My boyfriend and I have been having issues: Thoughts?

Go talk to your landlord and get him off the lease then kick him out

I would NEVER leave my children with him. He can’t take care of himself.

Damn sweetheart you need to get rid of him and find a man that respects you and your kids I would not even leave my kids with him

Get rid of his ass now. He is selfish and immature and think of the example you are showing your daughter.

Did you read what you just wrote?

Run as fast as you are able in the other direction

Get rid of him as fast as possible!!

You sound like the height of stupidity

Get rid of him. Tell the landlord to remove him from the lease.

Throw his ass out quickly!

all im going to say here is better to be on your own than miserable…let him take care of his own daughter…

Your children need to come first

If you dont think your being treated right why stat and be unhappy.

Easy. Just don’t. Go back on your own.

Kick him to the curb,
Ladies be careful who you move in with you and your kids,

He’s a abusing your kids being like he is.

Get rid of it he just a it

Kick him to the curb!

Hat is your question? Dump his lazy presumptuous ads.

Move on…he will not change his ways

Run,Run,Run& Don’t look back❣️

Rid of him. It will become worse I know this from experience

Get out you have to kids to worry about!!

Break up. Move out. Get away from him.

Kick him to the curb…he wont change

Girl, run, please. He sounds like a narcissist. Please don’t do this to yourself or your girls.

Get him out by New Year then you have a fresh start in 20 20.

Please just make your children your priorities

Break up. Move him out. The whole scenario is toxic

Get him off the lease asap forward his mail.
Toss his shit out…DONE. :rage:

Have your landlord take him off , then have him evicted

Lease or not find a way he is using you

Get rid of him…you already know it

He has made no commitment look into moving him out

Get out now for your and your daughters safety.

Never leave your daughters with someone you hardly even know.

Talk to your landlord and see if you can get him off the lease even if you have to go to court, your children deserve better


You need some help with him

Sounds like a leach and one to start abusing

Kick him out already…your girls will be happier and you will be too. It will also demonstrate that you are a strong momma that will not put up with bullshit. To keep him around will destroy them and you…


Girl listen to your Heart…Be happy

Get rid of him now before it gets worse!! You deserve better


I hoped my Facebook friends had a good Christmas this year and happy new years too and some of you dont know me yet I liked chatting with you a little bit your new face book friend sandy withem🐱

Girl RUN and RUN fast

Ugh throw him away!!

Get rid of him now. It will only get worse

I’m sorry but fuck him. Hes a child

Thought, keep it of Facebook js

Girl you don’t need him.

Leave girl never let a man try n change you kids life if your damn kid wants to sleep with you let them don’t let a shit of shit like this bring you down get rid of him n focus on you n your babies ONLY

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He is a user get rid of him

Get out of this relationship now

So, are you and your children better off without him? Seems like you really have four children.

You have two babies not three…kick him out

kick him to the curb babe.

Kick his arse to the kerb …he’s a user…

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Kick him to the curve

Get rid of the dead bet … before he drains you mental and physically!

Your depressed because he is a dip shit…no sex drive because…well…ladies who would want to have sex with someone who treats you that way. He is looking for a baby momma so he doesn’t have to deal with his own child and in the mean time he treats your girls like shit. Start keeping a incident report a diary. Times and dates. Very important these are admissible in court. Talk to landlord for help and if you cant get him off the lease file a restraining order and have him thrown out. He is HURTING YOUR FAMILY!!! TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK!!! Good luck

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DUMP HIM NOW! Get a few strong male friends for backup but kick him out, inform your landlord he’s leaving on a particular date, take his name of all utility companies, etc. Nobody deserves this and your girls will think men should treat women that way and they’ll end up with abusers too. Stop the cycle NOW

Move on ! Put him out who wants this kind of man around there kids Do you want them to think this is normal. ?! And stop letting him alone with them !!

Get an eviction notice & kick his ass to the curb. Everything he is doing is NOT okay. Your kids sound like good kids, don’t let him and his daughter bring their evilness on you. A 6 year old shouldn’t be saying anything about being snitched on. Wtf. Nip this in the butt now. You and your kids well being is more important than him. Also sex shouldn’t be an issue after two days, especially if you have a medical condition. We’ve gone a week without sex & my so has never been rude or upset about it to me, things happen.

Please kick that BOY out.

Get rid of him. I’ve been there, done that. It is a form of mental abuse. You are better than this, dont allow him to dictate to you what you can and can’t do, especially with your own children.

Get rid of his lazy no good ass. And dont move idiots into your home. That is your kids safe haven. Or should be. Why women meet a guy and move them into their home without taking the time to know him is beyond me. Take care of you and your kids.

The thing with his daughter will work out, but as I kept reading… ditch the loser.

No woman needs a man in her life when their other children are mean and pick on another child. I know you dont want to make waves in the relationship but you children are your blood and need to be put 1st before the need of a man in your life. Men are a dime a dozen. Let him go so your children are not picked on. There are plenty of fish in the sea…

Get rid of him he is a user and an abuser. Kick him out. Your daughters shouldn’t think it is ok.

Kick his ass to the curb

You sound like a bag of garbage and so does he. To be honest

User and abuser. Dump him like a bad habit! You are worth way more and your children too!!!

Kick him to the curb nothing is more important then your kids. Be happy

Sounds like you have a man child… kick him to the curb…

Get him removed ASAP

This is why his daughter is an ASSHOLE!!! Get rid of him!!!

Tell him if he stops acting like a fuckface, u might wanna sleep with him. Smh he needs to get his daughter under control and maybe help around the house bc he lives there! Put ur foot down!

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Kick him to the curb immediately!

Why are you even with a douche like this? He is not contributing to the relationship at all and he is contaminating everything and everybody. You and your children deserve a stable home without all this drama and stress.

Grow a set and go to the court and get an eviction notice, have the sheriff serve it on him and get him out of your house. Don’t choose dick over your children! I have no patience for weakness in women! Stop yapping about it in FB and DO something about it in real life!! Tell your landlord you’re evicting him and to remove his name from your lease. If he says no then tell him you won’t be paying rent anymore and he can evict you both. Then you move somewhere else and he can find his own way. And don’t take him back when he swears he will change!!!

Loser! And if you keep putting up with it, you are too!

Get rid of him now ,he’s a leech

Get him the fuck out of your house.
You are dating a controlling child.
Dont you have enough on your plate being a single mother.
Fuck that.
Get rid of his loser ass.

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Get rid of this narcissist asshole.