My boyfriend and I have been having issues: Thoughts?

Why the hell are you with the ass again?

You should have thought about all this before you shoved him on your kid’s. As long as you put up with it your girl’s will suffer. So the ball is in your court. Put your kid’s first and kick him to the curb. But be nice to his daughter. She also didn’t ask to be thrown together with people who don’t like her either.

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Welp, time for him to go.

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Girl get his ass thr jell out. Talk to your landlord and go through the eviction process for him to leave. It will only get worse

Sounds like he is taking advantage of you hard! AMD And mooching off you. I’d make him leave. Maybe your landlord well let you take him off with no penalties. Wouldnt hurt to take to your landlord. Sorry you are in this. How long have you been together and him doing this to you? What made you want him to move in with you?


I would get rid of him. He should be making things easier for you instead he is making things harder


You do know how you get treated your kids will normalize


Pack his clothes take him off the lease , bye see ya later


He’s a narcissist! Kick him out and don’t look back!


I’d say when the lease is up my daughter and me are moving out and your not welcome!

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Oh hell no. He’s a pig and he’s raising one just like him. He’s got to go.

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My kids dad or me would never allow the new boyfriend/ girlfriend to coalesce with our kid


He’s not going to change. He is a selfish prick with major insecurities and immaturity issues and I don’t know why you let him move in. He’s selfish to the core an awful man child. He’s up all night playing games but not contributing to his “family” because he’s not interested in giving back it’s what you do for him. You guys aren’t married and he’s not making you happy or your life better so why are you still letting this continue. You all deserve better and he would be much happier doing himself anyway( he will move on with his other gfs within 2 months moving in with them so that will be nice ) so he needs to be taken care of but disrespects women. He’s the worst kind of lowlife. He should not have any say about your daughter and her sleeping location ( but you gotta do this sooner rather than later but not on his terms) I’m just so sorry. Stay single as long as you can and do not keep this guy around. He’s not a partner , not a friend. You are a meal ticket, a free ride an emotional punching bag and a sex toy. You deserve better. He has to go you don’t owe him anything and he’s just going to bring you all down.


You need to get rid of him. HE is the problem. You’ll feel better when he’s gone. Sounds like he doesn’t contribute anything anyway. For you and your girls, get him out.


Cut him loose, .landlord im sure will understand, .also if hes not contributing to household monies, let him go put him out.your girls will thank you.


Time to move on girl. Your flogging a dead horse there


Talk to your landlord, then dump him


Look up what’s required by state for him to leave, MD is 60 days, and give him notice. You honestly might not have to do that, just let him know it’s not working for you. And you want some space he might just leave! Your daughter in the bed part I agree she needs to be in her own bed. Even if it’s right next to your bed.

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Get rid of that no good 4 nothing what we’re u think moving him in with u and ur kids…really??Tell him since he lives thr and eats ,uses all he needs to pay bills to fk that!

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You’re dating a boy not a man


Your not gone yet get him eviction notice contact landlord first tell him to sign with you or your leaving to pay rent not paying now problem solved but get rid of him.

Sit down with a sheet of paper. Come up with a discipline plan for all children. Steps and result.

So if lying happens something is taken away for 2 days or they sit in there room and no toys.

Whatever you come up with you need to post it. The tell his and ur children what it means. Say 1 warning now and lying will stop.

Also i agree you shouldnt sleep with ur bf until ur guys problems r solved.

I would tell him that he needs to pay 5050 . that if he cant he needs to move out.

You know what you should do. Sounds like you can make it fine in your own. Get rid of him. Sooner the better, don’t worry about having a man. Sounds like he lacks the skill of being one!!

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Kick him out. Explain to the landlord that he is causing damages to the apartment and he is not a reliable source of income.

Girl get rid of him before you have a kid with him. Itll be so much worse. Best of luck.

U have four children!!

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Ha sounds like my ex

Kick him out. Hes not a man. Hes a child


Wow sounds like hes using you for a free ride. What a downer he is! Kick him out and find a man who sees you as an equal. Your kids dont need that $hit either. They come first not him. Hes a big baby!


If u suffer from depression why are u doing this to yourself and your children. Do yourself a favour and kick him to the kerb and look after your family.u will never get well if u have a negative dragging u down girl!


Please don’t let sleep with your daughter!

The hell kick him out. My husband moved in with me. He watches my kids. And fully took them on as his own. He wasn’t working before but now that he’s working he helps pay bills. Buys the kids things they need. They May not be his biologically but he treats them just like they are. And that’s how a partnership should be. If her can do that, don’t be with him.

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You need him out of your life and out of your home.

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You don’t really need anyone’s advice. Just read what you have written. Give him the elbow


Please run girl. Get out.


Why is he still there? Complains, whines, adds stress, doesnt coparent his daughter. Adds to your stress. Daughter is a mess. (Big surprise). Very immature and dysfunctional. If you have depression, what is it about him that helps? Without him most of your problems are gone.

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Look for an new place and break your lease. Time to move on. These aren’t issues these are dealbreakers and I’m sorry but why would you want your daughter to sleep in the bed with you and a boyfriend? She shouldn’t be in the bed. His daughters shouldn’t be picking on your kids and he needs to pay his way. I don’t think any of this will get resolved so, yes. Time to go.


That doesn’t sound like a good relationship. You could try talking to him about the things that are bothering you if you want to try to work on things but is he isn’t willing to hear you out and put in the work I would cut ties, talk to your landlord about removing him from the lease or at least when the lease is up renew it without him and give him until then to get his shit together. You might have to formally evict him or your landlord might I dunno. But if you don’t think the relationship is salvageable I would look into how you should go about seperating and him moving out. I know if a man moved into MY and my children’s house and wanted to take away my kids room that would piss me off lol.

Unless shit’s equal, kick his ass to the curb!

Why do this young people have kids from whomever then live with people they don’t even know, it is a sad sad world, have some respect for yourself

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Get another place for you and your kids. Don’t tell him until you get another house and take your kids and fucking RUN

I think you answered your own questions. If this continues without you putting an end to it…there will be consequences and your girls will suffer for it . Kick him out. Lease or no lease!


sound like his abusing you tell him to leave

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He sounds like a mooch. If you can try and get him out of your lease. He sounds like a grown man child

He sounds like a child himself. Kick him to the curb.

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This has toxic written all over it

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So, I keep seeing you identify red flags. Seems like you already legit knew the answer to the question you were asking but hoping someone else would give you hope.

Worst case scenario: he is a mooch, possibly untrustworthy with kids, money, private matters. Cares about getting sex but not about happy homelife…

I’d get rid of them…buy my kids a puppy…or a kitty…then…apologize to them for not putting them 1st…

Also… I suggest some kind of legal action in case he turns put to be ya knkw… a maniac

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Kick his ass on curb!!!

I would leave. He obviously doesn’t respect you or your kids.


You knew what you got your selfe into with your eyes wide open! Why put up with it, show him the door!

Ask the landlord to help with an eviction. Hes gaslighting and he sounds narcissistic. Just because you get cs doesn’t mean you pay him anything. Tell him to get certified as a caregiver and you’ll pay him. The daughter of his is just acting out. It isn’t her fault. But of course protecting your children and trying to make everything fair is number one to keep everyone safe. But I personally think you should break up with him because he will never change.

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You need to end this relationship at once before it effects your children more than it already has. He is a bum and a leach get rid of him as fast as you can.

I don’t know the laws where she is but in Texas she can’t kick him out. If he signed a lease, he’s bound by the apartment manager not her. The manager has to pull his lease, evicting him. Also even if his name isn’t on the lease, if he helps in anyway to pay bills. He can’t be made to leave and cops don’t like civil matters.

Why is he still in your home? Talk to your landlord to see if he’ll take him off the lease then kick him out.

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Your kids comes first!


Re read what you wrote. You already know the answer. He’s not contributing so get him out. I wouldn’t leave my kids with a new boyfriend either. Especially if he wants you to pay him to watch them. Nope. He’s not worth the powder to blow him up with.


Leave…like yesterday!


Yuck get him out of the house. Call the landlord and have him removed from the lease.


Get rid of him I’d happy pay to have him off my lease and he’ll im broke but would come up with a way to pay it

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Throw his sorry ass, in the street, tell him to put his bed there . tell you’re landlord you made a big mistake, an never will again.remove him from you’re lease

get rid of him he is not going to change and take his daughter with him

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You need to have him evicted and file a restraining order


Yea he sounds like a douche and needs to grow up


He sounds like a throw back…


I’m sorry but what women in her right mind what to sleep with her man and child in the same bed. Now a newborn or infant in crib or bassinet on side of bed ok but a grown child? Women you’re sick. This is all your fault. On so many levels


You better get rid of him quick because he could hurt you and your kids


run run as fast as you can


Does he wk?

Evict him…if he refuses to leave…process in court

So why r u with him​:thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Why do some moms move new boyfriends in so fast when they have kids?
Do you know how much the chance of molestation increases by doing this?
If 1 in 5 girls are molested (and that’s a conservative estimate) in their lives, theres a whole lot of sick fucking men out there! Why in Gods name would anybody place their kids at risk?
Know a man really well, see how he parents his kids before you even consider moving him in. Please.

Ditch the loser. Your girls don’t need that to be their experience with men in their lives first of all. Second of all his daughter is obviously acting out because of other issues and needs some help adjusting. At the end of the day doesn’t matter get rid of him.

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You’ll find life less stressful and easier without him. You were already and still are basically doing things on your own. It’s harder to carry the weight yourself when you have someone else that can help, but wont. Do you think he would leave if you asked? I would find a way to get him evicted if you have to. The fact that he wants you to pay him to help with your kids is what bothers me most.

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Omg after reading this I’m wondering if you let him hit you, leave this man child

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So take your name off the lease once you find a new place. Leave him there.

Talk to your landlord get his name off the lease and kick him out.

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He sounds like a child

I’d lose him quicker than a bad habit. Talk to your landlord and see if he can remove the guy from your lease and tell him to get lost. Sounds like he’s a man-child and not worth the headache.


Get out now. So many red flags and if you stay it will only get worse


Why on earth are you allowing your child to sleep in the same bed as you & your partner? Also perhaps you should rent your own place with your children he’s obv not giving you any money so I’m sure you could manage on your own.

Get tidy of him he is not worth the trouble. I don’t know how old your daughter is but she should be sleeping in her bed not yours

You are asking a question because???

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Sounds like your grown man child cares more about himself then you or daughter hun.

So why is he still there?


I think you already know.

Her child sleeping in her bed isnt the problem.


Time to get rid of his ass. What a sorry excuse for a man.

Awww girl…you need to ditch that…asap

I agree with everyone. Ur better off without him period!!!

He’s an ass and he needs to go. He won’t ever change, believe that if nothing else HE WILL NOT CHANGE… your girls need to see how a man is supposed to treat a woman. They grow up around this jerk, that’s who they will hook up with and they will think they can change that person… stop the cycle before it starts, your so much better than that!!

Sounds like you just gained one child (your boyfriend) and one arrogant teen (your boyfriends daughter). Take his name off the lease and boot him out. Or take your name off the lease and move out with your girls. Thats toxic and you dont need that especially with two impressionable little girls who might get the idea thats how boys treat girls they love.

Read about narcissistic personality disorder, a lot of red flags here. I would drop him like a hot potato!!!

Get rid of him now, if he’s not contributing and only making your life more hassle, simplify and get rid of him.

Talk to the landlord and get him OUT!

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He’s abusive to u and ur kids. Kick him to the curb. Get out while you still can.

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Oh hun… He needs to go.

Tell him to fuck off

Girl you know this answer! Gather up their shit and throw it on the curb! Take his key if he has one and take him off your lease before he does something terrible to you and your children. Hes mad because your baby wants to sleep with you? Thats straight fucking bs and no you should not pay him for watching your kids while you are at work he aint paying shit!

LMFAO. No thank you, next. You don’t ever pay him for watching your girls for 30 mins max! Wtf is he on crack? You need to leave. He sounds like a taker. You deserve a 50/50 relationship. You shouldn’t be doing all the work or paying for everything. Child support is for your girls not for him to pocket. The audacity of this scum bag. Get out while you can. You don’t deserve that bullshit.

Honey you need a real man .put up with him until the lease is a month from being up then evict him with 30 day notice.


i’m assuming you were able to pay the bills before he moved in, so kick him out. he isn’t worth your time mama

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Leave him all i want to say!