My boyfriend complains about my kid: Advice?

I’m sorry, but this shouldn’t even be a questioning thing!! He knew your kiddos were part of you when getting together! You need to find someone who treats your kids as if they’re his own! This man needs to be with someone who does not have kids.

Sounds like he is getting cold feet & don’t know how to get out .

Talk to him about it, and if he is upset that you are bothered by this then honestly he should not be around your kids. Kids come first, and he should have realized that when he decided to be in a relationship with you

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Whatever you do, please dont have more kids with him. Hes already shown you he cant handle the ones already there.
Y’all need to have a serious conversation because theres clearly issues there.

Uhm if he doesn’t accept your children then you need to leave. Kids first ALWAYS. Over sny man any job. I have quit two jobs over my kids because they told me i couldnt have my two days off that i wanted because of my older kids live with their father. And i was in management. 2nd told me i couldnt go get my kids from school one day because they called me to go get them…i quit them real quick. Now i get it if he wanted to stay home every so often to have a break. (I had my boy friends first child. She was my 3rd. He tags along with almost everything we do.) Hes asked maybe to stay home a few times (we are going on 3 yrs. And its usually like a kid party or something like that. But i understand. I hate going to kid parties also lol)

Girl run. That man is half out the door he should want you to come and love your children and be there for both. He doesn’t have to parent but he has to be good to you and them.

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Buh bye Felicia…

Your time is up … if a man cant love and respect your children then he doesn’t need to your life period… never choose a man over your kids…


You moved in too fast honey. If he didnt embrace them from the beginning he isnt the right guy and you probably knew it but didnt want to admit it. You can fix this though. its just not the outcome you wanted. Leave now.


I honestly would be like you got thirty days to get the fuck out or clean up your act because I deserve to be treated with respect and my kids don’t deserve to be treated like a nuisance

You deserve MORE. You deserve a man that accepts and loves your children as their own and absolutely nothing less. Do not settle. If not for your own sake, for your children’s. Your children deserve better and unfortunately, this type of behavior won’t change. He’s not going to wake up one day and magically love and accept your children they way you want him to. Be thankful you aren’t finding this out about him after you’re married or had his child.

Leaving is hard but watching your children growing up feeling unloved, I promise you, will be harder. They may not know or understand now but if you keep this dude around as they get older, they absolutely are going to feel like he treats them differently and the resentment will eventually turn to you and the question will be - why would my mom be with someone who couldn’t care less about us?

Every ounce of energy you spend caring about this guy is energy that’s being taken away from you children and that’s not fair. You and your babes deserve better, mama!! Best of luck to you :two_hearts:

Get rid of him your kidos are number 1 period end of story you’ll be much happier with just you and your kids

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Kids are first. He doesn’t deserve you or them babies.

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Here’s a rhetorical question for you.

Is he your BOYFRIEND or your CHILD?

Tell him if he’s not going to pull his weight, then he can head back home to mummy dearest.

You already have 3 kids, you don’t need 4.

And if he tries the whole “It’s not my place to clean up after them” again…
Simply say -

“Right back at ya, honey!”

Stop looking after him, he’s a grown-ass adult.
In addition to that(and this might be a bit spiteful), you could always go out with your kids to places that you know he likes :laughing: say… Dine in at a takeaway joint… If he asks you what’s for dinner…
Not your problem - you already ate :wink:

Seriously though, he’s not a kid.
You are NOT obliged to take care of him.

Why you even asking :woman_facepalming:t2: leave


I can’t believe this is a question. It’s a no brainer. Dump the ass.

He. Would. Be. Out!!


You know the answer…get out. Why would you want your kids to grow up with that life.


seriously the first huge mistake was allowing him to live with you and your children without him making the commitment that he is in it for the duration. Now that you’re in this mess, the only answer is to make him move out. Today. If you do not, those kids will have nothing to do with you when they grow up. If you are committed to your children this is the only answer. Today.

I would part ways. My kids come first.
My moms now ex husband was like that. He was Mr nice guy in the begining (first year 1/2) than he became a asshole. My mom chose him though, sent my siblings and I from a previous relationship away to live elsewhere.

Kick him to the curb

Bought a house together? Or a rental? What a mess. BUT your children are FIRST!! I have quit seeing many because my Son was first in my life. I am not sorry I did. My son lived with me as his Dad was pre-occupied with ‘other’ activities. But please choose your children over this guy. I don’t understand the ‘tag along’ comment. But regardless look after yours!! PLEASE!!

It only being less than a year, I can kinda understand why he would feel and say that. When I first got with my fiancé, I didn’t bring my kid around for at least 6 months. We didn’t move in together until after a year. Mostly for that reason. I didn’t want him to feel he had to take responsibility for my daughter. I waited until he said he would love to help me take care of her. That was almost 9 years ago. Sometimes guys don’t completely understand “parenting” especially when the kids are not his. I’d definitely talk to him. Maybe moving it was to soon. I wouldn’t go straight to breaking up or leaving right then and there. Talk about it… if you can’t talk, don’t be together. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I couldn’t stay with a man that doesn’t love my daughter and enjoy getting time with us both. I can see once in awhile wanting a night alone, but id be gone if he always has an issue with her always being around. I told my boyfriend from the beginning that my daughter and I are a package deal, you take both or none.

Leave he clearly doesn’t like the kids around him.

If he doesnt accept them as a part of you and can love, provide for them not because he is the father but because he loves you, the kids has a father but if this man intends to marry you he will be step dad…he must accept them if he cant change his attitude todwards them, pack you stuff and leave now before you in deeper and regret it …or become pregnant.

I would’ve done been gone… No one should be allowed to treat your child just any kind of way. Esp just some boyfriend. Do you and your child a favor an leave that loser

Never never never put a man before your children, either leave or pack all his crap & throw his ass out …

You should never move a man in with you and your kids if you havent even known him for a full year. You should respect yourself and your kids space more then that

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Kick him out. You don’t need a man without balls.


He’s going to get worse and is showing he already doesn’t accept them so leave before your kids feel that rejection and get hurt


I would have a heart to heart. If this all is recently coming up? Why?

You have gained another child…

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Kids come first, and absolutely do not want your kids to feel like they are a burden to this man, and they know. I grew up in a house like that. Kids first!!!

Sounds like that won’t work out

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Leave him U and your children r a package

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You have a boy not a man …move on…your child doesn’t need that nonsense in his life…I’d kick his ass to the curb so damm quick…

Children are alot of work maybe he didn’t realize that in the beginning it time to go out with just him and explain your side see if you can compromise something that works for the two of u and the children maybe date night and my children had help with homework now my daughter has a master’s maybe he was raised different then u and u have to tell him how you want your children raised

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RUN don’t WALK ! A real man he is not 34 yrs blended family it will only get worse

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If its your house and he feels that way ask him to leave.

He’d be gone without hesitation, your kids should be far more important than a fella!!

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Cut him out asap for yours n your childs sake.theres another somebody for you out there that will appreciate your child(ren)

Why are you with him again? Please tell me it’s because he’s well off and paying all your bills… If not, I suggest you leave him now.


Get out. Kids come first!


Don’t know what you see in him, kids come first always.

Don’t know why you’re still with him tbh if someone was like this with my baby he’d be gone no doubt about it your children should come before anyone and more importantly before a man full stop !

Lose the selfish little boy and find a MAN! This relationship has run it’s course.

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Do you make the kid mind and clean up after himself and have manners or is he just a spoiled brat-both of you have room to grow-have to meet in the middle


This is something that should have been talked about long before you bought a house together hes got to go or I’m leaving there’s no compromising my kids.


Get out you and your kids are a package he can’t see that so go x your kids won’t be happy in that atmosphere feeling not wanted see him still if u want but don’t live with him x

It’s time to cut him loose. He obviously can’t handle being a parent.

Leave YOUR children come before yourself so why should they come before your man ?
Well thats the way i work

Id NEVER put my children in the position to be a burden to a guy, HE IS THE BURDEN. No matter how much you think you love him, he has to go. You put your kids first. I mean, unless you want to just get rid of your kids to please him :woman_shrugging:t2:

KIDS COME FIRST!! Boyfriends can be replaced, kids can’t.

Any man bitches about my kid hed be out the door awfully fucking quick

Leave and never look back. How can he love you when he doesn’t accept your kids. He is not worthy of you

You moved in way too fast for having kids involved. Wayyyy tooooo sooooon.
The problem now isn’t breaking up with a guy who isn’t interested in your life, it’s explaining to the kids why they have to move again and all the insecurities that brings.
Keep doing it this way and the only thing that will come of it is a lack of trust in their mother and poor relationship choices to be repeated.
Do you and if someone wants to be part of it, take time before you allow them that close

Kids learn how to treat you based on how they see others treating you.

That relationship is not working. If he can’t accept the kids and help with them and the housework he’s not a family man. Break up with him asap.

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Leave him…if he doesn’t want your kids and doesn’t want what comes with them he doesn’t deserve them nor you

Do you really need to ask? Your kid comes first. If he’s got such an issue with your kids that should be a deal breaker. one day you’ll meet someone who can’t get enough of them and you won’t even have to question things.

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My advice would be to look at it from my child’s eyes. Living in a house and in a family he’s not wanted.

If you think they don’t notice you are wrong.

Every child deserves to be in a family where they are loved, wanted and the priority. Make them the priority.

I’ve seen friends with guys like this who feel they can make up the difference. As long as they love them enough it’s ok.

It’s not.

Leave. Work on building a family, even if it’s just you, that loves them no matter what.

Why are you with a guy like that In
The first place put your kids first

If he can’t love your kids how can
He love you stop and think and grow up and be a mom to your kid

Kids come first. You don’t want them growing up thinking this is how normal relationships are. They need to learn healthy ones so they can live healthy ones as teens/adults.

That’s what happens when you move in with someone you barely know. You tend to find out they are not the person for you. Poor kids having to deal with the feeling of not being wanted and the mum still living with the person who makes them feel like that


I would say “Goodbye”

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Kick him to the curb. No man is more important then ur kids…ever. if u feel he isnt being kind to them in ANY way, and isnt contributing to taking care of the home and kids…then he is not the man for you.
Dont let him be the example for ur children.

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Package deal, if I’m going somewhere so is my child.


I’m a guy and I’m telling you get the hell away from him he’s no good he wants everything from you but not the kids get out before it’s too late


Unacceptable and it will get worse as your son ages and even WORSE if/when you have bf’s child.

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Leave him. Children are the number 1 priority and if he cant handle that then show him the door.


Just tell him , there’s the Door.


Girl, is that even a question to ask. Your child comes 1st. So if he can’t understand that why you even with him. That’s not the kind of person you want to end up with for the rest of your life.
When you’re with someone & you have a child they should respect that no matter what tour child will always be your main priority & love & accept them like their own. If they can’t accept that then why even continue.

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Leave ! Package deal when children r involved and I’m sure u don’t want it babies to feel uncomfortable in his presence just leave n find someone who loves ALL OF YOU♥️

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Get out! Your children come first.

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CHILDREN COME FIRST, PERIOD! Sounds like he needs to grow up a bit also!


Drop that P.O.S.!! my children come before anyone including myself! I also agree with Clyde Schneiderwind… it’ll only get worse for yu and your children.


Oh hell no, get rid of him. This will not end only get worse. Plus your children don’t deserve that at all and they should come first


Tell him bye :wave: bye :wave: kids come first point blank period


He sounds like a child himself. But really that’s why there’s problems now because you never talked about these things in the beginning and set clear boundaries and expectations. And that’s a pretty basic guideline for how to date when you have children. Not to be harsh but this is kinda on you. If you feel the relationship is worth saving then you need to have that conversation now. If not or you dont think he will be responsive in the way you’d like a man to be towards your kids then just cut your losses and him from your life because your kids deserve better than that. It might just be that he doesn’t know how much you expect him to be involved so he isn’t comfortable stepping in to do things hes been seeing you do by yourself for a year. And of course he doesn’t want to take kids when he goes out. I dont all the time either lol. But him not wanting you to go either is a red flag. These are all things you should’ve talked about BEFORE you moved in together. I know life isn’t always perfect and that cant happen for everyone but I’d make sure you reach some agreements now before it gets any worse.

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He is expendable, your kids are NOT!

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Sounds like he’s too much of a pussy to actually break up with you so he’s going to try to make it uncomfortable for you as possible and do anything he can to make you just leave yourself and that way he can be like I didn’t know she was like this and it’s not my fault we broke up


No man will come first before my children


Why is this even a question??? Your kids come first. Period! Leave before it gets worse


The boyfriends got to go

Ask him when his feeling’s changed between you guys. Find a place of your own and get out of that toxic situation. Clearly if he doesn’t want your child he doesn’t want you.

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Uhhh why did you move in together so soon? I’d be out of there as fast as my legs could take me.


Time to move on. He is not going to see things differently anymore. Let him go. The complication is the house.


Boyfriend needs to go!:woman_shrugging:t3: Ain’t no fucking way I’d deal with a guy like that. My boyfriend would never!

That’s a boy who ain’t ready to be a man. Go to the next one who can be amazing person to you and your kids. Never settle down for less.


I would run. Far away. He obviously does not like your kids and that is a problem in so many ways. Say goodbye and move on

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You aren’t married to him. Leave him. Been there and it doesn’t end well.

I moved in with my, now, husband in 2017. I have 2 boys and at the time they were 3 and 5. They moved in too and were welcomed with open arms. My husband does everything with and for them without me asking. Why? Because when deciding to be with a single mom, he realized that he wasn’t just planning a life with me, but with my kids as well. At our wedding, before he said his vows to me, he got down, and said his vows to my boys. That is what a single mom needs and wants! Do not settle for less!!!


Sounds like he wants you not your children. Kids come first and always will. I won’t tell you to leave because you probably won’t but if my husband was like this…we could not be together

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When your boy friend started dating you he knew you were a package deal and your child child is part of that package. No one told him he had to be the child’s father, but if he loves and respects you then he needs to respect your child.

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Anybody can act nice for a while. My experience, leave now before you end up with his kid.

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Runnn… get the f*out… red flags flying girl… what more you want than that… come on now… your thee onlyyyyy one who can stick up for and protect your child. You know in your heart what is right.:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

Even cut your losses with the house… whatever you need to do… in the long run… you will loose a lottttt less my cutting your losses and going now. You dont need him to consult with this decision either… you can just be sucked in further… spending you some strongggg woman power… you will need it*

Your kids are #1 always, I’m betting it’ll just get worse from here. I’d get out now.