My best friend is cheating on her husband, what do I do?

Mind your business. Period

Stay out of this mess .


Mind your own business!!!

Butt out. Not your monkeys. Not your circus.


Yeah this sounds like something the two people with the rings on need to handle not the outside friend who doesn’t share a bedroom.

U could make a case and point for either with the other halves of the story but as is it just screams stay in your lane.

I’m confused of what this has to do with NAILS on a NAILS PAGE


I don’t understand why it’s so hard for folks to mind the business that pays them. Ever heard of my names Bennit and I ain’t innit!!?!:woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t4::rofl:


Stay out of it. No good will come from you meddling

Not your marriage, not your business. You’ve given your opinion, now back off.


Tell him he’s got rights to know. Maybe who know they prob will work it out or get divorce but if it was the other way around I hope she does the same thing

Mind yo damn business!!! Before they all turn on you like you’re the problem

Just live your life and be happy and what happens happens, don’t base your relationships off that one friend. She has issues that are her own, only she can make… just tell her you don’t agree, and and want no part of it, if the husband asks, I wouldn’t lie, let her sort this shit show out on her own, but still be there for her, what she does is on her

Your best friend needs to talk to her husband and explain to him that she’s not happy and that she’s bored instead of being a piece of garbage and cheating on him, especially if he’s a good man and takes care of his family…

Mind ur own business. Let it play our on its own. U are not in control.

So many sneaky people lol mind your business :joy: I would leave the friendship. I did :woman_shrugging:


Mind your business she’s grown


Best friend or not I’d say something. No one deserves that, I’d let her know to say something before you do tho to give her a chance


Try minding your own business !!


I had two best friends one cheated on the other alot.
The other full out asked me if she was. I told him yes.
They stayed together and I lost them both as friends.
Next time. I’ll mind my business.

Definitely mind your business. Their marriage, their business. Who’s to say the “goody-seeming” husband is not doing the same? MIND YOUR BUSINESS.


Let her dig her own grave girl ! I’ve learned we can’t help our friends who don’t listen , reasons I’m not friends with a girl that does that to her bf but says she wants to stay with her bf but cheats on him every chance she gets . Let ppl dig themselves out . They put themselves in that predicament :woman_shrugging:t3: idk maybe I’m just a cold hearted bitch :woman_shrugging:t3::sweat_smile:

Get rid of her as a friend. You don’t need that kind of friend. But don’t mix in the marriage or say anything


Honestly I would be saying something, I’m sure anyone on here if there significant other was cheating they would want to know. I’ve done it to one of my best friends before, not one person deserves to go through that hurt.


You mind your business


What you say is NOTHING!! Not your business.


Yikes all the mind your business comments blow my mind. It’s called being a decent person and having morals. If that was my friend you bet your ass I’d be chewing her out and telling her to do the right thing here. If she isn’t happy with husband, she should leave him. She shouldn’t be cheating and I’d let her know that for damn sure!

i would stay away from both of them…if you say something and they reconcile you will be the bad guy and wont have a friend anymore


I wouldn’t give her any unsolicited advice—she won’t heed or appreciate it and your friendship will suffer.


Mind ur business, if it bothers u that bad, stop hanging out with her but u have no leg to stand on when it comes to her marriage

Mind your own business. Keep your thoughts to yourself. She’s a grown ass woman and this is her life not yours. Be her friend. Don’t judge. You don’t know the life she lives or what she feels. This is HER ISSUE. NOT YOURS. This post makes me sick cause you went out of your way, to talk about ur friend to a bunch of strangers. Your not gunna have a friend if u keep this up.

It’s none of your business! She is an adult and can make her decisions and deal with the consequences.


Where’s her husband I want him…shes being selfish. It’s chicks like this who give women a bad rip. That’s why it’s hard to find a good home bound man.

Mind your business… stay in your lane… her marriage not yours… just be her friend listen and be there… people need to go through their situations to live learn and understand.


Like kevin heart said. Mind ur motherfucking business Bitch :joy:.

If she was ur friend u wouldn’t judge her. Ppl only see from the outside of relationship. Not the inside…

Like they say.
Men cheat for sex woman cheat for attention…

Not your life, not your problem.


Mind your business. What is done in the dark almost always comes out in the light. Find some excitement of your own because it sorta feels like you are looking for drama to include yourself in.

You people give horrible fucking advice.
Cheaters deserve to burn in hell and they get no sympathy.
People who knowingly keep this from, I guess you would call it the victim, are just as big an asshole as the person doing it.
I guarantee every one of you people would get pissed off if somebody knew that and didn’t tell you

Maybe you’re just a bad friend looking to steal a man or a jealous friend because shes got 2 things going to your 0 things going on? I dunno :thinking: but you sure dont seem like best friend material. You’re a frenemie and not a friend.

  1. Not your problem. 2. If she loved him, she wouldn’t cheat! 3. You will destroy a family & definitely lose your bff if you dont stay out of it!

Stay out of it ypull be only one who looks bad

Dont talk to her for a little while

If it morally bothers you I would just stay away. But in reality it’s no ones business. Her husband will find out eventually. If you like her as your best friend then just keep her in your lane and don’t worry about who she’s fuckin with. You could tell her to tell her husband if you want but I highly doubt she will listen.

My mom told me… stay out of other peoples marriages.

READ*It all comes down to one thing.are your morals stronger than your friendship? She won’t forgive you for telling him…but will you be able to forgive yourself for not saying anything? You say things like this scare you.would u want to be the husband in this situation??

I agree with 99.9% of the comments not my business not my life not my problem and will continue to remain in My own Lane


It can’t remain this way. Someone is going to be so hurt. Most likely her husband. If you get to involved you will be caught in the middle. Your friend can’t have it both ways. It’s called selfish. Your friend may also be being used by the other guy. If she refuses to listen there is nothing you can do. The whole thing is wrong. Eventually it will end I am afraid not for the better. Pray for the whole situation and don’t get to involved. It may help her to talk to a Pastor if she has one or if she will. Have peace it sounds like you have done all you can.

She will lose out of the Best part her family

Not your life so don’t worry about it


This scene is somebody else’s drama. No need to give yourself a starring role in it. It will not go well for you. Perhaps you should send consider a better class of friend.

Say nothing, it’s going to end badly & sadly,without your input & you could loose your friendship or even end up being blamed some way


stay out of it and mind your damn business


I would just distance myself from her till she figures out what she really wants but as for what you do or say it is not your place to involve yourself in her marriage.

Best bet, is to stay out of it.

Ever hear the saying “not my monkeys, not my circus”…this is exactly where that comes in. Mind your business and say nothing because you will end up being the bad guy either way so you might as well just play stupid since that’s how she’s treating you anyway if you’ve already tried talking to her and she won’t listen.


If she thought you were gonna run to her husband with her business she probably wouldn’t have told you. You’re HER friend? Mind you, not her, or her husband.

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I was put in this same situation. However I didn’t say anything because it wasn’t my place to say. Yes I was the best friend and should have. However, it wasn’t my business. Eventually the husband knew about it. He wasn’t mad at me for not saying anything because it wasn’t my place to say. She has to be honest with her husband and tell the truth. The truth will set you free. God luck hun

Lol… girl code 101 MIND YOUR BUSINESS!!

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Mind your own business

Mind your business :100:

Well pretend like you don’t know anything, Honestly that’s none of your bee’s wax lol

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. I think that’s how it’s said :thinking:

But the plot twist to this sounds like you want her husband. Otherwise you would care less

And they say men ,cheat . Both ways feel sorry for him . He will find out and do what is best for him and his kids. Leave her !!!

If the shoe was on the other foot and it was you it was happening to would rather hear it then help cover the lies no one deserves this and you need to be honest and speak up he deserves to be with someone who actually cares for him

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Mind you own f*ing business! :microphone: Drop!


Not your monkey and not your circus!!!


Dont interfere at some time she will go shit I have 2 do something about my relationship with this guy, its him or my hubby.Dont worry she will get caught out then boy shit will hit the fan so just let her deal with it and you just be her friend :purple_heart:

Its none of your business. Be there for your friend and don’t go after her man because it’s obvious you’d like to.

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Are you just her friend or his aswell because it’s a hard one everyone telling you to mind your own are not right as a friend you should be telling her what she is doing is wrong and that you won’t be no part of it if she continues and will walk away a good friend wouldn’t be telling you and putting you in an awkward situation if you are his friend aswell then you also have a duty to him to either tell him or become distant from them both xx


Personally …I wish someone had told me. It will probably affect your friendship but id have no respect for a person who would cheat rather than work at their marriage


same old story,“cheaters never win”

1.) the hubby is no prize
2.) mind your business


So, I was the person at home pregnant, being cheated on… taking care of the baby, being cheated on
I didn’t know why my ex had friends that wouldn’t come around … Until a year after I left him
They knew he was cheating, didn’t want to be the ones to tell me but didn’t condone it either.

Years later, I was the friend to someone cheating on a good guy. I encouraged her to tell him, we argued, I ended the friendship

You don’t have to get involved but it speaks volumes about her character and do you want to stay friends with someone who’s clearly a liar and untrustworthy. If she’ll do that to her family, what will she do to you?

Just tell your bestF to tell the truth to her husband and then let them handle their personal situation themselves…
Cuz I honestly think no one deserves to be cheated on…except if it’s the devil we taking about

I’d tell her husband to be honest and then I’d tell her to eff off.


If your friends with both thats a tuff one…

Its non of your business so mind your business.

You’ve told her how you felt and how wrong so let her be and distance yourself from her.

Everything done in the dark will eventually come to the lite and its gonna be an ugly situation.

But at the same time that man needs to know and he doesn’t deserve what’s happening to him.

If you strongly believe you should tell him then go ahead just be prepared of what’s gonna come with it


If the roll was reversed and it was the husband’s friend wanting to tell the wife you’d be telling him to do it. It may not be her buisness but he has a right to know instead of sticking around on someone who’s going to keep cheating on him


I went through a situation like this.I told the husband which was a good friend of mine and every thing backfired. Now the both of them don’t speak to me.They even let me know at the end of the day ;they are husband and wife.So lessons learned don’t meddle in other people buisness

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It is I suppose ‘snitching’ but if your significant other was cheating on you , wouldn’t you hope someone would tell you?


There are always at least two parts to a story. If you said your peace, let it go. It’s her mess, her consequences.


Tell her your opinion & then mind yr business


You see not all two opposite attracts works , it’s not your business to interfere but out of your conscience , you can only deal with it through your cheating best friend , advice her , tell her off that , her husband doesn’t deserve it and she might one day will regret doing him wrong , as a best friend , you have a right to tell her in her face that her actions and behaviour is not acceptable and you can’t allow to tolerate it , tell her that you care about her but you feel sorry for him for being treated like an idiot , be honest with her that if ever her hubby ask about her questioning her faithfulness , tell her that you will not lie and will cover for her , even if it means breaking both of your friendships , your fear of being in a relationships makes you realise that , it can be on both gender that even if the person say they love you , there is a big possibility of them cheating and can’t resist a temptations in front of them , it makes you feel that , being single can keep you in control of your emotions , keeping that peace of mind and mental and emotional freedom from having to carry the negative energy and toxicity from the wrong person that you might end up . Your not there yet , your not with someone yet , you already have a phobia and on guard that it will never happen to you . I can understand that , I do t blame you for that

I would simply tell her to tell him or you will. Nobody deserves to be cheated on. I only wish someone had of had the balls to tell me.

If your going to break off the friendship anyway screw it and go out with a bang and tell him. He deserves to be happy as well.

You need to stay out of it. If you can’t be her friend, then end your friendship. Her husband will eventually find out and that is between the two of them. Don’t be a messy chick.


Mind ur business,I say mind ur business…


None of your business you arent her mother


If she’s ok with blatantly disrespecting her family (kids included) for a piece of ass…she’s obviously a very immoral selfish person and don’t think for a moment that she wouldn’t do it to a friend if it was good for her…I had this happen before and I told my friend you either do the right thing and tell your spouse or we can no longer be friends because I cannot be friends with someone that could do this to the very people who she is supposed to love and protect…she is not someone who would have anyone’s best interest at heart but her own…shameful! (as for her saying “she loves him??? You don’t purposely hurt or deceive those you love or anyone for that matter) friendship like this just brings drama!

I disengage with people like this friend. My SO had an affair and I told her wife after I found out. People who still come and tell me about them being cheats thinking I’m going to be quiet and accepting :joy: Tell. I would want someone to tell me

Mind your own business if you value your friendship with either one of them. You get involved and down the road, none of you will be friends.


That’s your friends issue and not yours.


You have to allow her to make her own mistakes. People like that are too hard headed. She has to learn the hard way. I feel sorry for her kids. Shame they didn’t get a better mom that thinks less of herself and more about the people that love her. She will pay for her self-centeredness but not before everyone around her does. She needs to fall smack on her face and learn a hard lesson. She doesn’t deserve the man or the kids. She is too immature and needs therapy to deal with her issues.


Stay away from them. Everything in darkness will come to light. Go and take care of you. Leave them alone. Dark secret have a way of becoming exposed

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We live in a society that doesn’t accept that sexual and romantic needs are complex and IMO very important for a satisfying life.

When people hit a point in their relationship where they don’t feel like their needs are being met, it generally isn’t safe to discuss this with their partner.
A: they can’t force their partner to meet their needs
B: if they tell their partner they need it elsewhere, it will end up with the partner feeling insecure and likely a breakup.
The solution is to suppress the needs, which in and of itself is unhealthy, or cheat to get them met, in order to “preserve the relationship”.
Often the relationship is amazing and they very much are in love but they simply aren’t getting a need met.

To me that’s hardly worth throwing away the years of love and friendship and all the good things the relationship has going for it.

I decided I while ago that I wasn’t going to live like that. I have partners I can safely say “I need to go get this need met” and I can find someone who wants to meet that need without any breakups or anguish. We all agree that a fulfilling sex and romantic life is important and suppressing our needs is unhealthy.

But most existing couples are trapped in an “all or nothing” scenario. And having a “hey I love you but I have some needs not being met, and it’s ok if you don’t want to do them, but I want to have these needs met still” conversation is terrifying and likely will end badly instead of as an opportunity for the couple to grow together.

Sadly cheating then happens.


All you can do imo is to state to your friend what you think of it and that her husband doesn’t deserve to be cheated on & ofc she should be honest and tell him but as for you id say nomore and stay out of it.

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Stay out of it. It will only end badly for you.


Mind your business. That is not your relationship nor does it effect you in anyway shape or form! Even stressing and posting on others business says I need more of a life so I don’t have down time to be involved


Geez! I’m torn with this one. I feel for you because this best friend of yours is not worth having. Obviously she is a coward and and didnt take her vows seriously. She has taken the easy and very selfish road not thinking of her husband or her children. Number one I think I, as her best friend, would let her know how wrong she is in straying from her marriage. Maybe suggest that she tell him and go to counseling. Just because she is the bread winner doesnt mean she gets the right to be a cheater. I would have a chat with her and tell her your feelings and give her time to tell him. If she doesnt I would. He deserves to know and not be made a fool of. Either way your friendship with her would be over until she does the right thing and admits her wrong doing and makes things right.

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Mind your business she can sink her own ship

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Mind your own business

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