My boyfriend added a co worker on social media who then began reacting to all of his posts: Advice?

If he don’t care enough to do something about a situation when you say I don’t like this then you don’t need to care about him


Honey if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck… it sure as hell ain’t a squirrel. If you have to hide/delete messages, cover your tracks; it’s cheating. So before you lose the battle of am I not good enough. Pick your butt and pride up off the ground dust your boots off and kick his behind to the curb. But do it nicely so he knows theres no chance of coming back. Pack all of his stuff up put it outside by the door change the locks and go have a girls night.


You should just leave that relationship right now. He obviously has no respect for you whatsoever. Come on girl- you know you’re right.


It wouldn’t be the first one!


Sounds like you are dating my ex. He is cheating and you know it! You don’t need anyone else to tell you that. Leave. Walk away and never look back!


I went through this with my ex husband for 14 years! Every work place he went to he done this! I picked every girl in advance who he’d have an affair with! I was NEVER wrong!
I eventually left him because I thought he was cheating again with a girl from work, he assured me he wasn’t but I left anyway… 1 guess who he is now with!
I’d say run ASAP


That’s because your onto him

My sons dad did the exact same thing. Only he had added a coworker he openly discussed wanting to sleep with in texts to a different coworker that I read. I told him I found out and asked him to unfriend her. He refused to remove her and blocked me. He only unblocked me and deleted her after my dad had 3 heart attacks and almost died. That lasted a while and then he added a female customer and when I complained about the trust issues from earlier, he again blocked me. He is a narcissist and a lying cheating loser.


Run quick before its too late! Hes a piece of shit!

Hes into her! If hed rather block you instead of her hes already checked out of your relationship and looking for the next fling…


No you’re not wrong. He’s making you the bad guy, so he can do what he wants. Dump him. He doesn’t care about your feelings at all.


Hell naw. He was cheating. Been cheated on enough to know that.


Ma’am you know the answer. And you know what needs to be done.


Um sounds like your guy cares more for her feelings than yours. Hes cheating sugar. You know he is. You know what you need to do. Leave. Now

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Leave. Why stay? He blocked you … it’s his way of saying F… off. He broke it off but your hanging out of desperation. Love yourself more than he does. Walk away.


No you are NOT wrong!
Go with your gut feeling, keep your standards high & move on!!

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Your not wrong and the relationship is over move on.


I would ask her directly what is going on between them and I would ask his ass why he was so comfortable enough to block you from everything for another female when he is in a relationship with you… do not question yourself you did nothing wrong if he is doing something wrong let the trash take itself out… I agree him blocking you on his phone says hes doing something wrong and keeping you yo the side for a just incase piece


It’s not even worth it, just call it a quits if your significant other is going to allow somebody to say sexual or inappropriate or shoyu sexual or inappropriate things and you’re not going to correct them by saying hey I have a significant other or we can’t be doing that then it’s not worth it it’s cheating. There is no point if he’s going to a block you and be hide when he sang back to her that’s already signs of cheating. Whether he wants to believe it or not cheating is not just sexual or physical contact it is also in your actions and your words and he’s already got that is only one more step to the thing


I’d turn around and block him from your life. Sorry.

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You weren’t wrong you seen threw both their bullshit he was cheating to begin with if he blocked you over a bitch from work


Girl move on with your life without that tool!

You weren’t wrong sounds like he really is cheating I’m so sorry mama

You sound cray cray. It’s social media🙄


Relationships nowadays have zero hope , it’s sad , we can see relationships forming and also falling apart because of social media . You can see people who are insecure and need attention, you can tell so much about people these days that all it leads to is one comment in your inbox and poof , your life is changing. Leave his ass , he blocked you and not her ? Your not blind and don’t let it fool you , seems he is feeling a tad insecure and likes the attention. Let him have it and move on .


Girl just let him go. He cheating


He’s hiding something between them… whether it’s flirting or an actual fling, he chose her over you. Leave him and move on!


This is a idea block her and kick him in the nuts you are his gift from GOD and that’s how he should treat you tell him play time is over because if you keep letting him do this they will get to close by this I mean he will leave and ruin your family . there a lot of single men out there why is she stealing yours yea kick him in the nuts because that is what is using for a brain right now and why are you letting her destroy your family? this can’t end without hurting every one and why does he want a woman who chases married men if she does this to you later she will do it to him and then it’s to late to fix because of the trust is gone and so is your marriage It’s in Corinthians one and two Go to GOD for the answers I saved my marriage more than once by going to GOD for answers If he won’t go to GOD with you then he has already thinking of leaving FIGHT FOR YOUR MARRIAGE!

Trust your intuition, you got your answer when he blocked you. Better yet, when you expressed your feelings before the block.


Your wrong if you stick around for that shit


He’s not honoring your relationship.


Hes trash darl , Know your worth. No man should ever make you feel insecure , unless you yourself be into it. Time for an upgrade. Goodluck

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Sounds like the breakup has already occured. Move on.


Boy, bye. Shingirai Mercy

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That’s not ok what he did that shows where his loyalty lies do not trust that sneaky behavior if he had nothing to hide he wouldn’t be blocking you nor sticking up for her if this happens to me or my partner she would be confronted and blocked a strong relationship needs honesty . Trust you’re instincts girl .

A man that disrespects you is not a man worth keeping AT ALL. :frowning_woman::no_good_woman:

The writing is on the wall. He is somehow involved and entertaining this other female.

He did you a favor by blocking you. Move on and don’t take him back…because he will try.

He doesn’t have one ounce of respect for you… Is over I would say. The moment he choose to block you and not block her, he made his decision and perhaps he is Gaslighting you, making you feel like is your fault… (narcisist behavior)
There is no point staying in a relationship that makes you feel so small and insecure…
Good luck!


He blocked YOU? That’s a volcano flag!!


Open your mouth! If she’s making inappropriate comments openly on his page comment back! Fuck that. Put her back in her box and then pack your bags he’s 0 respect for you entertaining anyone like that and blocking you? Enough said!

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Sounds to me as tho he is cheating leave him

Short answer is… no, just no :wave:t4:

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I would not accept that!!:rage::rage::rage:if you can’t leave him ,do tha same thing back and lets see what he will say! If you do it make sure when he is going to fight with you ,just say his co workers name​:astonished::thinking::two_hearts:

In all seriousness though, if he blocked YOU (his girlfriend) instead of HER (a woman you’re uncomfortable with) then something is wrong. If you can’t trust him and he doesn’t want to prove to you he’s being faithful, he’s not being faithful!!! Leave him honey!!


Bye bye. On to the next!

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Go with your gut instinct
What advice would you give your best friend?

Kick his disrespectful ass to the kerb!


Why are you confused? He is emotionally cheating on you if anything else. He is insulting and disrespectful to you


He is gaslighting you and all the other signs of a narcissist. I say run!

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That is extremely disrespectful to you. If you have told him you didn’t like it and it made you uncomfortable, you have set a boundary in your relationship and he keeps crossing it.
Find someone who respects you

TIME TO KICK HIM TO THE CURB!!! He showed you point blank he has more respect for this other woman then he has for you…I think your answer came when he refused to remove her and blocked you instead, his girlfriend …If your in a solid relationship you don’t have to worry about these things, and your partner would be understanding not a child like he is acting.


That happens with mine.but he shows me everything and usually blocks them if they get too weird.i do the same with mine.if he blocked me I’d say that’s the end of that relationship tho


No your not wrong. A relationship is all about communication, respect and honesty. He’s not showing respect to you by not telling this woman to back off. If he can’t respect your feelings he gotta go.

You were right! Get rid of that scum and find a real man. There are good men still. Don’t settle for what you dont deserve

He would get blocked in real life not just on FB. Don’t call me, text me, or even knock on my door.


Dump his ass!! He doesn’t respect you or your feelings… pack up and leave them ghost his ass… men like this need to learn the hard way… and have no remorse for things you take ( if living together) leave, no run and fast! I’m sorry :disappointed:

Seriously take the cat too lol

Throw the whole man away. :woman_shrugging:t3::grimacing:


He sounds like my EX husband. That is exactly how it started with another woman. I finally woke up and got a divorce. You deserve better!

Hes lying and something is going on


Girl he cheating period

Go to his work after he’s off the job & you both wait for his lady coworker to get off clock also … then confront them both about it, tell her since it’s an inconvenience for your husband, I want you (coworker) to also stop whatever this is :woman_shrugging:t3: if they confess something else then, it’s better they both be adults and tell you right then n there …


No get rid of him girl if he is doing that to you dam well he is doing her just like ex husband leave or stay u will never trust again don’t b stupid girl

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He needs to go! Hes disrespecting you. You dont need that shit.

Absolutey NOT are u in the wrong. He is most likely already cheating with her by the sounds of things, and even if it hasnt gotten physical yet they BOTH want it to.
He is not respecting YOU or your relationship at all! He needs to GO.
And then block his ass back on everything and be Done! He is NOT worth it. Disrespect and inconsideration of how you feel or may be hurting is not tolerable.


Yall both suck.

You are overreacting like a damn child to some facebook posts and comments saying he is cheating on you :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

And he blocked you on facebook and your phone because of some heated texts? :woman_facepalming::clown_face:

You both need to be single


Pretty sure he made the choice for you. Respect yourself enough to accept it. You deserve to be the priority and since he didn’t make you his, you have to do it for yourself. Put you first and move on


Well I dont know…I have friends that I have never been I intimate with and they send me funny stuff thru messenger and some of it is explicit…and i have no intentions of being intimate with them…it could be innocent…maybe…just maybe

No you were not in the wrong! As your boyfriend he should understand your feelings! This woman is obviously trying to get his attention…you need to sit down and have a conversation and say look who’s more important this homewrecker from work who shouldn’t mean a damn thing to you, or your gf who you love and have been with…give him an ultimatum…either he tells this chick she’s being very inappropriate and that he’s got a gf and this is uncalled for and block her completely and drop all contact at work too…or kick him to the curb! If he cannot respect your feelings than you don’t need him and deserve better and find someone who will respect you and won’t ever treat you like this! He’s treating you like a baby and that is not right!

Not wrong at all. He is completely inappropriate and so is she. This is the same situation that happened with my exhusband and his co worker. He is my ex because he is with her now. Leave his disrespectful self! Bye!

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He hasn’t cared how you have felt for months, nothing is going to change. Its obvious he’s lying and likely cheating on you as well. Time to move on.

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Sounds like she’s stalking him

If i asked my man to delete a female(especially for inappropriate comments) & he said no then blocked me it’s a wrap! Seems like something sneaky going on to me.


When they block you from their social media there is probably more going on.


Take the trash out. Do you really want to be with someone who knows they’re hurting you, but doesn’t care?


He should have told her friend only he’s taken n discouraged her sexual replies? Not doing so seems he’s accepting her advancements!! NOT SEEMING SO FAITHFUL IN MY OPINION?? I’d deleted her n kept my relationship showing who’s more important n I loved , hmm where is his true side n feelings ??

Hes immature af and you need to move on. Dont let him get away with that shit. If I’m blocked on fb and his phone because he likes talking to some girl.
Ain’t no way I’d put up with this game.
Dudes now days are questionable. An I’m sorry but you can have and deserve better.

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Look up narcissism. My daughters biological dad did this to me while I was pregnant and was cheating… with multiple women. He liked the attention from any women that would give it to him. I hope this isnt the case for you, but you need to go with your gut instinct here. Good luck.

Sounds like a narcissist, which means you need to RUN from him! It will be even harder doing since he is one, but run girl run

No ur not wrong for how u feel and I think u should approach her and ask her why or just simply say fuck it u deserve better and walk away

Sounds like he is protecting her so let her have his sorry self …text her and ask her what’s up …I’m his lady why are you texting him …

I’d be pissed td off too…I’d ev n go and talk to her face to fac IDGAF what’s mine is mine find your own

Listen to your gut. If its nagging at you, then there is a reason.

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Your man blocked you from his social media and his phone? Lol um no. Good day sir.


Bye felicia… #1 not respecting your feelings was not right #2 blocking you can only mean one thing… he chose her over you.


why didn’t you just post under her comments and call her out for being inappropriate and making sexual innuendos towards your boyfriend?
straight up message her and ask why she’s doing it?
who’s to say this lady coworker even knew he had/has girlfriend?


Drop his ass RIGHT AWAY

What! Did this other women know he was in a relationship or was he hiding you ? that’s inappropriate for her to be commenting on shit ike that and private messages and all that stuff " If she knew he was in a relationship" you got to watch these hoes these days they Shady

He sounds narcissistic. And he’s gaslighting you. This sounds almost exactly like what I went through 2 years ago. He’s been dating the girl that bothered me since we split.

Your feelings are VALID. Don’t ever let anyone tell you they’re not. You are not wrong. If you told him how you felt and he just ignored it, that’s just childish behavior. He should have showed you why he didn’t have anything to hide. He should have reassured you that you had nothing to worry about. By not doing that, I think he is doing something he shouldn’t be and he knows it. Ultimately I would break up with him, but that’s your choice to make. Be strong mama :sparkling_heart:

GIRRRL that man gotta go…if my husband ever friended a female and couldn’t respect what we have…I call that BITCH out quick…look one time my husband’s so called counselor hit on my man and the idiot couldn’t see it…not gonna lie I went to her work place because my husband had an appointment with her…this BITCH had the nerve to go speak with my man outside the building…GIRRRL let me tell you I saw them both and told both of them SHIT…I’m Mexican baby girl…we don’t play…and I’m not about to throw what we had just for some thot…but like I told him that day…you want this BITCH choose quick hunny because I’m not about to look like an idiot at the end…of course I embarrassed both of them…and he was like babe we just talking and I was like “I know you is talking but this BITCH flirting and wanna know how…what kinda counselor meets her clients outside her work place…this bitch be playing with her hair like she has lice…naw baby I ain’t stupid…I came from the hood I know these kinda rats”…long story short she hates me she no longer has lice to play with and she no longer is my husbands counselor…sometime BABEZ you gotta speak up…maybe your man don’t see it that way Maybe he slow AF l iike mine LMFAO but trust me if you never speak up you’ll never know…give him a little surprise at his job…take him some lunch or something just for an excuse to go…(but don’t tell him you going)sometime we gotta investigate instead of just thinking wrong because it could be her not him…and if your boy has ALWAYZ posted BS like that well you DAMN well know nothing has changed it’s her trying to interfere but I also feel that if he’s not giving you your spot then let that boy go hunny…ain’t nobody got time for that BS…LET IT GO

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He’s your boyfriend but he blocked you because he don’t want to block another female
Cmon now

Hell No u was in No way wrong , I was in a relationship w a guy who would not remove a woman he was friends with that was trying to cause problems between him & I ( he had slept with her a year prior to him and I getting together ) and he even went over to a female co workers house and ignored my phone calls but sat and played a Board game w this woman and her kid , ( she had posted a video of that evening ) anyhow , My point is , the guy I was with ended up cheating on me w this person even though I expressed my feelings and talked to him about how it upset me , he blew it off… My advice is , Let his Azz Go , too many men out there who would treat u right and Not hide shit .
Hes hiding it now he will hide it later … Good luck

Wow… yeah I would cut things off js I kind of was in the same situation but it was his ex and it was nothing sexual, you are his priority if ur not then let that ship sail f that they are probably messing around

He’s cheating, says it all he will rather remove u and block u then her !