My boyfriend and I have been having issues: Thoughts?

Get rid of him theres more good fish in the sea

Why do people say that he shouldn’t be watching the kids alone… he’s a goddamn parent… If he can’t be trusted to have the kids for 20 minutes why even be with him? Over all though this sounds toxic and you should end it and ask him to move out… I feel like these woukd have been issues well before he moved in and should have been a red flag…

Break up with him. The way your relationship is going you don’t need him.

Where u live at i have a good man for you

You leave him, you are already paying all the bills and stuff.

Well get your big knickers on and do something about it ,you have a duty of care to your children , actions dear actions ,not words ,

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This sorry ass needs to GO!!!
He is free loading & I would NOT trust him with my kids!
Also, it’s time your daughter slept in her own bed! You should definitely NOT have that man in the same bed with you & your boyfriend! Don’t forget it’s always the mother’s boyfriend who turns out to be “Chester the Molester” too!
You & your girls need to walk away from that lease! I guarantee he’ll move another woman in there within a couple of months to make up the money.
He sounds like a JERK!

Tell him to move out!! Kick him out

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Tell him to leave, you don’t need another 2 kids

Sounds like a Narcissist. Does he have a job? Talk to your landlord and he needs to go.


Hes never moving out on his own, go to court have him evicted

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Run and don’t look back.

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So …. come on girl!!! you must know the answer to your question…go to legal aid and get him removed!!!

Get him OUT ,if he dont leave…give him room and cut off any relationship but a tenant one!

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break up and start being a cunt tell him sure bring your bed it can be outside foe u to sleep in caude theres no more room in my bed or the rest of the house for you or your disrespectful ass daughter

Nope that is not a good relationship for you I would find another place or ask him to leave because it sounds as if it is makeing hard for both you and your daughters

I stopped reading at your daughter sleeping in bed with you and some guy that’s not her dad​:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


Dump his ass. You can havw him off the lease.

She is acting out old proverb. You no work or help with everything your gonna

I’m not getting why he is still around. You’re just his mommy. Kick his ass out and move on. You didn’t give birth to him. You owe him nothing.

Kick him out .
Tell him to leave .
You have your daughters they don’t need to be treated this way and you don’t need 2 more kids.
Talk to your landlord get him out

he can do some. …why would you even consider to discuss it here …clearly he is selfish and controlling bastard …your tenancy wont affect it…u can ask him to move out with notice as u have kids… landlord will prefer u over him… if it wont work u need to report it legally and they will make sure yours safety and kids are more important

Ditch him and concentrate on your kids. He might be a good guy but it doesn’t seem he is good for you.

Kick him out … your basically doing everything yourself he’s acting like a baby, just dump him and move on . Your girls are way more important .

From the second I read that you regret putting him on your lease, I knew where the rest of the post was going. You’re relationship to that person is over. Maybe you won’t need antidepressants anymore either because he seems to be your biggest problem. You don’t owe him any compensation for taking care of you’re children because when he decided to move in, he entered YOUR family. He should also be pulling his weight and paying bills, get that video gaming free loader out of your life. (I have no problem with people who game, my husband and I both do, but he cleans, works full time and takes care of my family still).

Sounds to me he isn’t worth a shit. My kids are my kids and if they wanna sleep with me I don’t give a shit who doesn’t like it and that’s YOUR HOUSE if his daughter can respect you then he needs to make other arrangements to see her

Kick that douche to the curb

You need to get him taken off the lease. Talk to your landlord about it and ask for their support in the issue. If he’s breaking the lease on any way, collect evidence of it. Your landlord can remove him for breaking the terms of the lease. If he refuses to leave after that point, call the cops.

Get him out!! As for your daughter I don’t agree because it’s not good for them in so many ways but that’s your choice. Do whatever you have to and talk to your landlord about ways to get him evicted. He may help you.

Sounds like you have more bad to say than good about him. I think you already know it isn’t working out. If the lease is up soon or if its not maybe see how to break it, and move on. This doesn’t seem to be the right man for you! I firmly believe you know this too. Why waste more time being miserable :v:


I would find a new place, take your name off the present lease, move out. He is as much of a problem as his 6 year old.

Don’t let your children see you allowing this man to take advantage of you. They’ll think it’s ok and be in the same spot when they are older. You deserve better and I hope you know that. Kindness isn’t love and you’re not even getting kindness from this guy.


Leases can be broken. Your setting a bad example for your daughters. Leave while the damage is still repairable.

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I don’t have kids but I usually go by this simple rule: write the pros and cons in a piece of paper if the cons are more by # or importance. Move along without that one person. If you were my mom. I would prefer you alone than with this struggle above ^^.
You and your girls need a man not a grown child.


Take the steps to kick him out. He is using you. I was in the same situation. When I went to kick the guy out he tried to tell me he had established residency and the law would be on his side. I replied that there was no way in hell he was going to stay in the apt. alone with my daughter while I had to work. (He was a drunk). He went. Do what it takes to get him out of there and go no contact. You’ll be better off alone.


This is why I raised my 3 kids on my own. They wanted to come into my house and tell me how to raise my kids while they were ovisouly failing at raising theirs. I would see what it would take to get him off the lease. And get him out. From what you say it is so not working out. Learn from this.


First, let me say I’m sorry to hear you’re having trouble…Relationships take alot of work from both parties to make it work. It seems like you are each living separate lives, but live under on roof. You’re not in a partnership, so it’s not going to work. If he’s not paying 1/2 the rent or household bills, you can evict him. In most states, if you give a 30-day notice in writing he has to move out. That sounds like the right thing to do.


Life is short! There’s only one. Fight for your happiness. It’s not ever easy but will be a huge relief when this leach is gone.

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Keep this in mind you are raising two children children are very impressionable they look at what they see and often they imitate it look at your life and think to yourself would you want that for them? I think I know the answer and I’m sure you do too. Get rid on new year a new you


When uniting families kids act out.Dont blame his girl …She is creating problems to get the attention of her dad.This happens all the time with blended families.She doesn’t want to share him, understandably.Talj to your landlord about getting him off the lease or you so you can get him out of your life He isn’t a guy worth fighting for,all of this in my opinion.If you can’t get out of lease buck up until lease expires & get out or get him out.Thus is unhealthy for you and your family.


Sounds like you have yourself a man child who needs to grow up and learn responsibility not only for himself but his daughter. It is time to set grpund.rules as I’ve been there before an it will only get worse the more you allow.him to act like this the worse behavor will get. I would talk to him about how you feel and ehat is expected from both but if things are this bad already maybe think about calling it quits


I’m 63 years old and in a horrible relationship. Please take advice from an old lady. Get rid of him and don’t look back!! I wish you the best.


Toxic. If u stay with him he will continue without severe counselling. Protect you and yours. If u love him and he does stay look into his troubled childhood help him be a better parent than he had.

No more of that for me…I believe you’d be ALOT better off without him before he totally uses you till you dont have anything…these grown men that cant act like one and show responsibility and loving n caring you dont need them!!!

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From my own experience of deal with someone exactly like this! Get rid of him as quick as possible!!!


I feel like they both have issues. She moved him and his daughter in but is not willing to compromise on anything from her sid either yet wants to point the finger on him. They both need to have a come to jesus moment and decide if they want to continue this relationship or not. If so they both need to come together with how their household will be run. Both need to make adjustments. She should start getting her daughter to sleep in her own bed and her own bedroom. She needs to remove herself from punishing his daughter. But they both need to be present and set boundaries for all the girls together.
Showing a united front will help when it comes to the girls taking advantage of either of them.


He’s not your boyfriend, he’s your child. It’s not going to get better. You need to find a way to separate and move on. It’s not a positive situation for you and even worse for your girls.


Definetly toooo many red flags! Life is too short to be unhappy! Your girls will learn from example so do not tolerate less than you deserve. Know your selfworth and add taxes! Good luck! :frowning:

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Is this a joke??? Because she needs to kick him out and take care of herself and kiddos!!!


Why is he there, you want to be like this the rest of your life, my kids still give me unhappy talks about how awful it was for them, take action or you will regret it in the future
Run him off,he has no respect for you and your family life


Live your life - make it as HAPPY as possible you and your kids - too many options in this world to just settle and be miserable

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To all blaming the kid it isnt her fault. She is 6 years old. Treat her like your own. Maybe she feels left out and is acting out. We also dont know what her mother says to her. No child of mine would be sleeping in a bed, even with me in it, with another man next to her unless it was their father. No way in hell. Youre allowing the other stuff but do not blame that child one bit.


Do yourself and your 2 children a favor- kick him to the curb and don’t look back.


Obviously without knowing all the story, get out as quick as you can. He has no right to treat you and disrespect your home like that! A child at the age of 6 would be rebelling against her parents but he is a grown up and should know better. Not worth sticking around to see if he will change, he wants an easy ride and you deserve better.


blended families are hard. but it sounds like his daughter is seeking attention. negative attention is still attention. she sees her dad very little, then sees he has other kids that in her mind have more of her dad’s attention than her. kids feel that shit… they also pick up on things such as “she’s one of our issues”.
You sound like you are strong & independent & have the skills to provide for your kids. it also sounds like your getting over this relationship. So do yourself , him & your kids a favour & really think is this worth the head ache or are we better off going our separate ways .
good luck

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Idk you sound hella selfish to me. Where is that man supposed to sleep if your kid sleeps with you but he can’t sleep in the kids room that clearly isn’t being slept in? A normal relationship is not that of a man and woman sleeping separately due to a kid. I’m surprised he hasn’t left YOU yet. This is an extremely one sided post generated to gain self pity and pity from strangers. Grow up.


I agree about the child in your bed she doesn’t belong there but everything else you are getting screwed over. Too bad his name us on the lease. Its a New Year so good luck. Stuff like the unfairness makes me sick, hang in

Question why are yuh still w him??? If u get w someone who has kids yuhr not only in the relationship w the parent also the children or child smh totally take him off yuhr lease be there for yuhr girls there comfort an feelings should b yuhr 1st priority then a man he is obviously not respecting yuhr or yuhr kids


Sounds toxic. Take him off the lease and kick him out. Kids deserve to see a healthy relationship, not their mom getting taken advantage of.

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Just reread your post…its quite obvious…its better to struggle alone…than to struggle with additional grief trying to control you…relations in that manor is a 2 way street…there should be mutual attraction…any forced interaction by guilt is simply disgusting…your better than this guy…

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Start with a plan…save money…than leave…it took me a very long time to implement my plan and get out…but I did and you can to…leave the home and him…start fresh …he won’t let you go because you are taking his BS…

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It sounds like he may have narcissistic tendencies, if he’s not a full blown narc. Financial abuse and entitlement to your time while working are big red flags. Not to mention what sounds like possible jealousy of a child.

I see boundaries in your future. Set them and enforce them. If he values the relationship and is capable, he will grow.

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You need to get a plan in place. No need to put up with issues.

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When is enough truly enough!? Time to stand up for yourself and your girls. Is this what you want them to learn about relationships?

He acts to me like a 2 year old and is jealous of your girls…he should help with half the Bill’s if he doesn’t grow up and help with all then kick him to the curb

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Sounds like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree where his daughter is concerned but you really can’t blame her for her actions to a point - she envys your children being with her dad on a full time basis and she can’t be there all the time - kids have to show their emotions some how and unfortunately most of the time it’s done in a negative way just to get the attention from the parent they don’t get to spend a lot of time with. The boyfriend on the other hand needs to get his head out of his rearend and get off that high horse - you owe him nothing whether you get child support or not that is money for your children’s well being, a roof over their heads, food for their bellies and clothes on their back not to be given to him for any reason. A relationship shares the responsiblity of all children not just all on the one parent and in this case you - If it were me I would ask that he move out and grow up bc he seems like a freeloader to me and you are the primary on the lease and you can have his name removed just like you had it added and most landlords would rather lose one tenant and still have one than to lose you both - talk with your landlord about getting him removed and go back to being a great single mom - you or your kids don’t deserve the negativity from him or his child. Good luck and always know your worth you are better than what is being given to you and so are your kids. God Bless.


Don’t be down on yourself get your pride back and tell him to leave you don’t need that kind of grief.

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No go to the management and have his name taken off the lease tell them he is not paying his part of things and that your not with him Anymore and want him out

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No disrespect. I’m a woman like you and believe me I made mistakes. I have grown daughters so I’m not putting you down ok .But these men show us their colors before making the Choices that was made ,and we choose to ignore it . However it’s not too late to make make the right decision and "you " know what that is . All the best to you I pray

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If daddy can be a child and not behave why should she?

Get rid of the bf…he isn’t worth the time of day…he is immature and not ready to be in a relationship, let alone be a parent.

How long have you been in this relationship , that’s what I would like to know, before u moved him in?

Kick him and his spoilt daughter out even if you have to break the lease with his name on it. Hate men like that.

Film everything with a spy camera and then show her dad

Walk out and stay out. It WILL only get worse.

And you didn’t see any red flags before marriage?

see before the internet this was the way to solve big problems do a mind dump on paper then pros and cons. I’m guessing half the Bill’s are the only pro. you can get a roomate

Don’t allow yourself or daughters to be alone with her. She is there to see her Dad. If he isn’t participating with her while she visits then she shouldn’t visit and that’s :100: on him.

It’s not going to get better until you put your foot down. Give him a month to move out and work on himself with his child. If he wants to work things out you can test the waters again after figuring out if he has learned some responsibilities or not. then make your choices accordingly

From my own past experiences… kick his ASS to the curb…he will never change, n he is using you for a free ride…u are like sugar mama to him. Trust me I went through the same crap too and all it did was tare me down mentally right along with my children however they were a lot older than yours. Also look at it from this point of view as well… U are basically teaching your children that it’s ok to be treated in this manner by a man… sorry I don’t mean to sound harsh I just know from my own experience that it’s better to get out now. Best of luck…

Pack his stuff up for him and change the locks. Don’t allow anyone to steal your joy or that of your girls. They are your responsibility, so do what’s right for them.

Run run run, pack your kids up and run.

If he’s this awful why are you with him? Why would you want your youngest daughter sleeping with a man?

Get rid of him. If he doesn’t get along with your kids. It’s a deal breaker. Kick his ass out!

What exactly is your question? You never mentioned one good thing about him. Surely you can figure this out.

Girl, you’re dragging an anchor. Time to cut it loose.

get rid of him. he sounds like my drug addict dead husband. he was so me me me. and the things he used to say… for the sanity and safty of your children leave

You can have his name taken off the lease. If you talk to your landlord if she/He is understanding they can do that and its not a big deal. It sounds like you’re paying the bills anyway. Get away from him. He is toxic.:heart: I wish you the best of luck.

What do you even want him for!?. Can you even read this? Kick his ass out before he becomes a danger to your girls! He doesn’t love your girls, you think your girls are comfortable around him? He is absolutely useless! Be a good role model to your babies ! Kick him out … find a new place to stay ect but he needs to go and NOW.

Drop him quickly… While you can💯


This is emotional/mental abuse. Get out now before it gets harder.


He needs to leave, sweetie. Sooner the better.

That’s a catch you need to THROW BACK IN THE WATER!

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Take the piece of crap to court evict him

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Love on . don’t look back. This is NOT good for you or your girls. Best of luck to you.

Omg get away fast not worth the stress for you and your kids trust me I will really get worse as time goes on don’t waste your precious life and your kids lives on this dude!!

He’s a child, not a man. Don’t let yourself stay in a toxic environment.

Il be saying …by felicia …not worth it …sorry you going thru this …thou …

Raise your children. When they are out of the house, get a boyfriend. Simple.

Throw his ass out before things get any worse