My babies father could be one of two people: Advice?

I’m 15 weeks pregnant, and I’m confused about who the father might be. I’ve been with my bf for a year got pregnant in April. We slept together on a Saturday and broke up Monday. I was alone for a week broken. I slept with a close friend the next Saturday, so a week apart, who would be the father? How long does it take for pregnancy to form?


DNA test. Don’t play guessing game. Good luck :purple_heart:


Probably ur boyfriend but I agree with getting a DNA test to be 100% sure

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You usually get pregnant 2 weeks after Aunt Flo that’s if you have a normal 28 day cycle but you can ovulate late or early. I would ask the doctor they can usually pinpoint it but a week apart it’s going to be hard to determine who the dad is unless dna is done.


There is no one who can tell you who the father is with just a week difference. DNA test is the only way to go.


Due dates can swing two weeks one way or the other. Your best bet is to count on a DNA test.

Could be either. Only way to find out is either an amniocentesis whilst pregnant which carries a risk of miscarriage, or wait until baby is born for a mouth swab DNA test. I recommend you make both potential fathers aware now that there’s only a 50% chance for each of them. Judge not lest ye be judged.


Dna test is the only way to tell.

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Damn girl couldn’t last a week lol. Poor kid

DNA test. Once you file for child support, they’ll subpoena both possible donors for the test

There is no way to know for sure without a dna test.

The only way yo know is a dna test.
Theres no way to determine just by length of time when its only one week apart.


get a Paternity test

Do not guess. DNA test !!!


You need a DNA test🤦🏻‍♀️

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Dont play guessing game get DNA test good luck to you !

Dna test, and make them both aware.


You’re going to need a dna test and you can get it done before the baby is born with a noninvasive prenatal paternity test which I think is your best option for you know who the baby’s father is before your child is born. If you don’t do it before baby is born then you may have to get the two individuals tested either willing or by a court order. None of us can tell who the father could be due to it being only a week to two weeks apart for open window of conception. Best of luck.


Tell the both of them, also tell the both of them that your getting a DNA test done.

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Definitely DNA test.

They have a non invasive paternity test you can do it’s pricey but :woman_shrugging:t2:


Can you find your ovulation date based off your last period? Still pretty close together though. Good luck

You can try a educated guess. How many days after your last sexual encounter did you pee on a stick?

They can separate the baby’s blood from your blood now. So u can find out before it’s born.


You would need to track your ovulation. Usually that is the week your period goes away. Having said that, sperm can actually stay inside of you and live for about 3 days. Havinf said that, you need to do a DNA test. You can do it inutero.

Keep your legs crossed! You waited a whole week to get over your BF before you got under another?!


Did the close friend use protection???


How long after sleeping with your boyfriend did you find you you were pregnant?

As long as you ovulate normally it should be whoever you slept with 13 weeks ago your pregnancy technically starts at the first day of your last period but obviously that’s not possible so you’re not actually pregnant til you’re two weeks it’s weird but I had an ovulation app and was so confused about how far along my doctor said I was when I was pregnant then I found that out

Sperm can live inside a woman for up to 5 days i think, so honestly it could be either one, i would have a dna test done so you know for sure, if not for anyone else do it for your baby and your own peace of mind


Hard to tell you would have to get a DNA test done

DNA test. Only way to know for sure. Good luck.

Need a paternity test. You can do the NIPT (non invasive PATERNITY test) before giving birth . I’m going through this exact thing right now , if you are in California message me ! I was in the same boat and my stupid ass put the wrong father in the certificate. She ended up being the second persons baby. But it can definitely be different for you. You will have to go through court to figure it out after birth

DNA test definitely. Good luck to ya hope u get ur answer

Since pregnancy can go 2 weeks either direction it is really hard to tell… DNA testing will tell you for sure but do you really want to know?? Does your boyfriend know about the other guy? What if the baby is not his? Is this something that you are ready to face??


Be honest with both upfront I had a blood test done and it told me how many weeks and days I was. It was accurate


If your 15 weeks count back on the calendar the exact days back and it should show the day you got pregnant or a day or 2 around it

Just. Be. Honest. I just dealt with this, still dealing with this! We had a dna test done… God Bless you and your little one.


DNA test. My friend tried to do the guessing game on when it was conceived and guess the wrong father which just hurt the man once the DNA test came back.

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Get a damn dna test you cannot go off due dates or who baby look like

All i can say is dna test… They may even be able to do it while pregnant… Talk to your doctor…


Don’t feel bad honestly it happens. The best thing you can do now is be honest and get a DNA test done once the baby is born. It’s better to know with 100% certainty, not only for the peace of mind but also so your child will know medical history and things of that nature once they’re an adult. Good look hun❤️


Good grief if you were so “broken” why would you just hop into bed with someone else right after a breakup? Smh :woman_facepalming:


It doesn’t matter who you think is or isn’t you need to have a perternity test done once babys here… and there’s other ways of helping yourself feel better then sleeping with someone else. Good luck


I did the same and did DNA after my son was born was honest and straightforward with them both and found out when he was born who’s he was


DNA test girl. Don’t do the prenatal one, carries a risk of miscarriage. You can do it after the baby is born.


A week apart is to close to call one the father for sure


My doctor would be able to tell you

Dna test is really the only option at that point.
Been there done that. I know what you’re going through.
They can do a dna test while you’re pregnant by taking your blood (your blood has floating dna of the baby) and taking the guys blood. I’d choose which ever you think will be more willing to get it done. It does cost a lot of money to do so though.

If your 15 weeks exact then takes you back to 20th April


Ask you obgyn to DNA :dna: test your friend first to see if his the father… and if his not than it’s your ex bf… and take it from there… doing while being pregnant

You guys that are saying count back the 15 weeks… isn’t goin to tell her for sure. She needs a DNA test. Nothing is EXACT when it comes to ovulation and periods and such.


Some of y’all are so judgemental!:disappointed:


The only way you’re going to be able to know is doing a DNA test darlin. They were too close together to be able to tell without a DNA test.

Judgmental assholes!!! You don’t know the circumstances and what breakups can do to people and you don’t know the person!!! Everyone is different and everyone deals with heartbreak different!

You would need to do a DNA test. That would be to close to tell.

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You need a dna test and be honest with them both its only fair to them to know the possibilities


Do a DNA test. Blood is expensive, but can wait until the baby is born and do it then.

Hey. No shame. It happens.


Its probably ur close friends. You not got pregnant this whole time then introduce someone else and bam. Lol. Just get a DNA test. Dont feel bad or let it get to u. Its one or the other. At least u have it between two and not 5-6 like a lot of ppl… Worry about it later. Tell both me OBVIOUSLY… But dont flip out on one or the other if they aren’t involved during ur Pregnancy… Bc it’s kinda ur fault not theirs.


To the OP can I just apologize on behalf of all these Karens? I’m sorry they are trying to tear you down and make you feel badly about your choices. Please don’t let them win. They are finger pointing internet nazis. You do you girl. No one can tell you how to feel better or when it’s "OK"for you to sleep with someone else. You got yourself a mini me coming and that’s exciting so congratulation regardless of paternity! And speaking of… the only way to know for sure as everyone has said is DNA test and id also only do it after baby is born because there are some risks and its just not worth it. And if you choose to get back with bf, be honest and do you. As for all you ass holes judging what she does with her vagina and her feelings… go to the corner you need a time out! Mind your own womb!

Get a dna test done ASAP, and then tell the father right away. That way you and he can prepare for the baby.


Well if your boyfriend knows you slept with someone else I’d suggest a dna test


I’d do a DNA because the dates are not always on point.


Y’all broke up, so really, whatever you two did in that time frame is to each their own. He didn’t own you, and you two weren’t committed to each other during that time. So, really, it shouldn’t matter who you slept with or how many people you slept with. I would let my boyfriend know, and he may be upset, but the only issue that could come from all this is if you were trying to work things out with your boyfriend and still slept with someone else. It’s best to be open and honest rather than dig yourself a hole you can’t crawl out of. I would definitely find out about invasive paternity tests. Maybe talk to your doctor when you are alone, and even to prevent fights and arguments, go separately with each of the potential fathers to your doctor for a DNA. Your doctor will be extremely supportive that you are just trying to do what’s best. Just explain to him or her, and see what options could come of doing the DNA test. Really, you could just explain the situation to your boyfriend, and DNA with him, and if it’s negative, you’ll know your friend is the dad.

With it only being a week apart it could be either.

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The first thing you need to do (if you haven’t already) is tell them both. Be up front and honest about it. The second thing you need to do, is get a DNA test. Pregnancy is not precise. I have twins, that were conceived 5 days apart. There is always a chance and you don’t want to ruin anyone’s life, especially that of your baby. You can count days, but that’s not going to matter. You count days and tell one guy he is the father and the other that he isn’t ( and you’re wrong) it could have lifelong consequences. I say that because you could THINK you figured it out and it comes time for a family medical history for the child, and you could be giving the history of the man that’s not the father. I don’t know what your current relationship status is with the ex boyfriend, but guessing and putting one of those men in the baby’s life and the other one out of the baby’s life and then finding out you were wrong… you’re going to have one man raising and paying for a child that isn’t his, meanwhile both the biological father and the baby have missed out on important time together. I’m not at all trying to be judge mental or rude when I say this (because I have LITERALLY been there - my ex husband and I split up, I slept with my ex and ended up pregnant) but be more careful in the future.


I would ask the friend for a dna test before I even talked to the ex good luck!

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If you’re 15 weeks pregnant then you would have conceived in may not April as pregnancy gestation is counted by conception date + 2 weeks. If you had sex with your boyfriend again early may it’s more likely to be his than the friends, but if you slept with the friend late April it’s possible his sperm lived long enough for you to conceive in may still.

Either way it’s too close to be certain without dna testing

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Men are trouble anyway dont tell either of them :joy::joy::joy: jk of course. DNA test is the only way to tell :slight_smile:

Honestly I had this problem but sex was a day apart not a week and the close friend lied about being fixed until a month before I had her it came out that he wasn’t… you’ll just have to do DNA hun mine came out looking just like my bfs dad so we we knew but it was scary not knowing for a while

You need to be honest with both men. When the baby is born, have a DNA test.


Paternity test will tell you. Too close together when you conceived for there to be any exact or distinct date. That’s why professionals go off of our last periods.
Sperm can stay alive for up to 5 days inside your vagina and it can take anywhere from 3-7 days after sperm fertilized an egg for an embryo to implant to your uterine wall. So it’s extremely hard to have an exact date for anyone.
You’re gonna have to bite the bullet with this one sooner or later. Not the type of thing you can/should hide or keep a secret in order to avoid conflict. Whoever is the father deserves to know and make the choice if they want to be involved. I would say try to sort out the mess now by telling them and preparing for this and then paternity test once the baby is born. They’re not free either.

I say alllll this from experience because the father of my child had to get paternity testing done as well. But for parenting plan purposes, I knew he was the dad.

I wish all the luck!

No way to really know because you obviously ovulated during that time period and theres always a few days a month you’re fertile…only way to really know is when the baby is born

You need to be honest with them both and do a dna test.

I was honestly in the same boat with my baby. I drunkenly slept with a good friend of mine and a week later I met someone… theres honestly no telling who it could be with the time frame so close together. I told them both on the beginning, and after she was born they both took dna tests. The father ended up being the guy I met a week later.


Well this isn’t enough information. So many people don’t understand the menstrual cycle. Do you ovulate…are you on birth control…when was your last cycle, what did the doctor give you for a conception date…but yes the only real answer is a DNA test


I was actually in a similar position. I didn’t read the comments yet. I slept with my boyfriend (white) the week before my period, and a friend (dark tan mexican) the week after my period. I never told my boyfriend and my baby came out looking like him :laughing: she is definitely his child because they look so much alike and she has all of his quirks. No dna test.

Tell both guys that they could be the father. Ask if they would do a DNA test when the baby is born. Don’t expect both guys to stick around and don’t ask for money or help till they know. If one of them steps up and supports you and the baby knowing that there is a chance that they are not the father than consider yourself lucky.


I would wait until the baby was born and have a DNA test honestly I think that’s the only way you’re gonna know

Congrats on your new baby! I have no clue who the father is either can’t answer you, sorry Pregnancies in humans usually take 9 months some take less.

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Make sure they are both aware of the situation. When baby is born, you’ll have to get a dna test. It’s equally possible that it could be either one of them. You won’t know for sure until they do dna tests.

I will wait to see what other people say to this


First off use condoms !!! for STD reasons and pregnancy.
2nd , tell both parties and be honest . i recommend waiting until the child is born because tryna do DNA tests while baby is still in the womb aint always safe .
And 3rd. You let that friend take advantage of you being vunerable :unamused:
Sis think about this before that baby pops out


Wait until the child is born and do a paternity test. Be honest with both parties.


Theres only a 2-3 day window for the egg to get fertalized in. However the semen can be remain alive in the area for up to 5 days. You can do a rough estimate of ovulation by counting back 14 days from your missed period date. This is purely an estimate however since few women actually have a consistant 28 day cycle. However if that doesn’t narrow down your timeline enough you will just have to wait to do a paternity test.


I know many people will disagree… But if you feel a certain negative way about either involved, maybe not say anything :woman_shrugging:t3: otherwise yeah, you’ll have to come clean to at the very least one party to paternity test…


Your OB gives you a rough date of conception, maybe try that?


How about just be honest with both of them and get a paternity test when the baby is born


Ok so I would definitely try to narrow down when your last period was like in a previous comment.

also, be honest with both guys. Own what happened and grow from it. Your baby deserves to know who their father is so I would recommend a DNA test after the baby is born. It’s not an easy situation for anyone involved. I have never been in a situation like that so I don’t want to come off as judgemental.

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Since you had unprotected sex. Woman up to them both and tell them honestly. No point in stressing your self over your choices. And they deserve to know the possibility.


I had the same problem. I didn’t know if my (now ex) husband or boyfriend was the father of my child. I slept with them both in the same time frame. My child ended up being my ex husband’s. Since u slept with them so close together you really cannot tell until dna. I was for sure it would be my boyfriend’s and it wasn’t. Luckily, I divorced my ex and am still in a fantastic relationship with my boyfriend almost 3 years later. My son is being raised my my boyfriend even though its not his biologically. My ex gave me full custody in our divorce. (Side note my ex was an abusive alcoholic who was in jail when I originally broke up with him for my boyfriend, when he got out of jail I made some mistakes and it is what it is but I changed my situation and my life is incredibly different and better now) good luck with your situation

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Either way you do it your gonna have to “man” up and be honest esp for your child. I would do it soon because they can be blood tested now dont deprive the father of your child the ability to be involved in his childs pregnancy or birth if he wants to be. Just my thoughts on it your gonna feel bad about it and its gonna be hard but its gotta be done.


Don’t guess I guessed wrong hurt innosent people unintentionally .

It Was the one night stand before leaving town an starting a new life birth control failed .

Be honest get dna test when baby born an go from there .

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If you’re not even educated on the process of pregnancy you had no business having sex


I really can’t believe some people on here. This is supposed to be a safe place to go for answers and help. Im sorry you are going through this love.

I would just be honest with both of them and take a DNA test when baby comes out.


Get a blood draw for paternity.

Need to be honest with both and get a paternity test when baby is born. No judgement at all but it’s not fair to either of them or to your child to just try to guess something like that, It will all be ok and work out in the end!!:two_hearts:


That’s a really small window to figure it out hun. If you can’t pinpoint it off your period or the date of conception your OB gives you then you’re really going to have to be honest with both men and see if they’d be willing to do paternity testing. It’s a shitty situation, I’m sorry. Best of luck to you momma :two_hearts:

Just let them both know and don’t deny either of them From being there and when u do a dna. Then u won’t have to have a guilty conscience if u offer them to both be there until you no for sure if they choose not to show up for Apts or birth then that’s on them


I’m not sure of your situation or whether you were in an abusive relationship or why you broke up with your boyfriend, but it seems to me the less stressful way to handle this is to go to the close friend and explain your dilemma. I’m sure he would agree to a paternity test since he knew that your previous relationship just ended when he was with you. If he’s a decent guy, rumors won’t start and you’ll have your results without hurting your ex and pulling him into this. Might save some dignity too. Idk, just an idea, but if your friend has loose lips, it’s all for naught anyways. Just trying to involve as few people as possible if that’s even possible, and the results will give you your definitive answer. Then you go from there. Maybe your friend will want to help you raise your child either way. Good luck to you…


Be honest with both of them and have a DNA test done once the baby arrives.