My Boyfriend Changed After Our Child Was Born and I Don't Even Want to Leave the Baby Alone With Him: Advice?


"My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years and have a 16-month-old together. Ever since the baby was born, I’m starting to see a different side to him. Almost narcissistic like.

He’s very angry and snaps quickly. And for this, he’s never been left alone with the baby. I just have this feeling of it not being the best idea due to comments and actions. But with that being said, he could care less to try and help. Only in front of people, so it looks as if he helps.

He has an older child from a previous relationship, and I believe he has extreme guilt issues from the way he has grown up. He won’t do anything with the baby and me unless his other child is around. It’s almost as if we don’t exist.

He won’t help buy diapers, Christmas and birthday gifts, doesn’t show up for doctors’ appointments, won’t take pictures, won’t go to events, etc. but will provide that for his other child. And I used to help with his child but not anymore.

It’s extremely frustrating to watch him treat our baby that way. He says I provide and do all these fun things that he doesn’t need to provide for the baby. He still expects me to help him with his child, BUT if you can’t even show up for our child, why would I help you… I REFUSE to have our baby and myself pay for the decisions he made in the past. I guess I’m just lost as to what I should do or how I should feel."

RELATED QUESTION: How can I make my husband understand that I need his help?


“If you are not comfortable leaving your baby alone with him, you already know your answer, honey.”

“There seems to be a lot of stories like this on this site – makes me sad. I had hoped this younger generation would be better than when I was a young mom. There is only one answer: start making plans to be independent and get a divorce. People do NOT change – he is showing his true colors(he probably was before you just did not want to see it).”

“There is such a thing as postpartum depression for men. Maybe discuss with him how you’re feeling and discuss therapy and/or couples counseling to see what’s wrong. If he’s defensive and doesn’t want to work on your relationship, you probably shouldn’t stay…”

“My first husband was the exact same way. I tried to tell myself everything was fine. After he shook my infant daughter and screamed in her face, I left him.”

“Leave, you’re pretty much doing it alone. Might as well actually do it alone and be happier. Think of your child they don’t need that type of negativity in their life, they can feel your stress. It will do you both a world of good just to get out on your own.”

“You already said you don’t trust him to be with the baby alone. That’s your answer. You also said you are doing it by yourself. So, why are you even there?”

“If you don’t trust him alone with the baby that’s enough reason to leave and file for emergency full custody.”

“This is EXACTLY how my ex-husband acted after our daughter was born. He became violent and abusive towards me and our family dog. He wouldn’t lift a finger to help with our preemie and would act like he couldn’t hear her colicky cries when she literally played in the bed between us because I was exhausted. Too much to tell but girl I say take your baby and run for the hills! If you’re already providing the necessities for your baby like he said you are, then you can do it without him around!! Prayers for your health and happiness sweetie.”

“It sounds like you are on the right track… re-evaluating this relationship. If you come to the conclusion that it is not working for you or your child and is detrimental to you and your child, then you need to move on in a swift manner.”

“I left my husband of 12 years after we had two babies, 16 months apart. I won’t go into all the details but I would never leave him alone with our kids. I would literally wait until they were asleep at night before I would take a shower. This was a little over two years ago. Best decision I ever made. My kids are now 4 & 5 and perfectly fine. I’m engaged to an amazing man who is a wonderful father to my boys.”

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He could also be jealous of the attention you are giving the child & feeling neglected .
So rather than step up & help to give you more time for him., he resorts to lashing out …Could have been part of the problem in his previous relationship.


Girl leave that man in the dust. What’s the point of him being around if he don’t want to be involved?


Well first off after 7 years and your not married time to get your kid and haul ass


The one thing I realized in life is dont waste time… it is the only thing in life that you cannot get back… spend it wisely m…

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If he feels neglected he needs to talk to you about it . No excuse for the way he’s acting RUN! He won’t change!


You aren’t at a loss as to what you should do, you already know. You just aren’t ready to act on it yet. Be strong :heart:

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He could have postnatal depression it does happen in men more than you think

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Why would you keep a piece of crap guy like this around? Leave his ass. I don’t get women who stay with men like this. It’s a no brainer.


Its hard but he doesnt want to be a dad. Its that simple.


Don’t let him treat you that way or your child…if he’s not helping financially you may as well be on your own …I’d leave file for child support if you need to I wouldn’t waste anymore of your time with him …life is to short and precious


Uh break up with him dude

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Solid signs of narcissism, please go don’t stay. You deserve to feel healthy and happy, It doesn’t get better It will get worse.

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Dump his sorry ass … You or your child don’t deserve that bs …


Talk to him or tell him to go seek help. It seems hes got something on his mind. Maybe hes jealous? Or hes feeling pressure about something. His behavior sucks but idt you should leave after 7 yrs in a snap bc of it. If he refuses to talk or seek help w whatever it is then yes, leave get full custody and child support.

girl it’s time to pack you and the kids up and get out of there without him knowing about it make sure you have somebody with you in case he flips out.

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Simply put , he’s not ready and/or can’t handle the responsibility of family. A happy man doesn’t treat his family that way. I think he’s hurting you so that you move on and he’s no longer “ tied down”.


Leave him now before it gets worse


Some of these other ppl may b right. He may b jealous. And some ppl just arent able to b parents. Doesnt make them a bad person persay but i think its time to move on. If he can’t b there for you and the child then you will b better off without him. Pls do make sure and file for child support if u leave

Why would you stay with a man you don’t trust to leave alone with the baby?


A lot of narcissist fixate on a dog or child and pretend that they fuss over them and truly care about them but you’ll see gaps in that caring that don’t make sense. If you are very maternal towards him and now you have a baby he could just be jealous because they are like that it sounds like what he is. You should read up on narcissist they’re not something that is easy to deal with or that you would even want to if you know what they were about I will bet you’ll find a lot of similarities besides these

HE is a damn NESTER…self absorbed nester only staying because its a comfort zone. lose the baggage…

Think you should leave him…Why have him around if hes not going to be a father to your child.?? Doesnt help out financially…What good is he???


All these people coming down on the guy after reading one side of the story, her side. Smh. There is more to this than she is telling. And I read a lot of assumtions from her about why he is the way he is, not one mention of his actual thoughts or reasons. I have a gut feeling that he didnt want another child, she did want a child so she did what many women foolishly do and got pregnant anyway. Just a hunch. Now she expects him to feel a certain way about the child…and he simply doesnt.
I could be wrong bit without ALL the information…we will never know.


For your child’s well being and yours it’s time to get the hell out of there and I’m sure you didn’t need us to tell you that for if you don’t feel it’s safe to leave the child alone with him you crazy even having to ask. Grow up and be a mother to your child and first step is to see your child is in a safe and loving home.

Men can actually get post-partum depression too… just saying

It could be that he might need some alone time and space or perhaps yous could consider a baby siter or have family members you trust to look after bub while yous go out on a date nights maybe once or twice a week to reconnect with each other. I was like that witb my daughter until I realised that its OK to be selfish hear and there and its very important for mums and dad to. You can’t give other people including your children the very best and and better you if you are both physically and mentally drained and not feeling your best if that fails then it could be time to call it quits

He needs counseling. If you want to stick around and try to fix him…you’ll be miserable. He needs help


There is such a thing as postpartum depression for men. Maybe discuss with him how you’re feeling and discuss therapy and/or couples counseling to see what’s wrong. If he’s defensive and doesn’t want to work on your relationship, you probably shouldn’t stay…


I would say run. Seriously. He definitely shouldn’t be trusted alone with the baby.Im just being honest, in my opinion.
Do what’s best for the Baby 1st, then you as well.


there seems to be a lot of stories like this on this site–makes me sad. I had hoped this younger generation would be better than when I was a young mom. There is only one answer --start making plans to be independent and get a divorce. People do NOT change–he is showing his true colors(he probably was before you just did not want to see it)


i would leave for the baby


sis, you need to leave him…hes never going to change…


Why are you still with this man? You can be with somwone who adores you and your precious child. Don’t put you or your baby thru hell.


Pack ya bags and leave. Cause it may get worst.

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Go file for child support and take care of your child.


It sounds like you are on the right track… re-evaluating this relationship. If you you come to the conclusion that it is not working for you or your child, and is detrimental to you and your child than you need to move on in a swift manner.


My first husband was the exact same way. I tried to tell myself everything was fine. After he shook my infant daughter and screamed in her face, I left him.


Wow sounds like he is feeling guilty but like you said that’s not your fault or the babies men are crazy when ever I see a narcissist around me I just do as they do with a little bit of drama and a whole lot of exaggeration and for some reason it changes them they start acting normal :rofl: lol try it

My daughter and I were together til she was 7, and I met a man who us in the process of adopting her as his own.


If you are not comfortable leaving your baby alone with him, you already know your answer, honey.


Two words. Child support. Leave him and have him help financially only. His loss.


Leave for the baby and you hunny xx

I get to the point where I realize I needed to stop worrying about the guy and his problems and focus on me and my child he has almost nothing to do with her. I mean when he married somebody he made a big deal about her being in the wedding but didn’t even take pictures of her. Literally a publicity stunt but other than that I don’t hear from him he never takes her never sends money hasn’t even asked me how she was. It looks like he’s literally groomed you to take care of everything concerning this child for him and that he just complains later that you do have all the fun stuff so he’s there’s nothing left for him to do well he should get it done then. this is all just a big pile of excuses and whatever your feeling is the right feeling. If she feels so bad about his past he’ll change what he’s doing currently

Fun fact. Men do get ppd ppp or ppa too when kids are born.

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Thro the whole man away

Nvm. I fully read the post :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: my bad

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You need to leave him! Nothing else to say. Don’t stay with him, you and your baby will be treated worse as time goes by.

Leave, file for full custody and child support.


Show him the door and file for child support.

LEAVE! You And The baby deserve better!

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This is EXACTLY how my ex-husband acted after our daughter was born. He became violent and abusive towards me and our family dog. He wouldn’t lift a finger to help with our preemie and would act like he couldn’t hear her colicky cries when she literally layed in the bed between us because I was exhausted. Too much to tell but girl I say take your baby and run for the hills! If your already providing the necessities for your baby like he said you are, then you can do it without him around!! Prayers for your health and happiness sweetie :heart:


I’d definitely run you have your answer already you don’t trust him around your kid that’s enough right there to get out away from him your child should come first #1 and he obviously ain’t putting the child first got to stand up for your child and do what’s best for your child run as fast as you can and get your child away from him and yourself cause it will only get worse but in the end it’s up to you wish you the best of luck

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I stopped reading when you said you are afraid to leave your child with him. Doesn’t matter how you word it, that’s what the word salad you chose means. If you don’t trust him around your child alone what about when you shower, or sleep, or are cooking and cleaning? All of those times you aren’t hovering over your baby? Leave. Like immediately.

Also, it’s probably not so much that he’s changed since you had the baby and more so YOU have changed. You became a mother and you notice things you may not have really paid attention to before, or realize just how fucked up people are because you’re now looking at people mainly how their behavior can effect your child.

Do you live in the same house? Was the baby planned? Seems odd. Maybe he has postpartum depression? Its not just women who get it. Also my husband does more fun outdoor peopley activities with our kids and I do most of the indoor chore type work with our kids. We both buy them things as its “our money” i have a 9 yr old and we both do things with her as well (not his biological child) talk to him tell you what you expect from him if he doesn’t start trying id leave. If you’re afraid of him being alone with the baby if file full custody and have him sign off all rights

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if he cared about you would be married with a ring on your finger-don’t just settle for anything

Dump his ass and run like fuck take baby with you

I think you answered all of your questions when you decided it isn’t safe to leave the baby alone with him. Run…


Never ever doubt your gut feeling. Also I’m not saying this in a grouchy way, but something I have learned the hard and long way. People only treat you how you allow them to. It’s the best advice I was ever given. It took me years to put my foot down in marriage, and once I did everything changed for the better. It was hard at first, but I realized I don’t have to put up with crap, and I don’t want my kids growing up feeling like crap because dad’s acting like a child. So stand up and say it’s this way or the highway. At this point what do you have to lose?

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My ex did this too… he’s my ex for a reason. He’s had other children since as well and I’m sure he’s not helping with that one either.

I guess there’s a reason why he’s not with his first baby momma anymore… maybe you should try getting some space away from him. Then once he sees he might be losing you he’ll try to be more understand ?

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You already said you don’t trust him to be with the baby alone. Thats your answer. You also said you are doing it by yourself. So, why are you even there?


I left my husband of 12 years after we had two babies, 16 months apart. I won’t go into all the details but I would never leave him alone with our kids. I would literally wait until they were asleep at night before I would take a shower. This was a little over two years ago. Best decision I ever made. My kids are now 4 & 5 and perfectly fine. I’m engaged to an amazing man who is a wonderful father to my boys.


If you don’t trust him with y’all’s child, obviously leave!


I feel like at this point it’s not fixable. My opinion would be for you to leave and do it alone. I wouldn’t want my child to live with someone who doesn’t love them. & I wouldn’t want the stress of trying to fix it either. Goodluck mama. Sounds to me like you’re in a relationship with yourself. :pensive:

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:eyes::eyes::eyes: what’s the point of him being around if he’s not benefiting in any way possible… and you don’t feel safe leaving ur baby with him :sweat_smile: red flagsss


If you cant trust him alone with your baby, leave.


He has post partum depression as a dad. He wants nothing to do with baby.
It’s really hard to make him understand this condition and u may not be able to.
I left and that made my ex a better father.
Idk sometimes it works to leave and sometimes it’s the same behavior. If u leave and file in court for custody and parenting time U won’t be able to get him supervised visit if he hasn’t put a bruise on baby. So u will have split parenting schedule and will have to leave baby with him overnights. Or u can stay and try to get him some help and if he doesn’t want help then just deal with this life. Truly sad and difficult decision.
He’s not helping because he’s selfish and noticed u don’t need his help cuz u do it all. Maybe he is feeling guilty regardless tho he should be able to be a parent to both kids. He doesn’t know how to bond with the baby and is not trying at all.
You can suggest setting up a joint acct for the kids and counseling. If he refuses then tell him it’s killing your relationship and that will have to leave. When u leave don’t wait long and file in court.
If he’s truly narcissistic
You can’t get through him. Leave


leave, your pretty much doing it alone. might as well actually do it alone and be happier.
think of your child they don’t need that type of negativity on their life, they can feel your stress.
will do you both a world of good just to get out on your own.


He was probably always like that. You just didn’t see it or didn’t want to. I’d run away with that baby, fast.


I know a lot that act this way unfortunately. I would go with your gut with this one don’t leave the baby with him.


Leave and file for emergency full custody


Leave ur already doing it all your self no point for him to be there


You need to leave clearly you don’t feel safe and the baby isn’t safe. Restraining order and file for full custody


Honey, it’s time to go.


I’m so sorry you are going through this. My boyfriend favors his daughters and will move mountains for them and doesn’t do anything for the son we have together. He even took back his birthday presents he got him for his 1st birthday and they were already a month late so he probably didn’t really buy him anything but just said he did. I’m praying for you and your baby.

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All of this is bad but the real :triangular_flag_on_post: is that you have a feeling you shouldn’t leave him alone with the baby. Sounds like a pretty clear cut case of your intuition telling you to run far and fast. You should listen. Don’t you think your baby deserves a safer situation? Do you really think a guy who isn’t even worthy of your trust deserves to be your baby’s Father?


There are several different things going on so I will do my best to address what I can from the little information provided. First is your relationship with your boyfriend. Second is the relationship between your boyfriend and your child and his eldest child and Third is your relationship with your boyfriends child. I am assuming there is no emotional or physical abuse going on and will not be giving you advise based on projecting my relationship to yours.

Your relationship with your boyfriend changed when your child was born because you’ve changed. You have matured into a mother role and are taking on that responsibility whole heartedly and expect him to as well. It will not happen at the same time. I’m going to assume your boyfriend works and you are a SAHM or maybe you worked prior to the baby being born but it has changed now. It’s time to revisit your roles and expectations of each other. Sit down by yourselves and talk about what each of you expect from one another. Respectfully accept what he tells you he can or cannot do, what and how you are willing to compromise, and if he tells you he absolutely cannot do something you really need him to do, revisit it at a later time. Validate what he is saying to you. My husband had a hard time with all three of our children. All three times we were on the brink of divorce because he just could not help. We went to counseling and the counselor told me “he is clearly telling you he is having a hard time watching the baby while you are at work. That is his truth no matter how wrong it is.” Basically you cannot force someone into a role they are not ready for. Is it fair, absolutely not. The question is, is it worth leaving the entire relationship or is there another area where he does shine and is spectacular in.

Next is the relationship with your child and his. (I’m saying your child as I have no other way of differentiating the two children) how was your boyfriend before you two had a child with his oldest child. That can give you a preview of what type of father he was going to be. I’m not talking about custody or exes or any of that. When your boyfriend was around his oldest child, how did he treat him? How much effort was really put into that child? It sounds like the moment your child was born, he realized what he has been doing wrong with the oldest and is trying to make it right. He doesn’t have to worry about you nor the new baby because in his eyes you three are a unit. He is trying to compensate for the oldest child, like you said, out of guilt, but he’s going about it in a wrong way. You are allowing your jealousy of his relationship with his eldest child affect your relationship with him and his eldest child and I think that is the root of your problem. He has to work through his guilt or your child will pay. It’s almost as if loving your child reminds him of how much his oldest child is missing out on. His child is in the middle alone in between two families. That would eat up any parent.

Lastly is your relationship with his child. I will say this, IT IS NOT THAT CHILDS FAULT THAT HIS FATHER IS NOT BEING A GOOD FATHER TO YOUR CHILD. When you date a person with children, you need to accept that child wholeheartedly. It takes time to genuinely love another child but just like our own children, it’s the tough times that bring you all closer. Take a different approach. If you want a tight knit family, then show him you are willing to work for it, ALL MEMBERS INCLUDED. Make a fun game night and let his child be the star. Your child is still to small but have the eldest be your helper in organizing everything. Let them choose the snacks and arts and crafts. Let your boyfriend see you take charge of family night and he should follow suit. Just at home where he doesn’t have to agree to leave the house. If he doesn’t want to participate, don’t force him. Simply you take the kids and play with them. He will want to join. I am assuming he wants to be present.

The point is only you know if this relationship is salvageable. The kids always have to come first, BOTH kids. I know it sounds like hard work especially if you already do the most, but separating a family is harder. Don’t throw in the towel. There are many more steps to be done prior to ending a family. Bad news is it usually is the woman who takes on the burden. Good news is he can change and things can get better. He needs to forgive himself first. Help him. Good luck.


This is your child daddy. If you feel uncomfortable leaving the child with him than what are you doing staying with him. The child is going to feel this soon enough and that’s going to be a problem and probably reflect on behavior problems.

Ever think it could be postpartum depression? Believe it or not, it’s possible for dads to get it just as it is for mom’s. I would say bring it up at the next appointment for the baby, or see if he’s willing to get help for it. The longer it’s left the worse it could get.


I’d would just leave no f~><¥ giving

If you don’t trust him alone with the baby that’s enough reason to leave and file for emergency full custody


My ex was like this. Didn’t do anything for our kids but expected me & my children to sacrifice for his other son. RUN! It’s going to get worse. Your child will end up with nothing. He’ll find a way to take everything from you. Don’t be stupid like me & expect it to get better. I bet if you do leave him he won’t have anything to do with your kid if you don’t let him control you. Raise your wonderful child a lone. You’ll both be better off.


It’s definitely time to leave

Get rid of him you can’t change a man

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I would definitely part ways with him and hope maybe things will work out in the future.

Listen to your gut, mama… My ex was exactly the same… He hurt my baby… I left… Don’t ignore your mama instincts

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LEAVE is all I need to say… I went through exactly this apart from my ex turned into a worse alcoholic laid his hand on me and that was it told him to fuck off and he seen his son since he was 3-4 months old my son is now 8 months old

You can’t leave your baby with him alone?! His own child…
two words for this.
Get rid.

Sometimes after their child is born they decide that they become jealous of their own child. Don’t leave your child with him.

I know that this is hard to hear but YOU changed. When you become a mother, you change your expectations of life and you change your ways of doing things because everything is about your child now. AND THAT IS EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. My hubby still isn’t an active parent (without an audience) and I couldn’t understand. But (my theory) a after many years of fights and tears I realized that he DIDN’T change much and that was amplified by how much I changed to be a mother. I’m now effectively a single mom to 2 amazing young men who are flourishing. Do what is best for your child always and you will always do the right thing. :kissing_heart:


Why are you even still with him??? Trust your instincts! There’s a reason why you won’t leave your child alone with him.


It doesn’t matter if YOU do provide for your child he still should help. Your baby doesn’t need to feel “less than” because her/his dad grew up a certain way. Sounds like you would be better off alone.


My husband changes while I was pregnant, he loves our son but only does things for show. Trust me it will only get worse! Mine started cheating, became verbally and physically abusive and it got worse and worse… I finally left but the verbal abuse and threats are nonstop. I wouldn’t trust him with your child, leave while you can and get supervised visitation set up if he will do it that way you and your child will be safer and in a healthier situation


Clearly you’re doing it all on your own already so sounds like what good is he? If you don’t trust leaving the baby alone with him trust your gut, and leave him alone. He is making it clear what his priorities are, and just because you provide for you and baby doesn’t mean he shouldn’t help. It took two to make baby and it takes two to care for baby. Baby is already 16 months old, seems like you gave him plenty of time to change things…move on with your life you and baby deserve better.


Dad’s can suffer post partum depression. Many people do not realize or recognize this. I would be concerned this is what is going on with your man.


He should not help. He should do equally as you do. He is your partner, not hired help. He is the father. Wish you all the best with your choice. Don’t know what you should do. It’s your life, but you are creating environment for your baby too. Baby needs happy, healthy mom. :heart:


if you can’t trust your partner alone with your child, its time to go. my husband stayed with his first wife because he knew if he left, she would kill their infant. she was incredibly emotionally abusive towards him and physically abusive towards their daughter. finally, he couldn’t take anymore and decided that he and their daughter deserved better. the bio mom was taken out of the picture due to the courts, no custody and no visitation because she has a long criminal record and has a very bad history with the police from our town so they refused to supervise visits.


I dont think he feels guilty. This has nothing to do with his childhood. You had a child with a man who clearly does not want to be a father. There is a reason he and his other childs mother is no longer together. I can guarantee you his other childs mother had the same problem with him. Cut your losses my dear and move on. You can’t change a man into something he is not or doesn’t want to be.


Can I just say… has he totally changed since the baby come? If this is totally unnatural behaviour for him after 7 years, could he be suffering post natal? The snappiness and anger? If so get him to a gp asap. If this is him, and you knew it but didn’t want to face it, walk away now. A child us better with only one parent, if one doesn’t want to be there x