My best friend is cheating on her husband, what do I do?

Not your story to tell. Sometimes a spouse knows but looks the other way. Let them work out there own marriage.


Not your Clown not your Circus .


Does anyone not believe in doing what’s right anymore? Is that how things are handled now days? “Oh they are my friend so I should stay out of it and look away”. Right is right and wrong is wrong, plain and simple.


Wow, I’d tell her husband!


Not your circus, I’ve learned to not get involved in peoples business, if she ask for advice then tell her what you think, she asked fir it but don’t tell the husband because believe me they’ll kiss and make up and you’ll be the bad person, it happens to often


That’s not your business to tell. She’s grown making her own decisions. Doesn’t have anything to do with you


Get back in your lane Lady
 Ain’t your business

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Your friend sucks big time. What a selfish, ignorant bi&ch!


U be honest with her as her friend other then that I wouldn’t do anything as that’s your friend so I wouldn’t say anything to anyone. It’s her business

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Getting involved will lead to a dissolution of your friendship
 Believe me. Bit if I was being cheated on, I would like to know. Hard decision. But if you want to keep your friendship, keep it of it, no matter how bad it makes you feel!

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Mind your own business. If it makes you uncomfortable keep your distance from her.


Stay out of it, that’s their life not yours


If the woman was being cheated on every one of you ladies would say to tell her. Hypocrites.
Tell the husband, he deserves the choice to forgive and work on the marriage or to divorce her and leave. You standing by in silence just enables her adultery.


She won’t listen. She’ll regret it. Prayers

I agree. You have free will. I find that if I think of things from all sides I can come to a conclusion I can be at peace with. Think about yourself in both of their shoes, whichever you feel most strongly about, act on, best of luck and I am sorry you find yourself in quite the situation. Granted you will lose a friend but one has to look at where loyalty really lies in that case. Weigh the options.


I just got out of a marriage from being cheated on. Tell him.

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Is not your problem :weary:sorry

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It’s their issue. Mind your own business.


Damn this is a difficult situation. How close are you and this friend? This personally would end my friendship with this person especially if they didn’t think they were in the wrong and refused to do anything about the situation and continued to cheat. I hate being cheated on. I’d walk away from the whole situation!

You can talk with her about your feelings about her business. But otherwise, not your place to say anything to her husband or anyone else.


tell her husband and then unfriend her. fuck cheaters

None of your business. Let her ruin her married life on her own.


I lost one of my best friends over this! She wouldn’t listen to what I had to say and I even though it’s her life, I didnt feel right with myself knowing and not saying anything. I didn’t say anything but I did also lose a friendship- probably woulda lost it either way.


I’d be telling her husband, wtf. He deserves to know what a whöre she’s being

Don’t allow her to discuss it with you and back away from the situation .


And oh yea talk to her mayb give her advice but don’t go snitching on your friend that’s girl code hello :wave:


You mind your business and not tell him. It’s not your business to tell.


Mind your own business!

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Everyone keeps saying mind your business you’ll lose your friend
WHO TF WANTS A FRIEND LIKE THAT!!! Like if she could do that to her husband think of what she would do behind your back. Im not saying tell him but I’d cut her tf off


Stay out of it. Let her choices and consequences her own. You’ve given her solid advice whether she takes it or not is up to her. Let it go. Eventually it will all come to the light and she will have to face what she’s done.


Honestly, I’d step away from the friendship. Anyone who can do that is trash and whatever happens she has to deal with.

I would somehow set her up for him to find out without being too obvious.
Let him figure it out alone but give him a push in the right direction. :woman_shrugging:


None of your business

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Cut :scissors: your cords from her. She knows you are single. Her husband will blame you. That is an excuse to say he’s no fun and boring. Why didn’t she put the spark back into her marriage? Why doesn’t she communicate with her husband. Why are you the relationship counselor and why do you have too carry her dark secrets. She’s crossed all boundaries. Get the hell out of there. Don’t tell her husband. Its just time for you to find a positive healthy friend


If it really bothers you with what she is doing then don’t be her friend anymore.


I’d tell him. Hell I’ve told people I barely know that their S/O is cheating. And I’ve done that because I would want someone to do that for me. And the way I see it, if she can’t be trustworthy in her own marriage how could she be in a friendship
:woman_shrugging: I know a lot of people disagree with this and that’s Okay. Some people like to speak up while others mind their own. You just have to decide which person you are.


Don’t say anything to husband. It’s going to hurt him. Let her do that not you. It’s her marriage. Keep your distance so you don’t get tangled in the web. Most importantly pray for her if you’re the praying kind.

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Wish them well and mind your own business.


It’s hilarious how everyone says to stay out of it. Why TF don’t he have the right to know???

You gave her advice. That’s what friends do. She chooses to keep on. :woman_shrugging:


It’s not fair to him to waste time with someone who does this. when he can find someone who accepts his ways.

Better yet, send him my way. I like boring guys who work and come home. :woman_shrugging:


Mind your own business, you shouldn’t have put this on Facebook, it has nothing to do with you. You’re supposed to be her friend :rage:


Mind your own biscuits and life will be gravy.


If it bothers you don’t be her friend but if you do then stay out of it. Not your business!

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They need counseling

I’m so sorry you’ve been put in the middle. She entrusted her secrets with you, but morally you need to draw a line. I’ve got two I’m not proud of protecting, and I’m in the same position of respecting the s/o’s. You have to do what you need to even if it means separating your ties with this supposed friend. Think hard about what brought you to be friends with her. There’s typically a compatibility as well as moral value compatibility. Once a friend undermines that compass it’s up to you if you’ll ever be able to trust her with your own future husband. Be thankful for the past times, but you can’t stick around for the future already knowing she’s not trustworthy. There’s a big warning sign that you should not ignore. I’ve cut ties with one, the other one is blood so can’t.


Tell the husband he deserves better


Honestly though, you should cut ties because you’re a shitty friend.

I would simply say to her that she needs to woman up and tell her husband. That isn’t your place to say anything, but he deserves to know.
I have cut ties with a friend for this reason. It is so wrong and so hurtful to do to someone, and I don’t want someone in my life who can’t be faithful.


Tell him & then take him from her :rofl:


Everyone is saying “ mind your business “ but the Cheater clearly told her friend “ THE BUSINESS “ so she has every right to question it :woman_facepalming:t3::joy::joy:


Mind your own business and quit being friends with her

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Why is everyone saying stay out of it? When we all know if your man was cheating on you and his mates new, YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TOLD. If you can let your friend cheat, then you are just as bad. They are doing something to completely destroy a person and you are allowing it. PUT HER IN HER PLACE call her out. Say what she is doing is wack and if she doesn’t stop tell her husband. Her husband AND her kids deserve better than that. If she is unhappy LEAVE. What the fuck is wrong with people


Nothing it will blow up eventually.


Blows my mind how many people is saying mind your business. Friend or not friend everyone deserves to know when they’re being cheated on.


Advise her that what she has told you doesn’t sit well with you and that you feel she needs to be an adult here and be a truthful wife and truthful mother - that if she is unhappy in her marriage to walk away from it and her kids bc it sounds like she has an honest, trustworthy husband and dad to their kids that would raise them with good morales and teach them that this is not what you do to the ones you love, marry and have a family with - tell her to place her children in her shoes and what she is doing and see how she would feel about that
good luck girl
with friends like her you sure don’t need any enemies.

She put you in the middle. Depending on where you want your friendship to stand
Tell him with proof and let her have “her fun life” without hurting him more. Otherwise leave it be, but sounds like your morals are upset so friendship likely won’t last anyway

Minding your own business is FREE!


Nothing. You do nothing. Next question!


I mean all you can do is talk to her if she doesn’t take the advice mind your business and let her make a mess of her life. You are not her keeper she is grown and can make her own decisions


Stay way the hell away from this. And is this really the type of friend you want to keep?

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The messenger often gets shot.


Tell him or I will :woman_shrugging: he deserves to know that she doesn’t respect him enough. And it will negatively affect the children. No matter what they choose. I couldnt/wouldn’t stay with a cheater

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Personally, I wouldn’t rat out my best friend. I would tell her she’s being a B and she needs to cut the shit, but that’s the most you can do. The rest is on her.

If she’s a close friend, and you value her friendship I would keep her secret, may just be a fling, and no it’s not fair to the husband but it is what it is, maybe she’s holding onto the marriage for her kids sake, so as not to break up their home


I cut out people like that, and I’d tell him. Being cheated on doesn’t feel great, but being “blissfully ignorant” about it just made me downgrade my intelligence anyways.

She doesn’t love him if she’s cheating and it sounds like she isn’t ready for the family life she’s made.


I’d say to mind your own business, but hell no! I draw the line at infidelity. Anyway, I wouldn’t want a friend who’s so fickle that she’s unable to honor marriage vows just because she’s “bored”. Give her an ultimatum: end the cheating and fess up to her husband, otherwise you’ll tell him. But be prepared for the friendship to end. It’s probably a good thing that you’re single because your friend’s type of inconstancy is often one that leads to cheating with a BFF’s partner. I’m full of opinions today.:woman_shrugging:t2:.


Tell him, he doesn’t deserve that


My advise is stay out of it :roll_eyes: when i was leaving my husband ( I wasn’t seeing anyone else ) but friend tried to keep us together and help us work things out but all I wanted was out. It made me feel so alone & I couldn’t confide because she was telling him things “to help” He was a narcissist which made it hard to get out. I lost a lot of trust in that friend.

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Ask her how she’d feel if you started sleeping with him because he was bored


Every thing in the dark always come to light, I hope no one gets hurt, physically, I NO A Couple going through the same thing, this sounds so familiar, I’m praying God will bless this couple, but I’ll mind my business and ask God to do the rest, I love them both,.

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Hate to have u as a so called friend


Get proof and send it anonymously. Or if you no longer want this women in your life get proof and go to the husband. You’ll need proof though, I wouldn’t believe someone over my partner unless there was irrefutable proof

Talk to her nicely, then talk to her straight up

If no resolution distance yourself from the drama. Cause if she’s to much she might bring you into it

She knows what she is doing it’s wrong so to tell her not to do it pointless. She loves her husband but is not in love anymore.

You have 2 options. One is you don’t have to participate in her choices but just be there as the best friend and help her pick up the peace’s when her life goes to shit Like friends due. .

Or If for someone who is perfect and have never made mistakes in life and never plan to make any mistakes in the future and know will never need a friend to be there for them when they made a stupid choice life
then they can tell her they don’t agree and and they can’t be friends with her and walk away.

But I would hope that my best friend would know that I’m smart enough to know it is wrong. And just be there for any stupid mistake I make in life

What I would say is. Well what I Actually what I have said before is

Well you are smart enough to know the consequences to the choices that you are making and they can really mess up your life. Also I will not participate in helping you in anyway, but when your life is turned up side down I will be here for you.

Bottom line is What kind of friend do you want to be. And what kind of friends do you want to be your friends if you make any mistakes in life.

A friend that lectures and then leaves
Or a friend that picks up your friends when they need you.

But people better hope they have never made any mistakes or not ever going to make any mistakes that you will ever need a good friend to help you pick up the peace’s if you walk away.

Or a friend that is not going to participate in her non sense but let her know that you will be there when her life gets flipped upside down from her bad choices.

Your choice.

I’m a life coach and unfortunately a lot of time this situation depends the friendship length and strength.

Good luck. :heart::heart::heart:

I mean you could tell her she needs to tell him and give her a time limit and say you will tell him yourself if she doesn’t.

I was cheated on. So many people knew and said nothing. That pissed me off more than anything!!! Tell him!


I would probably stop being her friend but I wouldn’t tell him. Too many times the man becomes violent, and I still wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her or the kids.


Imagine how he’s going to feel when he finds out about this and how much worse it will be when he finds out other people knew and nobody told him.


I had a friend like this once. Trust me, walk away. It’s not worth it. If she do her husband like that she do worse to you. Narcissist have no concern for others. Tell the husband if you want but dont be surprised if she manipulates the situation and turns you into the bad guy.


I had a friend like that, she cheated on her partners and even had the guy she was seeing at her husbands birthday party

I realised that I couldn’t be friends with a person like especially if I wasn’t that type of person.


Stay out of it. She’ll eventually sink that ship herself.


Stay out of it! Slippery slope! You will end up being the bad guy! MYOB!


Your pals a cow !! She deserve everything she’s gets xx


You don’t do or say anything. Not your life.


Leave a typed note in the mailbox. No name or anything that would suggest it was from you. He’ll find it and figure out what to do, or she’ll find it and wonder who put it there (you or the guy, or anyone else that may know) and hopefully the “close call” will make her change her ways. Also in any scenario, I would not be friends with this girl, she’s not a trustworthy person. If she can break her marriage vows then what line will she not cross?


Mind ya f*ckin business “buddie”


Sit her down and spit it out!!! Cant have your cake and eat it
she’s getting sex from one and family life from the other
all it takes is honesty! She needs to open up and be honest!

Sue already knows it’s wrong because she’s keeping it a secret. Let her sink that ship. You’re right the husband doesn’t deserve it but it’s also not your place.

Stay out of it. If you don’t agree and can’t be friends with her because of this, then just stop being friends with her and explain why. Other then that, stay out of it :woman_shrugging:

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I would get enough proof to tell. I would want someone to tell me. It ALWAYS ends up coming out!

I’d mind my business just me personally, my best friend could tell me what she likes I’d keep her secret we grew up together though, you never know what the other side of the story is. Just my two cents. Sometimes people are stuck in their situations.

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Tell the husband and drop that ‘friend’ :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:


Mind your business. It’s their marriage and for them to figure out


I agree with myob! He’s not your husband, she’s your friend apparently yet your on here wondering what to do! Regardless of what you say or do she’s going to do with she wants
if you can’t take it then stop being her friend that’s really all you can do

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I would stay out of it, and walk away. She will eventually get caught and get her karma

Absolutely disgusting for people to say leave a person that’s being cheated on left in the dark.


Mind your own business and stay away if it upsets you that much.


Unfortunately it’s not your place to get involved it’ll come out eventually just stay in your lane if you’re her best friend you’re not going to tell on her regardless correct ? that’s messy as hell It will all play out

#1, if this was a woman getting cheated on you would all say, TELL HER. Don’t switch up now because it’s a man getting cheated on. That’s pathetic.


#3, Tell him. TELL HIM!!! If it was you, you would want to know. He deserves that. Screw her! It doesn’t matter if she gets mad or not. At this point, her feelings, don’t matter. Don’t sit back and keep your mouth shut. Don’t sit back and let this man continue to look stupid
 Step up and say something. What happens after that, weather he leaves, or stays, isn’t your concern. All you can do is tell him what’s happening to him. How he goes about it, is totally his choice.

Also, for all you saying the man is going to snap, hit her, whatever, shut up. You people make men seem like such awful people. NOT ALL MEN ARE BAD. NOT ALL MEN ARE ABUSIVE. STOP TRYING TO MAKE MEN SEEM LIKE PIGS.

Sounds like as soon as they divorce you will be husbands first pick :woman_shrugging:t2:. You mind the business that pays you. You owe your friend loyalty not him :woman_shrugging:t2:


Everyone in the comments, don’t say anything. Not your business. Makes me laugh. If this was the other way around and your husband was cheating on you and someone knew, you would want to know. I’m sure of it!
Just sayin.