My 7-year-old stole from Walmart: What should I do?

I need honest advice and please no rudeness. I’m at my wits end with my 7-year-old daughter. She has always stolen things from her brother and sister, but she took it to another level and stole from Walmart the other day when I wasn’t looking and got caught at school with the item she stole. She has faced the consequences over and over for stealing, being disrespectful to adults, throwing tantrums, you name it. And we have tried everything it seems. Positive reinforcement, positive incentives, punishment by grounding, taking things away, behavior therapy…meds…and it she just continues to be out of control and steal and constantly lie. Then she throws a fit when she’s caught and gets in trouble as if she is the one being done wrong has anyone else faced these issues with their child? My mum also isn’t the fondest of the idea due to the reasons that we split, and she doesn’t want it all to happen again, so that is another battle that I have on my hands. I feel everyone wouldn’t bet against us, and our own issues already… but the hardest person I’d have to go against is my mum. I can’t do that…


Make her bring the item back to the store manager, apologize, and explain herself.
Having to explain and own up to someone that’s not a family member, and hear from someone else why it wasnt ok may help!
If this is an ongoing issue therapy may be beneficial for her as well.


Yes make her take it back and explain what she did

I would make her take it back to the shop and explain to the manager why she did it. There’s also obviously a deeper reason as to why she’s acting out - talk to her, get to the bottom of it

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Make her sit in the cart like a baby when you take her in the store if she cant be trusted .


Could you maybe try having a police officer come to your house & explain to her that when people steal they go to jail?


I’d talk to the local police,tell them what’s going on.See if they will scare her,fake arrest her,and put her in a cell.Maybe see if you can tour a prison/To show her how she’s going to end up,if she doesn’t change.


I stole something small when i was little, my mom forced me to go back in and explain what i did, give it back to them, and say i was sorry and stuff. I was SO embarrassed i never even thought of doing it again

I would take her to Walmart to return it and also take her to the police station. She committed a crime and police deal with crime. That should be your message to her.

  1. Take her to walmart and make her return the item. Or work off the cost for it if they won’t accept it.
  2. Take her and have her evaluated for adhd. It sounds like she’s struggling with impulse control.
  3. Therapy can help

Give her ten bucks then ask her to take the garbage out then hoodie up and go out there and rob her :rofl::rofl:


Send her to juvy jail. You’ll have to Google one near you. They will keep her 2 or 3 days


Went through with our son made him take it back and he got arrested we made him plead guilty because he was and he got probation he never did it again now he has a family he works for Warren county full time I know that it’s hard but they have to learn there actions have consequences and sometimes they’re not all good

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My brother used to steal like that. My parents had the county sheriff come “arrest him” cause nothing else worked. He was Mr. Tough Guy til they put him in the back of the cop car and started driving off. He hasn’t stolen anything since!

Id make her return it to Walmart.

You never said corporal punishment… Might wanna try tearing that ass up…

I’m gonna be the asshole parent, I would report her to the cops. Honestly stealing from siblings is common, but when she’s out there stealing from retail stores thats a whole new level… positive reinforcement dosnt always work. She does a Crime she should do the time… hard truth will work better than coddling

Due to prior LEO experience, no. Don’t take your child to a station or make comments about the police. That is why children resent the police and don’t trust them. That does nothing but scars a child.

You let the child know, you’re taking the item and them back to the store and she will have to deal with whatever consequences they choose.

Check out some therapy ideas. There could be something triggering her to act out. Especially siblings being involved. Maybe the child feels as if they only receive attention if they get in trouble.

Prayers Mama!


My son stole a tube of M&M mini’s from the grocery store when he was 4. I noticed it hanging out of his coat pocket on the way back to the car. I took him back inside. Made him tell them what he did, pay for it & leave it there for the next person w/ a child. Then I took him directly to the local jail & asked and officer to have a talk w/my young son & scare him straight before it had a chance to get out of hand. As soon as we pulled into the jail, he freaked out. Trying to get him out of the car was like trying to put a cat in water. Traumatizing at the moment yes, but a lesson that would last a lifetime.


You should have her take it back and apologize. No need to let a police officer scare her. Maybe somethings going on you should get to the bottom of it before you scare her and make her feel like she can’t say anything. Hopefully she’s ok and just acting out as she gets older you have my prayers momma :hugs:


My rule has always been make them take it back to the store and apologize. Luckily my middle daughter (adhd) only did it once. I noticed when we were getting into the car. I marched her right back in and had her apologize and return it.

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Went through this with my 5 year old daughter recently. She took a small toy from the store. Her sister told on her. She got in trouble right then and there. I took her back to the store made her tell the manager what she done and apologize for it and pay for the toy with her birthday money but I kept the toy. Then I made her tell her daddy when he got home from work what she had done. And to this day she tells me she learned her lesson. Because the manager and us told her that she would go to jail for stealing. And she doesn’t want to go to jail.

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First of all you tell your mom that she raised you she needs to have confidence in the way she raised you and this is your child you will listen to her advice and decide what to do one of the people I would consult is the child’s doctor yep, there may be some tests he wants to run and if he recommends a psychologist I would suggest you take the child there may be problems that you’re unaware of my daughter went through this with her stepson they took him to the doctor and hip test done there was some problems with his brain and he had to be put on medication I’m not saying this is what’s wrong with your child but it’s best to cover all bases

All kids do this at some time or other
But u have to take responsibility

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My son and I went grocery shopping and I guess when I wasnt looking, he stole a die cast metal car. I didnt know until we got rear ended and he was playing with it. He was honest and fessed up because he knew he got caught. As soon as we were done with wreck, I drove him up there and made him talk to the manager. He was looking at me for words but I made him do it. He was embarrassed and ashamed after that.

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I’d call the manager and find out what time he is at work and take her to Walmart and have her say what she did. Then the manager (along with whatever they decide is appropriate) needs to explain why stealing is wrong and what can happen if this continues. If you don’t think this will sink in take it a step further and when you’re done at Walmart, drive down to the police station and have a cop explain to your child.

She needs love and attention I used to steal when I was little because I was jealous of others like they had parents who loved them in houses who didn’t have fights and chaos I wanted to feel special like them that someone loved me maybe she feels like the odd man out in the home :woman_shrugging: and everyone else is loved more

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Personally, I would take her back to ths store and have her explain herself to the store manager. My son did this one time. I actually took him back to the store, made him talk to the person in charge and let them decide what they wanted to do. At that time they did not call the cops even though i wanted them too. So the cops could speak to my son. Also, after that I would make sure to checked all of his pockets before we checked out.


I agree that having her take it back and apologize would be the best way to handle it. My brother stole something once and my mom made him take it back and he never did it again

Does she get $ for chores? Take her back to walmart and make her pay for it.
May be go into a police department and see if they can come talk to her.
Maybe ask her why she js doing it. Or put her in therapy they’ll get to the bottom of it.

Never been in this situation but maybe take her to a police station and show her how scary it is. I know that would have scared the crap out of me if I was her.

I stole a piece of 5 cent bubble gum when I was 4 years old. My mom noticed I had done it as we were walking to the car and she made me turn it in to the clerk (I was so embarrassed and ashamed) the clerk and my mom told me to never steal again or I’d be arrested. To this day I am not a thief. I know it’s hard but she needs to be embarrassed and ashamed of her actions. Praying for u mama. My baby girl tried to steal a candy bar from Walmart after I told her no and the cashier noticed her taking it. I immediately took it and put it back and whooped her butt right there and then. (the cashier’s face :grimacing:) but I don’t care. I am not raising my kids to be in the prison system.

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Take her butt back to the store and return it

I’d recommend just regular therapy, not necessarily behavioral that is mentioned she’s been too. Maybe there is something going on that’s causing these actions. My daughter went through something similar about that age, but she had been through some trauma. We done therapy and I had a friend who is on the police force talk to her. He didn’t threaten her or anything to that nature. She was simply taken to the station and talked to. She is now almost 17 and as close to a great teen as one can get. Hang in there momma. Also some family therapy with you and her may help tremendously. She can explain how she feels and you can also. Many prayers and much love

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Not a big deal. Kids do that

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No solution is going to fix a problem immediately. Too often ppl disipline once & the behavior happens again they determine it didn’t work. Or go to a counselor a few weeks & stop because nothing is changing. It’s going to take time. Shes doing this for a reason.

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I’d make a ride until I find a police and have them arrest her and put her in the back of there car to frighten her cause that’s what’s happens when you want to act out steal. Of course tell them the story first but say just scare her. I bet she won’t do it again. Cause she knows what will truly happen to her if she do get caught. That’s what I would do to my 3 kids if I ever caught them stealing.


See if you can talk to the manager about a “scared straight” scenario. My oldest stole a piece of candy from a carryout when he was 4. I took him back to that store,made him tell the clerk what he did,apologize and pay for the item with money that he had to take out of his bank. He is 38 now and still remembers how humiliating it was. He never stole again.


Make her take it back.

That what I did to my son go back to where he stole it

I made my son take it back to the store and apologize to them. They called the police to come and scare him by telling him what happens when you steal and that he should be taking him to jail. It scared him right out of stealing anything anymore.

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Take her back to the store. Have her tell the manager. Call ahead of time and see if you can have a police officer there to explain what happens when you steal and scare her a bit. Make her pay for it with extra chores or whatever to “earn” the money to cover what she stole.

I would tell your mom that she raised a smart daughter. She should be confident in that and that her input is welcome but you have to make the ultimate decision on how to discipline your children.
You’re daughter is young, some things are common. Many children take things but it sounds like there may be other issues. Maybe get her evaluated at her Drs. Make sure there is no underlying issue before you scare her with jail and Police. Threatening them with jail and Police may scare her and she needs to know she can turn to the police if she needs too.
Taking her to the store is a good idea. But I think there may be something else going on because you state it has been an ongoing issue. Get her help while she’s young. Good luck!

My brother was like her but my parents made him go back to the store, apologized to the manager then the manager made him sweep and clean the floor as his punishment. He was upset but did it and never stole again.


Do all of the people here suggesting that this child get fake arrested/thrown in jail realize that she is only 7? I can’t believe so many people think this is a good idea, to put a child through this and traumatize them. She’s still little! Yeah, maybe she would stop stealing, but it wouldn’t get to the root of why this behavior is occurring, and the trauma of knowing her parent let her go through such a terrifying experience could lead to a whole host of other problems, not the least of which being a loss of trust/security/connection with the parent. Please don’t do this! :confused:

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Agree. With Casidy Connell

Make him return it! Also you could go to a police station and ask this to scare with the reality of what happens when you steal

Make her return it to Walmart I stole from a store once as a child I was caught and my mom made me bring it back and say sorry. Never stole again.

Also you could when she returns it make her take $ from her piggy bank or allounce to cover it

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Take her back to the store with item. I did when my two year old grabbed a pkg of gum off rack. .

My boys did this at that age. I brought them back to the store and had them apologize to the store manager for taking the candy. Never did it again.

I stole a bookmark from my school book fair when I was her age! My mom made me go to the principals office take the book mark to him and confess what I did!maybe if she is as bad as you explained , have a police officer come to the house and explain to her the repercussions to what will happen!


Stealing from family and a store is a cycle that needs to be handled asap. If not she will continue to feel entitled to anything she wants.

Make her bring it back and have someone from the store speak to her. If they want to call the police, let them.


Let an officer scare her. Does she want to get arrested??


Both my sons have done this ONCE each around 3-5 years old. I found the items when I was getting them into the car both times so I got on their ass in the parking lot and then marched them back into the store to give it back and apologize to the cashiers face. They have never done it since with me.

I wish I could come talk to her. I have such a hard time getting jobs because I was a dumb teenager and would steal from Walmart.


Make her take it back and talk with a manager. My daughter did this and made her take it back with an apology note.

Have you tried removing Red dye 40 from her diet?


when my daughter was 3 she found a barney necklace, and took it made her return it and tell walmart she found on floor of store she never took anything again

Do not get a police officer to fake arrest her she is 7 years old that would traumatized her and could cause other problems later on. Sit down and talk to her about how wrong stealing is. Explain that if she were older and someone had caught her she would be talked to by police. Ask her why she’s stealing so much. Be open with her but Scaring kids is never the answer.


When our kids stole from Walmart we took him back to Walmart hand over the items he stole and apologize. Make them responsible for their actions.


My 7 year old did the same, my husband and I were there and made her take it back inside. She said she “forgot” she had it but who knows. We said if it ever happens again, she will be going to talk to an employee there and we will bring the cops into it to have a conversation with her.

I’d contact the police station and the store. Make arrangements for the police to be at the store when you take your daughter back to make her return what she stole. Have the officer make her think that she will be arrested for stealing & that she will be going to jail.

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I went through that a couple times with my son and I made him March right up and hand the item that he took to the manager and they had a talk and then he told me that he did it because his dad wasn’t with us you have to find out the reason behind it it’s it’s for some attention they want

Call the non emergency phone number and have the cops teach her a lesson.


I went through this with my oldest son, I talked to the security guard prior to taking my son in to face him, he scared the living daylights out of him. You might give that a try.

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Since it’s not her first offense i would step up her punishment before it becomes a way of life for her.


They say do not threaten with police because they are there to protect her. I would however, make her fo back to walmart with the item and apologize and I would find a chore or something she could do to pay for the item she stole. I also would not allow her back in walmart until she has learned her lesson. Now you can contact local authorities and they will give her a tour of the jail and explain what happens if and when she gets caught. Prayers momma there is just no handbook, and it’s hard to give a good positive to go by. It seems you are doing everything in your power and you are doing a wonderful job.

My son stole tweezers from Sally’s when he was 4. I made him take them back to the store and tell the employee that he stole them. He has never stolen again. He had never stolen before that either. But I think there’s a bigger issue at hand here. Talk to her school, ask them what resources they can give you to get her help.

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What I did was ( it was the grocery store) I made them walk back into the store with the item and I asked for the manager. The woman who I spoke to understand immediately what happened. My son stood in front of her and she told him she could call the police and they could come and then they would have to take him to jail because stealing was a crime. He was in tears. But he apologized and gave it back, I also made him pay for the item out of his own money and he gave that to her to. After that he didn’t take ANYTHING and is very concious about walking out with something that is not paid for. I think coming from a stranger who doesn’t love or care for them was best because they know mumma will always protect them but they need to own their own mistakes and he did. When we were done I told him I was disappointed that he stole it but proud he brought it back and paid and did the right thing. It wouldn’t end up like that if he did it again. It’s tuff but they have to learn the hard way some times. And a stranger is sometimes the best one to show that lesson. Good luck momma


Take her to your local police station, just make sure you call before hand and let them know you are coming and why. They will talk to her and try to brake the habit before she gets older and it gets worse. Our daughter took cookies and something else when she was 4 and I made her go back in with the items and give it back along with talking to a security guard. She hasn’t done it since


some kids need a hard knock to learn. take her to jail, let them show her where she goes on the next theft

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My step grand son pick up some money i had layin in bathroom recently. When i started questioning where it went he gave it back and i told him he cant do that and people wont want him around if he takes things from them. He has gotten into a bad problem of taking things. So far he hasnt from a store, and its hard to make them understand why they shouldn’t do it… he is ADHD and a possibility of austism in there.

Take her to her local law and have them to talk to her

Take her back to the store with the items that she stole and make her give it back and apologize


She needs to embarrass her ass. My cousin stole from a store once so my aunt had him wear a sign that said “ i’m a thief” The entire day outside of the store and then made him clean up the inside of the store when they closed. His ass never stole ever again

My son stole chapstick from Walmart once. As soon as I found it I asked him what happened and he said he picked it up in line… he didn’t realize it was stealing… I explained to him that taking something you didn’t pay for was stealing and made it take his birthday money, apologize and pay for it. I think it is important to get your point across right away. Seems like maybe you have been too lienant and now the behavior is out of control. At this point best thing is sit her down explain what is expected and what the consequences of those behaviors would get and then FOLLOW through

My 6 yr old did that. I made her take it back then proceeded to tear her butt up

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Take her with the object back to Walmart and ask for the manager have her tell the manger what she did. When my daughter was that age she stole a bubble tape gum from dollar general I got to my grandmas and found it I drove her 15 miles back to town asked for a manger and then made her tell him what she did by the time she was done talking to him you couldn’t understand her she was crying so hard and no one was mean to her the manger was super nice just told her he hoped she learned her lesson and hope she wouldn’t do it again . Incessant the guilt of what she done making her cry never had another problem


Make her take it back and tell the manager she stold it

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Scared straight program. Lol. My ass would have had the cops show up and take her to a holding cell. Or better yet. U become a prison. Take everything from her as her mattress and blanket and pillow. No games nothing. She wants to act like a criminal. Then show her what it’s like to be one.

My son stole from walmart once. I was busy putting my stuff through the self checkout and didnt see him do it but one of the employees did and as we walked away she called to me and told me she seen him sneak some gum into his pocket. Sure enough he did and I waved over the police office that just so happened to be there and he talked to my son. My son apologized and we took him home and he was grounded for a solid week.

My son was very embarrassed about the whole thing but has never done it since.

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Take her ass back to Walmart and speak with a manager. Scare her with the police too. At 9 she can be legally charged. U dont want her to end up in juve

Make her take it back and apologise and due to it already been used then pay for the item and make her watch u throw it in the bin , u need to be cruel to be kind, do not use the police to punish as it will make her afraid to turn to them for help if she ever needs it

You should’ve took her back in and make her pay for it if she doesn’t have money to pay for it then tell her she is in a pickle you pay for it without her knowing but leave it with walmart then tell she can no longer go with you to Wal-Mart and tell her walmart is calling all the other stores.I know that’s lying but I’d rather lie to my kid than have them in juvenile detention .

Take her to your local police station and ask them to have a chat with her I am sure they would be happy to it’s like early intervention to show her the seriousness of stealing.


I would take her and what she stole back in store made her apologize and pay for it and throw what she got in the garbage and also punish her at home

I would have her take the item back to the store and apologize for it. Probably be good if u talked to them ahead of time without her around and made a plan to pay for it without her realizing it. Would be super embarrassing for her. Have them talk to her also and explain how they would normally call the police and they will next time.

If you’ve tried so many options that haven’t worked I think getting police involved maybe. At a lot of places if you call and talk to them they’ll send an officer out and with her age wouldn’t scare her too bad. Also make her go with you to the store and tell them what she did, make her apologize, pay for the item and then take it from her. Don’t ever give it back to her

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Take her back to Walmart, ask for a manager, and have her tell the manager what she did and make her give back the item. That’s what I would do.

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Taking a look at what you’ve said and how you have already tried several methods of negative and positive reinforcement I have a question. Does your child show any signs of “trouble” in school perhaps struggling in certain classes etc. Has the thought of testing for ADD or ADHD ever come up.

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My son stole from Kroger so I took him back and asked for a manager so he could return it and apologize AND took him to the police station so a police officer could talk to him. He hasn’t done it since.

This is why Hispanic kids are well behaved lol ur grandma picks up u shoe and u know what’s up haha , ps sorry about ur baby try being more firm!

Take all her stuff away except her bed and make her sit in her room

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Make him return it. Embarrassment shock and awe.

Being someone who stole from a young age…i started at 5…nip it in the bud now. Therapy…psychologist or a psychiatrist can help. Sometimes theres an underlying issue as we found out with me. Dont get frustrated just realize theres an issue and get her help cuz this will not go away over time. Its an illness. Seek help immediately

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Take her back in, make her face the music to the manager and make her give it back.

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Next time she steals bring it to the managers attention or have the police talk to her

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Take her in ask to speak to a manager make her give the item back and apologize.

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