Say ”No” and just don’t.
Tell her to get a job
Tell her to get a job
Hand her a pile of job apps! Tell her In order to make money, we have to do the work.
She quit her job? So, she chose to be unemployed, but she wants you to pay her bills? That’s a huge nope from me.
Tell her to get off your ass and get a job
Hard no. It’s okay to help out here and there but when it’s constant it just becomes enabling them to not have to work. Teach her responsibility by saying no.
You know this answer . Tell her to grow up !!
Tell her to get a job, and no.
Tell her to go back to work!!!
Hell no sweetheart tell her to get a job.
Does she have her own place or does she live at home.
Tell her to get a job and support herself. Your not her personal ATM.
Time for her to be the adult she is!! She’s perfectly capable of supporting herself. And what does that teach your 12 year old?
She your daughter. I bet if you had a bf or a husband you would support them if they quit their job but not your own daughter. Being a parent doesn’t stop at 18.
My daddy has always told me something that has stuck with me all these years. He has always said “The day you stop helping yourself is the day I stop helping you.”
He has never let me go without (even now in my 30s) but I never ask him for anything.
I’ve never thought of him as an income.
Let her know that she’s got to put in some work before you’re willing to help out. Its a difference between helping someone in a time of need VS a freeloader.
Stand your ground and don’t give her anything. (Unless absolutely essential) Even then I wouldn’t give cash, but rather buy what it is she’s in need of I.e food, work shoes/uniform to start new job, that kind of thing. You can go cheap or places like goodwill.
It’s tough, momma. But you gotta put your foot down. If she gets upset, that’s on her. She’s made the decision to quit her job, you didn’t.
Stop being scared to hurt your kids feelings! Tell her get a job or have no money🤷🏻♀️ period… no adult lives for free
She is an adult and needs to provide for herself
Say no. It will probably be one of the hardest things you will do but say no and stick to it. No matter how much trouble she’s in, let her figure it out without you. If she has children, offer to take the child in until she can get stable if that’s what’s needed but she needs to help herself. It is the only she will learn to take care of herself. I have an adult child that trys the same stuff. Enabling her hurts everyone in the long run. You have to set clear boundaries and stick to them or it will never stop and it will only get worse.
Helping her while she’s trying is one thing, but she’s not. I wouldn’t give her any more money until she finds a job and changes her ways
There are resources for people without money. Churches, schools, doctors offices…lots of places help with lots and lots of things from food to bills. There’s also welfare. I’d be embarrassed to be that old and dependent on my mother. Say NO! You are not helping her by taking care of her. She needs to do it herself. You have a little girl who needs you. Just say no. I tell my minor children no all the time. It’s not that hard.
If an adult has to ask for money, it’s a hard NO.
What??? She has to grow up get a job and stop beeing a worthless piece of crap… what the hell… I work since I am 16… what the hell
Cut her off she’s a grown adult
Tell her to get a damn job. She’s an grown adult.
Tell her to start an Onlyfans and sell feet pictures
Tell her to get a job, she’s going to go far as you let her go.
No she needs to grow up. Tell her no
The word “NO” is a complete sentence.
Learn it and stick to it…
She shouldn’t have quit her job.
I’m not much older, a high school drop out and was a teen mom. By her age I was a mom of 2, 1 being severely special needs and still figured it out on my own.
She’s going to have to learn when you make dumb decisions it makes your life harder
Wow! The audacity! Sorry you’re dealing with that. Do not enable. Tough love only. Politely decline when she asks. Don’t nag about not having a job. Just let her know she needs to get a job so that she can be independent and that you’ll support her the entire time with encouragement and love, not money.
You are enabling your child. She will thank you later. Birds push their young out of the nest to learn to soar.
Tell her to get a job. I have 2 jobs because I hate asking for money. Also I have no one but myself. If I don’t work my Son & I don’t eat, etc.
Its one thing to help in a pickle but in no way should she expect it from you. I was bad for this in my early 20s until my mom put her foot down. Now if I do borrow i only ask if its an emergency and I know I can pay her back on my next pay. She needs to realize that you won’t be around for ever and needs to learn that responsibility. Shes an adult she needs to act like one
She would be mad until she finds another job.
No no no she is an adult
Have her trade work around your home for money. Need the lawn mowed or house cleaning? There is nothing wrong with giving money to a child trying their best and falling short. But they should never expect or feel entitled to it. There are so many good jobs out there! If something is keeping her from working, there are programs to help.
If she asks for money, ask in return she help you with something.
Family is supposed to help but NOT take advantage.
She’s an adult, you’re no longer responsible for her .
She quit her job. She wasn’t fired or laid off, she quit. I wouldn’t help her out at all! She should have gotten a new job before quitting the first one, that’s how being an adult works. If she was a student or something I’d feel differently - but she’s in her mid 20s now. Time to cut her off of your wallet! It’s ok every once and a while to help out. I do that for my family/mother occasionally when things are just a little too tight for them. But it’s not something they should rely on or demand from me.
Tell her to get a job
She’s grown. She should be helping you
Not in school or working . What a winner
Tell her No point blank.
Somehow she thinks that’s okay. You must’ve raised her to think that way
You’re only halting her growth if you continue to coddle her.
Tell her to grow up and get a job. You may have to cut her off for a little until she gets it. Asking for help is one thing, expecting for parents to continue providing after a certain age is beyond irresponsible…
What you allow is what will continue.
She is capable of taking care of herself. It is hard, but you must teach her this.
I know it’s hard but you need to tell her she needs to take responsibility for yourself. You have your own bills and another child to care for. I can understand borrowing money and paying it back in a timely manner but it’s not okay to continually ask for money
Friggin ridiculous!
Absolutely not. Falling on hard times is one thing. Laziness is another.
What you allow, will continue. You are not obligated to help her just because she is your daughter. She is an adult and she will never behave like one if she’s allowed to act like a child.
Cut her off. She might get mad but she’ll need you before you need her. She’ll get over it.
Tell her she needs to get a job, if she asks for money tell her no, if she gets mad let her know that it’s okay for to feel mad but you’re still not giving her money.
Tell her to get a job.
Tell her NO! Your not responsible for her, you are responsible for your 12yr.
Are you a doormat or her mother !!! Tell her ass NO …no ma’am gtfoh
Girl needs to grow up and get a job.
She should really get a life and a job
Tell her no and tell her to go get a job, she’s not 16 she’s 26. I’m 23, support myself and 2 children as a single mother with no post secondary education. She’s got no excuse.
I am a mom of 2. I have 6 part time jobs. I bust my ass. Makes no sense that a young woman wouldn’t take on a second job if she wants more money. You have no obligation to her.
“Expects” the money? Tell her to kick rocks and make her own buck. I understand asking for money if times are rough BUT I would never expect someone to give me money. This is the new way of life for lazy kids nowadays and it’s a damn shame. If she doesn’t have a job then she doesn’t get paid, end of discussion.
Nope you aren’t a.walking ATM… Everywhere is hiring there is no excuse!
Cut her off!!! Let the pos get a job!
It’d be different if she was actually making an attempt to support herself. However, if she isn’t in school, and doesn’t have a job… Then hand her an ink pen and tell her she better start filling out applications. Ain’t shit in this world for free.
Learn to say NO. Youre.not.doing her any favors if you give her money. Let her get a job. There are jobs everywhere. You have your own priorities. The 12 yr old first of all.
I’m 22 with a 1.5 yr old. I work, go to college & have a small business. Don’t get me wrong I still BORROW money from my mom here & there but never expect it.
Tell her no u do not have any money to give her. However if it was me I’d tell my daughter I’m sorry I can’t give u money. But u can cone eat dinner at my house or I can make u something to eat. She has to grow up n learn she wants money she’s gotta get a job
kick her out and let her do for herselfe, you owe her nothing past the age of 18 .
If she lives with you , your already helping her, tell her to get a job
Nope. Maybe 20 bucks here n there.
She’s 26 years old. She needs to realize you’re her mother. Not a personal ATM. It would be different if she was recently in the hospital, had an operation, or had a disability. If she just doesn’t feel like working that’s called being lazy. She’s gonna find out real quick that being lazy isn’t going to get her anywhere. Don’t back down, I know you might feel bad cause it’s your daughter but she needs that tough love.
Tell her to get a JOB
She needs to grow up and get a job tell her no and do not give into her
I’m 26. Haven’t asked my mom for a single penny. Me and my bf both have jobs. We have struggled a little. The only time I have asked my mom ONE TIME OUT OF ALL TIMES, was for gas. Other than that when my son is watched by my sister
I pay her. I owe my mom not just from the help she has helped me. But a lot for all she has done. And I will pay her every penny.
If I can get a job. So can she. If any teen can get a job. So can she.
It’s one thing to help someone who’s helping themselves but it sounds like she’s just looking for a handout and you’re being taken advantage of… I understand it’s really rough out there now not help my kids in any way I can but they got to be putting forth some effort too… Tell her ass to get a “J.O.B” said in my best dad from FRIDAY voice!
My advice is to put your daughter in the car and drive her around to see just how many help wanted signs in a area that she can walk to!
Lots of job openings out there.
Show her the help wanted ads.
my advice would be to say NO! easy, done…let her get mad all she wants.
She us 26, grow up. No more hand outs. Get a job, support herself and if she is living with you, start charging. Life is not free!!!
She needs to not quit jobs until she has mother lined up.
Tell her to get a job maybe if it was once in a while then maybe I would but this is constant she’s grown she needs to get a job PLENTY of them out there even if she doesn’t have any experience most jobs train on the job just going to have to tell her no if she gets mad so be it … going to have to learn to put your foot down
Hugs I hope I don’t have to go through this at that age. Let her be broke she’s way old enough to figure it out. Stand tough she’s an adult bit a child. Mooching because she’s lazy isn’t ok. Besides she can go get unemployment can’t she?
I borrow from my dad but I pay it back. As for my mom I give her money. I don’t expect money from anyone.
Put your foot down! Say no
Tell her to get a job or claim her own benefits she needs to learn to support herself, helping put every now and again is okay but not all the time and she needs to be told no more…
NO!!! She is an adult and needs to find a job and support herself. Don’t enable her or it’ll never stop…
Hold your ground. Let her be mad.
Say no stand firm it’s tough love!
She can DoorDash. You are no longer financially responsible for her.
The more you do it the more she will expect it. If she was working and struggling I can see you helping her here and there but if she quit her job thats not her trying at all.
The rule in my house is that if you’re over 18 amd still living at home, you’re either in school or working. If you’re doing neither, you’re getting kicked out with a 30 day notice (get a job or get out).
Stop giving her monies then if it’s a problem
Huh, you aren’t obligated to financially support her. You still have a 12 year old you are responsible. Let her know ifnshe needs a meal then she surely can comeby and find herself something to eat in the home. She can go to Mc Donalds…they are always hiring! Stan’s up for yourself. She feels entitled and will thn guilt you
They need to fall down in order to figure out how to get back up on their own. Cut her off!
I would tell her to grow up
Tell her you put all of the money on a new house or something and you have to finish paying it off. Or straight out tell her you need money too and she needs to work.
Cut the cord! Say no get a job!
You just need to sit down and have a conversation with her about how your going to start giving her less and less at least untill she has her own income so she can prepare herself for not being able to mooch off of you, helping your daughter isn’t a bad thing, but she needs to at least be able to help herself at the same time
Shes an adult and responsible for herself.
Stop giving her money. Done
I’ve been mad before. I’m ok