My AIRBNB had a camera and suposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

Let others know so they don’t rent it. They’re sick


I’m not at all happy with ABNB either. I was assulted at a property and now I have been kicked off the website and told I am no longer able to rent. WTF I was a victim of a crime where an arrest was made and charges were filed. I feel like I was victimized twice once when I was assulted and a week later when I was sent an email. I even sent them copies of the police report but nope. Not cool.


I’m just glad you up and left your safety and the children comes first - fight AIRBNB and ruin their reputation.


Speaking from experience - Airbnb deletes/hides conversations and requests so take screenshots of everything. And tweet. They respond to public tweets. Plus don’t settle for just Airbnb credits from them, instead get money refunded in your account.


I hope you leave the most vile comments on that air B and B page and house.



:speaking_head: H.O.E. (Hotels over everything)


It’s a good thing you trusted your momma instinct. I got a bad feeling about that whole situation just reading about it. None of it makes sense. That husband is clearly a creep and up to something extremely shady. Glad you’re all safe.


If you paid with your credit card, you have 120 days to dispute the charge. If you paid with your debit card you have 30 days from day of charge being paid. However, they may have an extension based on date of receipt for services.


I just…have no words at all. Airbnb sounds scary and I’ve heard so many bad stories about it so I think I’ll just avoid it altogether.


Do people not understand that some of these are vacation homes and people DO live in them for part of the year? Even so, he probably has a furnished basement suite. Maybe he lives in the basement while he rents out the upper unit. I’d put cameras in my shit too to prevent people who are careless and negligent from destroying my home and then denying their part.

If you found the camera, it wasn’t hidden.

Omg sounds Like s horror film setup…


I’m old school… I only stay in hotels and always book directly, never through an online travel sight!!! Hope you get a full refund and post the host name and address so others don’t have to deal with that creeper!


Omg that’s really scary! I’ve used air bnb here in the UK and never had any issues or have heard of any from anyone else. But when you put it like this, I guess anything is possible with these creeps around! I’m so glad you managed to prove why you were there and got your family out. Really sorry to hear you had a bad experience and had to drive all the way home though! Be sure to leave a review on there to warn others and if air bnb don’t pursue this then take it to the media :open_mouth: things could’ve been so much worse and you should’ve been protected x


That’s awful. So creepy. I hope you’re able to get a refund


Following…. Never in this situation but popped up on my newsfeed and I have always been interested in maybe getting an AirBNB, and even never experienced, I feel I can sense the honesty and the wrong that happened here and I’ve been in that position many times even if not Airbnb but something to me that seems so cut and dry of fucked up and I never once received justice no matter what it was I found myself on the short end of stick…. I’m following because first off, I would hope this story pans out and even though what you expected didn’t go as planned, you certainly deserve compensation in some way or justice, but also…. Following because clearly I am just now thinking about Airbnb’s and never been before in a position to do so but now I am and have thought about it and I come from a life of somehow if I didn’t have bad luck, I’d have none and I felt as I read this, it would be my story…. So thankfully, I haven’t yet experienced this but if I did with money now I never had but do now and would expect a nice time to have this experience, I’d be so upset if I didn’t get any justice to what is so clear unfair but I need to know the outcome of this…. Hope original poster as it’s anonymous posts the outcome! Lol

That’s terrible. I hate when people say, “mind you” drives me nuts! I hope you get a refund.

My biggest Airbnb fear. I know everyone seems to love them but I am a hotel girl all the way. Never tried one


You also don’t have to stay in dc :unamused:

How did this home get approved as an Airbnb? I thought you had to go through a rigorous process to get approved. Eek!


I hope you find a way to deal with stress.


Oh my gosh! How scary! I would be freaking out! I’m glad your intuition was screaming at you! :worried:

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I just want to throw this out there that many Airbnb’s have cameras and they are allowed to except in bedrooms or bathrooms due to privacy reasons. You are going into someone’s home not a multimillion dollar corporate hotel. So the camera shouldn’t be too surprising. But the wife not knowing and calling the cops that’s a whole batch of chaos nobody wants to deal with.


Exactly why I said inwould never use airbnb. I feel like its app for these kinds of situations to happen or worse. Very scary moive sounding( not saying your lying at all, I’m saying on the owners part)

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Aside from ‘looking lived in’ that’s normal, lot of people rent out when they are away. Everything else was creepy af.


I’m so sorry!
I hope air bnb bans them! I would have posted this on their review!


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My AIRBNB had a camera and supposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

What an absolute nightmare I’m so sorry this happened to you


Glad I have never stayed in an Airbnb, that is scary. Hotels are much more regulated.


What a terrible ordeal! Sure hope you get your money back!


I would love to know what Airbnb you stayed in because we are pretty sure ours had cameras too. We stayed at one in Washington DC 2 years ago, and I could not shake the feeling that I was being watched.
The owner was upstairs and we were in the downstairs portion. We had to stay there for 3 nights and the entire time I felt so uncomfortable :confounded:


I rented a place 1000 miles from home for a week off VRBO. I show up and there’s a guy staying in the house! The owner double booked it and we had no choice but to get a hotel for the night, then try to scramble to find a place, in a resort town, for a week that took pets. The owner brought a full refund cashiers check to my hotel in the morning. Sometimes you never know what you’ll get…


I would report this to a Local TV Station about this and Airbnb as well. Maybe they can out this on the air


And that is why I would rather stay at a hotel than rent an AirBnB…


I have read many AIRBNB have cameras in the common areas and exterior. I assumed that was normal.


My family and I just got back from Washington DC. I personally didn’t want to spend a lot of money just to sleep somewhere since we were going to be gone all day every day so we stayed at a campground. We enjoy camping so we tented. I realize camping isn’t for everyone, but the one we stayed at have these glamping pods with AC in them! :slight_smile: They also have a yurt.
I’m sorry about the airbnb. I hope you get your money back.

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I have Airbnb’d domestic and foreign and never had a problem. Did you check out the reviews for this host?? My guess is that the wife did try to call the husband and he just wouldn’t answer, and/or that she thought you had offed him which is why she called police.


Shocking story. You must have been very stressed. Gooduck with the refunds.


This is what I have been telling people makes me panic about Airbnb that they could be some illegal stuff and you take the fall.


I would have done the same thing. Creepy!!!


That is horrendous Airbnb have really let you down hope you get an immediate refund


Wow, totally inappropriate! AIRBNB should refund and never let this guy rent again.


My daughter is having trouble getting her money refunded she booked an Airbnb a year ago the owner added additional fees. So put claim with Airbnb to cancel and money refunded $500.00. Still waiting


Oh my gosh. That is awful!!! Please keep us posted on if you get all your money back. You should put this guy on yelp!!!:revolving_hearts::pray:


Ohhhh I will just continue to stay in hotels. Good luck to you, I hope you get a refund for this horrible experience you and your family endured. Most importantly… You started cool can and collected for your children. :muscle:t3::pray:t3:


We stayed in a vrbo. And the owner stayed in a motor home in the driveway. It was kind of creepy. We came home to it once and they were inside. Checking on things. I didn’t like that either. Won’t do it again


AirBNB would get a phone call and email from me every day until the situation was rectified.


I don’t think you will get the refund because I had a similar experience here where the airbnb was far from suitable, the person in control called in to see our complaints and saw 4 stretchers in boxes on the floor and assumed that we had more people staying there than arranged this was not correct. They happened to be sale items from kmart that we picked up three hours ago for our future planned holiday. But the person was rude n condescending and insisted we had more people there than originally agreed. We had no TV, or hot water, stove wasn’t working, and the sea view was non existent due to new building next door up four floors.

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My daughter stayed in one in Florida years ago, and was great. Last summer was suppose to in Co. she and the friends left because felt something was off.
I will not stay in Airbnb because it is not my home. Furthermore, I don’t trust this setup, and could be a scam.


I would report bizarre host behavior. Bet you get a full refund


Take the homeowner to small claims court for all costs of cancellations and the stay


I’d have no issue with cameras if they are at the entry or exits . For their prof day of extra people or stolen items. But Not to watch my family ! That’s invasion of privacy and creepy !!!


That is so bogus I hope u get all your money back I would see what other things you can do cause you were definitely scammed


Air B&b b is sometimes so unreliable, I was with my karate team at PE booked a big house at 9:00 at night when we reached & couple in house says we unlisted from Airb&b since long , air b & b was not at all helpful , thy said we must book ourselves in same price that previous booking was & thy will refund in months time , it was difficult & I ended up paying 2500R from my own pocket .


That was someones house they live in if all that stuff was there not an ABB. Id call a Lawyer just in case. Cameras in a place like that is spying.


Creepy for the cameras and that he didn’t tell the wife. However, I know someone that’s owes and lives in a house. He works a lot. He Air B&B his house, and when he does he stays in his basement. He is on site. He’s never had an issue with anyone staying there and him staying in the basement He has a separate entrance.
Hopefully you will get a refund.


What advice are you looking for. Airbnb will handle it

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That’s why I don’t stay in air bnb’s.

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I hope you kept the camera in case there’s photos of your family???

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And be aware…… if they can watch with those cameras, they can also hear everything you say!!!

Report to the BBB get report from police file complaint and dispute all charges on Credit card. What a scam!

Weird. I was just looking for an airbnb, and a lot of the listing posted they have security cameras :thinking: did airbnb get sued?

Oh hell no! :flushed: that’s sketchy af!! I hope you get a refund,I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Seems like the “ host “ the guy was the “ wife” too … I’m assumi

I’ll stick with hotels…
Sorry for your experience & hoping your refunded your money. Otherwise taking people to court.


I will only stay in a hotel, no Airbnb.


You should be okay/ if you have police report! Hope you used Amex!

I have never stayed in an an Airbnb before but this is so creepy. The only part that is not odd is that the people live there. I know a few people that rent out their own houses and stay elsewhere when the home is rented. They will rent their homes when we have big events in town ( nascar races and music festivals). Kinda smart. They don’t want to be here for the madness and make money while they travel!


Wow so sorry you had to go through this!

Good decision safety first

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So very sorry that’s frightening.

Would never stay in an airbanb

Why do people trust whatever this is??? I would never

That’s down right creepy!

He probably wanted to watch your kids.

Omg! That sounds like a nightmare!!:hushed:

Airbnb doesn’t give money back no matter your honor story. I have several clients that had nightmarish experience as well. Good luck.

Doesn’t sound like you need advice.

Hotel. Then You dont have to read the rules book or do a days work of housework when you leave.

I’d be asking for a refund and leave a bad review pre warn others

May wanna look into the owner and prese charges there

That sounds shady…that guy was weird

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Ooooh my. I’m sorry for your horrendous experience

Nancy George Engels look at this creepiness

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Crawford Gellisa O NO MAAM

Horrible experience.

That’s just creepy :scream:

Absolutely unacceptable.

That’s freaky. Glad you left.


Omg. I’m so sorry. I don’t blame you, my ass would be gone fast!


I think you are paranoid


This is why I will not get an Air BNB… Couldn’t you have just booked a hotel for the night instead of drive back home… I am so sorry you had to go thru that… I have heard way to many Airbnb stories I just can’t do it

This is why I aint ever using Airbnb. The company is known for their deplorable customer service and lack of accountability. For 2k you could’ve stayed in at star hotel for a week. I live in Clearwater aaaaaaaand a vacation home is 1500 right on the beach… the whole concept is a scam, there’s no stafty or sanitation standards they can hold anyone to. Only thing worse than being a renter is being a host whose property was damaged by a renter. One person was stuck with over 10k in damages and the app was just like sorry about your luck.

Chrissy Vestal Rehm this makes you never wanna stay airbnb again

I would personally sue the people of host yu rented from and his wife for menatal stress calling the cops on y’all.
AirBNB prolli won’t do nothing. l


I would be so livid!

Airbnb are getting to out of control they can cancel on you any time if they want I heard they can even kick you out it was fun while it lasted it wasn’t your fault

At a air bnb now and geeze that’s crazy

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I dont feel like the wife was wrong for calling the police, many of us would’ve done the same

My nephew and his family had a similar situation with airbnb they left for dinner came back and everything moved around. Including furniture things went downhill from there so they also left


As an Air bnb owner, this is all totally Wrong! I hope AirBnB honors your refund!