You don’t trust him or you wouldn’t be asking. Make up your mind about you, in or out! He’s out!
Lots of vital information is missing…
Why didn’t you go?
Why don’t you know her?
Why are you still with him?
How would he feel if you went on a trip with another man?..if he says he wouldn’t mind, get rid of him for sure!!!
You’re not the girlfriend my love. He’s not your boyfriend. That’s hers
So ,you should go away with your guy bestfriend…
You should have been included big ADIOS
Sounds disrespectful and and inconsiderate. Sounds like he lied to you thats his best friend, that his other girl. Move on from that mess let them have eachother, you deserve better.
Go on a trip with your best guy friend. Don’t respond for days.
Lets say if he&her had zero sexual between eachother its still disrespectful to the signficant other that he couldn’tor wouldn’t consider you’re feelings ,if he cant come to realize that prior to even going on this trip why would you even entertain that relationship? Would he be comfortable with you doing that? Highly doubt it,cut ties move foward
I wouldn’t be comfortable.
I wouldn’t be comfortable with this, if he would’ve invited you okay cool a trip with a friend, but you don’t know her all that well and he doesn’t invite you? That looks wrong and is disrespectful in my eyes…
If she is his”bff” you should have met her. How long have y’all been together?No way would I allow this.
The fact that you don’t know her is very concerning if you did know her well then I’d say you need to have trust but because you don’t…
Best friends of opposite sex do not spend weekends together
thats his girlfriend too!! Some females are so naive. So you must be the side chick an not the main
Sounds like he’s getting to keep his cake & eat it too… by that I mean he has TWO women… maybe more
Get rid of him, that girl best friend is the girlfriend! You’re only going to be hurt!
When in doubt, throw the whole man out
If they’re best friends and both straight then it’s just a matter of time before they get together. Those are the relationships that last
To be honest I might feel a little different is they were childhood friends and if I actually know her , 3 years is not that much to create a strong friendship ( in my opinion) if they were just best friends they would have invited you to the trip and you should have known her better .
I do not think that someone should have to cut friends when they get into a relationship but there are stuff that should be adjusted for the relationship to be successful and the time you spend hanging out with friends is one of those stuff.
I will end the relationship.
Take your guy best friend on a trip. Treat him how he treats you. Lol petty I know but oh well.
My fiancé has always been supportive of my male best friend, who I was not attracted to in any way. My friend actually passed away a few years ago, and my fiancé let me name our son’s middle name after him. He cried at his memorial even. That’s how supportive he is.
We both agree that a vacation alone is weird and inappropriate.
That’s a hard no. That’s not ok in any situation
Everyone has their own boundaries. Mine however, I wouldn’t care but we share friendship. And no, my husband wouldn’t care if I went on a trip with my 2 best friends who are guys. We’ve even slept in the same bed and he has no worries and vice versa with his friend But after almost 20 years if he wants to go, just go
Just depends on the person. As for not answering a for days (not hours), maybe I’d be upset idk he’s never done that
EVEN if you give them the benefit of the doubt and they have a “platonic relationship “ it’s way to obvious he does not care or respect you! He wouldn’t have left without you, he would keep communication ongoing as much as possible. *Dont settle for future excuses what has been done is DONE. When life really puts up red flags for you, CONSIDER THEM. Be there for yourself girl and leave that whole situation, that’ll be your biggest accomplishment out of that. You deserve better! you seem caring, considerate and don’t seem like you would treat anyone that way! DONT LET them treat you like that!
Thank God he is still ur boyfriend run
No you are not overreacting there is a big red flag girls and guys cannot be just friends with out having a sexual relationship, I would ask him to not be friends with her especially since you don’t know her that well he’s having his cake and eating too so to speak
One of my best friends is a guy and there has never at any moment been anything sexual between us. I was also very up front about him to any relationship I had got in or intended to get in. With that being said it’s hard to give you an answer given there isn’t too much context behind this. Did they have the trip planned prior to you guys dating and did you get an invite? Are they in an area where there is no reception? Have you two been dating for long and for how long? And have you made an effort to also befriend her? I ask these questions because ultimately she was around before you were. And I mean that in the most respectful way so please don’t take that wrong.
Obviously he’s into the other girk
if you don’t trust him then you shouldn’t be with him!!
That’s not always the case… there’s always two sides to a story. I have a female best friend and a few male best friends. We all grew up together and are pushing over thirty lol do we pack up and go on overnight trips without our spouses? No. Would my spouse think thoughts like this if I did? No. I think you need to have a conversation with your boyfriend. Set some guidelines. It sounds like this is a very new relationship. If your not upfront about your feelings then
I have had a beat guy friend since I was 17. I’m now 40. He and I would never ever have gone on a trip together without the other ones partner if one of us had been involved. We never even have drinks or dinner alone
O you are not wrong…that’s absurd! Do yourself a favor and get out asap! First though, get some kinda proof he’s on a trip with her, proving infidelity for divorce court purposes, you can get everything he owns! Oops , didn’t realize not married, just get out, be thankful your not married! Sorry.,but your better off!
He’s not respecting you and that’s a concern
this is a hard one - -because : he is there and went there WITH her - does NOT mean he is cheating. but also , just because they have always been friend and always went [here ] together - - -does not mean he ISN"T CHEATING either … , hmmmm - i would not want to be in your shoes - -i cannot think why they wouldn’t want you to come too, now that you n him are a couple - - why not include you ??? i would not like it at all, even if i was SURE they aren’t screwing … why not include you ?? it seems alittle selfish to me - -he can have his girl FRIEND and his actual GIRLFRIEND too !!! no one is stepping on each others toes … does SHE not want to SHARE him with you ?? is HE that into her friendship, that he can’t make her accept you ?? no … i don’t like it / selfish to exclude you even if not being intimate .
Walk away now, let him have his “girl best friend” cuz that’s his girlfriend especially since u wasn’t invited…
If he is brushing off your concerns/emotions, boy bye. You deserve better.
Show up where they are. SURPRISE! Did you try to call? Why weren’t you invited? I need more info. I fell for something similar before because I’m too trusting and I should have trusted my gut.
It’s not what OTHERS think it’s how YOU feel and what YOU want… we don’t lay down with him at night or wait for him to respond to his text when he is with this other girl… are YOU happy?? Is this what YOU want?? It’s YOUR decision chica…
I personally wouldn’t be around anymore when he got back, if I am not important enough to be his bestie and his girlfriend instead of him taking trips with some girl he calls his bestie then the relationship is surely not important enough and I have better things to do with my time then wait on calls and text messages while my boo is with some other female… byebye fillipe👋
Go on a trip with a guy “best friend” and see how he feels. Sorry, no such thing. If you aren’t included in trips and plans it’s not healthy
Go away with one of your male friends give him a taste of his own medicine see how he feels about that!
Oh Hell No!! Lol all Hell would break loose if it were me! I would say where WE going lol
Idc if they were child hood friends!
Go take a trip with your guy best friend and see what he does.
Um like no? You haven’t even met her? They are either already intimate or he is hoping to get lucky. Your self respect can not be that low to even be entertaining this? There are a million fish in the sea and you’re going to put up with this?
Has he ever given you a reason to not trust him? If not, stop being “that girl” and get out of your own head.
If he is important to you, make time to get to know her and understand their friendship more. If the situation were reversed, I’m sure you would appreciate the same.
If she’s straight there’s definitely a good chance he’s diddling her, has no respect for you, or both so her idk what to tell you. not responding “best friend” doesnt bother to get to know the girlfriend
plans and makes a trip without you
Leave him… he knows damn well what he is doing. He has made his choice , u can find someone else was better than him. If tgey were just best friends why weren’t you invited. Think about that, he has no respect for you, would u be doing this to him… exactly leave him. Use ur head!
To be honest something doesn’t smeell right here. Your bf got a girl best friend that he hangs out with alotm do yourself n bf hang out with her together or anything??
Beacuse my partner of chick friends but some of them I don’t trust beacuse don’t like me beacuse took there boy toy away. When I know this guy for a very long time. We are very happy being together.
Get to know her better. Ya never know… you may become great friends too!
Nope not okay at all what if that was you and a guy friend that went on a trip?
That’s definitely crossing a line, disrespecting u and disrespecting ur relationship. If u expressed ur feelings and he went anyway he showed u where his feeling and loyalty lie. He showed u exactly who he is and is exactly where he wants to be believe him and let him go bc u don’t deserve that.
I didn’t have a problem with it until I read the bit that you said you hardly know her, that is a big red flag in my eyes, how does his girlfriend not know his best friend very well. To me it sounds like he’s been purposely keeping it that way to hide something, I dunno
My husband said find someone else.
I have a guy best friend. He’s been in my life for over 25 years.
However, I wouldn’t travel alone with him purely out of respect for my boyfriend. Especially if my boyfriend voiced his concerns. I can have a best friend and a boyfriend and maintain healthy and respectful relationships with both.
If you guys aren’t able to openly communicate your feelings then I think that is definitely the red flag. No man should do something you aren’t comfortable with. You may care for him, but he doesn’t sound like he cares for how you feel.
Cut ties. No good reason to put yourself through this. Nobody is good reason enough. Follow your gut. Respect your boundaries.
Jack Potes I am highly offended by the comments who da heaven put it in people’s heads that boys and girls cannot be friends and travel buddies
There’s no reason at all why he should be on a trip alone w another woman.
Use common sense please.
My ex husband was definitely sleeping with his best girl “friend”.
Yes you MIGHT be able to trust him, but no, you are not wrong. There needs to be a boundary respect here.
You’re being had. Dump him.
If she’s straight there’s definitely a good chance he’s diddling her, has no respect for you, or both so idk what to tell you.
not responding
“best friend” doesnt bother to get to know the girlfriend
plans and makes a trip with another straight female w/o you
I would be “done”. Tell him next week end you and a guy friend are going on a little trip to “catch up”
I don’t think that would fly with most people…
If you choose not to leave, it is IMPERATIVE that you do the EXACT SAME THING WITH A MALE FRIEND… make sure it’s ONLY YOU AND HIM. If you don’t feel comfortable with that then get dressed up and go somewhere alone, when he asks where you’re going say you are meeting up with an old MALE best friend from out of town to “catch up” and leave him to fill in the rest…
You’ll get your answer by the way he acts. Watch his actions when he gets back from the trip as well…
Leave him everything changes when your enter a relationship with someone whom you love …next he will be asking if she can come join in the bedroom please don’t be a duck leave with your dignity while he is on his trip and when he tries to contact you no reply just like he did you ghost his azz……
Well first off if there’s nothing to hide you should have been more than welcome to tag along. Sounds like there’s more there than he’s willing to say.
I think it all comes down to trust, i think you should get to know her better and you will know if you can trust her or not help ease your mind me personally I’d be paranoid only from past experiences that doesn’t mean it would happen to you, i have a lady best mate i go pictures with him been like scared attractions with him, but I’ve always kept intouch with my other half to reassure him, all comes down to trust if you trust them
quit trying to fool yourself. That is not normal and extremely disrespectful
That would never fly
I’m ok with my husband having female friends…but hell nah would he be going on a trip with them without me. So disrespectful to your relationship. I’d be done with him girl
My husband would come back to all his sh*t packed and the locks changed
He’s wrong to do this not you they should have had you go too or not at all red flag all the way I would never be able to trust that ever
Major red flag… that’s not cool at all. My husband is allowed to have friends that are female but he would NOT be going on an overnight trip with her without me!
You know you’re not in the wrong. There’s nothing wrong with a platonic friendship between a guy and a girl, but going on a weekend trip with them and excluding their partner? Hellllllll no. No no no. That’s not even normal. Just break up with that one and spare your inner peace from being jacked up.
It’s really a Tough situation
Hahhaha this shouldn’t even be a question…huge red flag. Nope. Bye!
Run! Mine use to say its his best friend and sees her as a sister. We even became “friends” next thing you know they are sleeping together. You will find someone who puts you first
Really feel in these situations you are number 1 and any old friends need to be seen regularly by both of you. Definitely NOT going away on weekends together. And if you pick any unworkable vibes when you are meeting with her and hun, the relationship with the long time friend is over.
Sounds like you already don’t trust him. If you don’t trust him, dumb him.
Why couldn’t you go too? My man wouldn’t be going on a trip with a woman without me.
Dump his ass
You shouldn’t have allowed it:woman_shrugging:t2:
He can’t answer when he’s banging her
Hard no.
I’m chill and laid back but that’s a hard no sis.
If I went on a trip with a best friend that was a dude and had been friends with them prior to the relationship, I’d have made sure my SO knew them and was comfortable with it first. But if they were insecure at all with me during the trip, I’d be making sure I was responding in a timely manner and be reassuring. I don’t see anything wrong with going on a trip with a friend, male or female, but I would’ve discussed it with you first and made sure you were reassured. I’d definitely make your feelings known and if his response is being defensive, then there’s probably something going on. You’re not overreacting and even if you were, a part of a good relationship is good communication. Always follow your gut.
I’m all about the friendship part but never would I ever go on a trip with my best guy friend without my man.
If he can’t enough respect for your feelings on the situation then find one that will and doesn’t have a female best friend. Idgaf what anyone says, your partner is supposed to be your best friend.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say that it isnt normal…it’s very normal for someone to have a guy/girl best friend. What I have to say is that you expressed your concerns ahead of time he should be doing his best to make you feel comfortable and obviously that isn’t happening so that’s more of a concern for me, is his lack of sympathy. You don’t know her that well…but how long have you been together? I would make a point to reach out of this is a serious relationship and ask to get to know her…or tell your boyfriend youd like to meet her and spend time together so you can actually get to know her and see what their relationship is like
That is 100000000000% disrespectful of him. In no way shape or form is that okay and would NOT happen in my life. Idgaf who says what about trust. He’s got zero respect for you and the relationship PERIOD
If she had any class, she would insist on meeting you to reassure you number one, and number two, if she really is just friends with him, it should be a priority for her. I’ve always thought it was silly that people can’t have friends of the opposite sex because of jealousy, however this one is not being respectful, and neither is he, he should be excited to introduce his best friend to his girlfriend.
Yeah the last time I heard that she tried to sleep with him soo , accept at your own risk
You’re not wrong and that’s crazy!
I would try to trust u him until he gives me a reason not to
A bit of advice; People only do to you what you allow them to get away with
My sons father was my best friend for 5 years before we got together. Just saying.
If he wanted to be with his best friend ,then he wouldn’t be with you ! Yes they should of asked you along
As someone who has a male best friend… if we went on a trip without either one of our spouses you damn well know I would be making sure I responded/called/texted my Husband. We’d be videoing his GF, my kids… it’s one thing if we were hiking with no reception or at an event like a movie where we couldn’t but something about your whole situation seems fishy… by now you should KNOW this woman. I’m over here constantly like does your GF know about me? What’s her favorite color… does she like bacon? Yeah soooooo… probably move on.
I have a male best friend of 12 years and still would respect my boyfriend enough to bring him with or not go at all.
First… why didn’t YOU go ??
I believe that if there’s no trust at all in a relationship then there’s really no relationship at all.