My Boyfriend Asked My Kids if They Liked I'm More Than My Exes

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"My boyfriend is questioning my children. I just found out from my daughter that my boyfriend asked her……”out of my exes who she likes more”…like who does that?? So I ask said boyfriend if he asked my kid that and he said and I quote “I wanted to see if the kids like me most” Now, I already know how I’m going to handle this and I plan to end things with him. (there is other nonsense I refuse to put up with) Just thought I’d get other’s opinion on this to really make sure I’m not just being “too much”"

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"That’s super weird, I’m sorry but my kids don’t need to tell you this to boost your ego and don’t put my children in a potentially uncomfortable situation."

"It’s a tad weird, but he might just genuinely want to make sure he’s doing a good job as the guy who’s dating their mom…"

"Maybe he just wants to whether your kids really like him before the relationship gets more serious and theres talk about marriage."

"No one should ask a kid a weird question like that. Puts the kid on the spot. What would he have done if the kid chooses someone else ? Red flag all over and very immature."

"Yeah, that’s creepy. Don’t involve kids into insecurities. It would be one thing to ask if they like him or enjoy spending time with him, but asking about ex’s… definitely weird."

"If this was the only thing, I’d say yes you’re overreacting. But this seems to be the straw that broke the camels back I guess."

"He probably just wanted to see if the kids like him."

"Not a question to ask kids but he probably didn’t think it through and just wanted to know if they like him."

"Children should not be put in the middle of adult shit. Hes fishing and he’s using the kids I myself would of never done that with my husband son."

"I mean he probably really just wanted to know if they liked him, tell him u don’t like him questioning the kids like that"

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