My baby struggles to poop but the doctor doesn't listen: Advice?

Yup just recently went through the same issue with my new born. You can try 1 o.z juice per 1 o.z water. Or i got some grip water and it worked so good !!

Mommy’s bliss probiotic. My son has the same issues started him on this and within a week it was like having a new child

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If u are a breastfeeding mommy then it’s normal…better try some gripe water

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Apple juice works for my two

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Miralax…my son had the same problem . He would get bound up every so often just mix a little with whatever they drink bam cured .

My pediatrician recommended probiotics when my son had a similar issue. I swear by them now. They work every time.

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A little warm water might help.

I had the exact same problem with my 1st born and no one would listen until I took him to a different doctor who took me seriously. Since it took everyone so long to listen to me my sons intestines were so expanded and stretched from not being able to push out BM that he had to be on laxatives for over a year. Have them do an xray of your babies stomach and don’t let them convince you otherwise. If you’re wrong no big deal…but if you’re right itll save you and your child the struggle we went through

Get a new pediatrician

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I have a 5 month old and the pediatrician told me to use apple juice !!! I buy the baby apple juice Gerber Brand. I give 2-3 oz a day, I would start with just 2 and see how your baby does ! I mix mine with baby water(for formula, purified it distilled) and formula. Like making a regular bottle but with some apple juice !

Give your baby a sip of coffee both of my granddaughter had issues going poop. I know coffee helps me stay regular so I tried it with both girls. The oldest girl I would pour a little coffee with a lot of milk. The youngest I only have to give her a sip and it works. It’s better then any meds you give your baby

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Change your doctor if they can pass off something like this they obviously don’t care about your child’s wellbeing

You know your baby more than anyone, keep pushing for it! This happened too me I kept voicing why my daughter was so purple no doctor no one believed me, until it was almost too late. Too find out she had a big heart problem and had too have heart surgery ASAP! Almost lost my girl several times! Push for it mama!

Probiotic drops was a godsend for my son!

Also you can give her an ounce of apple juice too! I’ve had to do that a few times for my son!

My daughter was the same way the doctor would have me give her a little bit of prune juice but it doesn’t take much to work that’s for sure

Use infants friend it works for everything helps keeps bubs regular too good luck

New pediatrician! You know your baby better then anyone else. Sounds like he doesn’t care

There’s jars of heins prun juice at stores I always stocked up and dilute it w water.

Give a little apple juice. 1 oz apple juice 1 oz water and only let her drink about an ounce then she should have a big blowout

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Jess Schaller here’s some different tips for what worked with other mommas!

Is she on formula? This happen to my first and after struggling we switched from similac to gerber.

Depends on how old baby is. But yup babies are learning to poop. So if she is still under three months it is perfectly normal to struggle. She doesn’t need meds or and other woo bullshit. Just keep doing the bicycle legs and tummy rubs

Use these. My babies doctor suggested them since he was 5 months old


My baby did the same. Her pediatrician suggested tummy massages and putting one knee at a time to her tummy and she would literally pass gass the whole time I would do that. It helped tons. Hope it helps out!!

My daughter was the same way. She was breastfed and then the issues started, we switched to formula no change, even tried gentlease formula still siding help. She also had a vomiting issue. Her pediatrician switched her to nutramigen and after 3 days she was a completely different baby. They believe she has a dairy protein allergy. The vomiting stopped, no more constant screaming. She occasionally has a screaming fit when she’s super gassy but a little gripe water and she’s fine.

My twins were like that. I used infant glycerin suppositories.

A small amount of the Clear Karo syrup mixed in her bottles of formula or breast milk. Works wonders. My pediatrician recommended it when my kids had tummy problems with pooing.


Q-tip and Vaseline, bearly insert it.

My daughter had to have her rectum stretched it only takes & hurts about 5 minits, find a dr. With empathy. If juice doesn’t help.

Half a cap of miralax in the bottle or cup !!

My nephew had this issue right after he was born. His pedi had to stretch him.

I would find a different pediatrician. If your gut says something’s wrong then something is probably wrong. It may be something simple but left alone can turn into a bigger problem. I took pre and probiotics while breastfeeding to help my babies with gut health. Please don’t do this without talking to a pediatrician first. Your doing a good job. Keep advocating for your child. Saying prayers.

Mylanta gas drops are amazing and instant relief!!!

Def the pedia lax they are amazing and work quickly

THIS!!! Saved my sanity!!! I had the same problem with my sons pediatrician. She would NEVER listen so I took it upon myself to do research and he was going normally within a week! And I agree with the other comments on finding a new pediatrician because they will keep on and keep on with things they believe are concerns that aren’t and won’t listen to what you’re concerned about. (Currently looking for a new pediatrician myself because of this)

Liquid glycerine… you can buy at a pharmacy anywhere it has a penguin on it for infants… it helps loosen everything up and they poop and pass a ton of gas within minutes!

Keep doing bicycle legs, belly rubs and trying to help pass gas. As kids get older abd their system gets more regular than it should get easier. I’ve had 5 kids and had this thought with each of them I didn’t add weird stuff to bottles but when they were old enough I gave gas drops. You do need to pay attention because you can over do it. Hang in there

Try an infant probiotic drop, we used Gerber Soothe. I would get a second opinion. My son did this and ended up being allergic to dairy and soy.

My baby did the exact same. I gave him yogurt and prunes. Within a week or so he was back to normal. Goodluck!

Also get gripe water helps with gas and tummy problems! Also if they have anything with dairy cut it for a week or two and see if that helps!

I went through this with my daughter i gave her 4 ounces of 1/2 prune juice and water every other day for a week it helped

Massage bottom of their feet in the hollow of their feet is where you need to massage with a far bit of pressure

My grand daughter was same way. She ended up being lactose sensitive. Switch formula and do bike leg exercise. Also can add 1 ounce of manzanilla tea make it very light

Pediatrician always told me to give a suppository and it always gave my lo relief

1oz prune juice with 1 oz water.

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Try some gripe water. For breastfed babies 5 days is normal (not for my breastfed babies though, they poop daily) but not formula fed its usually 3 days, but when baby is in pain they should be taken care of.

Gas drops and consider going dairy free with her.

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Dark kayro syrup and warm water works wonders

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Probiotic drops help

You need to find another pediatrician. You need a second opinion.

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Sounds more like gas to me…maybe even colic. When she eventually has a bowel movement you say it is soft so I doubt its constipation; that would be hard little balls once passed. I had 2 babies with gas/colic issues. Unfortunately there is really nothing you can do. Just keep trying to comfort baby. Bicycle the legs, warm wash cloth on the tummy. My first babys colic symptoms subsided at 3 months and my last babys symptoms subsided at 5 months. Hang in there momma! You got this. Sending virtual hugs!

Kayo syrup, beware, usually works very quickly, and if baby is getting formula with iron it can cause constipation

Is she on an Iron fortified formula? If so, I would switch to a no iron formula


Dark karo syrup helps and also rubbing baby oil on her belly helps to

Karo syrup 1 tsp daily

i’d definitely look into getting a new pediatrician.


My granddaughter is 8 weeks the dr told my daughter if she goes 3 days give her a little prune juice mixes w water … it worked great

Maybe switch her to a Different milk some are very thick but if breast fed babies don’t go every day n the grunts etc are perfectly normal loads of wind comes out their bottom also.

Miralax is what worked for my daughter. She was so constipated. She would go 5 to 7 days with nothing then once she did it was pure liquid. Then it would repeat the cycle.

Switch formulas!
Use nutramigen!!

Water, Gerber prunes, fruit purée

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That sounds like colic! It’s not so much that she cant poo it’s that gas builds up and gets stuck and hurts! Probiotics drops for infants in her bottle and warm the bottles up in a bottle warmer or hot water will help! Also she may have a milk protein allergy and need goats milk! I would definitely get a second opinion from a different doctor and find a new one that will listen to you bc you know your child better then anyone and they should take your questions and concerns seriously

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Change her formula!!

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Just sounds like gas is all. If :poop: is already soft don’t give anything that will make LO have worse tummy problems.maybe try some gas drops. We gave them with ever bottle.

Since her belly is hard that says to me she is constipated (maybe just slightly) what helped my son when he struggled as a baby was I got a nose sucker, filled a small bowl with warm soapy water, and laid him on an old shirt with plastic underneath, and used the sucker with soapy water. That worked like a charm. I dang near got sprayed :woman_facepalming::joy: even if she is not constipated, this will definitely help her go easier so she is not fussy all the time. And babies do grunt even if they do have just gas, you can get gas drops too.

Try a little of pure honey in with formula or a little bit on her food if she is eating worked for my great grand son

brown sugar in milk hospital told me works great

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Warm water should help. Definitely check for milk allergies

I use to use gripe water drops helps relieve gas and pressure maybe it will help ease if pressure is gone

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Find another pediatrician now. I’m not trying to tell you what to do but, you know your baby better than anyone. My husband and I went through the same thing with our daughter. We went to another pediatrician that is absolutely amazing and haven’t had another issue.


Is she breastfed, or formula

Please…for the love of God take your child somewhere else. We had a horrible pediatrician at Childrens Physicians in Papillion NE my baby suffered for a year before finally someone said hey she probably allergic to her formula try Soy…I cried when I changed her first soft diaper. I didnt even know she had pooped :grin:

Old wives tale put slice of onion boil in water out sugar in to taste give a teaspoon full that would get rid of gas

White Karol syrup in her milk like a teaspoon

They make a medicine called multiplex it’s a prescription only you add in the milk that works wonders ,but only a doctor can write it. It’s not habit forumla but nature , like malted milk.Ask your pediatrician to check it out. It helps the poop be soft enough that it doesn’t hurt and they go easythen. I had to use it for my son and my grandson too.

Get a new doctor…now!

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How old is your baby ? I feed mine prune baby food works like a charm . Also hydrate ! And get a new Doctor!! :purple_heart::purple_heart:

When my daughter was little, her dr had me put Karo syrup in her bottle or give her juice watered down ny half. They advise against it now, but it worked :woman_shrugging:

Try soy milk sounds like a allergic reaction to the formula. Both my kids were the same way

Get some baby probiotics and use them her tummy sounds like it needs to be healed

If your baby is under 6 months, do not give water or juice or anything other than medication that is for their age! Ie gripe water/ baby lax / probiotics, etc.

Also, I would look into getting a new doctor!

Prune ,prune juice lacson thats what im using for my son.

My daughter did the same thing she would go over a week (her formula was changed 3 times do to spitting up) and so did all of my family
If she is formula fed then It’s a issue with how they break down the formula
1-2 oz of prune juice will do the job
It is normal for babies and adults to not go everyday
Even now my daughter doesn’t cry but won’t go every day and hell neither do I

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I feel like a big issue could be formula if the baby is formula fed. My oldest had very similar troubles. We had to make sure he was off iron formula and had to make his formula with anise and camomile water that I would make in batches each week ND leave it in the fridge. This is the one thing my ex MIL taught me I felt actually worked in all the parenting hacks she tried to show me. It really does work!

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Try Caro syrup it worked for my baby. I don’t remember how much

Chamomile tea might help. Hope she’s better soon!

A minimal amount of MiraLAX will help. My kid struggled with constipation as young as 6 months old and her Pediatrican recommenced it. She poops regularly with the MiraLAX. She’s now 2 years old

Have you tried changing her formula? My baby was also having truble pooping and was fussing and crying alot due to gas but once I changed his formula to Enfamil Gentlease he finally started pooping and passing gas with no pain or problem. If you are breast feeding then I would suggest gas relief drops and also change her pediatrician. Hope your baby gets well soon.:heart:

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I think I would take some of the advice from the mommas and do what you think might work best for you and your family , but most Importantly, you know your baby like you said, try getting another opinion from a different doctor :slightly_smiling_face: safest option for sure!!

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I have learned that sometimes a pharmacist actually had more knowledge then a doctor sometimes. I’d go ask them just for the heck of it and maybe they might have a safe solution :slight_smile: doctors suck sometimes but I’ve had some great pharmacists , even for my new born son they gave me better advice

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I think you used formula milk.

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If you’re using formula maybe you need to switch it. That’s what happened with my baby she was enfamil now she’s on similac and does much before


When I was finally able to bring my baby home about a month ago he had issues like that when he was about 4 weeks old. It would hurt him trying to even pass gas. We waited like the pediatrician told us and the issue started going away within 2 weeks. I used gas drops and warm baths seemed to help ease the pain for a bit

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I had the same issue and my son did as well’ it’s a lack of iron it makes the poop hard and makes bum tear when it does eventually come out. Give her a disportary it will soften it and come out right away and then get her on some vitamins that help with the lack of iron and it will become easier to poop

Ir change the formula that has more iron in
it of your not breast feeding

Are you breastfeeding or formula? If breast, she may have an allergy and you may need to keep a food diary. If formula you may need to switch xx

My daughter had the same issue for months and we had to switch her formula 4 times until she was on nutrimegen! Its the only formula that worked for her and now that she’s 18 months and is on milk her poop is very hard and dry and she struggles so we have to give her karo syrup just a half to whole teaspoon 1 time a week! But she used to be up for hours screaming and crying in pain and wr did every trick you have done as well, it was horrible and sad watching her struggle and not being able to help her till finally we got her on the right formula! Good luck!

Soft poo can also be a symptom of compacted poo. Try lactolose and another Dr!

Interesting read…

Lots of great advise from everyone in this post too, could try it out.

However, if you still do find the straining unsettling, might want to seek a 2nd opinion from another Dr.
(mummy instinct)

GET A NEW DOCTOR!!! We almost lost my niece because the doctor would not listen. My sister in law ended up in the hospital with her for over a weak because the doctor would not listen to her. I will pray for you and your baby. God Bless you Both!!!