My boyfriend constantly cheats on me: Advice?

I see other mama’s post on here and get outsider advice and I’m at a loss on what to do anymore. I’ve been seeing this guy for almost 2.5 years and he has kids with another woman. He’s cheated on me a lot with her. He left me at home with all 3 of his and I’m 19 weeks pregnant. He left his phone and I got nosey and went through it and found conversations between them where he wished he could’ve fixed things and had a real family with her etc etc going back months. He also moved all of the belly pics he asked for and all the pictures of me and my son and me and his kids I’ve taken to the trash. I’ve tried and tried and it’s stuff like this that keeps happening. My 3yo loves him and calls him daddy but I don’t want to hurt him either cause his real dad doesn’t have a lot to do with him. He talks about marriage a lot and getting a house big enough for all the kids but I just don’t know anymore… Thank you


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend constantly cheats on me: Advice?

You need to leave him! He doesn’t love you! If he didn’t he wouldn’t cheat.


Just leave, please. He is playing with you


you know the answer deep down. Do you want this for the rest of your life? Your childs life? You deserve so much more.


Leave him. You deserve better…if u stay accept the way he treats u.


Stash money and get out. Once a cheater always a cheater. You know the answer to this question. Have some self respect and show your kids better and THROW THE WHOLE MAN OUT.


How is this a question?! Why are women putting up with this shit?! F NO.

Why is this a question. Leave.


Time to move on. He’s not going to change. Respect yourself and your child and just move on. You deserve better.

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Idk why yall post stuff like this🤦🏻‍♀️ if you read this you’d be telling the person to leave and that’s exactly what you need to do.

Leave the kids will hurt more later

Listen you need to think of your worth right now and you are worth more than being a side chick! Even though your pregnant what kind of example will he set for your child as well as his own. Run sis run as far as you deserve so much more.


Gurrrrl! He’s speaking loud and clear on what he wants. You have children, you need to be an example for them and LEAVE. Respect yourself and know your worth and get out.

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Leave him…not worth it

Why is there even a question!?


He doesn’t want to be with you let go learn to love yourself instead of him and move on.

Leave. Nothing but misery in a future with him. You and your kids will be better off.

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Leave. He doesn’t respect you nor does he love you. He’s only using you until he can get back to his real love. His first child’s mom


Run. Fast. Like sonic fast.

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Time to take out your own trash… and I wouldn’t be putting him on the birth certificate either

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Leave! You do not deserve that and neither do your children.


Hes telling you what u want to hear leave him & be happy with your kids x

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Oh baby, bless your forgiving heart because if it were me, his ass would’ve gotten the boot already. You definitely don’t deserve to think that there’s something you are or aren’t doing. it’s not you… it’s him…

Leave heal move forward

Why are you even asking for advice? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Either shut up and put up or kiuck his arse to the curb and live your best life without him.

Leave. I promise you deserve better and you will find it.


Lllleeeeaaaavvvveeeee now! Your only hurting yourself

He keeps cheating because you are letting him


Leave, the kids will thank you later on.
Don’t be with someone that will never be faithful.
Kids come before any man.
Don’t let him use you anymore

Do you want to continue to be his doormat? If so stay. If not leave.

Why r u still w him?

If he can’t stop cheating then get rid of him… What you allow will


:rofl: is this real? If you show him its okay, which you have. He will continue to cheat. He gets the best of both worlds.

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Reread your post. He literally told her that he wishes that he could be with her. That’s enough of the answer you need. Leave him. He’s a piece of sh*t.

Leave, he is wasting your time xx

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Leave. He doesn’t respect you or your children and YOU should be providing better for YOUR children. If he doesn’t respect you and your relationship he never will. The truth hurts but speaking from experience it WILL get worse. You will only be hurting your child and possibly causing irreversible damage if you stay.

Dump his ass and file for child support

Sounds like he wants 2 women and feels guilty about it. Human nature but he doesn’t have much of a brain to combat it.

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Get out. Find someone that wants to be with you. But first get out and be alone for a while. You deserve so much more

Honestly, kick him out :worried:

Don’t do this. You’re using your child as an excuse to stay with someone that doesn’t want to be with you or play daddy. Your child will get hurt by this. Walk away. There’s nothing there for you but a fantasy you’re not wanting to let go of.

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Oh christ just leave. You’re fucking dumb if you keep putting up with this shit. :woozy_face: calling it like it is. The real blunt truth.

He’s only talking about that stuff so you’ll stay and take care of his kids while he goes out and cheats. Just leave. Don’t waste your time. Your child is only 3. Not really going to remember him.

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Clearly he has no respect for you and will not cherish you the way you deserve to be. You need to end it or it’ll just be a long road of this and you’ll likely end up stuck. Love isn’t everything respect and loyalty are far more important

I’m not even reading past the first line. If he constantly cheats and you are not ok with that then leave him. That’s it, nothing else, just leave him period.

I’m sorry…are you retarded?


While having a good dad is great, a child doesn’t NEED a father/stepdad if they suck!. Especially when one ran away and the other treats his mother like this.
Cheating once is a dealbreaker, repeatedly would never happen!

As much as it hurts walk away.

It’s not healthy at all. I would rather my children see a positive relationship vs what is going on there.


Read your post and answer it as if you were giving someone else advice.


This isn’t normal. You should consider leaving.

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This is hard cause you love him I completely understand and you don’t wanna hurt your kids but honestly it’s not healthy for you and your kids you don’t want it to continue and act like everything’s normal think about your kids and yourself before letting this man hurt y’all you don’t deserve this niether do your kids tell him he needs to leave

At least go to counseling for yourself

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I can’t believe ur even asking for advise!! Girl you should already know what to do!!


Ummm your in charge of your path make a stand dont stand for that bs show your self worth

But Is that what you want your son to be role modelled by ? I donno what day is ur trash day but I’d set him on the curb


That man is not your man :woman_shrugging:


Have you tried throwing the whole man away?


He is still with his ex, you are the side chick. Leave.


We accept the love we think we deserve… but you (and your child/ren) deserve so much more than this.

He’s a cheat. What more do you really need to know?

I get it you love this man but I hope you get it …he don’t love you and you really need to let this relationship go and focus on that lil boy and baby bun who will love u more than any man will at least for now. I feel bad for u but I think you don’t need advice I think you need clarity to leave and maybe some help.

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You need to respect yourself and leave

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Honey you deserve so much better than a piece of shit treating you as second rate. I would not waste another minute on him. And before you say whose gonna want to help raise another man’s babies, lots of decent guys do. And if not you’re not defined by the man you are with. Move on before it’s to late and you’ve wasted years on him

I mean he put yall in the trash.

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I hate to say it, but you are his side chick. At least that is how he treats you. Just stop.

Walk out with Your kids

I am sorry this is happening to you and i dont want to sound mean but i thank he must of left his phone there on purpose so you would look through it cauae i have had that happen to me before and the guy admitted it.

You already know the answer, you just need the courage to get yourself and your children out of the situation. You can do it, you and your kids deserve better than someone who’s going to cheat and play games.


Girl please leave while you still have some self worth left

You already know what you should do! I read something the other day that really made sense… if a man is involved with two women, he will always pick the weak one, because he is weak & can’t handle a strong woman… you need to decide if you are strong or weak! I can tell you from experience that he will NOT change!

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Ya a house makes up for cheating :roll_eyes::joy::roll_eyes::skull_and_crossbones::roll_eyes:
If you’re that materialistic you actually deserve eachother


As hard as it may be you need to leave. If he’s constantly cheating on you even with you being pregnant he has no respect for you or your unborn child or you guys as a family… Let him go have his sloppy seconds and you move on and find somebody who’s going to treat you and your kids how you deserve to be treated… Everyone deserves to be treated good and not be cheated on

You already know the answer to your question. If you want confirmation then here it is. You need to leave him. Let him go back to his ex. Look at your past with him and then look at your future. If you stay you will always wonder if hes cheating. You already know he is and he wants to be with his ex. You will never be happy worring all the time amd knowing he would rather be with her. You deserve BETTER!! And so do your children. Focus on you and your babies and the rest will come after.

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Get out! You know I’m your heart of hearts that’s what you need to do. Do it before anymore wasted time.


Dump him, what do you think he would do if you were the one cheating, file for child support.

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He doesn’t love you period. You need to move on. Your 3 year old will forget him

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The answer here is simple. Leave. You’re just a babysitter for him and his baby mama who he cheating on you with.


My cousin did this between his baby mommas…ended up marrying one and guess what…he’s not with either one anymore. If he wanted to be with you, he would be and you wouldn’t have to question it.


He’s a player ! He tells you want you want to hear to keep you from confronting him. You will protect your child by leaving him. He won’t be there for them . He’s only there part time now. It’s hurts deeply, but you are not in a healthy relationship. You are a role model for your kids.


If he’s constantly cheating he does value you. What message is that to the kids?

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When ready, find a partner that wants a “real” family with only you. Both you and your son will be ok. :blue_heart:

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Seriously??? Why are you even asking this. Leave or have him leave. Why would you want someone who cheats and isn’t there for you. Do you really want your kids to grow up watching this behavior? Move on


He is not a real father and you are teaching your son that this is how men treat woman.


Pull your head out of your ass and leave, this behavior will not change!

Leave. For the love of hell leave. Take your kids and get out of that toxic space. All it’s doing is bringing you down.


Leave. He’s not choosing you and making that very clear. You deserve so much better and so does your son. Actions speak louder than words and he’s already telling you everything you need to know. I’m sorry your hurting but I promise you, you will find a man worthy of your love…this guy just isn’t it. Xoxo


You already KNOW what you need to do… Not only do you deserve more but your CHILDREN do, as well.

Think of the role model, or lack thereof, that you’re forcing in the home around your son. You know better, Momma.

Walk away and NEVER EVER EVER look back.

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Girl leave. He will never change. You will deserve better and will find better. Thats not what you wanna teach your kids. It’s not ok to stay with a cheater and it’s not ok for him to cheat.


Want to cheat always a cheat get out while you can

What advice do you need??? Leave his ass girl!! :woman_facepalming:t2:

Deep breaths girl. Make a plan get your living situation taken care of before you just leave. On the child it will be hard but my 3 year old is now 5 and has a better relationship with his father. He doesn’t even remember that ex that was dreadful.

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Girlfriend leave. He obviously wants to be with this other woman he clearly has feelings for.

Excuse my language, but fuck that guy!

I’m so confused on why you need advice on this. If you need reassurance that you deserve better, baby girl you do deserve better. Leave his ass in the past and find you a real man. Because real men don’t cheat.

I don’t think ya need advice.You need to find another place to live leave him.It’s not going to get better.

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No sweetheart. You deserve better. You need to believe that for yourself so you can muster up the strength to go. I was in the same boat a long time ago. I started believing in myself and what I am capable of. Took my kids and left got my own house and lived happily ever after. You and your kids deserve better. He can have his x… it will be no different after a while for her too.

He left his phone with purpose so you’d see things. He’s manipulating you. .
If you stay he will know he can continue as is and you won’t leave.