My 8-year-old daughter said something made her uncomfortable at her friends house: How should I handle the situation?

Sounds like my childhood lol. Was no biggy for me though

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Dont call the police yet, go see the parents and discuss your concerns. If you get a bad vibe then go to the police.

Two small kids we’re recently found dead in a locked bedroom in their house while the mom still lived in the house. Who cares if u know the whole situation or not like u said worse thing they hate u but a child life could be at risk.

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Report to CPS (or whatever affiliate is in your country, I am in the US.) I worked in daycare so I was a mandated reporter. You should be able to call and make a report anonymously. In the interest of safety I wouldn’t even give a hint of you doing this to anyone. Keep the fact that you are reporting close to the vest and trust nobody with that info. Not even your daughter unless the CPS people interview her. Ask to be and insist on being anonymous. This helps the kid being abused too because they can come visit that house and observe and interview before parents can coach them on how to act or worst case scenario hurt them even worse before the visit if they know about it. I have heard of teachers being threatened after someone blabbed that they were the ones who made the report hence why I am cautioning you. I have also faced an irate parent and being smart basically told the parent every single teacher knew so he couldn’t zero in on one.

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Any suspicion should be reported.

You can report anonymoudly.

Call Police and have church in on this. Sooner than later. call now. If that doesn’t work. Call children Service. Or call a hospital and tell them.

Child First mentality always

Look, As a Middle kid Growing up, I got Hit… ALOT , With what ever my Grandparents Found. But not limited too, METAL SPATULAS, WIRES, HANGERS, BROOMS.

Ohh and They played favorite with my younger brother… Still do… And look at me? I’m 23 years old I’m completely fine, Yeah sure I resent them a whole lot & It really Damaged My relationship with them over the years, but I have my Own Son to think about. And I wont be like my parents,

Report it! Remember the book “a child called it?”

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Yes report it to the police this needs to be handled prayers for the 4 year old don’t just sit there call the police

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Contact the local child protective agency. They have a 24 hour hotline. Little else can be done unless he is in imminent danger.

I spank with a wooden spoon, through clothes, and have NEVER caused bleeding. This sounds fishy. I would report it! If it’s nothing then it’ll be okay and if it’s something then you would’ve saved a child. :heartpulse:
Contact the police… DCS is so overloaded they often overlook things…the police will actually do something about it. My adopted daughter had DCS check on her home multiple times and they gave chances and overlooked…but the police dug deeper and rescued her from abuse. Call the cops!

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My 2 cents, if this is really happening absolutely. I have 2 boys. Both now past 8 years old. Are we 100% sure that the friend is telling the truth? I mean just thinking if it’s not true, that is a long time of CPS and possibly foster care and more trauma for the kids. But then on the other hand, if it’s true… my gosh.

R u able to talk to the parents??? I would be casually bringing it up, and not letting my child stay there without me.

Abuse is usually designated to one child. You must report it for the boys sake. If he is hit all the time for anything they consider wrong he will grow up to hit others he feels are wrong. REPORT them ASAP to save this child

Definitely report it. He needs protection more than you or your daughter need friends. Your daughter needs to know you’ll stand up for her.

Report it. If something happens to that child, you will never forgive yourself.

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Yeah make the call, it’s only out of concern.

Its abusive treatment no matter what! Maybe he misbehaves for the attention he isnt getting!

Call, atleast it can be looked into. They’ve been abusing him. Mentally if not physically also

Report them! Think about the safety of that child

If you feel uncomfortable please please report it to child protective services. My daughter had a friend wnen she was little janet maples (feel free to google her) she was so badly abused and non of her friends knew. Even after reports filed by the grandma no one stepped it to help. Eventually this poor girl died at the hands of her mothers abuse. Please report it to who ever will listen.


I would just not let my child go over there. Its not your business what happens over there. And I’m sure there is a lot of exaggeration and you could get people in trouble for no reason. Leave it alone!!

Is safeguarding is the equivalent of CPS then yes do it. If it’s not call and you can anonymously report to CPS. You could also file a report with the police. I would do whatever I had to to make sure the situation was being looked into. Hitting a child till they bleed is not discipline. It’s abuse.


In my opinion, if a child tells you something that they aren’t just repeating or “telling a story” (and it doesn’t sound like it in this instance), that calling the police non-emergency line is a good start. That way, they can put you through to someone who can help, or at least get the ball rolling. I am so sad that your daughter had that experience and am so happy that you are taking action based on her tale. Poor baby. It must have been scary for her! Anyway, so sorry for you to have to make a decision like this…I wouldn’t care if someone didn’t like me either.:blush: “Don’t do stuff that I have to explain to my child”. Keep us posted, please. Good luck!

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Call the police immediately if you can’t talk with someone at safeguarding. Your instincts are right in protecting that child and the siblings as well. Bless you, I would have cried too.

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A wooden spoon is not that bad. I had a friend who painted a face on hers, hot glued a ribbon and called it “Ms. Do-Right”. Obviously, the parent spanks on the bottom. The concerned mom probably doesn’t believe in spanking and doesn’t have a difficult child. This is not abuse but minor discipline. Kids need correction. Mind your own business and keep your kid at home.


I would really consider CPS…you really cant trust anything these days! God bless you for your concern


Where I live, the police will make a welfare check. Our DSS recommends you contact the police first. Only the police can remove a child from their home (with DSS assistance). The spoon is not the issue. It’s the force behind the spoon.


Sounds to me like a conversation with the mother would be a good place to start. A spoon or belt are no different than spanking with a hand. Children’s definitions of a beating are not always the same as an actual beating. Causing an investigation into someones life, when you don’t even know for sure, is wrong. If you know them well enough for your child to be at their house you should know them well enough to talk with them about it first.


Make the call. You and your daughter both have the same gut feeling. Better to speak up and be wrong than say nothing and be right.

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I’m guessing her parents use spoon on her growing up as a disapline. We grew up with willow branches and belts and spoons we grew up fine. Taught us to have respect. According to social services u can spank as long doesn’t leave marks. Not saying its right or wrong but our generation grew up with spankings. If the parent was constantly hitting nonstop it wouldn’t be OK. Again not saying its right or wrong but do believe kids don’t respect adults any more. Spanking was a way of discipline way back when not a form of abuse like our society thinks of now. My siblings I learn quickly not to do something were not suppose to most kids will learn OK if I do that I get a spanking won’t do it again. If u think she’s physically abusing then yes report but a form of discipline is different again. Maybe she’s not spanking hard as to a kid who will think she is. Go talk to the mother. Get her side


Go for it and you can remain anonymous too - I did to call in a case of child abuse - keep calling it works most of the time - no child needs abuse they need love

Holy crap :open_mouth: I’d make a report, now having said that I have sensitive hands and can break blood vessels by picking up an empty box so on the rare occasion I need to swat my kids bottom I use a spoon but there is no bleeding or bruising afterwards. That is a hell yeah make a report in my book.

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Mind your business. My butt was cracked several times as a kid. It made me think twice about acting up. I’m now 48 and I’ve never had a run in with the law.


Call DHR.Department of human resources. Better to be wrong than be Wright about abuse and not get help. Why do they show a difference in the children?

Spanking with a wooden spoon doesn’t bother me… the birthday thing is not abuse imo. Who knows if that child only wants to go out to celebrate rather than a party?
However, bleeding from a wooden spoon… that would concern me… and yes I would report that to cps.

Not touching this topic with a 10 foot pole! :no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::no_entry_sign::rofl:

Please call remember the Tremelle Sturgis story he was beaten to death by his dad …

Better safe than sorry , if something happened you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself knowing that you could of stopped it

If there is blood wounds then it’s not just old fashioned spanking. No birthday parties is another red flag. Call the police and notify them and call DCS on Monday. That poor little boy :exploding_head::sleepy:


Call the police. Drawing blood is not a spanking. Make sure they check the boys bottom. Prayers.

Minding your business is what gets kids killed. We had a little one just last week who died because abuse was not reported. I believe in spanking and spanked my girls when tgey were little but leaving marks is usually out of anger and that is not a spanking for discipline that is abuse.

Please reply it. Obviously something is wrong. No child should have to be punished so severely. Please please report this to authorities. I have had to in the past, and yeah some people got mad but the child was taken care of.

My husband had to be spanked with a wooden spoon when he was a kid and his grandma even broke the spoon on his but he’s fine. Some boys ONLY respond to being spanked by a wooden spoon. Those same kids if their parents did not whip them would be completely out of control. The birthday thing could be something as simple as he gets anxiety around a lot of people and his parents know this so they keep it simple for him and just don’t discuss why with the sister. I definately agree that you should talk to the parents first. As far as your daughter goes she’s just learning that people are different at different houses. Everyone parents differently. If she’s uncomfortable o er there then have her friend at your house from now on.

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Its better to report it and it turn out be a child’s exaggeration, than to ignore it and live with the guilt of you could have done something if the child ends up dieing because of abuse.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with disciplining your child… hitting them on the booty is acceptable in my opinion. A wooden spoon is no different from a paddle or belt or even your hand. Now beating your child is a different story… I’m not sure what I would do in that situation…


Sad call someone you can’t use force and injure a child.

Call the police and relay what you were told

Report before something tragic happens

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Remember AJFreund was 11 and his parents killed him he was beaten on a regular basis . If it had been reported he might be living today !!! Report it please

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I say report it!! That little boy should not be bleeding from a spanking on the butt and if he is then it’s abuse

If you feel like you should report then report. Always report. You never know.

Report it as soon as possible.