My baby is a little over one. When I take her to her other side of the family, her aunt always examines her to see if she has bruises, her nails are clipped, anything in her ears…she has to be PERFECT. If there is a little bit of wax in the ear, she makes a huge fuss over it, or if there is a little red spot on the skin from crawling that usually immediately goes away, she always has to let everyone know and question what it is. I love my daughter and keep her clean, take great care of her, and knock on wood hasn’t had any major bruises yet…my daughter is still trying to walk, so some falls are going to happen, unfortunately. I never examined my nieces and nephews; I always felt like that is the parents’ job. Is it normal for the aunt to constantly look her over? I feel like when my baby gets older; she is going to think that something is wrong with herself. The aunt also examines my baby’s half-sibling and will take pictures if she finds any bruises. The aunt is also very negative about the outfit my baby’s sibling goes over in and is very critical all the time and talks bad about the mom in front of my child’s half-sibling. Am I overthinking this or is the aunt stinking her nose where it doesn’t belong? Should I tell her to stop messing with my child?
She’s out of her mind
Auntie needs to mind her own business
It’s worng but some people just can’t help themselves they have too have their opinion what you could do and say well if your going to act like this then I’ll cut you off
Sounds like shes looking for something to use against you later…shes sounds nuts. Keep you kid away from her. Period.
The real question is why are you taking your children around her ?? She doesn’t trust you around your children and is LOOKING for a reason to get dcs involved. Stop subjecting your children and yourself to that toxicity
Oh no. Keep far away. If you are with the dad if it comes time where you don’t work out aunt could try to use normal things against you. This seems super creepy to me.
My kid wouldn’t even go around her anymore
Kids get bruises. If you know that you properly care for your child, that’s all that matters. She needs to mind her business and stay in her place. I wouldn’t take my kid around her. I cannot stand people like this.
simle dont take her there and tell her why its ur child not hers she has had her time at being a parent
I would legit eliminate that person out of my kids life. Obviously make that clear to her ahead of time but in the end if it isn’t respected FUCCCKKK that
That would be a bye Felicia moment for me and mine!
Quit letting her around your kids. She sounds like a very toxic individual.
She needs to be told, how rude.
I would tell her to back off. Kids are going to get hurt and be dirty somehow at some point. And that is OKAY!
Nope put your foot down immediately. Do not allow her to examine either child. If she does without your consent or their fathers consent give her one warning and if it happens again call the police. She is not a medical professional nor child services, she has no right to examine them period.
Stop taking your baby there
Keep your kid away from this nut job.
I was going to say maybe she is worried about getting blamed for any bruises. But all that other stuff sounds extra. Have you said anything to her about her checking your daughter? And talking about the kids clothes?
Make a fake bruise with make up and bring her over to see the aunt. Can you post a reaction video for us.
I would put this woman in her place real quick!
Thats creepy…Id tell her they are your children and that they are well looked after…Id tell her if she does that again you wont visit…She is acting like she doesnt trust you to look after your own children…Almost as if she thinks you would hurt them…Its very bizzare behaviour
Nah… Fuck that bitch she’s the CPS calling kind…
Id tell her to pop smoke. If its just bruises she looks for now, what about when your kid gets older? She gonna keep looking? This is toxic, bordering on the possibility for abuse in the future. Keep that baby safe momma! Just bc someone is “family” doesn’t mean they have a guaranteed spot in your kiddos life.
Put ur foot down tell her to knock her crap or u will stop bringing your child around her. you are the mother
One time that happens, we’d be done with that nonsense.
Ya, no offence… I would have told her to f**k off a long time ago
This seems really weird to me. Keep your hands off my baby and let her be a baby. I’ve never had anyone scrutinize my children like this.
Absolutely no photos without parents permission. Sorry not happening especially say of your kids knee…like creepy. Or what if she got a bruise cause she fell on her bum trying to walk…that’s in appropriate photos.
I wouldn’t take my kids around that! Kids get hurt! Shit mine have scars and tattoos and thier 4 and 6. (Joke everyone lol looong story)
Nahh id handle that quickly in front of as many people as I could!
Quit letting her around them. That’s toxic af
Hell no I’d be ending that ASAP. I’d give someone one chance to say something negative about my child to my face before immediately putting them in their place. That would also be the last time that person sees me or my child until I had an apology and they understand that’s never going to happen again and to keep their hands off my kid without my permission. Super weird, she sounds toxic and awful to be around.
I would stop going over there… it looks like she is trying to get kids taken away from there parents!
So a lot of people are gonna just chalk it up to she’s crazy or what ever but it could be her being hyper vigilant because something may have happened to her or just an anxiety could be ocd type thing also its not an excuse but it is a reason and she means well if you want her to stop talk to her tell her their are boundaries if she can’t or won’t then you might have to either keep visits short or cut back in how often you see her until she can respect your wishes you might have to remind her she’s aunty not mommy and I would also suggest that if she starts that just take your baby from her and ask her why she keeps doing this
She is sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong! That would piss me off!
Accuse her of being sexual bc thats goddamn weird and she should be super uncomfortable doing that. Intentionally make her feel awkward and gross about it so she stops.
Yeah, no. Sounds really sketchy and I wouldn’t have her around my kid.
No! She shouldn’t be around kids period! She’s creepy and it’s like she’s looking for trouble…she will get it fooling with me, just saying.
Stop taking them around this aunt. But also ask her what she’s looking for and why?
Umm no…wouldn’t put up with that!
Tell her to cut her shit out or youre done letting her interact with your child. You’re not overreacting. That’s super weird and not normal. I’d be very uncomfortable.
Either she stops, or you stop visiting. End of discussion. If she tries to argue it, call her out loudly for trying to parent a child that isn’t hers, and leave.
Handel that shit ASAP, put your foot down and tell her you don’t want that energy around you.
Slap the taste out of her nosey ass mouth!
Put her in her place ASAP
Oh hell no let someone from my son’s dad’s family side or even my side do that, I’d be shutting that down real quick. Especially trying to take pictures of bruising, they’d find they phones flung across the room. That is crossing boundaries. Unless you seriously are some abusive mother what she’s doing is inappropriate and over stepping her place. I’d tell her to knock it off or she doesn’t need to see your kids. Period.
I’m wondering if this aunt has any kids of her own - this is way out in left field and would have already tipped my boiling point of never going around her again with or without my children with me - seems very strange and obsessive and honestly wouldn’t trust someone like that as far as I could throw them. I’d honestly stay as far away from her as possible you or your children do not need or deserve that kind of negativity or treatment - kids will be kids and most kids get bruises no biggy there…good luck sweetie. And if she does have kids pray for them if she does that to her own - and how would she feel if another family did do that to her children?
Keep her from the aunt
I wouldn’t take her there
Something happened and she faced hard questioning/consequences so now she’s trying to cover herself.
Your children weren’t born to please others. kids would feel body conscious and insecure when they grew up with that kind of environment.
It Sounds like she looking for reason or excuse to have them taken away or trying
I would tell her to quit it or you are not coming over anymore. There is no need for her to be doing that.
I’d be like what the hell! why are you being so creepy? Keep your eyes and hands to yourself and quit examining my kid!
Um, easy, don’t take your child around that person. She’s apparently the know-it-all that needs to be in everyone’s business.
That’s creepy and unusual id have to check her real fast and bruise her up myself because who tf do you think you are!
Don’t go there anymore
What a gross aunt. I’d never allow my child near her if she’s like that even after an apology. So much nope.
She’s trying to make a CPS case. Keep away from her.
She seems neurotic and I would limit her time with your kid. I also wouldn’t leave your child unsupervised with her.
There’s always a toxic family member unfortunately.
Um… your baby not hers. Don’t be shy let her know.
Tell her to piss off asap!! That is YOUR daughter!! She has NO right to do that EVER!! OH MAN! I’d be losing my shit on her!! That is NOT normal at all!!!
Don’t visit her she seems like trouble does she want your child, making you look like an unfit mother
I’d tell her to stuff it. Not just about your kid but the half siblings too. She’s just looking for drama. If there was something to be concerned about I’m sure you’d notice it first
I have never been subjected to a baby inspection. Have you ever asked her? Is this some kind of family thing you were unaware of? I would ask and if it makes you uncomfortable then let
Her know and go from there. If you know she’s a crab apple then I would try to avoid her.
Yea I’d be done being around her altogether
Stop taking the kids around her.
I’m guessing that the other child’s mother accused Dad of abuse/neglect and now she’s trying to find anything she thinks will make a case against you if you two were to split up.
Don’t put yourself in a toxic situation why be around someone like that she obviously has issues stay away before she tries taking your kid smfh wow
Auntie wouldn’t ever see MY child. I would have said something the first time and nipped that shit in the bud. She does it because she knows you aren’t going to say anything. That’s your child. Speak up.
Whether this behaviour is from previous actions/behaviour she’s trying to over compensate for or it’s her personality etc either way it needs to stop. You need to have a conversation with her. Start out polite. Tell her thanks for her concern in regards to her wellbeing but you’re doing a great job and her over bearing crap needs to stop. If she argues, makes a fussy or full on picks a fight just stay away from her. You and your child don’t need that. Good luck.
Sounds like my mom but put her in her place like I do
I watched someone i know do this to their granddaughter always called dhs on the father over every tiny bruise it made me sick to watch she passed away when she was 8 due to heart failure and that same night they called the sheriff and dhs as he was grieving it made me sick to even be around
That’s weird.
Does she have some reason to be doing that…?
Toddlers always have bruises. I’d be concerned if I didn’t see bruises on a toddler. It’s highly inappropriate to examine someone’s child from head to toe. There could have been an incident where she was caring for another child and a mother yelled at her for a bruise so she’s trying to avoid accusations but I would ask her.
Stay away from her and let her know why you will be doing so and until she stops
She’s definitely over stepping her place. I would have to tell her to back off. If your child were abused it would be different. And talking about the other child’s mom in front of that child… No ma’am. Put her in her place!!!
Time to not go around her if she doesn’t stop that
I wouldn’t be around people who don’t trust me with my own children
My mom did some looking at my daughter but not as bad as everything you said. My mom’s past experience with 1 of my sister’s raising her kids wasn’t the best. So I understood why my mom did it and she relaxed after I pointed out that I’m very protective of her and when her school did not watch her during recess, which my daughter broke her arm. My mom knows if something happens it won’t be on my watch.
I’m a grandma n honestly when it comes to ears or nails I do this (when they were little)… But, my kids knew why n my one grandkids mama took offense till she asked… The checking of bruises sounds like a past of something from either hearing or being in past on ones side (hers, yours, or past children she knew)… I’d talk to her about it…
Tel her to go a take a run an jump for herself u dont have to answer to her th child is urs not hers an if she dose not like tat wel her problem not urs th owl cunt
I would stop taking the kids there.
I would stop taking the kids around her. My daughter is 4 and currently has a bruise on her eye because she was running in our lanai, fell and hit her face on the table we have out there, she also has scrapes on her legs because she runs inside and outside plays all day long. So the point is no matter how young or old a child is if they are extremely active they will get bruises and scrapes. It is strange your aunt is looking over your child like that and I would personally feel uncomfortable and stop bringing my child around that person.
That’s insane. She would think I beat my kids to death then. They play hard, almost all day long. They’re little clumsy humans. They fall, bump their little heads, and basically roll in dirt outside. But they have fun and are very loved and taken care of. Theirs no reason for her to “inspect” your child! I would definitely have a talk with her to find out why, and then tell her to stop because it’s weird!
I would be worried that she’s going to make false reports to CPS. I would explicitly state that it makes you and their father uncomfortable and she needs to stop. If she doesn’t respect the boundaries put in place than she doesn’t get to see the children.
I’d be keeping that aunt away
I would put a stop to it now. Your baby is starting to walk and will gain more bruises because of learning not only to walk but also run and climb as the months go on. I have had to grab my 16 month old son by the wrist/arm several times because he has tried running off our couch and porch. Toddlers are going to have bruises while learning. Put her in her place now before she decides to get you in trouble for nothing.
Umm…why do you allow that to happen?? Ask her straight up WTH is her problem. Also, maybe next time you decide to go around her record her a$$ being a creep searching for sh*t.
Tell her to fuck off
I would snap and not bring my
Kids over anymore. That’s a way overstep. Boundaries are key for so many aspects here. Kids Are going to fall and wait till she starts to run and climb holy crap especially if you have a daredevil.
My daughter is going on 19 months and she has had her share of bruises being a dare devil at home and daycare. The only other person I expect to examine my child is her doctor and her doctor has seen her climb on chairs 0 fucks given. I had to explain to the daycare this morning that I couldn’t get the makeup she put on Herself while I was using the washroom fully off and It was being stubborn and her teachers laughed. Last week she was playing in the rocks outside I turned my back to let the dog in and she ate dirt.
Shit is going to happen with kids as long as they are fed and taken care of and not abused it’s not one else’s business.
It’s ok I did that for bit with my newest young grandson and realized it and to take step back
The moment you realize your becoming your mom etc, I stopped real quick
Examine her… Like straight up as soon as you see her examine her hands and face… move her hair and lift her arms… take out your phone like you’re going to take pics… point out every flaw, I mean every pimple, freckle, mole… announce it loudly to whoever is in the room…When she asks you wth you’re doing… you tell her you’re doing the same thing she does to your daughter… Ask her if she feels weird or violated cause that’s how your kid feels and if she wants you to stop then she needs to stop🙃
I was an OB nurse for 29 years. I try to never criticize a Mom for her baby’s appearance. Almost every Mom does their best for their child. Unless she asks my opinion on baby care, I say nothing.
Bit weird that x i have only ever given my neice the once over when my sister brought her to me with a few spots sort of rash which as we suspected was viral at the time i worked in a nursery so she was aware i that i have seen lots of different things so wanted to know if it was something to get gp appointment she didn’t want to waste gp time blesd her i now as a mum panic at everything and take him to get im not sure on xxx
Ask her why she does it. What happened in her life to get her to this point? Ask her what she wants to have happen given her behavior. If she is unwilling or unable to stop, tell her she will no longer see your kids until she gets therapy for her fears/obsession.
If you want your child to have a relationship with her, only visit with other people around, and physically stop her from examining or photographing your child while saying, “That’s not necessary or called for.”
See if you can encourage her to get involved in another hobby so she isn’t creating family drama to amuse herself. Sounds like a theater group might be ideal!
My child wouldn’t be going there anymore. Specially with her taking pictures. My oldest always got bruises scratches she plays really rough and likes to mess with my cats. That’s just weird
Taking pictures? Yeah I’d not take my kids around her anymore.
She would flip the fuck out at my boy he’s super rough and tumble but bruises like a peach. How does she know if someone’s kid doesn’t have some sort of genetic reason for bruising etc. My friends kids break bones easy due to a disorder it doesn’t make the parents bad.
Thats weird and you need to out a stop to it also she needs to stop bad mouthing the other childs mother especially in front of the child, I’d tell the Aunt if she doesn’t stop you’ll tell the childs mother. Id just stop going explain to your so why if he dont like it tough and if you get on well with the other childs mother and the bad mouthing doesn’t stop tell her.
I would tell her that it’s not her job to examine her like that and to mind her business or she won’t have anything to do with the baby anymore. I mean yeah if she has a noticeable bruise or anything I’d ask. But I honestly wouldn’t trust it .