My boyfriend and I have been having issues: Thoughts?

I’m not even sure where to start. My boyfriend and I have been having some issues here lately — more than normal. I have two kids from a previous relationship, and he has one, which he gets twice a month. His daughter is one of our problems. She is disrespectful, she tries to bully my girls, she will take things right from their hands, and if I didn’t see it, I’d simply ask, and she always says “they shouldn’t be snitching on me” and then she will fake cry making my girls feel bad so they will give it to her. She will lie to her dad about what happened; she is only 6. This is becoming a huge problem. He moved into my girls, and I home, and the only way I was allowed by my landlord was to put his name on my lease. I regret it terribly. He hardly ever picks up after himself or his daughter when she’s here. I work a full-time job myself and then come home and take care of my children. He will constantly call me if I don’t answer, and then he is shitty with me. My youngest daughter has always slept with me; he came up with this idea that he didn’t want her in my bed anymore. So every night, I have to hear him bitch about it, I’ve told him many times that when I am ready and when she is, I’ll do it, but I don’t need him on my ass about it. Every single day, it’s a constant fight about something. I haven’t had sex with him for two days, and he is throwing a fit over it. I have severe depression, so my antidepressants make me have a low sex drive, and I have explained that to him so many times. He stays up late, playing his game and then gets mad when my youngest daughter wakes up, he says things like “I’ll just bring my bed, and I’ll take her bedroom since she isn’t ever in it.” Like no, you’re not, all of her toys are in there, she plays and watches tv in her room. Everything is always about him, and if it isn’t, he makes to be. The bills are spilled in half since he moved in, well since the second month because he didn’t pay anything the first month he lived with me. He will spend all of his money on bullshit and then tell me; it’s because of me. There’s only just maybe a handful of times that he has bought a pack of cigarettes or two and put all together like $30 of gas in my car. He says that since I get child support, I should be giving him something to watch my girls for 20-30 minutes a few times a week because I have to be at work, and my mom will come and pick them up for me. If we go to the store or to eat somewhere, I’m usually the one always paying for it.


Oh no baby he’s gotta go!


You need to get rid of him. Seems to me that hes just using you


Break the lease, get the fuck out.

Hell NO.

Hes toxic baby he has to go like tomorrow


Doesn’t sound like a boyfriend to me 🤷


This is more than issues to me. It’s more like throw the whole boy away. You don’t need a man child to take care of and another mouth to feed. I’d literally just tell him it’s over and start saving for something else to move into. Least it’s a lesson learn to never put anyone on the lease again, but hindsights a b right? I hope everything works out for you


Dump his ass he is a CHILD not a man it’s just gunna get worse before better… you and ur girls deserve better

Cut bait and run. Go to court and file for an eviction. Follow the law. If he makes any threats make a police report and get out while you still have your sanity. This guy is not good. Trust what your instincts are telling you.


He sounds like a dead beat.
He gotta go :woman_shrugging:


Why do you tolerate his behavior?Only you can make the decision to boot him out.Put your kids first always


This doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship, at all… Throw him in the bin!


Tell him give him an ultimatum tell him if he don’t get his act together he’s gonna have to move outn

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Time to take the trash out!!


Go to your local district justice and have him evicted


Girl, just no. You can’t raise a man.


Kick him out …don’t need the toxic


Wow. And you’re still with him? Remove him from your lease and give him the boot. You don’t need that lazy arse in your life.

BS… He’s a free loading asshole…give him his walking papers…

Talk to your landlord about all of this that you feel like this will turn into an unsafe relationship and how to go about getting him off the lease so you can make him move out


You need to kick him out. That’s so disrespectful and that’s where his daughter is getting her attitude from. Make him leave now.


No other sensible woman would put up this situation. Would he put up with it from you and your child?

Seriously??? If a man has to move in with you to begin with consider that a red flag! Your being used plain and simple. It’s now your fault for however long else you let this mooching piece of crap stay. Look up the definition of narcissist and there ya go. Next time dont be so desperate to move the first boyfriend in you get with to put your kids threw hell for your dumb mistakes. Your kids are your priority not a so called man.


Kick his ass out he sounds like a bum

Sounds like he not all for you and your girls. Prob is best interest to leave someone like that, as it may never change

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make him leave get his name off the lease and make him go , dont stand for that crap hes doing , hes living in a free place where he doesnt have to pay for anything , he needs to be out and hes controling everything you do , i was in that type of relationship for almost 11 years , make it out now while you can !! if you need someone to talk with im here message me anytime

Why are you with him???

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There is no fixing this, you knew you should have never moved him in. Why would you want your child to seep in a bed with you and a new boyfriend?! That to me is very weird. Figure out how to get him to love and don’t let him come back.


Tell him to move out. If he won’t leave tell him you’ll leave and he’ll be stuck with the bills. Your taking care of everything anyways so you don’t need him around.

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Get him off the lease and out that place asap.

Boy bye! :v: sounds like you already know what to do!

Hmm stop taking care of an overgrown man child. You nor your girls deserve that stress. Sucks being alone nut better be alone sane and happy then with an extra weigh on your shoulders


Get him out, he is not ready to be in a family.


Sounds like you tried a relationship out and y’all are not really compatible. At this point if he wants to change you can try relationship therapy, if he does not want to change then you should go by yourself and get help ending this relationship. Lots of red flags y’all are not compatible, don’t put your kids or yourself through it anymore.


Get. Rid. Of. Him. NOW.


GIRL GET OUT!! Kick his ass out. Do whatever it is that you need to do to get that toxicity out of your life.

He has to go. That’s not a relationship


Dump that guy and kick him out of your house!


Look in the Claus of your lease. Their should be an “in the event of an emergency” area of breaking a lease early- and tell your landlord that son of bitch is leaving bc he’s abusive. That’s an emergency.

Tell him to get the fuck out!!
He will never treat your kids right if he’s already treating them badly

Read that back to yourself and what advice should you give to someone if they wrote it…you need him out hes taking full advantage of you whilst you let him. You know the answer in your gut and as hard as it is it’s best to make a clean break x


So why are you raising another child? Also start if I were you I would explain to the father and his daughter that if she can’t play nice with your kids toys then she needs to bring her own. You are your children’s safe place and you have a right to defend them when another child is bullying them.


Girl… fuck that… im a single mom of 3 kids. 2 with 1 and 1 with the other. You cannot put up w that or put your babes thru that. You will find a better man i promise you. Show those girls you love yourself and him and kick his ass out. Spend your time w them and doing things for you and exploring yourself during your healing process. Then in a few months you prb will want to date again. Its hard. Im doing it now but it will be worth it. Hang n there

That’s way to toxic I do agree on the child not sleeping in same bed as both you maybe you can try putting her to sleep with you then carry her to her room that’s what I do with my youngest but then again my bf doesnt live with me but I still do that every night an sometimes she doesnt even lay with me till she falls asleep she will lay with me for a little then goes to her room but he should be helping you out with Bill’s an stuff an you dont need to pay him nothing he crazzy

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Oh wow. I’d be moving out into somewhere else since you did put him on the lease. It sounds like he may be dangerous though if you try to leave. Just find a new place and if you have to, get the authorities to escort you while you move your stuff and kids out so he doesn’t intimidate you or even destroy your stuff. Sounds like the type is all I’m saying.

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Why are you with him?

Kick him out or find another place for you and the girls. That is horrible for him to treat you and your girls that way. You need to get rid of him asap.

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People will do to you what you let them. He is a leach. You need to get away from him now. And please don’t have any children with this immature man because you’ll have two babies. Get him off your lease and kick him out for your daughters sake and your own.


Kick him to the curb, not worth it

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Give him the boot. He’s an immature jerk, and he won’t change.

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I agree with RyanNNicole’s comment. Talk to your landlord. Be completely honest. See what he can do to help getting his name off the lease and have him evict him if possible.
Otherwise go to justice services…check out your rights.
He needs to go. Just don’t need his BS on your shoulders. He’s obviously of NO help to you only holding you back & causing you stress.


His daughter and the way he is treating you are two separate things, but him throwing a fit over 2 days without sex when there is a legitimate reason is enough to show you his character. He sounds like a 4th child in the home and it’s nothing you should be responsible for. Would you want your daughters dating someone like that? If the answer is no then you should have the same expectations for yourself. I hope you find happiness.


Tell him to get the fuck out and take his brat with him. You don’t need his shit!!!


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Yeah, I would leave. Someone who doesnt understand your depression (or doesnt even try to at least) is not good for you.

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Kick his backside out. Now!!!

Kick him the fuck out and be done with him seriously

He never should have moved in. You guys disagree on parenting. He isn’t respectful. I don’t know how the relationship progressed to moving in at all.

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You got suckered into a situation that you didn’t ask for. He is…going to bleed you dry. Break up already


He is disrespecting you and your family. You had a home with out him. He needs to get it together or you need to step up and be a mother to your children and leave him. Better soon than late.

Sounds like he us mooching off of you … I would get rid of him asap


I see nothing but problems here… if you sleep with your daughter, how was it going to be when he moved in? Living together without having issues worked out such as that are a recipe for disaster…he is a taker so tell him to take himself somewhere else.


Bf. It’s easier to get rid of a bf than a husband.


Sounds like he’s draining you. You deserve a man that wants you happy…a man that wants to help you and and your kids. He’s just adding more stress and problems…sounds like you were better before he came along…He’s just making it a negative stressful environment. If it were me…I’d make him leave.

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That is the start of A very abusive relationship mentally and emotionally, possibly physically one day


Um, kick his good for nothing ass out.

Pack his stuff for him and tell him to hit the bricks! Robert


Kick his butt to the curb you and those girl’s deserve better :rage:

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I don’t understand the women who submit these kinds of posts. REREAD what you just wrote. It’s obvious they’re submitting for confirmation of what they already know, which is to LEAVE or PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN. It’s not rocket science. From the sounds of it, you guys don’t have children together and you’re not married. Talk to your landlord, tell him your situation. If all you’re worried about is having a ding on your record from breaching your lease, take it as a lesson learned in life. :woman_facepalming:


talk to landlord and see what can be done? is the lease almost up? stop paying for all the bills and make him pay his share

Sounds like he’s an emotionally abusive LEACH. Time for him to go!


Get rid of him.think of u nd ur babies 1st.

  1. “He moved into my girls and I home”. Problem #1
    All Kings have castles, and men will only do what you allow.

As your sister (whatever color you may be), I just want to say it’s not my job to bash you, but to uplift you. Due to the state of your mental health, you may want to seek therapy and pray for strength & guidance. You may also need to talk to a real friend about this. Parents? Anyone who can support you through this process. He has to go because you’re showing your daughter that this behavior is ok to tolerate. And as a woman you have to be extremely protective of your daughter(s). Sis we ain’t doing man children in 2020. You have 4 days. Love yourself sis.:heart:He ain’t the one.


Oh fuck no throw his ass out he sounds like another full grown child to raise

Get a restraining order and kick him to the curb


Get rid… no man is worth this about of hassle. …

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Sounds more like another child than your bf. Get him outta there!!!

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Get your landlord to evict him and then be done with that mess. 🤷 do u really think this is healthy for ur girls to have to deal with? Think of them if anything


Quit this as soon as possible it will only get worse sounds like a lazy bum

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why in God’s name would you move a man in while you’re cosleeping w a child to begin with that isn’t related to her??? pick one you can’t have both.

he’s a disgusting POS parasite and you know this why are you asking for advice.


Dump his sorry ass! Why is this even a question :thinking:

He is gaslighting you and it sounds Luke his daughter is learning too. Get him out


DUMP. HIS. DUMBASS. Girl you don’t need him!

He’s gross. And his behaviour is selfish at least.
Get the landlord to take him off and kick him out


Sound like he just want u as his mattress I would said kick him out!!


You shouldn’t be cosleeping if your new boyfriend is also sleeping in the same bed, and he shouldn’t be alone watching your kids if he has only been living there a few months. His daughter is probably acting up because she only gets to see her dad twice a month. It sounds like you guys rushed into this. You should ask him to move out, take it slower. Or at least go to couples therapy if you decide to stay living together.


Think of yourself first. You need to stay balanced for your kids and not a grown man. You do not need drama and toys thrown out of the cot from this guy and a child ruining your relationship. Speak to the landlord and explain your situation, if, you want to be the only one to be on the lease. He can be given notice from the landlord as well as he finds he’s not making things baring for you at home. Not sure what your law around lease agreements. But from a woman and a mother. Fuck him!! He can go fly a kite. You are important as well as your kids.

Get rid of him… no question xxx


Ish. Get rid of that mess. He sounds like garbage.


Ummm he’s a fuckin loser and dirt bag and I’d get him off the lease ASAP and kick him to the curb…how long have you been with him? He seems like a child and it also seems like all you do is compromise for HIM so I’d give his ass the boot…

You need to leave him


Not healthy for you or your girls.
In so many levels this is the wrong men and not a good relationship. Please take care of yourself and girls. You guys are first.


Evict his butt!! You’re kids don’t need that BS


It sounds like you already know the answer to your own question about him. :blush: You can do better on your own, with your kiddos!


Get out of that mess

This dude’s gotta go

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Sooooo basically he’s living at your home rent free and won’t help with the home or your children and fights with you :thinking: I would go with move the hell out !!! QUICK!!!


It’s all your fault… YOU allowed it since the beginning!


You already know what you should do so do it!


Get out!!! Omg I’m sorry. File on eviction for him to get him out. Good luck!