I had a very normal conversation with my bff for more than 30yrs. She shared our conversation with her new partner of maybe 18 months, that I’ve never met, and have absolutely no relationship with. I’m not really bothered by her sharing, as our conversation wasn’t about anything of importance, but her partner decided to exploit the conversation. He chose to write a fb post, and tagged my bff, so I was able to read his post.He decided to leave out my name out of his mockery but used derogatory language about me. I absolutely knew he was referring to me as he quoted me. So a conversation that wasn’t about him, and didn’t disrespect him became his amusement to mock. I called him out privately, but he is unapologetic and hides behind free speech, and according to him I’m the snowflake. Am I over reacting for being hurt? I really feel I was attacked w/o provocation and it was done publicly.
I’m sorry but if your BFF of over 30 years to see her new partner of 18 months about a conversation that you had with her. He turns around and makes a mockery of it, if your BFF doesn’t say something to him she no longer be your BFF. You’ve not met her new partner in 18 months, that’s red flags right there. If I were you I would take a step back from everything I would make sure your BFF knows how you feel and if they stand up for their man, they were never your friend.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My best friends boyfriend mocked me on facebook: Advice?
Did your bff stand up for you or say thing about the him doing this stuff ?
If your friend condones it, she’s not as good a friend as you thought. I’d never want to meet him. He sounds overbearing and immature.
Block them both and move on.
Honestly it depends on what was actually said.
Sounds like a bitch of a dude
If we get mad at everything on facebook about us… Wed all be losers. Move on.
If he felt that comfortable doing that and tagging her she’s probably speaking bad about you to him for him to do all that/mock you. Just a thought.
I really wanna know what was said…
How is it snowing in August?..
Point blank… if your friend was your friend and she had any sense about her she would definitely not let this slide as it’s just going to cause more tension between all 3 of you to where it ultimately causes a big divide. Given the lack of details and as you say wasn’t much of a big deal it seems your the more reasonable one and mature one as you privately tried to address it and bring up the fact it bothered you. If your friend can’t resolve the issue and get to the bottom of it then it’s ultimately going to be your choice on how you precede with your relationship with your friend.
That is so weird. Why would he do that?
You’re issue is with her.
Sounds like their too low class to be friends with
I don’t know, I tell My hubby everything, but he’d never go that far as to blast it somewhere and mock someone
That ain’t your “friend” if they let that slide and that’s who you need to address.
I feel like you should’ve included more details otherwise who cares. If we don’t know who cares about some random dude mocking you
Report him to FB they put you in FB Jail for little or nothing.
Ghost him. Dont react. He is a nut job looking for a reaction.
The FREE world is not reading his FB post. He is looking for importance where he has none.
Continue your freindship with you BFF but exclude him till she dumps him
Are you jealous of their relationship? Are you about to put your bff in a spot to choose between you and her partner? You have been friends for 30 yrs…and them 18months. I couldnt tell you how long in months my friends have been with their partners. While what he did isnt close to right… I am guessing you have provoked him in some way before. Have you tried to get between them at some point? Even though you haven’t met him in person… you have met him on the phone and such.
She has alot to say about you behind closed doors,bank on it
That would not be my friend anymore. She’s talking shit about you behind your back, on g.
Advice, get over it. What someone else says should not affect you.
That’s it. That’s how life works. You can’t stop someone from doing something, you can only control yourself. So control how you react to this by not reacting.
I’d be willing to bet the “friend” mocked you to him and that’s why he felt so comfortable tagging her.
I vote either call him out for being a twatwaffle on the post or just block them both and move on from that friendship.
Don’t know what was said, dk the dynamics of their relationship or you and your BFF. But honestly, said BFF should’ve kept y’all’s conversation private as she is the one who knows how her bf is. Obviously whatever y’all spoke about she had something to say/be offended by it or else she wouldn’t have shared to bf. It seems like they were both triggered and bf went to fb to post about it.
Yeah. He’s obviously a jerk, I would tell him so. THAT was completely ignorant and uncalled for. Sounds like he wants to cause drama and act like a child. I would tell her as much, how ridiculous really. Although she could possibly be mocking you to him behind your back.
He sounds like a tool.
Sounds like your bff doesn’t have your best interests at heart. I would watch what is said to friend now unfortunately. Sorry your going though this
May I ask how your friend reacted publicly on the post? Did she laugh or defend you? This may be more telling of your friend of 30 years than some immature garbage you have never met.
Regardless of what was said… Your feelings are valid… Even if you are told you shouldn’t be hurt but you are… What you are feeling is valid and That you is okay and I personally don’t believe it matters how Little it is, especially since you reached out to him… He’s being a dick about having feelings? Some people are more sensitive to things… Myself included.
You can decided to think about it later rationally and try and move past it and every part is valid and okay. Your boundaries and feelings are not less important than anyone else’s and if you’re more sensitive chances are you’re more caring and thoughtful. Something I often have to remind myself!
Try not to dwell on it too much if you can but let it go through the motions and feelings.
What was the convo about? I don’t understand why he did this.
That’s on your friend. She wouldn’t let that happen if she respected you.
Why isn’t the friend upset at him? Idk something isn’t right, and you left out so much information.
He sounds like an a***!
No way to tell if you are overreacting without knowing what you wrote and seeing his post.
Call him out publicly and find a new friend
I would cut the friend off if she’s going to be with someone like that
Wow… I’m sorry hun. What did SHE say about the situation? I feel like we tell our partners stuff sometimes without thinking. Now, from there… what he did is absolutely ridiculous. What was her reaction??? Because you may need to cut both. Unless she’s as upset as you over his actions, I’d be evaluating that friendship
Maybe best to talk to them both in person about it
I would confront your best friend tell her what happened and how it made you feel. Maybe stop talking to her for awhile?
Someone recently said “Dance like no one is watching, email like it will be read aloud in a deposition.” I would probably say something to the BFF, who isn’t btw. But now that you know she will share what you write with her SO and he will mock it. Just don’t share anything with her you consider to be more personal than the weather.
I’d be mad your friend didn’t have your back
Can you share his post? It’s hard to tell with out seeing what he said
He’s a giant red flag that your friend is going to regret knowing someday. He sounds like a self absorbed imbecile who finds pleasure in trying to be a non “snow flake”, in his words hurting other humans. No you’re not wrong he’s a POS trash
of a man. Whom deserves to be slapped upside the head and told how to treat others. He’s also one of those that if that happened to him it would be a 13 week Fb drama fight because he’s a snowflake
If you have never met him you are not that close and I would not worry about it. Perhaps a passive aggressive status might help. We need more context really.
What a dick. I’d drop them both, honestly.
I might also suggest meeting him too and spending time with him and her… Cuz A I would be upset she didn’t Stand up for me but Is there a reason for this. Is he just someone who doesn’t think before acting or saying and your mind might be different once you get to meet him too.
If she was a real friend she wouldn’t let her boyfriend mock you. My bff would go toe to toe with someone for mocking me doesn’t matter of they are in a relationship or not. Real best friends have you back no matter what
She allowed that? 30 years down the drain ON HER not him.
If she’s your bestfriend, then she deserves a friendly bestfriend punch in the throat, and she can telephone game that one to her boyfriend for being an absolute freaky ass loser lol. This sounds like highschool, 30 plus years of friendship means yall are adults. Tell her to drop the 18 year old that showed up to law class once to learn about freedom of speech. If she didn’t stick up for you or make him delete the post from saving you personal embarrassment, she doesn’t care about you and you can blame that new snowflake boyfriend of hers.
Sounds like your “friend” isnt really a friend for sharing
Screw him and her if she stands by what he did.
No one can possibly have an opinion on this without knowing what the conversation was between you and your friend for him to react that way. Maybe you said something was off the cuff or something he found to be crazy. I’m not condoning what he did, but you didn’t give us enough info to form an accurate opinion and advise for you.
That bff fight not yours she should be defending you if not is she really bff
That’s more your friend’s fault!! She had to be smack talking about you to him, and she had no business sharing your private conversation with him. She has to know how he is, and sharing your private conversation with him is disrespectful. She’s definitely not a true friend!! She is probably making fun of you behind your back to him, and more than likely she shares his feelings on what he posted. She probably is nice to your face and agrees with you, then talks to him behind your back! Even if she didn’t, him doing that should be a big red flag to her about what kind of person he is, and she should stand up for you as a friend if she had no part in it! If she doesn’t stand up to him about this sort of betrayal then she’s definitely no friend to you!! Cut your losses and remove her from your life!!
The friend should be the one saying something to him. He tagged her. And she clearly knows it’s about you too.
Also what was quoted from your messages and what he said as a response to it that and what he said about you? It’s in any way offensive/rude then the had the right to say something. I probably would have done it publicly though. Mentioning that it was a private conversation with your friend asking how he found the convo if he wasn’t going though her phone. and ask if he has any reason not to trust his girlfriend to be doing it. And I’d also tag the friend in the comment asking her if he does this to her too or if it’s just ok for him to do to her friends as long as it’s not directly naming them.
That’ll get either the “friend” to admit she talks bad about you to him. Or, she will stand up for you and deal with him, preferably by leaving but that’s up to her.
I’d be more mad at my friend. Not cool.
You are allowed to feel which ever way about anything. But if you weren’t bothered by your friend sharing with her new boyfriend and he didn’t use your actual name, why does it bother you that he posted about it? Without knowing the actual content of what was said and what was posted, we can’t give advice. It’s like if he were to be upset about this post- you aren’t using names but he’d know if it’s about him… I say just move on. Talk to your ‘bff’ if it continues to bother you. Block and count your losses as a last resort.
People suck, but your bff shouldn’t allow it. My best friend would be tell him to take it down or less.
Didn’t read anything past your headline. Grow some thicker skin dawg haha
Your problem lies with your supposedly best friend, she was out of line sharing that with him. Is he wrong yes, but he doesn’t owe you any loyalty she does.
So if you absolutely know it was about you, his derogatory comments etc…
Do you not think taking him to court for slander & defamation would be a better option than Trying to come across on social media as the bigger person?
If what you say is true, then deal with it hun…
Or you just want a bunch of people who don’t know you or anything of the situation (except what you choose to say) to give you sympathy…??
There, there darling
Well it’d be helpful to know the conversation.
What a jerk. No you aren’t over-reacting. Maybe you should just talk to your friend on the phone so he has no written material to bird-dog. Free speech my clavicle. I’m exercising my free speech to say people like that shouldn’t breed.
Sounds to me that he’s jealous and trying to isolate her by ruining her relationship with you. Is she standing up for you?
If not I would warn her of this and to research narcissistic behavior. Once he’s ruined All her relationships with friends and family he will start his mental and physical abuse on her. Warning her may save her. Tell her you are stepping away to permit them some privacy BUT call if she needs help at any time. Pray about it. God bless.
Why are you allowing yourself to be friends with this person? Clearly your “bff” could care less, doesn’t gaf and should probably jump off the friendship bridge really quick. Ewwww. Be friends with that? No way. “Bff” better take up.someone elses air. BTW you should share and screen shot your post andd our comments and send them to her. And if you do " Hey ‘BFF’ YOURE A PIECE OF SHIT, DO BETTER. just gross.
I am more interested in what your bff is saying and doing to fix it
Hard to say without knowing what it was about, but your friends equally at fault here.
Her name is Karen isn’t it?
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Her partner doesn’t seem like a good partner. I’m more concerned about your bff. If he treats you that way imagine what she deals with on a daily basis.
Your friend should be the one apologizing for his actions, and yes he definitely owes you one too. Its weird on you not meeting her boyfriend of 18 months.
If you’ve known your friend for 30 years, she’s at least 30 years old and that’s so childish for anyone to do, especially her significant other- That’s probably 30 years old also! That’s something people in elementary school do! Whoever she’s dating sounds very immature and obviously she can’t stand up for you…
Your friend is the problem for letting this happen. You are leaving out information for sure
If you never met him, don’t know him, why do you care!? Why are you hurt when you don’t even know the person? Don’t be so sensitive and let him say his opinion- while you are entitled to feel hurt, move on and ignore it. Don’t let it affect you
Block him then . cut ties with both and head on out.
He’s a real louse. Shake it off
It was HER place to correct him, and the fact she didn’t, says a lot about how much she values your friendship. That’s not a BFF, that’s a casual friend you’re clearly more invested in than she is you.
He definitely has mommy issues. Ignore him. Your friend is not a friend
Maybe she knows he’s a douche n that’s why u haven’t met him yet He sounds immature!
Your friend is the ah for not saying anything, I wouldn’t be surprised if she starts ignoring you.
But it was your friend who initiated it by sharing it with their partner. No he shouldn’t have mocked you but your friend shouldn’t have opened the door for him to do so.
Don’t give him the time of day. Move on.
I’d be more pissed that bestie didn’t have your back. I’d never let my man talk shit on my girl like that.
What was the conversation what did he post need more details
Can u say narcissist? He wants to run her friends off or take her away so he will control the situation ie your friend.
Nope. An ahole is still an ahole hiding behind some free speech. He fits the criteria. Your friend should be the first one checking his a** too.
Clearly she’s not a very good friend , for one if you were bff forever she’d want you to meet her new partner. Jealousy does strange things to people. I’d start looking for a new friend because this one doesn’t seem to be a loyal one .
Concerns for BFF. Sounds like toxic partner.
Am imagining how your friend is treatd in that relationship…
Omg, seriously? Don’t worry, it will all be okay once you all come in from the playground, have your cookies and a nap. Then you will all go home at the end of the day.
F him. FORGET HIM. cause he don’t mean nothing to you. Block him and if you ever see him on fire don’t even piss on him.
I would tell my friend dont speak to him about me or tell him our conversation please from now on x i dont expect to feel that way from your boyfriend and he was any decent person at all he would apologise to me for upsetting me even if not intended as i told him how i felt and that should be enough for him to say sorry
This rings the same as a spouse having an affair, and blaming the other person.
You need to take issue with your friend. They should be uncomfortable with her boyfriend mocking you in public, and tagging her in order for her friends list to view. Your friend should have shut this down immediately.
Your friend is not your friend.
I’d be upset for sure.
It’s none if his business and that was a smack in the face!!
Your friend should have stood up for you.,
Far over reaction. If you’re a four year old, it’s still overreacting. Grow up. Who cares what people think. As long as you’re happy and healthy that’s all that matters. Fix yourself first and foremost.
No you are not wrong and your friend should be addressing this with him.
He obviously did it on purpose to cause problems between you and your friend. She’s wrong for not putting him in his place.
No I don’t blame you! That’s very childish! I would block him what does your friend say about it?