Sex is natural. All this needless slut shaming just perpetuates the patriarchy that keeps us from being treated equally. Fuck that shit. There is nothing wrong with what OP did. Quit with the puritanical bullshit meant to control women’s bodies.
Which one has a better job? …maybe pick him
That close together could be hard to tell with out a test done. Life happens girl. I know I have been there didn’t get pregnant but hey I could have been.
Just think about u and baby
DNA test will tell you
Your openly admitting this on a public forum??? Wow!
Ew like why have unprotected sex with two different people in the first place. And so closely together, YUCK!!
Your gonna need a DNA test girl
Ehh who makes the better baby daddy but for real depends on when you ovulated
Be honest, there may be consequences, but be honest. You arent going to know for sure until after the baby is born. If you have a regular cycle and can remember when your last period was, that may help. Talk to your doctor, they may be able to guide you. They have experience with these situations, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Talk to ur doctor and see if you can get a dna test done, but make sure you want to know who the dad is and no matter who , make sure you want him in ur life cause after the DNA he has rights to that baby.
It’s not the sleeping with multiple people in a short time frame that’s an issue for me. It’s the lack of protection, that’s nasty. That’s how you get and spread diseases and clearly get pregnant. That’s trashy.
I don’t care if ya bang a new dude each day, use protection, don’t be stupid.
Now she’s gonna bring a child into her hotmess of irresponsible choices and life, eesh
Um. I’m sorry darling but you need a genetic test.
The only way you will find out is a DNA test.
You won’t know till u do a test
Loving all the perfect woman in here if you just want to spit venom an have no actual advice just shut up it’s not needed is it.? go outside your door an try that in the real world with your real face, as for this girl ovs she’s thinking of things she could maybe should have done differently but life happens most of us make some form of mistakes an have to sort them, as for advice, two with in a week you do need a DNA test, I hope your pregnancy goes well, focus on the baby until its here then sort this asap x
Might have to wait until baby is here before you can do any tests so for now concentrate on you and your little one, try not to stress too much and get a good support circle round you. This is not a judgement comment but I might not be wording it the best but it might be worth getting tested for any STIs just in case, if you’ve had unprotected sex and caught something as well as getting pregnant then the STI can hurt the baby. I’d go to the doctors and have a chat with them.
Just wait to see like who the kid looks like
To be honest as long as you can call yourself mum and dad and the baby is loved deal with that later on when he or she is older
Be honest with both of the guys. Get a DNA test to validate who the father is. Honey I don’t care who or how many people you have sex with. I am not being judgemental. In the future please protect yourself. Some things you can get from unprotected sex are not pleasant.
DNA test will Tell it all!
Must’ve really loved the BF to wait that long before shagging someone else
Put something on the end of it and you wouldn’t be in this situation.
A DNA Test is going to be your only for sure answer! They do have conception calculators which are based off your due date. They tell you when you most likely had intercourse, or the dates you most likely conceived based on your scheduled due date. Pregnancy Conception Calculator
Get a paternity test bc the sooner u know the better. My son needed a blood transfusion after he was born, and can u imagine a truth coming out like that and the father learns he’s not the father
Tough one due to the close proximity of the dates . Talk to your doctor and be honest . He /she may be able to help . Ultrasound scans early in pregnancy are helpful cause size and development is very specific to age of gestation . Having only a week though of flexibility may be too close to tell . But I would turn to your medical experts .
The egg is alive for 24 hours. Sperm can live for 72 hours (3days). You usually ovulate (release the egg) 14 days before your period is to start. So, you are fertile 14 days before ur period. You can also ask ur OB to give a rough estimate as to the date you got pregnant. It wont be exact but it will be close
Try to establish first when you ovulated but this may be hard so you will need a dna test if you decide to keep the baby.
Don’t listen to negative comments,shit happens. I have to admit been there done that.
Just don’t be a slut and you won’t have this problem.
You have to wait for DNA test.
Well guess you should of kept your legs closed for a bit. But now you have to wait to find out when your child is born. Do the test. Don’t make that mistake again. We all fall. It’s how we pick yourself up that counts. Good luck babygirl
Some of the comments on here are astounding. If you have no actual advice keep your nasty, unhelpful comments to yourself. No one is perfect, and this woman does not need to be called names or judged in her time of need. She shared this status for guidance, not to be judged. You may have your opinions, but just scroll and keep it moving. Also passive aggressive comments are not welcome either. My advice is be open with both possible fathers, seek a doctor and have people to rely on. Best of luck.
This page is not meant for judgemental bullies with sad lives that get a trill off of putting other women down its a page where women can come to for some advice and to talk about things that they can’t with anyone else …yall need to stop with this shit now cause its getting real old…sweetheart things happen all you can do is concentrate on having a healthy and happy pregnancy and then get a DNA test afterwards
Been there, done that with my first. We have not done a genetic test but the way my son looked as an infant up until now at 3.5 years, he looks like my husband (then was only a bf) rather than the other guy I slept with once. I was screwed mentally for a looooooong time because I thought I was in love with this other guy who happened to be an inmate. Well my husband and I finally said enough is enough go talk to the OBGYN. I did and received her best professional opinion to confirm my first is in fact my husband’s son. In the beginning of that pregnancy… man oh man. I slept with 3 guys in a matter of 6 weeks. Not in the best mind set at the time so condoms did not even come up.
If you are that worried, I’d say ask your OBGYN about genetic testing after the baby is born or if it is safe to do later in the pregnancy. Or you could wait until a month after birth and look at photographs of the potential father as an infant. Good luck mama!
I love to see the amount of “perfect people” commenting on this post. You don’t have to agree with what she did but no one has the right to slut shame anyone plus I double checked and she never asked you your opinion on what she did.
Either way a week is too close for them to give you a completely accurate date of conception so you are going to have to get a DNA test which they will give you the paperwork for in the hospital after you have the baby. There is a test you can have performed during pregnancy but a lot of doctors will not recommend it because of the risk to the baby and you. I can’t imagine what you’re going through and I would definitely talk to your doctor about the amount of stress you’re under. And I know it’s easier said than done but you need to do what’s best for you and your child right now such as rest, find a system of support and start planning. And buy diapers! Lots and lots and lots of diapers lol congratulations mama and I do hope you find the answer your looking for.