My Boyfriend Changed After Our Child Was Born and I Don't Even Want to Leave the Baby Alone With Him: Advice?

We have a special needs daughter and my husband puts on a grand show in front of people with our now 5 year old. It really ticks me off when people gush over how wonderful a father he is and how lucky I am to have such a wonderful father for my daughter. I want to tell people, come to my house and watch him in action. I promise you will NOT be impressed. And my husband WAS a wonderful father to his older son(not my child) because he had to be. The boys mom just kind of abandoned him after she lost in court. Didn’t try one lick with him like the courts ordered. So my husband worked extra hard to be what this boy needed. Now he’s a 18 smartass know it all with mommy issues. I did what I could for him as stepmom, which was a lot but I’m not mom. And it’s like he resents ME for it. Trust me, you aren’t wrong in not doing for this child. They often times go back to their roots and forget the ones who did EVERYTHING for them growing up. Focus on YOUR kid.


Sounds like he is cheating and you trapped him with the baby so he resents you both for it! You and your child deserve better you need to leave and if you don’t well then you are allowing yourself and your baby to be treated like trash .

Leave him. If after seven years and a child and he’s not willing to commit by getting married why are you still there? Obviously you don’t need his financial help so why live with such negativity it’s not healthy for you or your child.


You are already raising your child as a single parent without help from the child’s father. No need to support 2 children, kick dad to the curb

You say he doesn’t support the baby, doesn’t buy diapers, doesn’t go places, so dun things, take photos, go to appointments… Not to be harsh, I realise this is a very tough time for you (I was a single mum to two young girls not that long ago, I know what it’s like), but seriously - why haven’t you left yet? You and that baby deserve a good happy life and all the very best things the world has to offer, so how long do you put up with a total bum of a man before freeing yourself and your child and moving on to a better future? You know what you need to do, and I hope you find the courage to do it soon.

When you can no longer trust your partner with the child both of you made, it’s time to leave. What are you waiting for, to be physically hurt?

You don’t know what to do? Leave. It’s pretty obvious he’s an abusive and horrible person. You need to protect your cool and yourself. Get out now.

If your gut is telling you not to leave your child with him, that speaks volumes. You need to leave. That’s a huge red flag.

My ex was like this
He ended up being voilent to our 3 year old and he was gone on that same night
A lot of stuff I’ve put up with but my kids will not live with that x

Get rid anyone can be a sperm donor ,takes a real man to be a dad ,and besides that raising a child on your own is hard but worth every minute without assholes

Take the baby and move on without him

Leave while you still can Be safe!!!

Soooo why are you still with him? A narcissist is a narcissist and will never change. Time to go.

Leave him immediately

He is toxic. Leave him.

You already know, you just don’t want to admit it. You been together so long that ur use to rollin over when he throws a fit. If he isn’t there for you, literally plan your days n life without him… it’ll eat at him, I know I’ve done it. Physically remove yourself, go for walks, friends, fuck take yourself out one night, tell him too. I don’t feel safe with you alone with the baby so I got a babysitter.
Get your confidence back! Be more independent with yourself emotionally, physically etc.

Leave him! He can be dangerous and most certainly is not a mature adult. Get rid of him!

He is jealous. Sounds simple to fix but it isn’t. You are right to never leave the baby alone with him. This is going to damage little boys development if you stay. Imagine living with someone who resents and dislikes you no matter how you try to please them.

I know it’s unconventional but are you on good enough terms with his ex (the other child’s mom) to ask her what her experience was and why they aren’t together? She may be able to offer some valuable insight and if he treated her the same way, it could provide her some closure as well. If she had the same experience, then you really know it’s him and he’s not going to change.
It does sound as if he is jealous of the baby and I’ve seen more than one couple divorce over that kind of selfish and narcissistic behavior. I’m sorry you’re going through this. Stay strong.

He has always been a self centered narcissist - now he has competition (the baby). Leave him in the dust! Especially for the sake of your baby.

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