My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

How old is your baby? You can try more water . Keep your baby as hydrated / lubricated as possible. It makes it easier for poop to pass through the colon. White grape juice works wonders . If this fails, you need to seek a second opinion . Your child need not suffer. How the hell does your pediatrician know what goes on in your child’s bowel if he/ she is not looking for anything.

When my 9yr old was a baby she had trouble pooping. We did prune juice with water. If it wasn’t working we would give her a suppository, when she started on solids we gave her papaya and that helped alot. We had to do suppositories off and on for like 3 yrs to get her body in the habit of pooping. She now poops like every 3 days or so. We limit dairy and anything that can cause constipation and push more fiber

I ended up in ER for 5 days with my 4 year old becauae she got so backed up from not even able to poop! Once cleaned out she was put on Merilax everyday. Her colon and bowls were stretched out. But she is doing great now and the Merilax doesn’t go into blood stream so doesn’t hurt the child at any age. New born in not sure about though so I would find a new doctor. They should be pooping alot

Does your child have a normal looking anus? A lot of children have imperforate anus with a fistula and go undiagnosed for a long time. I would definitely look into seeing a different doctor

If the baby is breast fed… This is completely normal. The baby’s gut processes the breast milk so well that’s there’s almost nothing left to pass. May have a stool every 5 to 7 days. Normal…
If formula fed should be having a daily poop.

Lay your baby on her back with her knees up and rotate them in a circle. If your little one is eating solids maybe try changing her diet. My little one had this issue and while her doctor is right it is normal to go that long without pooping cus they don’t know how to poop.

First get a new doctor, try putting a teaspoon of clear Kayro syrup in a bottle twice a day, not for more than 3 days, my nephew had the same problem, this worked very well

Dark Kari syrup in her bottle. Start with a small amount … 1tsp, and use in bottles until resolved. She might need to have her formula changed. Definitely a new ped is in order.

FridaBaby Windi
It’s like a toot flute if you will. My kiddos struggled to have BM’s and this relieved the gas pain and helped them poo.
Also you might need to look into a milk protein allergy. It’s a simple poo test at the Dr.
You’re doing a great job!

My son was constipated for a week when he was a baby and I tried prunes, apple sauce and nothing worked… I finally took him to the c chiropractor and they massaged his back and stomach afterwards he pooped all day long :joy::joy::joy:

They need to check the baby’s bowels colon and intestines to ensure there is no blockage or something more serious going on

My baby daughter was the same way but she also through up her milk like the exorcist movie six weeks of doc after doc saying it was this it was that and her little belly would be as hard as a rock after six weeks finally a nurse practitioner listen to me at a military hospital in North Carolina and he knew right away if was a muscle that was around her intestines and would swell when every she had a bottle of formal it is called pyloric stenosis mostly found in boys don’t want to scare you but it may be worth mentioning best of luck to you and your little one

My son would go TWO WEEKS without :poop: and when he would go, he’d use 2-3 diapers at one time - like a dang grown man! Dr said it wasn’t that big of a deal​:exploding_head::scream: but if we wanted to do somethin’ about it, we could give him 1 plain (vanilla) Activia yogurt every day even though he was roughly 3-4mnths old at the time. It was a GOD SEND! He would go at least once a day from then on and it wasn’t runny as if it were messing his stomach up - he was a much happier baby!

My daughter had that problem into her being 5 and 6 yrs old from birth. Karo syrup and water in a cup or bottle. And we had to do a suppository every day for about a yr or 2. It was awful but that’s the only thing we could do to give her some relief. And they had also gave her some powder in a huge container to mix some times too. She also had alot of maalox(spell?) drops for gas

Go on Amazon and buy baby bliss constipation liquid it is honestly a God send. Helped all my 3 kids

1 oz of pear juice mixed with 2 oz of water. To help eleminate the stool. Formula has a ton of of iron and it causes constipation. And I concur with the other ladies. Get a new pediatrician!

Kind of sounds like colic to me. If you breast feed you may have to avoid gas producing foods. I ate ham & potatoes a lot when I discovered it helped my son tummy. Try Mylicon too.

Kids Calm. My baby had issues. Everyone said corn syrup on the bottle. Didn’t work. Actually makes it worse bc corn syrup not made like it was back in the day. Went to a health foods store and the guy said to try about 1 ml of the kids calm in the bottle for the next couple bottles and it worked. I never have had to use it again. Apparently babies are sometimes low in magnesium and this helps restore the balance. Especially if baby was on any type of antibiotics at any point.

Try to put (ouzo) the drink on cotton balls , put on her belly button, wrap around with a small wrapper . Or if you don’t have that try with just rubbing alcohol. And u can even boil anis seeds , and make her drink like tea , of course without the seeds , use a strainer, just a little bit with a baby bottle or the pacifier that you pour medication. A little room temperature. Try it works !!!

No juice! That baby’s gut health is at risk if you do. Bicycle legs and gripe water. It is completely normal for EBF baby to go 5-10 days without pooping.

More water. And try glycerin suppositories It works

Gerber good life drops saved me!

Buy the baby apple prunes juices and give it to your baby every other day they work great :+1: baby momma of 8

I’ve done digestzen on babies feet at night with baby probiotics. Made huge diff for my baby. PM me if you have questions

Try white grape juice

Give her a few drops of karo white syrup in a little water and a new pediatrician!

Victoria Loxton Bezuidenhout

1st & foremost… Find a new Pediatrician asap! My son had these issues as an infant & after much trial & error with the help & support of his Pediatrician, we learned that he has a milk protein intolerance. I couldn’t breast feed him despite changing my diet. I had to formula feed. On top of this my son couldn’t tolerate ANY powdered formulas. Even the most gentle. We tried all the Similac brands & some others. Ultimately what we found that worked miracles is Similac Ready To Feed Alimentum (already liquid & ready to pour to feed with no need to add water). He is on the Similac Alimentum RTF 32 oz bottles. Kam would do exactly what your lo is doing. He was miserable, I was miserable & heartbroken. Everything I tried didn’t work at all until we tried the Similac Alimentum RTF liquid formula. Within 24hrs he was happy, no gas, slept better, less fussy, no more straining/grunting/crying out in pain. Within 48hrs he had a great big poop (extra stinky) & his distended tummy went down to normal sized. Within 72hrs he had 4 normal poops (less stinky) & was pooping with ease. After 4 days his poops regulated & he made a complete turn around. Now he is 10 months old & a happy boy. One major thing I learned is powdered formula & liquid formula have different ingredients despite the labels being the same type (ie:Alimentum, Advanced, Pro-Advanced, Sensitive etc). I wanted to breastfeed so badly but for my son… RTF formula was best. I cut out all dairy from my diet, even things that you wouldn’t expect dairy to be a part of. But my body’s milk wasn’t adjusting quick enough for my starving infant. A mom will do whatever is needed to care for their lo. Be open with options. What’s best for one baby may not be ideal for yours. I learned this the hard way but my baby boy had the worst of it until we found what worked for him. Good luck.

Shaina Gubernick please advise

Karo syrup, a little tablespoon in each bottle.

GET A NEW PEDIATRICIAN :bangbang: If your Pediatrician isn’t going to take your concerns seriously enough to try and figure out what EXACTLY is going on and tells you to chalk it up to this or that solely based on their assumptions instead of tests you NEED A NEW ONE, PERIOD​:bangbang::bangbang: YOU are your child’s ONLY advocate YOU are the boss not the Dr. To often people let doctors HAVE to much control over decision making. Its your job to find someone that will take you, your concerns and your child seriously and not play guessing games and make assumptions as a diagnosis. Serious issues do exist and chalking things up because " it’s common" is TOTAL BULLSHIT​:bangbang:

Get a different dr o rdd ask her to refer you to a specialist

Colic calm

Seek another opinion

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Glycerin suppositories

Benefiber Works wonderful to keep them regular

Tell your pediatrician you want to see a specialist ! Great one at Children’s is Dr Scott Pentiuk

Baby enema soap and water

Adri Esquivias Moreno

Never ever ever miralax

Pure juice it’s work

A warm relaxing bath will help too

Shelbi Raymond any advice?

Go see another doctor

Karo syrup in the bottle helps

Put a teaspoon of Karo syrup in her bottle

Courtney Farmer there’s some really good and consistent info in this thread

Get another Dr. NOW!

So what I did, cuz my son had the same issue, I had to change the milk or formula to where it’s not so concentrated… it helps. Also peaches, they helped me when I was a kid and also prune juice. Give a tiny bit cuz if you give your child a lot, it can make your kid shit a lot and then it’ll become dehydrated. I would try like a spoon full just to begin with. Sounds like you need advice from another pediatrician. If you call, you can ask to speak with someone else or request another person. I had to do that cuz she was giving me shit about my son’s weight when I was doing everything. So that’s what I’d start out with tho

Gripe Water helped us!!!

Mylicon gas relief drops

Kayro syrup and water. Put about a cap full in 4 oz… make that baby shit like a goose!

Karo syrup and a new doctor.

Parachoc helped my daughter

You can use baby suppository.

I’ll change pediatrician.

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Karo syrup put a little bit in her bottle .

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Gripe water may help.

It is normal and ok for them to not go every day. That being said, when my daughter, 10 months now, would go days and was uncomfortable, usually putting i thermometer up her little bum would help just enough to get things moving. Yea, its gross…but… it can do the trick. Now we do prunes and prune juice and shes usually going within the day.

How old? We had to add prune juice to her bottle.

If your baby is totally breastfed you have no problem… I was in you position with my baby but it wasn’t a problem…if it was formula and the tummy is hard even when she’s not trying to go then you have a problem

As a RN, my grandson did the same thing from bringing him home from the hospital. Just as your MD does not listen to you, neither did ours so I took matters into my own hands. Every day, I fed him watered down sterile water and prune juice. The crying, screaming and tears stopped because he would have a BM (bowel movement). Problem solved. Trust your judgement, do what is best for your child, you know them best.

U can try to use baby suppositories or plain boiled cooled water if not go to another pediatrician

Breast fed or formula? If breast fed, what you eat can give the baby gas. I had to cut out all spicy foods and onions. It totally worked though.

Try a little water in between feeds to hydrate her and a little cool fennel tea helped my granddaughter x

Maybe changing her formula may help…

Karo syrup mixed in the formula about teaspoon per 4 oz. Might take a day before you see difference. Boiled prune water also effect I’ve and more natural but the taste baby might struggle with. The dark karo syrup not the light.

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My daughter had the same issue as an infant. And sometimes it is the formula that causes this. At least It happened after I stopped breastfeeding, after six months. Her doctor tried to avoid medication, so he recommended a bit castor oil and she would go a couple of hours later.

Water and brown surgar depends on the age how much

I would get another doctor and have that thoroughly checked out. Sounds like the baby is suffering trying to poop. It’s best to know what you know and find out what you don’t know. I had a 6 month old brother that died from pneumonia. My mother THOUGHT he just had a cold.

Very normal. Her tiny system will work itself out and all will be good. Switching formula may be a good option but I’d wait a little bit.

My mom swore that infant mylicon was the only thing that worked for me. I was skeptical. When my baby was little she mailed some to me and it worked like a miracle. Also, make sure you are taking your prenatals and getting enough fiber if breastfeeding, if formula feeding try switching up formulas. Some people add a little prune juice but you’ll want doctor’s permission to do that.

We had the same issue alot. Our pediatrician had us use miralax for her when it was really a rough day for her.

PRUNE JUICE! Gerber makes one mixed with apple and it works!

Find another pediatrician, if she is formula fed change her formula and if she is breast fed look into your own diet. She may have some type of allergy to what she is on and it’s making the digestion process hard on her. I would most definitely go to another doctor and get a second opinion.

I hope you can read this!
When I was a baby I always had problems, doctors said the same thing. I’m now 24 with health and stomach problems and in the process of getting tested a bunch. My mom has crohns disease… and they refuse to test me for it.
As a mom, put your foot down and demand they look at your baby!!!
Doctors suck sometimes

Sounds like something is binding the baby up I’d try baby jar prunes and apple juice

Get another doctor asap!

My son had issues as an infant too. (Still does actually) our doctor had us do enemas with warm water and a tiny bit of mild baby soap.


I know if they are constipated the chiropractor can do and adjustment to help them go. I would call one to see if they help the baby go easier


What my child’s father used to do was hold our baby girls calf of her led and pushed her knees up to her belly almost like exercises … I wld always say "don’t do it too hard " but she loved it she wld grunt ND toot ND poop lol ND wld always work haha … She loved it too ND wld laugh even but really help her with bowls or gas

My daughter had the same problem with my grand daughter. We changed her milk, we tried giving kyro syrup, gave her plenty of water, changed her diet yet nothing worked. My brother in law’s sister gave me some baby saposatories (don’t think I’m spelling it right) that her doctor recommended for her baby n the actually did the job. Problem solved.

Please trust your gut and get another opinion. I don’t know your location but there are several pediatric colorectal specialists that can help.

Try using gripe water. It helps some babies well. Also, help her burp, and give her tummy time. Hold your hand on her belly and let her own weight fall onto your hand. A gentle rub and massage of her back, sides and belly helps stimulate, but doesn’t give artificial push. She sounds gassey and in pain. If you’re nursing, try cutting out dairy. If you are using formula, try soy.

When one of my twin daughters was 3 weeks old, she didn’t poop for 12 days. I was worried sick. She was also grunting, straining, passing gas, and had a hard belly. I gave her probiotics and it helped almost immediately.

My son’s doctor told me his sphincter opening was real small so we had to use a finger cot and baby vaseline for just a little while to stretch the muscles til it was more normal. Then he was fine.

My son just turned 16 weeks old. We started having this same problem exactly as you described. He is strictly on breastmilk. I introduced water about 150-200mls everyday. That helped for sometime. Then the grunting and straining came back. Waited till he was a little bit over 3months old and Introduced fresh fruit juices (orange, apple, red grapes and pineapples) once a day. Now he poops every day with ease. Still stinky farts tho. Lol

He is a healthy, happy and thriving baby. Packing on the pounds and doesn’t joke with his breastmilk, fruits and water. Except orange. He hates oranges.

Sounds like she needs a change of formula. My grandson had the same problem and the doctor changed his milk to the orange similac. He hasn’t had anymore constipation and he’s 7 months now.

Its gas problem my first born had the same thing give her some drops that relief the gastric issue. Also give her green tea a teaspoon in a day

Give her 2ounces if milk followed by an ounce of water! It will keep her regulated. New Dr. says no water but in my day they sent babies home with bottled water and formula.

That’s awful!! Poor little thing!! I don’t understand why the Drs are not listening…

my son had issues & the drs told me they get concerned at day 10 :confused: it sucks the whole time too. 2-4oz prune juice is a good option for 4m+, you’ll have to adjust the amount depending on the reaction

My child had the same problem since birth. He took formula since birth, well I took him to the same doctor at least 2x a month and did my own research. I bought a formula called Alimentum cost almost $40 but it the best $40 I could spend on him. Try it for about 2 weeks. He was allergic to certain ingredients in the formula. Good luck.

Both my boys had the same trouble pooping My Doctor did the same thing to both of them He inserted his finger into their rectum …It work only took 2 seconds The boys never had trouble going poo again The Doctor has passed away I’m sorry I can’t remember what he called it.That was 48 years ago

my daughter had this problem when she was a newborn and she actually stopped pooping for two whole weeks I could barely get the doctors to listen to me cuz they said breast milk was used completely by the body and that’s why she wasn’t pooping. She was miserable though. so we ended up finding this stuff that you mix in the bottle it tastes like molasses it’s called malt supex you put it in the bottle and with the milk or the breast milk and they drink it and it works

There’s a lot of what if’s here - many sound very probable. I’d suggest you get another doctors opinion first before making any drastic changes.

Try Dutch Drops. The Enterrusdruppels, if I’m not mistaken. It helped my boys colic and tummy ailments. We’re using it for three generations. Check with your pharmacist about it😘

My daughter had the same problem and now her daughter has it…give apple juice everyday the doctor said and it works!

Are you using formula? Try switching brands. My daughter got so constipated (I know you said that wasn’t the issue but that’s where my experience is) with Similac but did wonderfully with Infamil.
Also warm baths or going swimming works wonders. Something about being in the water makes kids go the bathroom.