Sounds like your friend was mocking you with him for him to feel so comfortable to mock you and then post it. How is she your best friend and you haven’t met her SO in 18 months? If she didn’t correct him or at least have a conversation with you about it, clear sign she is not your friend.
Your friend so sounds like they suck as being a friend. Next !!!
I’d be more hurt that your so called BFF was relaying information to her boyfriend.
Besties don’t do that!!!
Hes a child with that behavior. Feel sorry for your friend. She should watch her back on what she tells him
You’ve never met him…they have been together for 18 months…she’s your best friend of 30 years….hmmmm…I’m guessing you don’t live near her…or you’d of met before now! All that said, it’s ok for her to tell him things you’ve talked about…but he sounds narcissistic…sounds like you’re not the friends you think you are! Did your bff say anything to him? Have you asked her? Not a lot to go on here…
Thats that little dick energy
Anyone that uses the word snowflake is a loser. Don’t give it a second thought.
Your friend should be handling this for you.
He’s probably a controlling As$hole and doesn’t want her to have friends
I’d be getting a new best friend if she didn’t say anything about this. A friend doesn’t mock you
Don’t forget to tell your bf to remove his tag … I can’t stand women like that & can’t stand men that act like this, even MORE!!
I’d be petty and start tagging my friend in post about how “real men” do things, about red flags in relationships, and anything else that could make him look bad
So, he didn’t name you in the post, so no one even knows it’s about you! Just tell your friend that you are not happy about it and move along!
This is something your best friend if 30 years should have shut down immediately.
Honestly it’s people like that who go out of their way to be mean that is the reason I can’t stand majority of human society. he’s the problem
Either she or YOU need protect yourself and trusting her !!! % No 2 ways about it!!!
Shame on ur best friend!!! That isn’t ok at all!!! She can’t be trusted. Live and learn
A “best friend” would take your secrets to the grave with them. Not share as entertainment and something to talk about with her boy toy.
Sounds like your friend might be with a narcissistic guy who is trying to sabotage her relationships with other people to seclude her from her friends and family.
Your friend needs to address this. Talk with your friend about it. Explain how you feel and ask him/her to address what was said
Show us the conversation to be fair we should know the facts
How old are you? How he attacked you / mocked you publicly if he didn’t mentioned your name.
If strangers opinions hurts you that much you should not be on social media, being in social media is like being in a battle field, people will spread hate and make fun of you ( not all , and should not be like that, but is the reality) so if you are not strong and can not just scroll down without feeling attack you should not be there .
And by the way, you should have addressed the issue with your friend, she was probably making fun of you with him
First how he get info . Don’t be mad at him … evidently your best friend really isn’t a friend … thing why and how you know or got a hold of your conversation… Best friend …you may be her best friend but she not yours
How does your best friend for over 30 years have a boyfriend for a year and a half and you still haven’t met him?? that’s crazy to me
Lmfaro at least it wasn’t your own mother who did it to you. At the end of the day it could be worse. F them and their opinionated selves fools will always be fools. You are not the f face whisperer so don’t stress it.
You’re the only one who knows it’s about u besides them. I wouldn’t be telling that friend anything else that you don’t want him knowing
He sounds like a child!
Trashhh. Your friend needs to check him.
Your friend should have a talk with her BOY - friend! (I emphasize BOY)
What he did was disrespectful to you, her friend of 30 yrs…
If she blows you off … then your not as close anymore as you once where…
Sometimes we outgrow people…
Sometimes a new boyfriend takes the place of old besties.
He’s sounds like a d%<k…
He is jealous of the friendship & obviously he’s immature trying to get a reaction from you don’t waste your time by giving him the satisfaction of any attention whatsoever he’s a manabe, wanting to be a man & hasn’t made it there yet choose your battles in life don’t give this any more attention than you already have he’s putting attention on himself from you taking it away from your BFF
I would tell my BFF that if she wants to remain my BFF that this will NOT happen again. Talk to her … in person. Tell her how hurt you are. tell her that if this is the behavior of her boyfriend that you are concerned about his lack of respect.
It depends on what the conversation was about. You need to talk with your friend and let her know that you saw what he posted and felt like it was based off of what you told her. See how she reacts and you go from there.
Sounds like your friend found a narcissist to date. He is probably trying to push you away. Men like that tend to try to isolate their partner and ruin their other relationships so that they are the only focus of attention. I would just be careful with what you share with your friend for the time being and also talk to your friend and let them know that what their partner did bothered you. Then move on from it.
Why is your friend dating an obnoxious crappy man child?
Your BFF is to blame.
You are entitled to your feelings.
I would reconsider your friendship. Not a single real friend I have would allow their partner to disrespect me that way, nor would they share conversations we had
Share the post and call him out.
You comments were private. You weren’t named in his post. You read his comments through your BFF’s page. Chances are, no one else can link you to your comments.
Your BFF did not hide or ask that the post be removed so I question whether she is still your BFF or if your message to her was all that mature. Not knowing the contents of your communication and taking the BF’s excretory comment into consideration, I give you the benefit of the doubt.
The boyfriend is putting a wedge between you and your BFF. The BF is INTENTIONALLY sabotaging your relationship with your BFF. This triggers alarms including the very real possibility that he is controlling your BFF.
There really isn’t anything to be gained by challenging the BF. Let your BFF know, by phone or in person, that you are hurt by her BF’s comments and actions and that you prefer your BFF not share your comments with her BF but be prepared for her to ignore your request. It may be that the BF took her phone or reviewed her FB page and went over her messages and posts on his own. She may be too ashamed to admit the extent of her BF’s controlling behavior. She may be in denial.
I recommend that you be there for her in the event she wants to share or talk. You must now be aware that her BF has and will continue to review and comment on your communications. You need to stop sharing, in writing, with your BFF anything and everything that you believe is of a private nature. The BF will use your communications to continue to drive that wedge between you and your BFF. His behavior is immature and controlling but you cannot control him.
Be there however you can for your BFF without giving her BF more fuel to hurt you. She may come around. She may not. Don’t give the BF any reason to criticize or make fun of you, your thoughts or your opinions.
Block him on Facebook and distance yourself from both of them. He sounds like a jerk and, of she’s not calling him out on his behavior, she’s not your friend.
Pick. Your. Battles.
Clearly you’re upset but I don’t think it’s as big of a deal as you’re making it, especially if as you said the topic wasn’t something important.
People suck, but how you deal with them is on you. I tend to ignore what people that don’t even know me have to say about me
Sounds like his trying to get you out the picture, sounds like a red flag to me, any decent partner wouldn’t even do something like that towards their partners friend. Maybe his a control freak and don’t want her to have any friends, sounds more like it. Sounds like a stupid immature prick lol
Your friend needs to check her boyfriend and stand up for you. I wouldn’t let my husband run his mouth about my best friend
Report him. Send him to Facebook jail. It’s a childish thing to do, but I’ve done it
1.) it feels good to send someone to fb jail for a few days. 2.) it gets your point across that you’re unhappy with the comment.
He used FREE SPEECH as a reason to be an a$$? Lmao okay, totally a normal thing to do. I would just unfriend them both, especially since she wants to share private conversations and not defend you. That’s not a friend and you not accepting disrespect doesn’t make you a snowflake. Call him a little b*tch on Facebook and when he cries about it, call him one, too
People do mean things online all the time.
I’m sorry, you should be mad at your friend for sharing it with him. She owed you loyalty, not him.
Stop telling your friend stuff
Pray for your dumb friend. She may be hopeless now
he must be a trumper get a new friend
I think we need more context maybe you can add screenshots to your post
Screw that tag her and write a post about what kind of knuckle dragger he is. He has to make anonymous rotten about u tag her in it so you will see it . Don’t use his name just say her Bf . He is a Manchild hiding behind a keyboard or phone. Must be he has a little Willie and try’s to hide his In adequately small small small weiner by trying to hurt others . I have given more than one man a tongue lashing on Facebook. Last person who I have known 50 years started jumping on my non political post and trying to start a argument. I let it go until friends started saying what is wrong with him . So I posted on his wall . What he had been doing along with I dated him 50 years ago but couldn’t get past his big nose . I said the icing on the cake was watching him drink coffee and his nose kept going In the cup. I said He dated a friend and she had the same problem so he moved out of state and he did . He has never made a comment since I flat out embarrassed him . I had 50 friends jump on what I wrote and they finished him off. Don’t take his Bs
You need better friends…nuff said…
I would re-evaluate your friendship if she’s letting her boyfriend make fun of you…
My concern is your BFF there bestie. I know if it was any of my BFFs they would have round kicked their significant others right onto the couch and made them remove the post IF the context your saying is true… maybe they both joked about the conversation and that’s why he felt it was ok and you’re only upset with him??
I blame your friend.
He sounds like a d**k
Your friend sucks find new friends and he’s obviously just an asshole … my one of those I will hurt your feelings worse … get some back bone and tell him to f off him and your so called friend life is to short to have shitty friends and ppl around
He sounds like a loser but honestly I’d blame your friend too. He has absolutely no loyalty to you but your friend does, or should. She needs to not be telling him your conversations, especially since this happened
I need the Convo and the post to see what it’s about. But how is she your BFF n they’ve been together a year n a half, n you’ve never met him. A lot of this doesn’t add up
Your friend is the one you should be mad at.
Stand tall. Rise above it. Listen to Taylor swift " someday, I’ll be living in a big mansion, and all he’ll be is mean". Distance some but something tells me your BFF will need you as he’ll be an ass to her and she’ll get it !!
I would never allow anyone to mock or make fun of someone I love with out giving them consequences… as she should not either
I’d reach out to my friend and if they see no problem with it then that’s not your friend and he is a loser for doing that
What was her response to her man’s actions ?
She’s not a friend if she’s sharing yalls convo with her bf
Hopefully she will dump his ass
Your “friend” should not have told him anything. He sounds like a giant douche.
If it were me I’d be rethinking my friendship. It sounds like you were being attacked. I’m sorry this happened to you. You’ve been this persons best friend for a very long time and she did not defend you one time. She probably needs to think twice about being in a relationship with someone who bullies people. If it were me I’d be dumping the guy.
May wanna reevaluate your friendship if she’s telling him the convo and allowing him to mock you. Then allow your maturity to fall out the window a bit and mock/call him out
Sound alike you are just being ridiculously sensitive and just wanting to argue and get attention. Toughen up. To expect a friend to keep secrets from their partner is so toxic and immature. Learn to handle criticism and learn that you are not the center of everything. Not do you have the right to expect someone’s partner to not find out your conversation. All in all, grow up.
The little more to the story here. If you put BFF of how long, 30 years and is with a guy for 18 months and he does that, he’d be gone. if your best friend is not standing up for you, there’s a problem there they’re not your best friend.
He seems like a POS.
Agree with them, reavaluate the friend. Sure you are cool with her sharing with him, but the minute she seen he made a post and mocked you SHE should had asked him to delete it, if he wouldn’t then she should had minimum removed herself from being tagged
I’d be concerned about your BFF. This is how douchebags isolate their victim. She could be in a abusive relationship.
I think he is an abusive person. I think your friend may regret her involvement with him. She is not being a good friend to you by condoning his behavior.
Your friend is the problem… what is she doing talking about your private convos?
You should’ve told your friend to handle it with her man. But you should definitely be annoyed and if your friend isn’t offended for you, you might need to distance yourself from them.
Your friend should have handled it on her end as soon as he decided to post. As for you, you have every right to be upset HOWEVER he didn’t use your name. I’d chalk it up to him being bored and immature and just leave it alone.
Your lingo suggests to me that you’re a person with victim mentality.
Lesson learned. Don’t share things you don’t wanted retold with this person.
She is in the wrong, but you sound pathetic looking for validation of your feelings anonymously on social media.
He sounds abusive and is an asshole. If she’s sees no issue with it clearly she no friend.
I guess that just depends What he said
Sounds like you need a new fried and ditch that one.
If he’s a tRumper maybe you should ask your bff what the hell she’s doing with him.
I’d keep my eyes on him around your friend
Honestly I have made it clear to who ever I tell my husband everything but my husband would never repeat something I told him that’s disrespectful now knowing that she is going to tell him you need to keep personal stuff to yourself
It’s not really publicly if you weren’t tagged/named . No one knows it was you . But I’d still drop her if she’s defending him for trash talking you and using derogatory language . If he’s a trumper I wouldve cut ties back then .
If he acted like thatnits because your BFF shared the info and then talked bad to him about what you said. They obviously have had a conversation mocking you Soni would be mad at the BFF. If he tagged her its because she was on board with what he was saying and that’s the part I’d be mad about. Talk to the BFF and ask her what her problem is and why she would allow him to treat you like that and be fine with it
Put that info in your back pocket.
Do he make a joke and lock the conversation itself or you specifically. Was he just trying to be a clown and seek validation from other people by being “funny” or was he specifically trying to hurt your feelings. Is it possible he’s a little jealous of you and how close you are with the friend. More often than not it’s either “all in good fun”, even if it’s not that funny or he’s jealous and trying to create some distance and get more time to himself. Either way the more you play into it the more he’ll keep it going
The problem is the friend with the big mouth. I’d say bye Bitch.
Your friend agrees with him. She isn’t defending you. She isn’t offended for you. She probably mocked you to him. Cut off the friend.
He feels threatened by your relationship with her and is trying to divide you two so that he can have your friend all to himself.
He sounds like an abuser…and a d1ck. Free speech is a thin, thin line to tread. Chances are, depending on what the remarks were, he’s a bigot, also. What’s your bff say??
So he’s an asshole - let it go - can’t change him - don’t let it disrupt ya life
He is looking for a reaction, don’t give it to him.
U can be mad at him. U need to blame yur so called best friend who couldn’t keep her mouth closed
Sounds like his a little bit**. Probably won’t last long.
Whoa! I would speak to your friend. Maybe not even tell your friend anything anymore if her recruit is defensively in his favor.
Welcome too 2022 - when cares! If you’re gonna let something on social media affect you, you shouldn’t be on here. I agree he’s a dick, no need to get worked up about it
If she didn’t stand up for you she’s not your friend.
Honestly, sounds like this friend of yours isn’t as close as you thought. Obviously if he felt he could post that and tag her in it, she probably talks about you to him like that. He probably didn’t post it to get to you, men aren’t vindictive like that, they probably had conversations like that about you and he just tagged her because he has no tact.
Maybe you and your friend needs to have a little talk to see her view of things