Leave! I’ve been in your shoes and you are technically the other woman while she’s the “GF” … Get out while you can and cut off all contact.
Seems like you might be the side chick
Nope. No man goes on trips alone with women who mean nothing to him but friends.
Why weren’t you invited? Or were you?
Not okay.
If you knew about it because they spoke to you on the topic is one thing, and only after if you’re good with that then no problem.
But just leaving with no communication with you and no contact while on the trip with you which is my concern.
Toss him back … Save yourself the headache.
I really need more context here… are you and the girl friends? Does she know about you? Where did they go? Do y’all live together?
If she’s his best friend you guys should probably know each other. How long have you been together?
That is the strangest thing I have ever heard. However, my very best friend was a boy. I met him my freshman year in high school and we have been life long friends. It was platonic all the way. He was part of my family. We took a couple of fun trips together, but other people went with us as a group. Without knowing all the details, I really can’t say alot about your situation. I do know that men and women can be friends.
Run girl. Don’t walk. Ruuun.
What they go on a trip for? Just to go?? That shouldn’t be occuring
In A Heartbeat I Would Say Goodbye, Been Nice Known Ya’ It’s All Me Or Nothin’
Walk away lady. He would not like it if you had a male best friend and chose him for a vaca.
There are other better fish out there
Lol yeah I bet they ‘best friended’ all weekend long
Why do you not know her well? Do they make it a point to only hang out without you?
Lots of people have strictly platonic friendships. I feel like if you can’t trust your mate you shouldn’t be with him.
HELL NO!! get out Wal you can!!
yea, Big red flag!! Id not be a girlfriend to that situation.
They are being inappropriate. Don’t put up with that, leave.
MAJOR RED FLAGS!!! In a respectful relationship, NO man will ever do that. Go away with another woman, without his girlfriend. No matter how much trust there is. This is not OK.
U go get ur.self a guy best friend and see if he likes it
You misspelled ex boyfriend
I am just surprised you didn’t go on the trip with them. That would have made more sense.
There’s so much context that is missing
I have a male best friend and he is engaged, they’ve been together for 2 years. I’ve never met her we’ve spoken on the phone once but that’s it. We live about 6 hours away from each other so we don’t see each other a lot
He made it clear I was his family from the start and she has always respected that
We have gone on trips and she never had a problem with it…which I respect.
I love him and I’d be crushed if I lost his friendship…so I’m glad she trust him
We are strictly platonic and have NVER even came close to crossing the line…so please don’t listen to those that are saying they have to be sleeping together
I think you know your answer
No! Even my husband said no! One you are supposed to be his best friend. Why are you not with them. There is no damn way!!
Tell him it’s over and move on. Period.
Run with the no remorse , this is the easiest way to accept the truth before it comes. All the way outb
I’m sure he wouldn’t be ok if the show was on the other foot.
I would not be ok with this at all. I smell two dirty rats.
I’d dump him since he cant reply
Trust your instinct. And anyway that is so disrespectful! Get rid of him before you’re in too deep and get hurt!
One of my best friends is a guy. He has a girlfriend and I have a husband. We do stuff all the time just the two of us. If he has never given you a reason to not trust him, trust him.
If it was my husband I wouldn’t care. Depends on the guy I guess.
I don’t think he’s cheating necessarily, but it isn’t right that he’s not taking your concerns seriously. That’s the biggest issue to me. My fiance and I have had issues like this in the past and the only reason we’re together is because he worked on them.
Sooooooo…. Who’s gonna tell her?
I just read a romance novel about a guy and girl best friendship where they would vacation together every year, regardless of who they were seeing at the time.
Spoiler alert: they got together in the end.
Well coming from a girl who only has guy friends he should’ve introduced her. So yes that’s kinda disrespectful. But I’ve never slept with any of my guy friends an I got like 30. But he DEF should’ve told you that’s very suspicious. Ask to talk to her so she knows where you guys stand. But guys and girls can be just friends, trust me.
Why didn’t you go, that’s fucking wack
I would have went and spent that trip wit them. If I’m not welcome than I’d let him n her both know that I’m out. Ur totally being played n that’s not kool
Personally no man of mine would ever be going on any Vacation without me let alone with another woman
“Best friend” or not
Hell no …
not ever, but that’s me personally.
And it’s nothing to do with trust or whatever it’s just not respectful to me or the relationship
My best friend is a guy and I can honestly say we’d never go on a trip together alone, it wouldn’t be fair to our partners to be sitting and overthinking something that ain’t there. I’d say he’s being insensitive in putting you in this position xx
He’s cheating u with her… that’s not a friendship, that’s a relationship they have. U should walk away he’s hurting u. No man goes on a vacation with a best friend female only that’s b.s.
Idk I have a guy best friend of 10 years and we are very close do almost everything together but never once have either of us cheated on any of our partners idk
Girl hell nah. Dump him.
Yeaaaa i had a best guy friend for a whole goddamm decade and NEVER did either one of us think it was okay to go on a vacation or something like that together, our friendship was always seperate from our relationships with our SO’s and we respected boundaries of all parties involved, this is insane. Absolutely insane. Needless to say I did lose my best friend eventually when he got with his now fiance and they had a beautiful little boy and I wish him all the best in the world but even when we were decade+ bffs that NEVER was a thought. Dump his ass and call it a day.
He’s fucking her
Nahhhhh. Dump him. If he’s going alone with another woman we ALL going. If his female friends can’t be friends with me too it ain’t happening
Yeah, absolutely not.
Highly inappropriate. If you went on a vacation with a male friend what would have been his reaction?
How long are you going to allow yourself to be disrespected this way. Let him him go. Don’t hang on in hopes that he will see your way…cause he won’t.
Let him go and move on. Someone will come along that wants to be with you amd not some so called “best friend gf”.
Set your boundaries of how you want to be treated. And this should be a boundary that he shouldnt have crossed.
My man respects our relationship too much to ever put me in that position. That’s all I’m gonna say!!
One of them wants to be more then just friends…
If you have to question it you already have your answer. Healthy relationships are absolutely communication but also comprehension. Why sit and question when you could be in a relationship without this feeling?
No I kno still me girls that do things and more with ther guy best friends and if your his girl he should of definitely invited you to be there so go have some fun and get you a guy best friend
I mean I have really good male friends but if I was in a relationship I wouldn’t spent a weekend alone with them out of respect to my partner.
I mean don’t assume that only makes it harder and worse of a situation I’d confront him and ask him straight up and if he can’t be honest with you then you have your answer. Don’t be an option if you’re not the only one then don’t waste your time making him yours.
He is banging her ass why haven’t you packed your stuff and move on
I have a best friend who’s a guy. It’s totally possible that they are just enjoying vacation, but it is absolutely disrespectful to you and your relationship for him to not reply. I don’t think he’s cheating, but you definitely need to set some boundaries with him and discuss how this made you feel, when he returns.
Good luck, love
Hmm it’s a hard one I had a best friend male for 9 years we shared stories he told me he was cheated on etc we blurred the lines he cheated on meI ended it foud out I was pregnant. He says it’s not his We are now no longer best friends. True story, that was my experience. Listen to your gut maybe you should meet her all go out on a night out and assess situation ie just friends friend that flirt. Goid luck.
If they were best friends you would know more about her and she’d be around you quite a bit. You’re the other woman.
Nope. If you went on a trip with a guy friend by yourself, how do you think he’d react? Just like everyone here,
! Since this has already taken place, I would cut your losses and move on. You need someone who communicates with you. Being a “bad responder” is also a
. You should except nothing but honesty, trust, respect, and good communication. Imagine your life down the road, your gonna waste time and figure it out when you’re tired of dealing with his crap. Don’t put up with it now and save time.
Nope dump him. That’s totally disrespectful to you
Yeah that’s just not appropriate. Hang out whatever meet for lunch whatever but a vacation together? 
I think the biggest issue is that you have expressed how you feel and that’s being ignored. Plus a trip is a bit much. A few hours is normal but anything over a day is too mùch for just friends in my opinion.
Wake up he is cheating on you. If he wasn’t they would ask you to go too
Trust until he gives you a reason not to trust! Get to know her!
My ex went on a trip once with my close friend…i wasnt well so he made out he was doing me a favor by taking the kids away overnight…thought my parents were overreacting voicing their opinions but well…lets just say they had a really good time…sorry your relationship is all but over unless you agree to sharing your man…
Nope don’t put up with that. You deserve to be #1
Get shut wants best of both worlds
Babe !! Be the QUEEN you are & pack up !! Seriously
I couldn’t do it, good luck.
Leave him
If he really loves you he would respect your feelings
Obviously something is going on between them
Going to be the devils advocate here, but I am a woman with a male best friend and when we hang out thats our time, when we’re away on a trip we’re not spending that time on our phones (defeats the purpose).
Look, if he’s cheating then his cheating, but you’ve already stated he is poor at responding in general so maybe you could be reading into it too much
I read the first line. HELL F NO!! Would you like to see how my husband and his supposed best gfriend talk to each other like ?? Well , looks like they are in a relationship!!! If I knew this before I was married I would of walked away!!!
If you have to ask, honey, you already know.
you want a man who doesnt put you in a situation like that—or at least invite YOU along. id be hurt too, but it’s all on how much you can take. you’re worth truth
I trust my partner 100% but if he ever did something like this I would leave him. Its not about cheating, its about simple respect. Its a little inappropriate.
Is she really that good of a friend if you don’t even really know who she is she didn’t take the time to get to know you yeah sorry your not reacting enough cause that’s a dead give away something sneaky is going on
My boyfriend has had a female best friend since he was a child. I like her a lot and I know that he’d never cheat on me or anything with her, but I have to say that I wouldn’t be ok with him running off on a vacation with her. Your man should be going on vacation with you, no one else. Period.
O.m.g… He’s cheating with her imo…
My best friend of 16 years is a guy, I just can’t imagine doing this to my partner. It’s insane…
Walk away you are supposed to be his best friend now. And how and why we could he continue this friendship shenanigan… Without even offering you to go. Which to me or if it was me. He can have his best friend and I’ll move on… No way would I put up with the disrespect
My hunni not allowed to have a girlbestfriend he’s not allowed to go on any trips if it ain’t me either
That’s not right, you should have been able to go, time to get rid of him that’s not how relationships work
This has me fuming with trauma. Girl leave now !!
And you ain’t burned all his stuff yet? Baby I wouldn’t be there when he got back.
My husband had a girl best friend and the entire time they slept together 3 years
Was it only them or were others on this little trip ? … we’re you not invited ?
Does the best friend know he has a gf or does she think your just another gf ?
I wonder what he tells her… I’d be investigating this shituation!
How long have yous been together ?
You can’t trust anyone
Yeah that’s bullshit. No thanks.
If you have no trust then you have no relationship. A relationship is built on trust and communication. My best friend is a man and my husband has no problems with me going anywhere with my best friend you have to have trust .
Run. Eff that eff him eff her nope nope nope.
Girl you got nerves of steel to allow this. I am agitated just to read this
You should have gone with them…make sure your gone before he gets home…you’ve answered your own question babes…or find yourself a new guy best friend then see what happens good luck to you babes
Yeah u are right to be suspicious. I wouldn’t trust that .
That’s a huge no. He shouldn’t be on a trip with a female.
Wake up dear, they’re lovers !!
So after the very tip sentence I stopped reading ur mam has a girl best friend ? Hiw old is this man 4? Cuz if he not they r fucking been fucking or are going to fuck . Plz get a back bone and self respect , LEAVE . That’s gross yall sharing body fluids🤮
My partner has lots of female friends…most of mine are male. Us neither having sexual rltns w any of them. But met them all right away… most have partners. I trust him fully… and them. But id ask him…n talk to him. If he gets defensive or uncomfortable id then worry. Have u ever met or spoken w her ? Whats her vibe ?
I hate to say this but this is a huge red flag. No man should go on a trip with a female who isn’t his spouse. He’s cheating. Leave him.
Honey it’s more than just a friend ! Your very naive unfortunately an trusting ! I’d bet my life it’s not just friends ! An if you’d done this I’m sure he’d leave you ! Be done life is too short for this mess ! Sorry honey
I suppose if the tables were turned and you were going on a trip with a guy friend would he be ok with it? Most men wouldn’t so I don’t think you are overreacting…