My 7 year old still has accidents: Advice?

I would make sure all the bases are covered night terrors,nightmares ,afraid of the dark or if she’s just scared to get up at night alone ,try a schedule where u wake her up around midnight to see if she needs to pee n don’t give her liquids after a certain time only water

I would try Chiropractic. The first subluxation a person has is normally during birth. An adjustment may relieve any pressure on the nerves that serve the bladder. Some children, while laying down, cannot feel the urge or need to go, so when the bladder is full it releases. It’s definitely worth a try.

Hi mom when i was lil i use to hve these accidents. I hve a very weak bladder so my mum stopped giving me liquids befre bed time. I remember she had made me bed liners. I stopped by the time i started school.

We were recommended to give our daughter a Wobl watch which done wonders an also to purchase brolle sheet that covers the kids sleeping area so it holds 200mls of water and we also cut the glass of water before bed as she got to the teen years we had her referred to a medical assistant in the hostipal on which come back to be an over reacted bladder and was just to make her drinking non sweet drinks and consume a daily amount.She is now 13 and we’ve had a few odd accident but we are supposed to allow her to grow out of it

Short answer: abuse, mental health problems, stubbornness, or just not ready. My daughter wet the bed until she was 7ish. I put plastic sheets on her bed then regular sheets. She had clean sheets in her room along with Lysol wipes. She could change her sheets and quickly wipe her plastic down in the night and go back to bed. Bed wetting is so common. Please don’t punish her for it. The day time wetting is another issue. Seek mental health help. My daughter bed wet until 7, and now she has been diagnosed with adhd and anxiety. They go hand in hand. Never be afraid to seek help. I’ll say a prayer for you

I can understand the bedwetting but if she’s wetting her self during the day There’s some underlying issue.

Could be a sign that she is being sexually abused. But let’s just hope its an attention getter.

I would recommend at least one session with a therapist, I would say there’s probably more to it than just the wetting. Possibly something more that she doesn’t know how to express? I’m not talking about meds, a therapist, third party to bounce a conversation back and forth with about the subject in a non-frustration-despair aspect. Hope you see this.

We got our boy up in the middle of the night also used a reward deal good luck hang in there

I had this problem when I was a kid. My mom got some sort of underwear alarm that would go off if I peed and it only took like 3 nights and I quit peeing the bed!

This is just a suggestion but apparently my father did it and my grandparents used hypnotherapy on him and it worked.

My little boy has this issue he was diagnosed with spd he likes the feeling of sitting in wet clothing,

It could be something as simple as your child sleeps too deep to wake up and go to the bathroom. My son did this until he was about 13 and his aunt on his dad’s side was the same way.

It’s psychological related. There is a deeper issue. If the child is still having accidents it’s not a matter of something physical, it’s psychological. Look more into it. Maybe a therapist?

I did as a younger kid I hated it but I wouldn’t drink past 6 and still wet the bed I just finally stopped at some point

She doesn’t care? What kind of insensitive mother are you. Put a pad down stop shaming her. Frick get that poor kid outta this house you are causing more harm. Yes let’s take away tablets and things cause of stuff you can not control. You numpty

Has she been checked for diabetes? This was happening with a friend’s child and it turned out to be diabetes.

Put her back in diapers at night? It would be uncomfortable and might discourage it? Although she might just take it off or use it as an excuse? I guess it depends on her personality

I went through the same thing. No drinks after 7 pm, and I had her pee before she went to bed, and I got her up before I went to bed.

What time does your daughter go to sleep? How many hours is she asleep? What time does she wet her bed? Is it always at the same time?
Try this:

  1. have her go to the bathroom to pee before bed.
  2. I don’t know what time you go to bed but wake her up before you go to bed and have her pee again.
  3. maybe put a timer on your phone for another 5 hours later and have her get up again to pee.
    I know it might seem a lot but give it a try and see how it goes.

Sounds odd but maybe try taking her to an obgyn, she young but of theres something wrong down there they maybe able to tell too. My one friend has a daughter whos a teen now and it turned out shes unable to feel when she needs to go sometimes

It takes some longer to control but it does get better over time. The alarm helps with the training there is also pads you can buy to help protect the mattress.

Also my daughter had an ultrasound it came back normal,so went back to urologist they made her drink a lot of fluid and asked her to pee while on the table and watched on the screen while cystoscopy was in her urethra and that is how they found out her bladder was to small,please go see another urologist for your daughter

Hi momma, if you PM me I’ll try to help, or at the very least you’ll have someone to talk to.y daughter just turned 7 and I’ve been in the EXACT same position as you, so I completely understand how you feel :heart:

Put pull ups on her. And if she’s to big for them get the adult ones in smaller size.My Granddaughter is 10 and she still wets the bed.But they got her the adults diaper painty’s. They help

Maybe see another urologist?my daughter did this had mad test done found out her bladder was too small,went into day stay surgery and had her bladder stretched,all bed wetting peeing in her pants all day long totally stopped she was 9 at the time also showed she had horse shoe kidneys

My son was 6 and kept peeing his pants. Took him to the doc and he had something wrong inside I don’t remember details cuz it was 30 years ago. Anyway they had to do surgery on him to fix it. He was fine after that

Some children do this until puberty. The bed wetting that is.

I think I would get a 2nd opinion if her doctor says it’s normal I mean to me it’s not normal and it sounds like a 50/50 census on here some say it’s normal some say it’s not mom? What do you think? Go with your gut moms gut is usually on point! I saw someone mention a chiropractor I wouldn’t be surprised if that worked chiropractors can fix ears to lol good luck!

I dont know if this will be any help but it solved our problems and we were very surprised. My son was wetting crazy until about 5-health visitor told me that blackcurrant juice could be the cause…cut it out. No more accidents.

My daughter does this . She is “high functioning” on the spectrum

16-18 dollars an hr? How do you decide who gets the higher pay?

See a child psychologist and don’t shame and embarrass her!

Have them check her for Lyme disease and co infections.

She is low in and needs calcium magnesium. Whole food supplimentation only!

My child wet the bed at night till she was about 12. Went to Drs had tonsils and adenoids out woke her up every two hours nothing worked she eventually stopped on her own. She put her in pull ups at night. Change sheets in morning if need be.

Have her tested for diabetes.

You need a different dr

My son honestly wet the bed till he was about 13, seen many doctors and nothing. Then one day he just stopped. I understand your frustration in which I had alot of also. She lies and sits in it because she doesn’t want to upset you because she can’t co trol it. Do yourself a favor buy a plastic mattress cover and they sell larger attends have her wear one at night so she can’t just throw it away in the morning. Also remind her to use the bathroom through out the day.

same exact thing here, nothing medically wrong, saw a pediatric urologist for a while, used miralax…shes 10 and almost every night…ive given up. im so worn out from washing bedding and constantly buying supplies (its just the two of us) and i used to be that weird person who loved doing laundry…im just more mentally exhausted and constantly trying to figure out where i went wrong…also never day time accidents at all, but she wets almost every night, some amount, some lights, others everything is sopping in the morning, and even when its a little bit and has dried by morning, she keeps to same pj’s on and wears clothes that have been wet on a little, and she cant smell it at all and she reeks a lot…i have no idea myself what to do anymore…

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When my sister was very little, her urethra started to close, and could not feel when she had to go to the restroom— that could be a dr. Visit check also

I wish I could help you :heart::heart::heart:

Christine Kelsay you can relate to this

Sexual abuse, reflux, take her to a different urologist, then maybe a psychiatrist.