My AIRBNB had a camera and suposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

Crawford Gellisa O NO MAAM

Horrible experience.

That’s just creepy :scream:

Absolutely unacceptable.

That’s freaky. Glad you left.


Omg. I’m so sorry. I don’t blame you, my ass would be gone fast!


I think you are paranoid


This is why I will not get an Air BNB… Couldn’t you have just booked a hotel for the night instead of drive back home… I am so sorry you had to go thru that… I have heard way to many Airbnb stories I just can’t do it

This is why I aint ever using Airbnb. The company is known for their deplorable customer service and lack of accountability. For 2k you could’ve stayed in at star hotel for a week. I live in Clearwater aaaaaaaand a vacation home is 1500 right on the beach… the whole concept is a scam, there’s no stafty or sanitation standards they can hold anyone to. Only thing worse than being a renter is being a host whose property was damaged by a renter. One person was stuck with over 10k in damages and the app was just like sorry about your luck.

Chrissy Vestal Rehm this makes you never wanna stay airbnb again

I would personally sue the people of host yu rented from and his wife for menatal stress calling the cops on y’all.
AirBNB prolli won’t do nothing. l


I would be so livid!

Airbnb are getting to out of control they can cancel on you any time if they want I heard they can even kick you out it was fun while it lasted it wasn’t your fault

At a air bnb now and geeze that’s crazy

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I dont feel like the wife was wrong for calling the police, many of us would’ve done the same

My nephew and his family had a similar situation with airbnb they left for dinner came back and everything moved around. Including furniture things went downhill from there so they also left


As an Air bnb owner, this is all totally Wrong! I hope AirBnB honors your refund!

That’s unusual. Good luck with the refunds.

Remindes me of the beginning of a scary movie😳

Holly Bougor … I felt like we were being watched in the last air bnb lol

Aiden Thomas Mikey Jamison my fear is real

Diana Cortes this is why I have my doubts .

Report this to your bank to dispute the charges. The bank will investigate and make sure you get your money back

My concern would be what he has on the cameras. He snooped while you were gone, he has cameras in the house. The thought of him having cameras makes me sick.

Talk to your/a lawyer asap! $2k not refunded could be under felony not just civil. If you have to sue, include emotional & other damages as well as any vaca reservations not refunded.


My advice- always use a travel agent. Wouldn’t have had to gone through that (agent would
Have helped fix) Roane the World by Dream Vacations next time call me

So theyre allowed to have cameras in ‘common areas’…& many hosts stay while the place is rented, they just lock that section of house off…my neighbors do it in fl.
Airbnb has too many weird rules & loopholes…i doubt you can sue

Creepy! I wouldn’t use Airbnb. Too personal staying in strangers home.


I’m sorry you’re family had to endure such a bad experience… Heres hoping you get All your money refunded …

I’m sorry about your experience, you made a good decision to leave. Get your refund and then let it go. Teach your kids how to deal with and accept unexpected and unfortunate circumstances and make a plan for another way to have family fun. Chalk it up as a memory for the books, count your blessings, and be well. :two_hearts:

Horrible. This is terrible

  1. pretty sure owners have every right to put cameras in their place minus bedrooms and bathrooms
  2. yes you rented the whole place but doesn’t necessarily mean the basement was included in that (why do you need access to the basement anyways)
  3. ya I’d call the cops too if someone was in my house and I wasn’t expecting them

Too many horror stories going around where Airbnb don’t care to refund any trips or they give you the run around when you ask for help with issues.
Best bet maybe talk to a lawyer and see what if anything can be done.

Do whatever you can! Sue for the fact they didn’t tell you that you were being recorded! Sue Sue Sue don’t let them get away with that. get a lawyer!

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Why didn’t you talk to the husband? You saw all those strange things going on and you still went to dinner? All these excuses as to why you couldn’t handle these issues. You, husband, wife, police should’ve been on that call

I’m so glad you posted, someone just recommended Air B&B and I had a strong intuition to avoid them because of stuff like this, she said that “can’t happen”. I almost allowed myself to get talked into something when every fiber of my body screams to stay away. Thank you for the safety reminder!

OMG, To me is that the owner of the house is a croock. He tried to make some money with the house without the wife knowledge while the wife was away and forgot there were cameras in the house. I hope those security deposit was included in those $2,000. Why would I rented a house for that much money for only 4 nights. People need to be aware of those stunts.

Press charges on that creep

Take her to small claims court in that area. It’s only a $25 fee and you could recoup all your $


Gurl you better get a refund… that man was clearly a creepy scammer. That’s a messaed up situation… sorry to hear your vacation was ruined😞

This reminds me of the movie 13 cameras, on Prime Video. A guy rents out his house and stays in the basement waiting to attack those upstairs. He was using cameras to watch them and when they were out would go through their stuff.


You just gave my my one and only reason to never use them :sweat_smile:


K but… why was the husband creeping around? he knew HE rented it out… wtffff


why would she call her husband??? If I had cameras in my house (which I do) I also would call the police. The husband thought he could make a little money while the wife was out of town, So he did, Yes this was wrong & Airbnb is only believing what he wanted them to & that was to rent his house under a wk on these dates, Should they make him repay you back, I believe they should, but chances are, this might not happen, This is a private house, He really should have shut off the cameras, But then again the wife (who also owns the house ) probably would have notice that & called the police thinking something was wrong, AS for the husband creeping around, he probably had no other place to go or knew the Amazon delivery was coming & was waiting for it. And he probably had no other place to go !!! Creepy with that, yes,


They’ve all looked “lived in” but extra clean…there’s certain places you won’t have access to because they are suppose to put “important” things up in those places…most do have cameras in common areas because folks have trashed places so it’s for legal/security reasons…it’s their personal space so getting packages is normal (just don’t touch them)….as far as the husband…WEIRDO!!! I would have confronted him…as far as the wife, she should have gotten something from AirBnB about the rental if she normally is the one who takes care of it, so she’s a weirdo too!….you did right by leaving when you felt unsafe though and you’re in for a fight to get your money back.


I just check a few places they have a lot of rooms available some have 5 night stays some have 3 night or 1 night. You would have yo hotel hope but at least you would get you vacation and spend less than 2,000 on hotels for the week.

I will never use airb&b again for situations like this. They are so unhelpful when people are scamming.


Sounds like a messed up movie :slightly_frowning_face:


Please leave a review on the AirBnB website! This guy is a creep!


Lawsuit. Airbnb is in a lot of trouble for this stuff……research it


Airbnb has been slipping lately. I used them twice with excellent results, but my friend got a place that definitely did not match the pics and description. They need to tighten up on the bad hosts or their business reputation is toast.


I would file a claim with my credit card company


Omg this is Sooooo creepy. wtf was the husband doing creepy in the bushes​:scream::scream: lawsuit!!


Amanda Morrow this is quite a story. Yikes.

I would definitely put this Airbnb on BLAST. Name and location. Who knows how many families he’s done this to before and how many families are to come.


I don’t blame you for getting out of there. Definitely let your credit card company know, file a report with Better Business Bureau, write a review and be specific with just the facts and if AirBnB won’t refund your money hire a lawyer.


See that’s why I don’t do air bnb . creeps


Why bad things always happen on a vacation specially when you pay big bucks sad

You should file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), as well as leave reviews on any website they advertise on. I would also request a copy of the police incident report that should assist you in get your refunds back. You should probably also request copies of any report AirBnB took, as well as get hard copies from your bank on the money you put out for the trip, including the gas purchases and any other expenses you put out. You may need them if you have to escalate your claim. I would definitely be talking with their corporate office from this point on and if that goes no where I’d contact an attorney.
I’m attaching a link of some steps you can follow to help you escalate on your end. Hope it helps, good luck!!


This is why I don’t use Airbnb’s, there are too many stories like this to many stories of weird things happening or unsafe things. I know there are plenty of people have good experiences and that’s great but I’m not taking that chance. I also know things can happen at hotels I’m not asking that, I’m saying why I personally don’t stay at Airbnb’s.

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I use Never had any problems.

I’ve used Airbnb many many times. Never had an issue. This sounds like a complete nightmare and that the husband was being sneaky behind the wife’s back.


This sounds like it’s out of a movie. Hope you get your money back. That’s messed up.

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Wow, thats weird! I’m sure they have horror stories owning AirBNB also. I wouldn’t mind a camera in area’s like the LR but bedroom and bathroom nope!!! But you did the right thing sorry your vacation was ruined and yeah get all that money back


Wow! I know it’s hard to look at a as a positive but just take it as a lesson learned and something that you went through I hope that you booked another great vacation and you guys have a great time, that is so crazy

Kirsten Kaylyn Alexis Mayer read this

Alexis Anne LAAWWDDDDD look at this .
“ANDY ARE YOU IN THE SHOWER?!?!” :joy::joy::joy:

In my country there is a saying that says “cheap is expensive”.

Airbn does not have any guarantee of safety, it is better to pay a little more in a hotel.


Airbnb this is a messed up situation and these people deserve a FULL refund.


With legitimate backing and plenty of reviews. Never a BNB unless it has recommendations and numerous people to vouch for it.

There are way too many horror stories about this kind of thing lol.




Alot of homes have Ring cameras for surveillance. The wife called the cops…the camera was ALWAYS there. It wasn’t to “spy”. Sounds like dude is living in a capitalistic world…renting his place out for extra $$ while the wife is away. I hope you can get a refund.


I’m curious to know how many reviews were on this place prior (if any at all) and what they said.


I would call the police


It’s suspicious she called the police and not hubby…? You don’t know who she called in what order. You only know at some point, the police were obviously called.


Couldn’t you have stayed at a hotel instead of trying to find another air bnb after the incident instead of driving back home?

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That’s a wholeeeeee ass lawsuit! #lawyerup

Well, I guess I won’t be using Airbnb.


I am so sorry for you and your family. That sounds beyond devastating, I can’t imagine how disappointed the kiddos are :tired_face: I really hope u get every penny back and are able to take another vacation with the family! Good job mama for following your instincts and staying calm :ok_hand::+1:


Why not just get a hotel

Holy cow. Definitely leave a bad review


Maybe gonna have some photos or video of your family ready to post to the dark web. I’d sue.


I would never use airbnb


I am curious to know if there were any reviews! I always check reviews before booking anywhere!


Airbnb makes me nervous to begin with and this confirmed my feelings about this…I will NEVER use them.


Wow that is messed up. I really hope you get your money back. Sorry that your and your families vacation was ruined. Ugh


If airbnb doesn’t give your money back I’d sue that family for your money back. I’d also ask for damages from. Traumatizing you and your kids.


You should’ve told the cops about the cameras in the house. There’s laws against that.


Maybe the wife tried to call hubby and he didn’t answer. Possibly renting the house out without her knowing.

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You won’t get a refund. Buyer beware.

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Airbnb is super weird. My husband and I were away in one, I found dirty vibrators and dildos in the bedside drawer. We packed and left. Lasagna left in the microwave… with a fork! :roll_eyes:


Serial killer shit for real :flushed:

Small claims court for refund if not returned within few weeks


Wow! Good to know, I’d check to see if the guy is a pedophile - creepy man creeping around at night as cameras with children round and wife unaware. Heck yes I’d be pissed and raising hell!!!

You can’t trust any of these sites anymore. We booked a room for a loved one on User was validated but it ended up being a fraud and they took our money w no keys. said “scammers get by sometimes”. And havnt seen our money.

File a police report. Hopefully either you or your husband had the presence of mind to take pics of the camera and whatever else that you found to be out of order. Go to court for your money if you have to.

Im so sorry that happened to you and your family! What a horroble experience!

If they won’t refund you, dispute it with your credit card momma. I had an issue with Expedia during a snow storm, charged me $300 for a hotel I didn’t book nor stay at, and it never let me cancel. Customer service through them was terrible, so I took it up with Apple & they refunded me.

Cameras are illegal in rental homes. Just an FYI I’m a housekeeper for vacation rentals and we have had a few owner try to keep them in house and were told it was illegal

Report to AIRBNB. I used to clean these units. If they get complaints they can not stay on the site and it’s flagged by name and property address. I have had a lot of luck with AIRBNB . File a complaint please for us travelers.