16 the dr said his blatter had to grow

I really wpuld talk with your dr just to make sure.

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I would check with a Dr.

Please don’t take away family time and family connections as a punishment.

I’d try to get a referral to a ped urologist.

Just be very careful this can often b a sign of sexual abuse tread very carefully and b sure to rule this out also.

Is there a possibility he’s being molested?? Not wanting to expose genitals is a sign of abuse. At this age, you really need to consider ALL possibilities.

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He will grow out of it trust me

There is an episode about pottying and listening to your body and having to stop your fun to potty and going back to it on the show Word Party. It’s on Netflix that might help

8 yo sister has IBS so it causes her to have accidents alot.
10 yo sister has PTSD from a sexual assault so she has accidents alot.
Seeing a doctor and or a psychologist, whether or not they’ve experienced something traumatic, could be helpful.
It could be something as simple as hes scared of the dark or thinks he might get in trouble if he’s out of bed after bedtime :woman_shrugging:
Or it could be something medical where his body cant control the muscles that prevent accidents.

I have family that had the same issue. They talked to the pediatrician and it turns out his muscles never fully developed. He went on medicine and it helped.

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All these comments have really good advice… I would also try this… I’ve heard psychologists offer it to children who struggle :blush:

It’s like you guys didn’t even read the whole thing, she says that her son has admitted that it’s because he dsnt want to miss out that he has these “accidents” which are not rly accidents cuz he knows what he’s doing lol


Talk to the pediatrician, see a urologist. I hope you get answers, but my son is 11 and still has accidents every single night, we’ve tried everything from waking him up at night to medications, and between. Nothing has worked or even helps… We’ve just accepted it as our fate and deal with it.

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Talk w pediatrician asap. Maybe a good counselor could help (ie possible ADHD). Really important to note that this is also a sign of sexual abuse / trauma. Please seek professional help to rule this out & get support for him if needed.

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Take him to the doctor please.

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Talk to your pediatrician

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Talk to his pediatrician!


Talk to your doctor!

Everyone please click on My daughter photo and like it! Thank you so much :blush:

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Take him to a doctor.

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See a pediatrician. My son did the same. He was given a catheter for a bladder study that didn’t find anything, but the day wetting stopped immediately. I guess he decided that he would rather take time to pee than have to get another catheter. The night wetting continued until he was a preteen. Your son may have a health issue. Better to be sure.


We just got my daughter completely potty trained and she will be 9 in august. Her issue was she just didn’t want to take the time out and miss something so she would hold it as long as she could then she would have an accident running to the bathroom. We finally just started setting a timer for every hour during the day time. Even if she told us she didn’t need to go we would tell her she had to stop what she was doing and at least go try. After a week or two she got to where she would go on her own.


My son is 11. He was diagnosed with Encopresis at a young age. Understanding that and learning how to deal with it have helped with management. Keeping accidents very minimal. He has a timer that reminds him to use the bathroom every hour. While at school, we work out a schedule with his teachers to ensure he goes to the bathroom.


My son had accidents until he was 5, he only stopped after we got his tonsils out. Turned out he had sleep apnea and slept so deeply he could not wake up. We thought and he told us that he didnt want to stop during the day. Turns out we were wrong. Dont punish him take him to the doctor have a candid conversation about the situation it can make the world of difference. Good luck!


Our oldest did this as well. The only solution was to take everything from him until he learned nothing was more important than going to the bathroom. If he went great for a week he would earn something back. If he had a legit accident he wasn’t in trouble but he was in trouble when using the excuse of I don’t want to miss out. We also explained to him that those reasons themselves were why he is bullied for being the smelly kid at school. This was after taking him to a doctor’s to ensure nothing was physically causing it.


No caffeine or sugary drinks after like 6pm. This includes juice. Instead of taking things away, make mandatory potty breaks every 30 mins during the day. Stop all activities and go potty. My daughter still had accidents until she was 10.5 yrs old. We had to do this. As far as the pooping, have a dr look at him. We found out our daughter had been constipated and it still hurt to sit on the toilet and poop. Once we got her on stool softeners for a month, her issues stopped. No more pooping her pants.


When I married my husband I became stepmom to two amazing kiddos! The oldest was 7 and still in pull ups. We made a routine at night. No drinks an hour before bed. So he would slam water before that. Then go potty before laying down. Half an hour to an hour of tv time before falling asleep. When we turned the tv off we would have him try to go potty again. It worked for us. Hope it might help you some too!

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So I had this issue as a kid. I would get so excited and engrossed in what I was doing, I would have an accident because I didn’t want to miss out. I would reassure him that whatever he was doing will still be there when he gets back from the bathroom and definitely ask a doctor if there is anything else you can try. My mom used one of those buzzers that makes a scary loud buzzing when you wet but all it did waa terrify me and stop my sleeping. I still have anxiety attacks and dissociate when I hear a similar droning buzzing sound.


Have you looked into it with your dr? Sometimes there is a medical but sometimes it just take them a lot longer than others. And for some reason boys seem to have this issue more than girls. Be patient and good luck


Everytime I talked to the doctor about my son who is 12 now he wasn’t concerned… This was about a year or a little longer… we have to constantly stay on him to poop because he doesn’t like to which made him wet the bed at night. I also, take him to the chiropractor because he has leg issues that makes his lower back off and that part of your back is related to your bowels… there is no need for a specialist or freaking out.

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My son had accidents at night up until 9. Not every night but every so often. We cut him off at a certain time and talked to his doctor. He eventually grew out of it. His doctor said some kids just can’t wake themselves up during the night to use the bathroom. After awhile he just completely stopped on his own.


I had a cousin who’s daughter did it. Mostly poop. Doc said that wasn’t feeling the FEELING and when she did is was too late. They actually gave her a med that helped her.


Hmm. Well, have you talked to his doctor about it? There may be something more than just “we were busy and I didn’t want to stop”. Another thing you might try is trying to time train him(yes, I know it sounds like something stupid). Basically, you set an alarm for him to go at certain times. Say…7am, 11am, 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm. Plus depending on his bedtime-right before bed-as in when he’s done in the bathroom, straight into bed. Cut all drinks off at least an hour before bed. As for the set times…don’t let him argue it or pass it up. If you can train his bladder to “go” at set times, it may help get him into a regular pattern of going. Praise him for going at his set times. You can add or subtract the amount of times you want to set.

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My nephew is 10 and does the same thing. He will pee in the toilet but wont poop. Hes went to specialist and all. They say he simply cant tell when hes got to go. That’s not true its because he doesnt want to stop what he’s doing to go. We’ve also tried taking things away and all. We’ve been going through this his whole life. It’s not abuse or attention seeking it’s just him. I don’t have any advice seeing nothing has worked for us. Just wanted to let you know you’re not alone.

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