My 8-year-old daughter said something made her uncomfortable at her friends house: How should I handle the situation?

I’m concerned about a child/children - my 8-year-old daughter went over her friends last night straight from school. Waking up this morning, she has come to me and shared some things that have made her uncomfortable. She said her friend’s parents hit their youngest (who is 4) with a wooden spoon on the bum. My daughter heard the mother threaten her son with it, so my daughter asked her friend about it. Her friend told her it’s the only thing that works to get her brother to behave; she said that his bum has bled from it as he had splintered. And it’s no longer soft it has crinkles (her words) She also went on to say that the daughter has a party every year for her birthday, but the brother doesn’t ‘they just go for food and don’t talk’ I obviously feel really uncomfortable with this information and cried when my daughter told me she is 8 years old and knows that it is wrong! Iv been trying to contact safeguarding children all day to no avail do you think I should report it to the police? Iv decided that maybe the eight-year-old has possibly exaggerated, but the bottom line is if they have nothing to hide, then the worst that will happen is they won’t like me, I can live with that. I have also spoken to a friend who knows the family who told me they have actually reported them before to safeguarding in church about another issue. There just seems to be a lot of little things building up, and I don’t want to just sit on this information, but I don’t know If this is something I report to the police, and I really don’t want to wait till Monday to get through to nspcc … I spoken to them and they said there was nobody to take my call.


Just call the police for a well child check because you suspect abuse


Call children’s services you can make an anonymous call


If they are hitting him so hard he is bleeding then that is way too far. The birthday thing could be because he is young and hasn’t met school friends yet? I would call the police and see what they recommend.


Call the police you don’t know what else is going on and don’t allow your daughter to spend anymore time over there…if their abusing their own children your daughter could be next


Please make a call to the police. You will feel better knowing you did the right thing.

He got a spanking wit a wooden spoon on the butt, u have no proof of bleeding, and he has no party. N U WANT TO CALL THE POLICE? wow. I think if u dont like it, keep yo kid away. MYOB. What if it’s nothing , I’d kick yo ass for calling the police.

If he is school age call the school counselor! Actually, I’d call them even if he isnt, his sister is and it could be a family issue.


Mind your own business. You have NOT seen anything.


I LOVE that you dont care if they hate you after you call. Kids come first always!


Make the call. What if you don’t and it all goes very bad? Trust me…you want to make that call. PLEASE

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Stuff is getting double posted right now, so I’ll post my response on both, so it isnt missed.

So here in Arizona, if you know of possible abuse and do not report it, you are also held accountable when it all comes to light. A swat on the behind with the spoon is not abuse, however, making the behind bleed, causing splinters or leaving marks that last more than 20 minutes IS abuse.


Phone the police, you don’t want it on your mind if something more serious happens


I’m saying this in the nicest way I can think of.
You should mind your own!
The wooden spoon thing is something I got as a kid. Never beaten or anything. A smack on the ass or hand.
And the thing about the birthday. He is 4. He won’t remember much. At least they take him out to eat? Maybe money’s tight.
Maybe meet the son get to know him and see what he’s like. If he’s happy, his stomach is full, he’s clothed and warm keep your nose out.

What’s wrong with some parents,how can they hurt their own flesh and blood. God trusted them with that little soul. Just call the police on them they don’t deserve to be parents.


I can’t believe the people who are saying not to say anything! As the victim of abuse for 10 years, I ended up saving myself because everyone I knew and trusted “minded their own business”! I didn’t have marks or scars (it was sexual abuse) so I was fine and “exadurating”. PM me the names and I’ll report it myself if you don’t. That’s pretty exact coming from an 8 yr old. And she was scared, so that says something. Like you said…if nothing else alls that will happen is they won’t like you.


Why don’t you go have a conversation with the mom. Tell her what her daughter is telling others. You will immediately know your next step. Please have a conversation first before you flip their world upside down on the talk of “crinkles by a child.


You could stick your child in a bad situation too

Call family service.s emergency number. Most states you can report anonymously


Report it CPS as check out my house because something my child said sounded worrisome to someone at her school. They checked an everything was fine. I would report it .

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My mom use to beat my brother n I with a wooden spoon. I wish more people did now a days :woman_facepalming:


Call cps or police for a welfare check that poor child :disappointed: getting treated differently than the other!!! Wonder what else is happening to him behind closed doors.


I would call cps. And tell her exactly what was said. If he’s being beaten to that extent, there WILL be physical evidence (on him).

Safety of the kids is paramount. Fuck that and fuck anyone saying that you shouldn’t get involved. Stories every fkn day about kids being abused to death and people got the nerve to say “be quiet.” Disgusting.

Child services and the police

I will call I don’t care if I mistake I will apologize but no child should be left alone so call the police


Make the call! I had to make that kind of call before and I don’t regret it at all! Children come first!


Also keep in mind that this is only a 4 year old. 4. Kids act out, all kids have different personalities. Even a four-year-old can be reasoned with. I would make the call.

CALL. Smacking ya kid when they need it…fine. smacking them so hard they bleed? IS NOT OKAY. not at all! I get some kids dont listen…it happens… but if you bring blood…there IS a problem and THIS IS NOT OKAY.


I believe in spanking but would never use anything to spank my child with… wooden spoon ? Hell no. I barely tap him on the butt or top of his hand and that would be it, he is 7 now and doesn’t get spanked or hit at all and that was only during his 2 - 4 years . I say call it in. If a child is bleeding from getting disciplined that is excessive/abuse. Call it in. This behavior can be confirmed by your daughter and what she saw could save this child from major emotional problems when he grows up which will lead to dire consequences . Poor kid.

Everyone saying keep your mouth shut or wait obviously hasn’t learned anything from so many tragedies when no one helps and a child endures abuse until they die. Talking to them probably won’t help, I have yet to meet someone commiting abuse that admitted to it and changed their ways because someone said, hey, is something going on? Approaching them first could put the girl and boy in danger. Report it and tell them to do a thorough investigation. It could save a life.


Report it. The worst thing that could happen is they find nothing. At least it will start a paper trail.


Really you should just mind your own business. Something doesn’t sound right with this story to begin with.


Call. You may save his life.


Report it. Like you said, if theres nothing wrong, there will be no issues


Call the police, if you feel uncomfortable doing it you can pm me with details and I’ll make the call. I used to be a mandated reporter and this is something that if I heard of I would be legally obligated to report it.


Do it or let that other lady do it that offered and that way you can act like nothing has happened save those kids if they are in danger


Discipline is one thing…but using objects on a child is a fucking huge NO! There is no need for that kind of reprimanding! It urks me ppl still use belts on kids and that can leave scars that will last a lifetime…emotionally n physically. This is that kind of situation. U can call and remain anonymous! A 4yo getting beaten til he bleeds n on top of that, gets the shit end of the stick when it comes to his birthdays?!? It sounds like its beyond favoritism is happening (with the daughter getting parties n he doesn’t) along with handling him the wrong way when he acts out. Gee…I wonder why he is acting out. That poor kid is getting abused physically, psychologically, n emotionally. Again, u dont have to give your name, but it’s now not just on your conscience but your own daughter’s too

I believe in spanking. I’ve gotten the wooden spoon hell I’ve gotten the belt when I was younger. But there’s an extent to punishing your child and to where they bleed is far far past that.


I would for sure say make the call!

I’m a wooden spoon survivor. I don’t see it as an issue. But if they are hitting hard enough he/she is bleeding I would consider that abuse and report it


Anne Deininger,you must have been a child abuser yourself ,if you don’t know or want this case reported,
How many of your children
Still speak to you?

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Definitely report it!

Report it! Always go with your gut feeling!

You literally posted this same exact thing an hour before this…

I cannot believe the people on here saying to mind your own business and keep your mouth shut. Come on people! I feel obligated to call on any situation like this. I am a firm believer of spankings BUT when you are leaving bruises and making the child bleed, that is NOT okay. Make the call. If they dont have anything to hide, that is fine. Remain anonymous if you can for your own protection and your child’s protection. I was spanked with wooden spoons, fly swatters and switches as a kid but never to the point of bleeding. Again not okay. Make the call at least for a well child check please.


Go to the actual parents and say this is what was said to you ?
Kids over exaggerate but
In saying that asking them directly about what was said is and should be your first step

Like you said worse thing they can do is not like you


Give me their information and I’ll call :woman_shrugging:


Call 18004achild. You can call anonymously to report and someone will be sent to investigate within 24 to 48 hours

OMG…in today’s time you are wasting time on FB before making an anonymous call to child services, 911, etc…SMH

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Hitting him to the point of blood is wrong. A 4 year old is getting hit until he bleeds. Thats not right

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Go talk to the parents and see for yourself. I have a wooden spoon. And I have spanked my kids with it. But I have never come close to making them bleed with it. Especially with splinters. Either you’re making it up, or the children are making it up. I am no where near a child abuser, my children are my life, and my children are in no danger in my home. And wooden spoons are not even that durable to have splinters break off. They would have to be ‘rubbing’ the spoon on this child’s ass for him to get ‘splinters’. I would definitely meet these parents and see for yourself.

This is in the U.K isn’t it?

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Don’t call police. A child network, yes.

For the love of god report it! Wish someone would have on my mother growing up


People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. Call Family and Children’s Services


Call the police. Its little things like this that could possibly save his life

I sure wouldnt let my daughter go over there, no way.

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Why would u even have to ask options don’t u know this is abuse come on lady call report this come on really


I would think you wouldn’t make a call like that unless you know FOR CERTAIN that’s whats going on. Just going by an 8 year old who “possibly exaggerated” isn’t a logical reason. Just bc they may have been in trouble once before doesnt mean they are doing it again. You cant just jump to assumptions on something like that. With how everything is today everything is made worse than it is. If i were in that position i would go directly to the family and find out for myself before i involed police on assumption. Not at all saying to ignore or stay out of it. Not saying it isnt true. But be smart about it. You could make it bad for the family bc you didnt know the whole story. In all honesty did anyone stop and think that MABYE they wouldnt have other ppls kids come over if they were abusing their own children. I highly doubt they would do it in front of guests to begin with.


If it’s the only thing that works well so be it but not to the point of bleeding. But these parents are doing the best they can I don’t believe it’s neglect or sexual abuse which can be some much worse. Sometimes u need to be be kind atleast he will have manners whrn he gets older


Report it so that it is checked out ,If it’s true those children need help

If my child told me this was happening…I would believe him…
Definitely report if you believe your child…
Little kids cannot protect themselves.


I say call the police for a well child check, be anonymous. If they find probable cause they will call child protective services themselves, it still wouldn’t hurt to call Monday and report to them to. The more people who complain the more likely it is for them to do something. Sounds like a bad situation, sometimes one child is obviously favored, but that is not right. Hope that boy gets help.

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Reported and save this little boy pain and agony

Unless you have seen busing or Mark’s of any kind. Its best to not let your child go back over there .

When my dad would get angry at us, even for the littlest thing he’d go around punching holes in the wall and would hold my brother and I over the top of the basement stairs threatening to throw us down them. But when company was over he would act like a saint. I suggest making the report, don’t confront them directly about it because they can lie. If nothing is truly going on then they would have nothing to hide during a welfare check. Don’t be silent about this. Even if tale tales are being told by the oldest child, it’s better to be safe than sorry and reports can be made anonymous so that parents wouldn’t know it was you who made the report.

Report to CPS and follow up to make sure they do their damn job

You should call but unfortunately they may not do anything since it’s all second hand information and you didnt witness anything yourself :woman_shrugging:

It not your business you and your child is mischievous

I really don’t think you should take an 8 year olds word for gospel, you should call the mother and ask if the kid is ok, say that this is what your daughter has said, say what she says, you’ll know if she’s lying. Then do what you need to do.

Wow bad spot to be in i think you should use your gut felling see something say something

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If the child is being abused call the cops

That is child abuse. Report it. You don’t have to give your name.

U should call the police or go to the station with your kid.

Make complaint to pcs worse case they find nothing wrong best they do n stop him from being abused so badly I mean that’s what I’d do


I would definitely report it.


Be the child’s advocate, speak up, do anything you can


I got my ass spanked with a wooden spoon as a child, that’s how children are raised where I’m from. Looking back and reflecting about how bad of a kid I was, Not for one second was it ever child abuse, and it was rightfully called for when I got my ass whooped. Just because that’s not how YOU parent, doesn’t mean you have the authority to go calling police over how they want to parents THEIR children.

I use to get my butt whooped with a wooden spoon and well I’m fine but if you are that worried call and report it it is better safe than sorry your gut always knows best


definitely report it to dcf or the police. like you said, worst that’s going to happen is everything is fine and they won’t like you. if you see/hear something say something!

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Good… she probably needed a whooping


Better you be wrong and the child safe


First off why is someone ha ha reacting this post? Second off both that family and the chic who ha ha reacted this post need cps called on them ASAP!! This is abuse!! And anyone who finds this ok I greatly fear for your children’s safety as well!!


Call Monday to the safeguarding folks. Police can’t and won’t do anything unless marks are visible (unlikely if they hit his bum). That just gives the family time to go underground with any abusive behavior. It wouldn’t sit right with me either but the law is very specific when it comes to police purview on these issues. Without a warrant they can’t enter the home unless invited inside (barring something glaring yo give cause). If CPS is involved they don’t need the warrant.


Lord jesus we whoop our children with wooden spoons here in the south. Sometimes they break🤷‍♀️ that’s how you know you have a good swing.
You’re going to call protective services because his birthday party isnt as good as his sisters and he gets spanked? Ummm, okay.


Definitely report and pray for ALL of them!!! I will be praying too!

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Maybe call the domestic violence hotline for your state and ask if they have any resources for these things on weekends. It’s a stretch but may yield some help. :woman_shrugging:

Report them. They’re abusing their toddler.


It doesn’t sound exaggerated. It sounds pretty simple and clear to me, but people are different. Some believe in spanking, some don’t. And you can’t call on them for not throwing him a party. If you suspect he is really being harmed, then yes…call CPS.


I feel like u should talk to the parents. Ask them why they use a spoon. Give them some advice and see what happens.

Maybe it’s exagerated

Or you could invite them over(the kiddos) tell parents to go on a date. See what they say. If they act weird call cps.

If they say yes look at his butt. If there r marks its abusive call cops.

If u see nothing do it again in a month and just make sure.

Kids r very dramatic lol…


Whoever laugh reacted… You a heartless Bitch.
I would contact CPS, it sounds like babygirl is a “golden child” with narcissistic parenting :frowning:

Dcf and police. The kid cant speak for himself so you do it for him!! And asap!


Please speak up for that boy.
I was recently in a similar situation but opted to not call but rather alert the school teacher.
3 months later I learned the state removed the children from the home and the abuse both physical and sexual towards the children was horrendous.
I will never forgive myself for not advocating when I knew something wasn’t right

Be that child’s voice! Call anyone and everyone!! And tell your daughter what a brave thing she did by telling you! And good for you momma for raising your daughter to know she can trust you :wink:


If the sister is being truthful about his butt bleeding then absolutely report it.

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Report to both police and safeguarding. If there is something going on, the more paper trail the better.

If they are making his bottom bleed I would report it. This is not okay!!!
What they are doing is not discipline, it’s abuse!!!


I’m all for reporting parents if they’re doing something wrong that’s an endangerment to the kids but to me it sounds like the parents are disciplining.


Report to the police better to be wrong and waste police time than be right and do nothing to protect the child :cry:

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Here’s a thought. Call the mom and ask to visit? Meet her, get a feel for the situation first hand. Do you know the parents? I would hope you’d know them before letting your young child spend a night there. If you still feel like something’s off, make a report. If the mom won’t meet with you, make a report. Corporal punishment isn’t illegal and even dcf will tell you that.