My AIRBNB had a camera and suposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

We got to the Airbnb and saw the host; he was leaving (from what seemed to be a basement in the house, the first thing that was off because we had no access to that part of the home). Mind you; I rented the entire place supposedly. When we walked in, we felt something off because this house had everything in it, clothes, books, socks, important papers, everything! We were at the house about 30min before leaving for dinner. I made sure all lights were off per his house rules. As we were leaving for dinner, we saw amazon pull up and drop off a few big boxes. He left them out because they were big. As we were leaving, we saw the host sneaking around in some bushes and run off when he saw us. We still left because our kids were hungry… We got back to the Airbnb around 11 pm and pulled up to the house and saw the garage door open and the amazon packages in the garage (Mmmmm, I wonder who did that, because who has the code to the garage?). But we also found the door from the garage to the home unlocked, we found a lit candle (that we did NOT leave on), and the lights in the kid’s rooms were left on also (the dude was creeping around when we were gone). My kids and husband start looking around, and they find a camera! At this point, I can’t stay in this house. As I’m calling Airbnb because I don’t feel safe and feel like my privacy was invaded and need them to help me find a place to stay with my family; I mean, that’s the least they can do when I paid over 2k for four-night stays. I’m trying to get out of this house where I don’t feel me and my children are safe, packing, getting my dogs, getting everything out the door. As I’m packing my SUV to leaving, two police officers show up and tell me that the host’s wife was not aware we were there and asked to see my phone for the reservation information. The owner’s wife told the officers she had seen us on the ring camera. I suffer from epilepsy when I am stressed; I get seizures! I’m over here freaking the hell out, thinking we are being scammed; I’m trying to keep my cool, so my kids don’t freak out. And I’m trying to control my body, and my husband is trying to calm me down because I know something is wrong, and I feel like I’m about to faint. My husband makes sure I’m sitting down, I pull up my reservation (because the cops asked to see it to make sure we weren’t squatters :roll_eyes:), and one of the officers says, “we’re going to call the wife to let her know what’s going on” they knew my booking was legit. After about 15 mins my husband and I were don’t loading the car; we did ask one of the cops to stay until we were done loading the car. The other cop comes back and says he has spoken to the wife “she says she’s 1,000 miles away and wasn’t aware her husband had rented the place out for the week”. Do you mean to tell me the wife is away for the week, saw us show up to the Airbnb, and instead of calling her husband so he can go check on the house, she calls the cops on us? That was strike number 3! So guess what we did! We left, guess to where? My house is almost 4 1/2 hrs away; yes, at 2 am, I had to drive back home with my three kids and three dogs because EVERYTHING WAS SOLD OUT in the Washington DC area! Mind you, AIRBNB was not helpful at all. Now I’m waiting on my refund and hoping I can get a refund on everything else I booked for my family to do during our week-long vacation.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My AIRBNB had a camera and supposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

Im so sorry this happened to you. That is the creepiest thing I have heard of. I hope you get your money back and with time so e peace of mind.

That is freaky for sure

AirBnB is horrible when you want your money back. My husband and I rented on on 34th St in NYC last year. We showed up and the toilet was overflowed onto the floor, the doors were unscrewed off of all of the cabinets, the sink was backed up and had hair and a broken fingernail floating in it, there was broken tile in the kitchen with the chards still in it (not safe for my 2 year old), there was a pee stain on the sofa, and on and on. I called AirBnB and argued for three hours with them, sent pictures, the whole nine. Their final decision was that I was not due a reimbursement because I didn’t contact the landlord first to rectify the situation. I threw up in my mouth. I don’t care if they demoed and remodeled the place, I was never going to stay there after what I saw. It was horrific. They ended up giving me a $500 voucher. It was a nightmare, and they’re notorious for being completely useless for rectifying issues like this. Their excuse is that they’re simply the platform, and have no business with the goings on between the landlord and renter.

I’m confused about what advice you need at this point? You’ve contacted AirBNB, took your family home, what advice do you need?


I’m so sorry your trip got ruined for 2k that’s absolutely ridiculous. This why I don’t trust these “self renters” or w.e. Uber Lyft or air bnb people are insane and creepy .


You can a rented a house for a whole month for $2000 lbvs

Omg. I would have freaked out too, and I’m not blaming you at ALL but did you check the reviews for the house and stuff. I’ve seen so many bad stories about Airbnb’s and crazy stuff that happens so I always check the reviews and read them all before booking to hopefully keep the craziness down lol.

  1. Not Airbnb’s fault. Don’t blame them for something that seemed legit, considering you had booking reservations. You are getting a refund.
  2. If someone was at my house and I didn’t know I would definitely call the cops and then my husband. Who knows, maybe she did call her husband and he told her no one was staying there.
  3. You did the right thing to get out of there.
  4. Did you read the reviews on the host before you booked?

Yeah it was creepy but I feel like you’re pointing blame at the wrong people. You’re mad cuz the wife called the cops cuz people were at her house? You’re mad cuz Airbnb gave you a refund but won’t find you somewhere else to stay, in July, in DC, at the last minute? Take the loss and move on from it. I agree that it sucks that your vacation was ruined, but at least your family is safe. That’s all that matters here.

I had a similar situation… none of the doors to the house locked and we were in the middle of no where. We had alot of people with us but if it was just my little family I would’ve left too. :v:t3:

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Creepy af. Glad you left

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I don’t even understand why people still use AirBnB. I would not feel safe nor comfortable staying in a strangers home, not knowing what hidden cameras, devices or rooms they have. And then paying over 2K for four nights! Get a hotel room!


This is unacceptable. My family wanted to book AirBNB several times but my husband kept talking about the owners might have cameras hidden inside. Now I believe him!! :flushed::flushed: This is unacceptable at all. You are not overreacting! What husband and wife don’t communicate about renting a place out? Also, if she “saw” someone throught her camera the first person she needs to call was her husband. But who has cameras inside of their airbnb anyways. I pray you will get all of your money back. If airbnb is not helping you at all. I suggest you to file a dispute through your bank.

Way too sketchy and creep

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That is a reason I won’t stay at an AirBnb. I don’t feel comfortable staying in someone’s house it just creeps me out

There’s a movie about something exactly like this, the neighbor? Or the guest, go run off, and don’t look back :woman_shrugging::100:

This story keeps changing. …
This is like the 3rd version I’ve seen

Sounds like the husband rented out their home while she was gone and didn’t tell her. Like maybe it’s not a normal airbnb.

Advice for what? What more is there to do?


As long as AirBNB gives you a full refund, I think the issue is resolved. My husband would’ve confronted the man before we left to dinner. Creeping around in the bushes is not normal obviously, Either my husband or myself would’ve handled that then & there. Just me tho.

Seen this a month ago somewhere else…

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I mean did this happen recently? Because just not buying that all hotels in the DC area were sold out.

Hotel is way way way way way cheaper than that.


AIRBNB started as a great idea, but as ideas get bigger they start getting stupid and ridiculous…I used to do AIRBNB for my dad’s house I manage it…we launched it for about 1 month before covid hit America, so we rented it out like a regular 1 year lease. I joined several AIRBNB groups and the amount of stupid rules these people had for their renters were outrageous. Some of them wanted to control their A/C if their renters took it down or up they would remote control it from their own house, put it to where they wanted it, they would charge for use of ridiculous stuff …I am like these were supposed to be better than hotels, but nope! it got to people’s heads. There was one where it said, you couldn’t be on the balcony talking about 10pm in the mountains…that’s why I will never stay in one of those things. Some people are terrible. Sorry you went thru that, I hope you get your money back.

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Idk what advice you need now. Seems you did all you could. I’d get a hotel next time. That’s sketch.

That’s scary. Im glad yall made it out safe.

I’d be charging anything that wasn’t refunded to airbnb.


Oh my goodness that’s horrible! :pleading_face::disappointed_relieved:

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I love using air B and B and have never had any issues. I never book with ones that don’t have reviews and i read all reviews! I stayed at a very nice one in dc before. If you pm me, i can send you the info.

I would look into getting a lawyer.

That would be the husband’s fault for not telling his wife that he rented it out. I do understand why the wife called the police. The cost alone should have been a red flag. 2k for only 4 days is ridiculous.

I would have left but why couldn’t you get a hotel in DC? I understand that all Airbnbs booked but I wouldn’t want to deal with them any longer until they resolve my issue. I would have called my bank to refund the charge immediately too


I always figure Air bb has cameras🤷🏻‍♀️. One in NY thought we were both out, but I was there, heard him put the key in the door and then leave when he heard me.

Many of you are “asking why not go to a hotel?” She said she had 3 dogs with her. Almost any hotel that does welcome pets ( and it isn’t many) have breed, size, and quantity rules. So that may not have been even an option. This is a horrible situation and idk what advice you are looking for hun, you def we’re not over reacting ( per stupid comments) the entire situation is sketchy af. Literally the list of red flags is longer then what you acknowledged in your post. You did the right thing, even if you have to fool with phone calls and explanations all week. You may not get all your money back for the things that you had payed for but you certainly should get you money back from air b&b so don’t let up on them at all. There has to be something in the contract that prohibits these home owners from having cameras in the homes.

That is awful!! I’m sorry what a nightmare

Zertinie Jacobs Bass

This Air BNB thing is getting crazier and crazier by the year.

What I dont understand is… if she had her 3 dogs with them… how did this guy get pass the 3 dogs when he entered the home and went through their belonging while they were not there??? I would think the dogs would have prevented him from being able to enter the home while they weren’t there​:thinking::thinking::thinking:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My AIRBNB had a camera and supposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

What exactly are you asking? You were ripped off. This is exactly why I’ll never trust an air BNB or whatever they’re called. I’m not sure what your question is or what you want advice on. You left to go home. Your vacation ruined. Either keep trying to get air BNB to refund you or let it go. Maybe even speak to the police Dept that showed up and ask THEM what can legally be done about it


AirBnB customer service is a joke. I had a couple bad experiences with hosts. In one instance, I received my money back. In the other, I got back maybe a third of it. Thieves!

Hope you get your money back. There’s not much you can do beyond wait to see if you’re refunded. If you are not, I’d consult with an attorney to see what your rights may be and if small claims court might be a good idea.

I always book through
Host fees so much less and they are very responsive and you can call them directly if any issues. I have never had an issue with them. Hope all works out and yeah that’s a bit creepy. Sorry you and your family had a horrible experience.


This is bs! Call an attorney!


What’s the question?


I understand your frustrations… But do something besides making a huge time waste of a rant on Facebook… Get your family safe…

Sue hell out of them! This total bullshit :unamused::roll_eyes:

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Your renting/booking a home that is not yours…the owner is making money off the deal…you paid for the days for use of the home…what exactly we’re you expecting??

Scary!!! Air Bnc is due a Gia t lawsuit! I’ll Never use them!

So did the cops ever find or talk to the host? Was he staying in the basement just to rent the house out?

I’m sure you can rate the hostess so do that and keep bugging airbnb

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Keep on Airbnb. I’ve used them and only had one problem but money was refunded within a week. They were on immediately but banking stuff took longer to actually show on statement. Get the police report and show it to them to back up your info. Hope things work out. Btw that is very creepy on the husbands part not the wife she was just trying to protect her home. Can’t blame her if she did t know.

What a freakin nightmare. This is one case where theres grounds to sue them, not just for the money u lost in fees and whatever else, but for legit pain and suffering, traumatizing your kids, the inconvenience of having to cut ur trip short and drive home at 2am, in and on. I would sue their pants off. Keep all the evidence, the police reports, the proof there were no rooms, everything u have, and sue them dry. Maybe u could go on a good court show and expose these ppl, so everyone knows their faces. Let the public deal w them. Pick a good judge. Judge jerry is good, he may allow for pain and suffering and make them pay for it. He does so in circumstances like this. Explain ur seizures. Then theres judge judy who’s mean and will chew them like a dog on a bone, put them in theyr place so fast but idk if shed give pain and suffering but shell give u everything owed to u. I wouldnt let them get away w this.

That’s weird… Make sure you look into where your stayin at next time… Stop rushing girl, slow down

You may have grounds for a civil suit.


Where’s the question? I just read the whole story and no question was asked. :woman_facepalming:t2:


What a creepy married couple :flushed: now I want to know if the husband was watching them on another camera access and as they have kids…I am just totally grossed out.

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Read this. J.C. Thomsen

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George Weatherford read this :eyes:

This is absolutely horrifying. I hope you can salvage some of your vacation.

So what’s the question here? Or were you just venting?


Should have got a hotel

2000 for 4 nights that’s ridiculous :flushed:


I mean that’s definitely weird and creepy, but there’s no way you had to drive all the way back home. There’s def towns outside of DC with hotels in them that you guys could’ve stayed at instead of losing the whole vacation.


Airbnb requires if there is any cameras in the house, it needs to be disclosed right from the beginning.
If it does not, you can inform Airbnb and take action against the renter.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My AIRBNB had a camera and supposedly the wife didn't know we were there: Advice?

Air bnbs are allowed to have cameras in living spaces


I would have called the cops also. If you thought someone was breaking in why would you have sent your husband?


I used to love airbnb but here latley this has been happening alot. I hope you get your money back.


My heart started racing reading this. So many questions I hope you get the answer to.


On my . That’s just weird

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This why I dont do AIRBNB


So who was the weirdo creeping around the house the husband?


That is so creepy, i feel sick for you!!! Thats half the reason I don’t use Airbnb, there is no checks or strict regulations that are enforced, I tend to wait for hotels to have good specials and use those, hope you gave it a horrid review and got everyone else you know to do the same, so no other poor innocent families ever stay there.


Sounds like his wife was away and he took the opportunity to earn some cash but didn’t have anywhere to stay himself…so was staying in the basement…its weird he went through the house when you were out… I would want a refund too!


Lots of Airbnb’s have cameras in the general living spaces. They’re allowed to. And I don’t blame owners for using them. Especially in case there is damages. The husband obviously thought he was going to make a quick buck while his wife was out of town but didn’t want to have to leave himself.


The husband would have got his ass beat

Washington DC area… I’m an hour away and there’s plenty of bookings… :neutral_face:
Did you read reviews?

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I’ve heard so many terrible airbnb stories. We always use vrbo and have never had any issues


I honestly doubt you’ll get a refund. The husband of that house sounds like a peeping Tom that hides in the bushes. You did the right thing in going back home bc I would have done the same, or at least got a Motel 6.


I’m sorry but all I could think was this sounds like a lifetime movie. That really sounds like a nightmare, makes you never want to use Airbnb.


You lost me at “man in the bushes”. Nope.


Oh my GAWD I’m so soooooo sorry you and your family went thru this

I know people are saying that cameras are normal in some AIRBNB’s but honestly I think this guy had some set up because one they don’t rent the house out so everything that they own was still in the house and he had nowhere to put it or it’s part of the security system that they have. This guy obviously needs money and was being really sneaky while his wife was away and it’s unfortunate that he had to ruin someone’s vacation.

I know this probably comes as little comfort, but I am sooo sorry that happened to you and your family. Can I just take a moment to appreciate YOU and how YOU handled yourself in this ridiculously hard situation? You are a QUEEN! If it were me… I don’t think I would have handled it as well. Your story has given me inspiration and strength. YOU are an awesome person and THANK YOU for sharing.


That’s why i stick to hotels…i would have flipped


Maybe she called the cops because she knows her husband is a creep. I watch too many horror movies and crime shows I guess because all I can think is that he’s a murderer and planned this because his wife is away.


We use for all of our rentals and have never had any issues and scored some really good deals on the last few vacations we took!


As an AIrBNB host, that is absurd!! We do not have any cameras inside our house or anywhere on the premises, except for the entry gate! That’s a freaky sounding situation!! Certainly AirBNB will refund you your money. I would think that would be their policy. Glad everyone was ok!! If ever in Central Ms, we have a great BNB, without creepers & cameras!! :sweat_smile:


Always check out the reviews. We’ve used Airbnb a lot and always had good experience. I hope we never experience nothing like this.


This is exactly why I won’t do air bnb


Airbnb’s are crap. My brother in law came into town for his wedding next week with his (soon to be) wife and their 5 month old… The place they got was nothing like what was shown. Everything is extremely unkept and its an older small home with NO AC (even thou its listed as having it)
Every time they come they have a problem.

I have a friend who’s wife (they were separated at the time) rented their house out while she was on vacation and he came home because he knew she was gone and surprised the guests. He had no clue what was going on and also called the cops when these random people showed up. It could’ve ended so much worse. This is why I just stick to hotels. That is awful!


Whoah! That is super creepy, I’m so glad you guys got out of there safe. People are so strange. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I would go through air bnb for a refund and get a copy of any documentation from the cops


Contact your bank for a refund, also for everyone acting like the cameras are normal— it is not. You can not put cameras in a house & not tell a guest. Imagine if she was walking around naked or decided to have sex with her husband, this is insanely inappropriate all the way around.

This is common it just depends which one you pick. And bed and breakfast use to mean you rent a room at some ones home and eat dinner hosted by the home owner who is still living in the home. Only recently have airBNBs become popular where people are wealthy enough to have 2 homes and rent 1, as well as people needing a house to stay only short term. But that’s bad on the owners part for not disclosing that information. I’d ask for my money back.


I swear this reminds me of a creepy horror movie I saw recently that involved renting a vacation house which makes me never want to… hidden cameras :camera: creepy things being moved or opened… no thanks! I’m super skeptical and paranoid now!


Chris Sclafani could you imagine :laughing:

I’ve rented many of Air BnB’s and thankfully always had a great experience. Always read the reviews! I would have done the same and left. How creepy!

To hell with dinner. I would’ve left when I saw his ass creeping through bushes like Norman Bates then running away when he saw y’all. :woman_shrugging:t4::joy: