My boyfriend asked for another girls only fans

Okay, so something kind of similar happened a few years ago. My husband wasnt doing this crazy stuff but he was refusing to delete someone I was very uncomfortable with as they were being flirty and I knew he was developing feelings for her.
He told me he wouldn’t delete her because he didn’t want to hurt her feelings.
I told my him he’s choosing their feelings over mine and that’s totally F’d up so he either loses her or loses me. He didn’t see that point of view until I said it. So he ended up deleting her and we worked things out and are better than ever.

If she has been an issue previously though…and he’s got other girls besides her sitting on his pics…idk. I feel like I’d leave if I found all of that after already having past issues with said persons.

As the saying goes…fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, well…fuck ya! bye bitch!

Trust is gone cut your losses lovely you will be forever looking over your shoulder wondering if he is faithful x


Wow I would have ran along time ago. Please leave !!!

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So he cares more about being “rude” to her yet your feelings don’t matter. As far as I am concerned he has already answered your question.

You need a new man girl :wink:


Be gone red flag smacking you in face

She’s not the problem. A Women can come at your man all day very day. And it’s his choice to act, it’s his choice to cheat, it’s his choice to reply no women can make him cheat or comment or like a picture.
He’s the problem he’s responsible for his actions.


You’ll be better off


Sounds like you two are fighting over nothing. Be happy we have only one life. He is with you , that means something


Girl friend for 12 years? That’s a RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post: right there. He’s never took you serious. Seems like you know you should leave but you’re staying!:woman_facepalming:t3:


Girl don’t be dumb, kick him out


Leave. He does not respect you at all. And he’s gaslighting you. He cares more for her feeling than yours…


Time kick hi. Out. You do deserve better. Imo.
This woman hasnt given in. Hes the one with the issues and problems.


Get out of there. Efffff that guy!

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Why are you even asking? Clearly there is a giant blinking neon sign saying run like literally reread what you just wrote!? Girl get out, leave, run for the hills this man is not for you!


BOY, BYE!!! Because if he was a real man and happy he wouldn’t be looking for anything else regardless of what it is!!

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Ah she isn’t the issue your man is the issue

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Well even though 2 wrongs don’t make a right… let him feel I’m putting the shoe on the other foot… let him come across messages from guys pictures from guys… let him see how it feels. 12 years is a lot of time to throw away but if stuff like this has been going on throughout those 12 years it’s just been a waste of your time cuz he sounds like a POS

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $15318 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Leave his worthless ass. You can do better. Also, in my personal opinion, if he hasn’t proposed yet he doesn’t see you as “wife” material.

yes, you break up with him.

What you allow will continue. You’re worth more than this. Teach people how to treat you and set your boundaries


Definitely break up - ew.

Break up run run run

First of all, I am sorry you are going through this. It’s a really ugly feeling when you really like the person and they do shit like this. How does he expect you to not feel insecured after he’s he’s the one causing the insecurities by hitting up other women when he is already in a relationship. Hopefully, he realizes what hes doing to jeopardize the relationship and I hope you guys can work it out some how. If he doesn’t change then walking away from that relationship will be the best thing to do. It may not be easy at first but in time you would feel proud of yourself for getting out of that relationship. No more stress. :100::100::100:

Kick him out now, the longer he stays the harder it’ll be! Rip it off like a bandaid :heart:

I would kick his arse out. He moved into your home and he’s disrespecting you get rid of him.

Kick him the fuck out, sorry but your dumb if you stay with him. It’s obvious he’s just using you he most definitely doesn’t want you nor loves you.

Yeah, I would never put up with someone else begging for another person’s only fans, especially someone he could he knows and could easily hook up with. That is completely disrespectful to you and your relationship. The is not a boy to cry over


Get you a side boyfriend see how he feels :wink: it’s not cheating he’s just insecure


Kick him out for good. He doesn’t respect you if he’s doing that ! You deserve so much better! I been there. My ex was a lying cheating sneak ! He got caught and denied everything saying I was insecure blah blah blah. Boy Bye !

Honey you already know the answer and you’re trying to find something to justify it but truth is there is nothing to justify his actions. He’s completely in the wrong. Time to tell him to hit the road Jack! A man that truly loves YOU will only have eyes for you!


Re-read what you just wrote, than pretend this was your best friend, daughter etc asking for the same advise. What would you say to them?


Run as fast as u can!!! :running_woman:t3:

What is his bond with her? Do they have children together? If it’s innocent he wouldn’t need to hide it from you…let him go if he can’t value your feelings. “Gaslighting”
Walk now…it’s a formal of abuse and manipulation.

Why do you keep posting about him?
Apparently he’s a jerk!


You aren’t stuck, you’re scared of change. He doesn’t respect your boundaries and is not going to. Respect yourself and leave.


Fuck that. Move on, he knows it’s wrong and doesn’t care so why stay?

You’re staying with him why???

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $19503 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Screw him. What a inconsiderate asshole. He knows it bothers you and just doesn’t care.

If he’s unwilling to possible hurt another woman’s feelings to protect yours, he isn’t the one sis.


If he has to hide it from you it’s cheating. He’s not going to change its been 12 years of doing this shit to you. he thinks he can do whatever he wants and you will let him get away with it. Go find somebody that won’t talk to females behind your back life is too short.

Are you a tree? What are you waiting for? You don’t feel good about this. He’s not changing or stopping when you ask him to- there isn’t a question. It’s your life too. If he needs OF over you and your relationship. You leave. It doesn’t matter if he’s cheating. You have asked him more than once to let her and her OF go and he chooses not real people and that. You choose being single and someone else. I’m not sure what exactly he’s adding to your life but he’s apparently ok with disrespecting you. Honestly if he knows it’s upsetting and he doesn’t care about you at all. He’s a rude immature ahole. I’d leave. You are the only one who can say enough is enough.

Change is hard so alot of woman won’t leave abusive situations, however life will be so much more peaceful if they did. Leave!!! This guy is gaslighting you and making it sound like you are the person with the problem. Don’t be afraid of the change or being on your own, you will be able to get through it. Don’t allow this man to manipulate your feelings when you know what he is doing is wrong.


12 years is hard to walk away from but toxic is toxic. One day you will wake up and find that you don’t need that type of person in your life. It took me 15 and 1/2 years. But you can find happiness in yourself and with someone else. Just have to take that leap. And it’s going to be scary for a while but you can do it.


If you felt the need to hack into an account,he should be gone.

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Seriously? You can’t change hi mand he hasn’t learned from his past mistakes. I’d be so far gone it isnt even funny notnworth the time or energy to even spend to him about it

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You already know the answer to this. Move on and find someone better

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:running_woman::running_woman::running_woman: I’m sorry hun.

Red flags. That’s sounds like a narcissist tool

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Boyfriend of 12 years? He has no intention of making you his wife


Better question is why are you still with him.


That’s disgusting, don’t stay with a little “boy” like that, he has no respect for you at all obviously!! Kick him to the curb! :relieved:


If he doesn’t respect your feelings and boundaries within the relationship its time to move on.

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It’s as simple as this. There is NO reason to stay with someone who doesn’t respect you, or whom you cannot trust.


Girl tell that guy bye.

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You know the answer and sorry your dealing with this. I always wonder how these types of guy’s would react if you were doing the same to him.

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Anger generally means guilt. Drop the loser and move on. There ARE decent men out there.

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Trust your Intuition

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He doesn’t respect you and you don’t trust him leave

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Sounds like there is alot of issues, trust, respect, if you don’t trust then you need to not live together for one, maybe try living apart and work on everything if you both don’t agree then you need to move on.

Hes immature and you don’t need the headache

It’s disrespectful. If you’ve voiced your opinion and he’s more worried about how it will make the other girl feel than how you feel, he’s not for you. Move on. He should value you and your relationship above other girls. Period. He told another girl he loved her? I’d have been gone at that point. That’s a hard no for me.

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Sometimes the devil sends your ex back your way to confirm if you are really :woman_shrugging:t5::roll_eyes: hope that helps u out :blush:


Pack his shit and have it out on the porch!

12 years… and just moving in and hes done things like this before. Dump his assssss. Dont waste another second with this man.

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $17290 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Why are you even asking. Dont be that girl. Dump his ass. You should have done that as soon as you seen the stuff why even ask him. Clearly he is a dead beat loser and if you stay what does that say about you. Love yourself enough to let him go hun, you will be better for it and hes not worth losing yourself for.

Are you really asking if you should break up with this guy??? I mean if finding out he’s still cheating on you with the same girl and is adamant about keeping her in his ofie why would you even want to stay??? I’m so confused on what makes women stay with guys like this.


Apparently he don’t give a damn about your feelings. Girl,you should be kicking him tf out instead of on here asking what you should do🤷🏻‍♀️

l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $20331 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

You deserve better :two_hearts:

Do you need someone else to validate that he doesn’t respect you at all?

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Girl, bye! You know what to do.

Are people really this dumb?


Rude for him?!?! What about the respect level for you? It’s a problem if anyone who is supposed to love you doesn’t respect your feelings, particularly when there was issues with a particular woman. That’s not insecurities that’s gaslighting on his part and I would take it as a red flag

Kick him to the curb!

Instead of making ur feelings valid he blew up. He won’t change cuz he sees nothing wrong with his behavior. Move on n go find a good guy …there’s plenty out there.

I went through that for years. Turns out it was all true. Ge seen several different women an had a back up email an fb he was talking to all kinda od women. Then when I found out he blamed it on me. Huge red flag. Save yourself the heartache an let him go

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I look at it this way if you snooping I’m and find something you don’t like you deserve it for snooping ! Harsh I know but if you knew how many times I read things like this

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Honestly if he won’t delete her, he doesn’t truly respect u.

Do u really want to live your life constantly wondering, snooping, worrying if hes up to something because thats how it’ll be from now on…move on

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What a douche u deserve better, he doesn’t respect you at all, I would be leaving like awhile ago so u need to leave him and respect urself enough to do what needs to be done for you

i’d leave the guy if he wants to act like that

Throw him away. The only reason they won’t let you delete them is so they can continue to cheat. He’s gaslighting. He won’t change. Throw the whole man out and start over sis. Know your worth. You DESERVE better queen! :crown::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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:woman_facepalming:t4: This girl will ALWAYS be an issue because your boyfriend has a thing for her. As I read what you wrote, I’m just wondering what will be the last straw. :thinking: The extra Facebook account didn’t do it, begging a female to do only fans again didn’t do, finding pictures of a girl that he ADMITTED he loved didn’t do it, him flipping out on you because he was busted didn’t do it and REFUSING to delete this girl because he didn’t want to hurt HER feelings didn’t do it. So exactly how MANY ways does this boy have to show you that he doesn’t really want you hun? You WASTED 12 YEARS of your life! I wouldn’t waste another second. There’s a man somewhere out there that’s perfect for you and will put your feelings first but you’re wasting your time with a :clown_face: who’s chasing other women. :woman_shrugging:t4:


l get paid over $110 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $11631 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Details HERE…

Run for your life! Don’t look back! Your body is telling you!

If he’s doing all that he has no respect for you or your relationship. If it was me, I’d be done.

It’s not the girl that’s an issue or other women that’s an issue. Your man is the issue! Why let him embarrass you like that? Leave him


Kick him tfo. Like yesterday. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. Men don’t do this to the person by they love

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He sounds exactly like my ex husband. Emphasis on the ex. Except his obsession was barely legal p*rn. Walk away honey because the way he just completely disregarded how you feel…tells you exactly where he stands. It won’t get better. Let him go

Then he won’t mind if you behave in the same way.


You are being a roof over his head. You aren’t in a relationship, you are his roommate, and his benefits when he doesn’t feel like running around with wood in his pocket. Wake up and kick him to the curb

She isn’t the issue he is .:smirk:


Run fast and keep running.

Yeah, that’s not cool! Hes with you, your the one he should be worried about hurting feelings not someone else, it’s never easy to walk away but you definitely deserve better than that! You shouldn’t feel like your competing for your man if your already in a relationship! And quite frankly it sounds like he doesn’t deserve you either! Good luck with whatever you choose to do :green_heart:

Girl :woman_facepalming: do you even need to ask us


Throw the whole man away and move on… major red flags and no respect for you

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