My boyfriend and I have been having issues: Thoughts?

Deadbeat throw him out…he’s living off of you …your kids always come first. Have your landlord change the lease and remove his name or you move and leave him with the lease.Good luck to you and your kiddos.


he’s a looser, dump him!


First of all you never should’ve moved him in. Especially if you bedshare with your children. He’s disrespecting your home. His daughter has no boundaries. Get them both out and get your daughter into her own bed before you go inviting someone else into yours. It’s not fair to them.


A boyfriend whom you have no kids with should never rent a space in your head. Talk to your landlord. Put his belongings in black garbage bag and toss him out. He is a boyfriend after all. #HisAudacity🙄


Girl just get him out, u were doin fine before and will do fine after him


He sounds like a lazy, parasitic narcasist… Sorry :woman_shrugging:t2:

I’ve been in a similar situation and it rarely gets better. If you do dump him, you need to give him a months notice and speak to your landlord where you’ve put him on your lease


Even if he is on the lease you can still kick him out. Pack his shit and set it outside. Call his mother and tell her to come pick up the failure she raised lol. Sounds like you can handle the home on your own a lot easier

Leave his sorry ass :love_you_gesture:t2:

Drop him now! IMHO…

Dump him he is a waste you deserve better and your kids need you the child support is for your children get a eviction

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Get rid of him. A relationship is a two way street. He also shouldn’t go along with his child being a bully and disrespectful. On the other hand it is time to move the child to her own room

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Kick his ass out. He’s a loser. Tell your landlord you want him out and will take his name off the lease.

He has got to go immediately. What are your girls learning from this situation? Kids are observant and notice everything. They need to know this kind of treatment is not acceptable.

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You know what you need to do. Know your worth!

Hes like a noose around your neck…Get rid …Hes definitly not worth the time or effort…Your Girls will thank you for it

Bye bye little boy 🤷

STOP allowing him to mistreat your girls, use you and stop allowing the mental abuse!!! The way you handle relationships is how your daughters will see it’s okay to be treated. I’d go to the landlord and ask about getting him evicted then take those steps. No man is worth the headache, heartache and straight up bullshit!!! KNOW YOUR WORTH

That boy would be out of my house and back in his mommas in 0.2 seconds fuck all of that. Nope rope thanks tho. Have a good day and stay out of mine. You will do a HELL of a lot better without him.

Sounds like a leech not a partner. Why are you keeping a leech?

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you need to kick this child to the curb. go get an eviction notice, hand it to him and stand your ground. you’ll have to put up with him for 30 more days but if he’s making you and your children miserable, enough is enough.

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Sounds like have ur landlord evict him

Yeahhhh. He needs to go. Your children shouldn’t have to be around that garbage either.

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If this was your daughters relationship what would you say? This is exactly what your daughter will have as she is learning that this is acceptable in life

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If you doing “it “ alone… might as well be alone!

Dudes a loser you deserve better and obviously you already know it
Leave. DON’T go back. he’s a boy not a man.

He probably feels your treat his child differently than yours and you clearly feel he does the same. My opinion, sounds like a classic case of rushing into a relationship before either of you or the kids were ready for it.
Hes probably uncomfortable with her sleeping in the bed with the two of you since he is not her father

Choose your kids over a man always

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WOW! Get rid of his ass. Your kids don’t need to deal with or see that kind of stuff anyway.

Get rid of him This is not true love Tour children come first

Take him off the lease, evict him, and then stop letting BOYFRIENDS move in with you and your kid. Don’t even live with a guy until you’re engaged to him. You and your kids come first. Fuck his attitude. It’s not going to get better.

Been there done that, it’s time to put your kids first!

Say bye, bye! He’s no good for you & he’s no good for your kids. That’s the bottom line! He is childish & will probably never grow up!

Umm… evict him. That’s probably the only way you can force him to leave, and stop paying for him. He’s not mature enough to be an equal partner, and your girls do not need to watch you be treated this way. That sets them up to think that’s normal and it isn’t. He isn’t going to change.


He should get his own house and space and then see how things work out.

Character flaw that isn’t going to be outgrown. Kick him to the curb

Go talk to your landlord about this. Tell him you want him gone and ask what to do. If nothing comes from that, when is your lease up? Maybe it’s time to move?? Stay with family a month or so until you can go out on your own. Never stay in a relationship like that, ever. Not even for yourself but for your kids. They are learning what “love and relationships” look like. Run and stand up for yourself. That’s what you would tell them to do!!


Nevr build a future with someone who doesn’t elevate you!!
He is a child. Who can’t even grow up much less parent his child. You really want that type of example for your daughters?
Evect his butt and get on with your life.

This is why people shouldn’t live together so soon

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I would leave him Sou like he using you but he has a point on the kid in bed


If you can add him to a lease you can remove him. Talk to your landlord.

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Get out of that situation it’s not going to change

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I would also like to add that a way around eviction, is asking your landlord if he has another place just you and your girls can move into. If you move out, he is left with the responsibility of paying for the other place. I’ve done it. My landlord was very understanding because the relationship was abusive. He can’t just evict one tenant, I am fairly certain that you both will be if the landlord has to do it.

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Kick him out. If you dont start this now, its only gonna get worse…with him and his daughter…and then by that time hes gonna have you so wore down that itll be too late to do anything. Leave now.

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I’d be kicking his ass to the curb.

I guess I’d try look at it from the perspective of ‘would I would my daughter to be in a relationship like this’

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The little girl is acting out probably because she only sees her dad 2 times a month, and is jealous that other kids get more of his time. Se is a person with feelings and emotions just like the rest of us. This whole situation sounds toxic. And I feel him on the kid always sleeping in the bed with you, leaves zero room for romance.


He sounds like a loser and does nothing but brings you down. You and your daughter deserve more. Kick him out.

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Seriously one question… why are you putting up with this ? You’re better than this . I know …because I lived it . It’s time, you know it or you wouldn’t have posted. Please do this for your sanity . **Sending positive vibes and strength **


He’s a user and mental abuser get rid of him now before he totally destroys your self esteem and gives your little girl emotional problems


Class A Controlling narcissist! Run!!

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Kids will and should be be always your first priority. Get him out of your house ! Once you start living on your own with your kids you will regret every single second you have wasted with this man ! Act now while the kids are still young . You will thank your self when looking back !

Hold on wait… You let your daughter sleep in bed with you and your new boyfriend??? Come on now! Seriously??? You need to take a step back and look at the situation. Why would you put your daughters in that sutuation??? What are you thinking?


Get out of this tell your landlord get him off the lease and kick him out.

You actually feel the need to ask “What you should do about the situation???” O.K. I’ll tell you… Can’t you see the warning flags?? You are dating /living with a loser!! Get out !! Or Throw him out…Perhaps you can explain to your landlord that you made a mistake and ask to get out of your lease.Your child, your sanity and your self respect…are being damaged …you need to GROW-Up…become an adult and quit trying to raise that BOY you moved into your home.

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Tell your landlord you want him off the lease. He is not helping he is making your life miserable and your children too!! Pay someone to take care of your children while you work. Your Mom picks them up after 30 min maybe a neighbor would help out for that amount of time. Either get key back from him or change locks and tell him this isn’t working out well for us so we need to separate. You know like a ‘time out’ ! Then change the lock and give landlord the key to new lock I guess. Not sure how that is done for sure. My landlord changed my lock so assume they keep a key. Neither you or your girls are happy with him there…Children come first at least. Yes antidepressants can affect sexual desire. He does not love you Hon!! You are his sugar Mama!

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If you don’t leave him your daughters are going to learn from him. Like ew, get him out!


Go back and read what you wrote. If someone else wrote this and you were just reading it, what would you tell them?

Get rid of him. All my instinct are screaming for you to run. Please don’t hesitate you need to get him out of there. Before something happens

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You both go together and he signs off the lease! To the curb he goes and don’t let him guilt you, either. No man should be coming to a woman for help. He needs to get his sh** together on his own. Rid yourself of him!
And he’s a narcissist!!! Unless you want to look like a Holocaust survivor six months from now then by all means keep him. Been here, done this. Worst experience of my life.


Tell him this is not working out and he needs to find a new place to live. Talk to the landlord. ( you can give him a eviction notice). I wouldn’t leave my home because of him , he would be leaving… he sounds like dead weight and its nit healthy or fair to your girls to be bullied by his, or to have to move or to be uncomfortable or mistreated in their own home. And stop paying for him. Pay for yourself if hes not going to and he can pay for hisself and his daughter. Unhealthy relationships there is already to many signs. Too stressful and he is weighing you down. Home should be a Safe, relaxing place. Not chaos , uptight and miserable .

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talk to your landlord and get him off your lease. kick him & his nasty attitude out. granted, no it’s not a great idea to have your daughter sleeping in bed w/ the both of you. but he should have been gone the minute this all started. RUN.


Sounds like you got your self a lazy bum

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It’s abuse. Get him fucked off before he starts taking advantage of you the prick

I’d go ahead and kick him out.

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I agree with him with the bed part. That’s something that should have been figured out before he moved in. She shouldn’t be sleeping in the bed with you and your live in boyfriend


This is something I learned the hard way… be with the type of man you’d want your daughter to be with when she’s older. You set the example of how a relationship should be to your children. In my previous relationships, I was talked down upon, did everything around the house, and took care of my kids by myself with no help. I don’t want my kids growing up and being in those types of relationships, so why set the example to them. Plus, children are happier when they see their parents are happier and are taken care of. Now I’m with an amazing man who treats me like a queen and they see it and love it (constantly giving us handmade cards of how happy they are and that they love us). I’m in the greatest relationship because I chose to be in a great relationship. Be the example. Show what you want for them by doing what you want for you.

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Nope. Throw the whole man away…


What a loser, and you are an idiot to keep him. Move on


You know what you need to do.


Your child always comes first over a man. Follow your intuition get rid of him


Kick his sorry butt to the curb. You are being used for convenience from him. If you have to ask about this situation then yes you are having a problem…with him. Say bye bye and move on with your life.


Kick his ass out, yFou nt need him

You got another child!

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He’s a garbage can , kick him away


Run. Don’t Walk. He needs to go.


GET RID OF THIS GROWN CHILD…he is using you!


Talk to the real estate/landlord that you’re in that horrible situation and remove yourself or him off the lease.
You cannot live like that!!


This is abuse. You need to get out.

And the same hand your daughter should not be sleeping in the same bed as your boyfriend


Kick your man baby boyfriend out…

Have a serious talk and if he doesn’t change get him out of there

As soon as the lease is up get rid of the toxic waste

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How can your daughter sleep in the same as you and your boyfriend together??
It’s not good ir healthy for your girl


Was he like this before he moved in? Did he know the sleeping arrangements before he moved in? Seems to me you two didn’t really know each other.


Leave his ass ASAP!!! and this is coming from someone who has been with three assholes that sound JUST like him!!! Run and run as fast as you can with your girls!!!

Never leave him alone with your kids ever. He sounds like garbage and honestly I would give him the boot. If her refuses to leave, find a new place and leave him to that one as he is on the lease. Never move a boyfriend in unless you are going to marry him.


Seems pretty clear this guy is not a good match for you. Don’t waste your life on people like him. He sounds a lot like my ex and I wasted way too much of my life on him. Didn’t realize how happy I could really be until he was out of my life. What you’ve explained is not how it’s supposed to be with your partner. Do yourself and your kids a favor and get rid of him.

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Dump him and his kid. Now.


Show your daughter some respect by not having her slerping in the bed with you and your boyfriend. Get rid of him.


If you re-read what you wrote you will find the answer. It’s time to move on. I wish you luck.


Whatever you do Having This “Mans” Child Isn’t Going To Change ANYTHING… too many times women think “IF we get married or have a child he MIGHT change”
So, I usually don’t give the advice to “throw in the towel” but I would here for sure.


Either move him out, or you move. Bad bad bad relationship.


You’re better off as a single mom. You can’t cosleep and manage to have a relationship. You can’t place blame on a 6 year old for being a brat either.


Time to kick him and his hellspawn OUT.

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Sounds exactly like my ex, and that’s why he is an ex :woman_shrugging:
No thank you
My babies come first


Sounds like a loser. Ditch him


step 1. marinate him in sulphuric acid


Girl put his ass out and his child. IDC, it’s better to have a piece of mind. And be at peace. He’s not gone change. Send him to his baby mama

Well, he sounds like a real catch! SMH! Girl, wash your face and get control of your life! Your kids come first!


Sounds simular to a soon to be ex son inlaw. My daughter put up with him 13 years of controlling verbal abuse and being hounded all the time for sex because he has security issues. It be wise to get rid of him sooner than later because it gets worse with time.


Give him legal notice to vacate or get the landlord to do it and cut your losses, he sounds like a huge loser