My best friends boyfriend mocked me on facebook: Advice?

Your bff should have stood up for you , she’s the one who told him about your conversation , sounds like a jerk shes with


Seems like the friend isn’t actually a friend


What was the conversation about??! I need more info to go on


Your friend is the problem here.


Tell your bff bf that it’s ok if he doesn’t want to apologize, you’ll just make fun of him when your bff has the next bf :joy:


I tell my husband everything. He’s my person I should be able tell anything to and not have to worry about who he’s going to tell. He doesn’t run to other people or facebook and post about it for the world to see. If he did we’d have some serious issues.
Her and her boyfriend both sound like they need to do a little growing up.


It sounds like he could be a guy who likes to control and close off his gfs from any and all friends and family possibly? This is how it usually starts if so. You are clearly a threat to him if he is a controlling/ abusive person. So maybe this is his way of getting you out of her life? I was in an abusive relationship for 15 years and I was cut off from everyone close to me- at first I didn’t realize what was happening until it was too late.


Your friend needs to handle him asap

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If they are best friends why has she not met the bf of 18 months? Her bf was probably saying crap her best friend was saying too for him to have the audacity of doing that


I feel like Wht you discuss between you’re friends needs to stay tht way it’s none of his business why wd he wanna knw anyway he sounds like a bitch tlk to ya friend she obviously trusted him with something he cldnt be responsible with

Yep. Hate to say it but you’te probably gonna want to censor yourself around your friend until after this douchebag is history or you’re gonna find yourself in this situation again.


I get he’s a sissy if he really was sneak dissing you but saying things like “hiding behind free speech” implies that free speech is somehow bad and puts a negative connotation on it. Idk why it bothered me so much but that wording is ridiculous to me. It also imo implies that this incident was politically related possibly? So I’m assuming based off the language you’re quite progressive and said some typical outlandish progressive thing and he was mocking you for it? I’m absolutely leaping to conclusions here but you didn’t give much to judge off of.

2 sides to a story. If he truly just went at you for no reason then he’s def in the wrong regardless what it was about. The only thing is we don’t know if you’re being paranoid thinking it’s about you or if it really was. That’s what makes sneak dissing so puxxy tho. They can just lie when held accountable.

Also I’d take this as an opportunity to stay close with your friend cause if he’s never met you after 18 months that’s kinda sus and the fact he may be preventing it all together is a red flag that he’s a potentially abusive partner attempting to destroy her support network.

Take it all with a grain of salt because not all details are known.

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Wow! Sorry that happened to you.

People care to much about other people’s opinions. Especially on social media which is 90% fake. His opinions or jokes don’t effect your real life so why worry about what he thinks or says. His words and him in general are meaningless to your every day life. So why care what he says or does?

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Don’t entertain he wanted a response just pick and choose what u tell your friend obviously

I’d talk to your best friend. The fact she shared the convo with him, though, gives me the impression she was judging you a bit perhaps. I could be wrong.

Anyways, if she’s truly your best friend then she should be all over him for being rude and nasty. Talk to her.

Be thankful you aren’t the one with him ! . Quite the Drama King ! But she chose him.

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Your friend sucks as a person.


You just learned your BFF isn’t your friend at all. If she were she’d never stay with a guy who treats her friend that way.


Be thankful you aren’t the one with him ! . Quite the Drama King ! But she chose him.


She picked her a winner :trophy: :1st_place_medal: :rofl:

Let your friend know it’s unacceptable for him to be rude to you and you’d appreciate if she could either not share with him anymore or make it clear his behavior was rude and disrespectful

Better be careful what you tell her.


He’s a coward to mock a woman he doesn’t know online. And because you don’t know him I’d ignore it. But I’d watch what you tell your bff from here on out and I’d make it known to her just bc is that the kind of man she wants? At the very least be the bigger and better person and ignore it or you can stoop to his level if your petty enough :woman_shrugging:t2: I’d ignore tho.


You are not over-reacting. Obviously, he’s a boorish asshole. I’m sorry you BFF has the unfortunate taste to choose to be with him.
You’ve got a couple choices:

  1. Discuss this with your friend, letting her know how hurt you are both from his actions and from his response to your conversation with him. Be sure to let her know that you still love her. Also make it clear that this is a major trust issue.
    I’m thinking, since she’s been your friend forever, she was probably as put off by his behavior as you were.
  2. Simply drop it. Do not confide in this friend as you have in the past. Clearly, somewhere along the line, the trust chain has broken.
    I’m so sorry for your having experienced this hurtful episode.

His opinion of has nothing to do with you. His mocking of you has everything to do with his own insecurities of himself. Let the little boy feel like a big man on social media and just know you don’t need to be bothered by the smaller minded little idiot your poor bff is roped in with and be grateful you don’t have a significant other like him. :heart:


I’m going to say is if he’s talking about you like that I can almost certainly guarantee she talks to him about you like that or they conversate about you like that if you don’t know each other then can almost guarantee that’s the case


I don’t think your friend is a real friend! For starters he doesn’t need to know yalls conversations and definitely doesn’t need to make fun of you especially behind a screen like a coward. Your friend should put him in his place for you. I’m glad he didn’t mention your name, but he’s still wrong for doing this regardless. He’s a child and a coward. I’d be worried about confiding in your friend since now there’s no trust.


I’d be mad at my friend… wtf happened to what we discuss stays with us?

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How can he be with her for 18 months but u havent met him?

Now you know not to tell your so call friend nothing.time to engage in other company I say.good luck.

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Your friend needs to stand up for you!
That is wrong. And she should make him take it down.
And she should apologize to you and keep your conversations private from now on.


Disrespectful. My husbands “friend” would passively aggressively joke with me in front of him. I always thought he was a puss for not telling his friend to stfu :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: so yea it’s disprectful and if you feel hurt then explain to your friend and keep your boundaries in tact. Good luck :four_leaf_clover::+1:t2:

Your BFF and him are probably mocking you regularly behind your back. Sounds like you need a new bff.


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It seems you were a better friend than her

Yeah he sounds like a dick, but you have to be less sensitive to word’s that others use against you. Instead of letting them get you down use those word’s as runs of a ladder and climb above them.

I’d call him out publicly on his page and make him look like an idiot.
“So you’re mocking a conversation I had with your girlfriend that wasn’t about you and you weren’t part of? Really? How old are you?”
Then I’d call my friend and tell her to check her boyfriend because he needs to grow TF up.


Nope I’d talk to the friend and see if she could mention it to him too

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He is obviously jealous of the relationship you had with her but he was also trying to put a wedge between you. Did you notice I used past tense, because you shouldn’t be confiding anything of importance to her anymore. He is also a major loser and maybe she will figure that out too. No-one can put up with a person like that for too long. They have to bring people down to make them feel good.


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Id definitely be upset with my friend and she’s obviously not a true friend if she’s going to be sharing yours and her personal conversations with her man that’s none of his business what you talk to her about so if I were you from now on I’d be very careful about what you say to her and no your not over reacting


That’s weird that you’ve never met him if they have been together 18 months. What does the bff have to say because if she’s a true friend she wouldn’t stand for that at all. Sounds like this guy is a :triangular_flag_on_post:


so I would say, since you & your friend have been friends for more than 30 yrs, You are not a teenager, maybe close or in your 40 yrs. You are a grown up , Ignore this guy, Brush it off & move on, !!!


Your Bestie should handle that situation !!!


That’s for her to discuss with her boyfriend, she can’t control his behavior but can tell him
It’s unacceptable, if he continues to mock you and be disrespectful then she needs to not tell him your conversations and put boundaries in place.


I wouldn’t consider a person who shared my personal life with someone so ignorant a close friend at all. Clearly didn’t have your interest at heart.


Social media has provided a way for cowards to talk shit and not having to worry about getting punched in the mouth. I don’t give a shit what anyones opinion of me is. Some men, NOT all continue to disrespect women and treat them like shit because they haven’t had a strong woman put them in their damn place. There isn’t anything more pathetic than a male disrespecting and degrading a female, it’s bullying behavior. Doesn’t matter if it’s social media or “real life”, at least to me. I can say without a doubt that my BFF of 30+ years and my other female friends would absolutely not tolerate their husband/significant other doing that. IF it happened, I damn sure would be having a brutal convo with my “BFF” first. If your BFF truly cared that post would have been deleted, at the very minimum removing her tag from the post. After that I would be firing back at the shitbag boyfriend and embarrassing his pathetic ass until he was crying in a corner (DM me if you would like me to “show” you how to do it!). You can 100% ignore it and it will continue to happen until YOU put a stop to it. You don’t have to end the friendship (personally I wouldn’t be able to continue a friendship) but it sounds like a friendship that requires boundaries (which is shitty in itself). The “not everything deserves a response”, “ignore it / don’t entertain it he just wants a response”, “be the bigger person and walk away” are excellent ways of handling situations with people intelligent enough to comprehend what those “responses” mean. Women are strong, we are tough, and we need to be strong for each other! Women really need to stop thinking that no response is acceptable when any man disrespects or degrades them (physically abusive relationships need to be handled differently ESPECIALLY if you are worried about your safety).

He’s a bit of a d**k. I’m not sure your friend is much better.


I would wonder what my “best friend” is saying behind my back. She must of complained or mocked you after the conversation you had with her. Otherwise I don’t see why he would be confident enough to tag her. She must have agreed to his shared view on the topic.


They are both douches


If your friend is not handling it herself. Reevaluate that friendship.

Also, as much as you may hate it. Let it roll off you shoulders. You reacting to it makes him even happier. Don’t waste anymore time on it.


If it really bothers you go to your friend and let her know. See what her response is and if you should continue your relationship with her.

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Your bestie should handle her narc bf.


Time to leave your friend other not so nice boyfriend behind.


What kind of a “man” is that?!


It’s ok to have hurt feelings. You handled it well and you can just move on.
People can be cruel, whether on purpose or accidentally. I’m proud that you handled it well.

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That’s extremely childish and I definitely wouldn’t want to be around that or anyone that thinks that type of behavior is acceptable.

If she was truly your best friend she would have shut that down as soon as she seen the post. Ask her about it as I’m sure she seen it. If she cared. If she didn’t dump her and find a new friend. Move on don’t let it show it bothers you a lot of people like when it bothers someone it’s like a rush I guess idk. How everything works out


Write a derogatory post about him and call it even🤷🏻‍♀️ lol


Time to get a new friend.

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Screen shot the post and send it to your friend with a caption “ wtf is this ?”


Some people don’t know how to use the washing machine when they do laundry. You might consider what possibly your BFF has said to him as well. Brush it off because if y’all haven’t ever met then he doesn’t have respect for his partners friends, she’ll probably dump him before long.


Best friend of 30 years and you havent met her partner of over a year?!


Wtf that’s just weird
Has he got nothing better to do :roll_eyes: what a loser

What was the conversation about??

& ditch your friend

She’s definitely a two faced bitch that slags you off to him regularly

Block him, so you cant see what he posts.
Maybe one day it will be your friend on the receiving end.


Report his post to FB as for your BFF you need to have this conversation with her, she needs to keep her mouth shut because obviously her BF can’t be trusted. She also needs to back you up and tell him to get it off FB


That’s messed up. He sounds like a teenager.


Wow what a wrinkled pickle he is


F*ck that , I would’ve gaslighted the cunt . And your best friend should know better . Bet she didn’t stick up for you , is she even your bff ??? :eyes: ditch them and carry on with the life you love xx she chose him , you choose you .

Wow what a complete douche bag!! Both of them, let them have each other


Your friend should have put him in his place & had him say he was sorry so all could see. Tell her if she can’t keep your contacts to her self you can’t talk to her any more.


It wasn’t done publicly. You were kept anonymous.
Yes, you’re a p@ssy.


Okay, I’d hope my bestie a) didn’t share my convo but b) stood up for me against said partner and got him to take it down.


I mean you said it “wasn’t about anything of importance”, but it is really weird that he did it and your friend is okay with it. I would never be okay with my husband picking on one of my friends and he would never do it. At the same time it’s really hard to judge because we don’t know exactly what was said. Is he picking on the whole conversation or just 1 thing? Is your friend okay with it?


More importantly how did your friend handle it, she obviously saw it since she was tagged?? He sounds like a piece of work


Red flags, he is. Trying to isolate the girl friend


Tell the bitch off! Big time! And your bff for having a big mouth!

Is he jealous of the friendship maybe he’s trying to break up the friendship


How have u not met your best friends partner in 18 months? What did she say about it all?


He is jealous of your friendship! And trying to get you mad at her! Sounds like a bully to me! I would let it go and wait til she moves on!


Question your friend first.


Going to divide her from her friends, She may not have caught on but you should , pay attention somethings amiss .
Not the norm for a grown ass adult man.
Most guys could care less about womens conversations , they tune into other things. My guess he’s controlling n manipulative. Might be narcistic . Don’t abandon your friend , be patient n keep loving her. Watch him he may be mentally ill


She isn’t your friend if she thinks this is ok


If your BFF isn’t standing up for you and allowing her bf to be like this then she isn’t the friend you think she is.


They obviously both decided to do what they did (tag). Time to re-evaluate.


He’s obviously not a decent guy.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one who asked to see the convo and is trying to isolate you. It doesn’t excuse your friend enabling it though. Send her the list of Narc strategies (gaslighting, isolating, crazy making, love bombing) and walk away… let her know if this is what’s going on then she can contact you when she’s ready for the two way street that friendship is. Enabling this now toxic friendship would only be hurting yourself. Let her learn what life must teach. X


If such good friend why do you not know him . If he was trying to hurt you I would think he would put your name as well

Bad vibes. Hope your friend sees the truth

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He is an abuse we
He is trying to isolate her
Any decent man would not do this


No, you are right. THEY are both wrong.


Why are u mad at him though and not ur bff for telling him about allu convo. She broke the trust code not her bf… I can imagine what else u tell her and she tells him… ur bff is the perfect example of the saying… “most friends have another friend they share ur secrets with”


I would be furious with my friend.


Just tell everyone that your bbf said he has a whittle whittle love stick, make sure you tag your bbf so he can read it


Yeah I would’ve addressed it too. Like wtf. Not because he made a post but because he was mocking you period. Smh


In going to need to know what the convo was and what the post stated :thinking:


I want to know what he said?


He called you a snowflake? We know what that means! He’s probably a Narcissist. I’m already into this! Please share the information? Wtf happened! What did this Ahole say about you?


Don’t let him know from now on anything he says bothers you. These kinds of people do it to get a reaction from you. I would back of with talking to your friend for awhile , if he does it to you , It won’t be long before he starts on her and her close family and friends. That is just what they do.