Give her prune juice. Take her legs and gently. Mind you gently push them up and down than side to side. Always helped my kid when she couldn’t.
Try warming a blanket in the microwave for a few seconds and putting it on her tummy, I had to do that with my youngest when he struggled and it helped him, no more then 10 seconds in the microwave, doesn’t have to be a blanket can be a burp cloth too
You can also buy Phipps milk of magnesia. Give baby a spoon and a little of warm water should be able to pass stools easy
prunes or prune juice helps with constipation as well as apples, and i would get a second opinion from pediatrician
Add a teaspoon of dark karosyrup to the bottle. I added it to every bottle for 4 months until he got better.gas drops as well
Put sunlight bar in hot water and once it’s melted take cream of the sunlight bar and insert it on the baby bum making sure it goes through. You will see after an hour or so the baby will be able to pass stools. The sunlight melted cream helps break the stools
My son was the same. I’d give him prunes to eat, then o problem
Both my kids had to use nutramigen. They both now have gluten allergies and more than likely have celiac.
Where are you? Try and get some colief and put it in her milk 2 hrs before feeding her. It sounds like she is having trouble breaking down the lactose in her milk.
Is baby lactose? This is pain ful. And can cause this…how old is baby?
Give her liquid fish oil everyday. Believe me it works.
Our doc suggested Apple juice for trouble going. I would dilute with water. But it seemed to help. Good luck. Its hard when they have issues.
Water, juice or change the formula? Definitely get a new dr, smh.
When my kids got like that I gave them warm water with. Some brown sugar in it that worked that was a lot of years ago my baby is 55years of age now but should still work
My little boy was like that from the day he was born stay constipated could not food found out it was Irritable bowels syndromeHe was like that all his life had to go to the doctor they did x-rays and Valley put him on a regiment of stool softeners
Warm wash cloth on her stomach will help release some pain. If not constipated most moms wont be able to help unless had the same issue and knows exactly what it is. I would get another pediatricians advice. Try warm brown sugar water. I know it’s weird but it helped my 2nd qith her pooping problems. However her was constipation
If you feel your doctor is minimizing your concerns, even if baby can go 5 days, then you may need to interview a new doctor. You can video when your baby is really having pain and show your doctor.
Baby prune juice or baby food but prune it will help and water keep doing bicycles excercise it works
Had this issue we used gas drops and Enfamil Reguline and he pooped the next day!
Karo syurp in bottle once a day. About 1/2 teaspoon for constipation. A small piece of hard peppermint candy(crush it to get small piece) dissolved in warm water for stomach ache. Old home remedies, but work well.
What I did for my babies, was when I checked their dippers, I would do baby exercises with the legs to help with popping. It worked for me.
Have you tried a warm bath. Let her soak. I used to do that with mine. And i agree get a new Doctor.
Get a different doctor,of yours cant help what good is he
Find a new pediatrician!
I gave my kids and now granddaughter prune juice.
Try just a little prune juice or even apple juice. Good luck
Try adding some karo syrup to her bottles. Then I’d find a new pediatrician
You’re just feeding your dog the wrong food
Suppository or is she on breastfeeding or on formula
Tablespoon of dark corn syrup in the babies bottle, works well!!
Give her some warm sugar water
Omg this is not colic
Try to give ur baby fresh orange juice…it’s really helpful
Karo Dark Corn Syrup in formula/milk is natural and works great
Cause we hade to change to a soy based formula
See another Doctor. My daughter has had bowel problems most of her life starting at a young age. She is 25 and learned to eat differently.
Use glycerine tabs u can get it in medical easily
Start feeding your dog some greens it will help your dog poop
Karo syrup mixed in with their bottle.
Pear juice in a can I used it for mine
Try another doctor please
Time to find a new doc who cares.
1/2 to 1 tsp cod liver oil. Once a day for 2 days.
Yeah it could be the milk
Possibly could be her milk that your using try a sensitive brand purchase a brand in see if that helps
I watched Dr Lauren Hendrix help an infant who couldn’t poop.
Call her today. Chiropractic adjustments help this, but you need a chiropractor who is especially trained with infants. She has a new baby too. Only take an appointment with Dr. LAUREN.
Check diet. No grains. Not all babies poop ever day. 50 years ago my doc told me to relax, my son could live on 6 peas and be fine. When he got hungry he ate huge amounts then he pooped.
Follow your gut, but also: RELAX. If your new at being a mom you love this baby sooo much, most of us were pretty clueless as what to do, but honestly it works out. Remember for next 50 years; This too shall pass.
Call Dr. Lauren.
My son was like that for one whole month. Dr. said my milk was no good and he was put him on formula.
Banana and prune baby food get some baby mylanta when your baby starts crying and hurting put them in car seat then put them on the washer on spin cycle it helped my daughter she had colic it worked for her
My now one year old did this when she was 2 or 3 months old. She ended up not being able to use Similac brand formula. Her poops weren’t hard either. When I finally did get her to go it was very soft. We ended up switching brands and she pooped within 12 hours on her own.
Have you tried glycerin suppositories? Helped my baby quickly.
Sounds like you need a better dr… if your not comfortable with your dr move on to one you can trust i sure would find a new one better off safe then sorry your dr sounds horrible to me do anything you can to make your child at ease do not wait
I think you should just go get a second opinion from a different pediatrician