If you don’t respect yourself, no one else will either. Hes continually cheating on you and your still with him, know your worth and you and your children are worth more!
Take out the trash yourself honey. Put him to the curb.
How much brutal honesty do you want?
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. He’s not going to change, especially since you keep tolerating his behavior by not leaving. So your two choices are: 1) Continue tolerating his cheating; or 2) Leave.
Of course, as long as you have a kid together, he’ll be in your life and the child’s. You might want to consider adoption or termination if he’s really toxic and you need to prevent a child from living with that.
dump his lying cheating ass let the ex watch her kids
You are his side piece and that big house he wants, isn’t for you! Why did you get pregnant??? SMH!!! Get out and stay single for a long time and take care of your children.
He keeps doing it because you keep letting him. He knows your not going to leave so he keeps doing it. Like all the ladies on here said, leave.
He put yours and your kids pics in the trash if that doest speak to how he cares about you not sure what else will but it’s time you leave him for tour well being and for the well being if your kids …He’s never going to change
Ask yourself, would your Dad and Mom be happy for you. There’s your answer.
I think you know and just don’t want to admit to yourself and no one can blame you for that. I’m sorry this is happening to you, but he is obviously a cheater and probably (most likely) will NOT EVER change his ways. YOU AND YOUR KIDS DESERVE BETTER!!! Do you want your kids growing up and being in a relationship where they are constantly being cheated on? I’m quite sure you do not, but if you stay with this guy you are telling your kids that this is okay and normal. Best wishes
Run little mama… maybe get some therapy to realize and be the queen you are!
You really need advice for this? Come on
You already know the answer to your own question. Value yourself & not hold on to someone who isn’t valuing you
Leave while you can. Its gonna be hard and it will take alot of strength but you can get out before you have to deal with the pain over and over. It will not stop.
You already know what to do! You don’t need confirmation to do so…
I’m not sure why this is even a question sis. Respect yourself. Love yourself. Leave him and let him go back to her. You’re worthy. If he can’t see that, that’s on him. You can’t force someone to love you.
Dont do it!!! If He isn’t changing for you after 2 years he wont change just because you get married.
Leave… he doesn’t love you he doesn’t care about you nor does he wants you as you know.
So you can either stay and accept being chested on as he won’t change or leave the dude
Girl get out now. As someone that has been through this your son will be ok. You need to take care of you and your kid and being with this man isn’t doing that. He will not stop cheating even if he says he will
Leave him solution is easy cuz you deserve to be with someone who values you and doesn’t lie to you
I will say this, “actions speak louder than words.” He will NEVER change and he’s left his phone at home PURPOSELY. He’s out sleeping around with her and doesn’t want to be able to be contacted when he’s gone. If he REALLY loved you, he would NOT cheat on you or and risk losing his family…PERIOD. You already know what the answer is. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.
Leave… your kids will be fine and you’ll find someone who actually LOVES you and your kids. Find someone that your kids could look up and show them what real love is. Bc that’s not real love!
Well you keep putting ok with it. Why would he leave? He has it made. You’re a smart girl you know what to do. Now, if you want to turn an blind eye to it and keep living life as you have.
Leave. Period. Your happiness is the most important.
Make a plan and leave your 3 yr will forget him. You don’t want your child seeing you being treated any type of way live and learn or he’ll bring something home
Advise? You need professional help meaning mentally. How tf you stay with someone who cheats on you on more than 1 occasion but ask for advise on what to do? Well lets think about this. He aint gonna stop, he already shown you this. Either stick with him cause you love him no matter how bad he treats you or you move tf on and take care of you and you babies. I wouldnt want my kids to see that and think its okay to treat their s/o the same way. Gotta do better sis. Sorry to seem mean but sometimes a little firmness can go a long way. Learn from it and move on. KNOW YOUR WORTH!!! cause that aint it sweety. Best of luck to you.
Once a cheat always a cheat same as a liar
Lol I’m sorry but why are you with him??? How do you not know what to do??? Gurl……
Get out NOW! This won’t get better.
Only problem I see here is that you’re still with him when you know you shouldn’t be. Throw the whole man away! Know your worth honey!
Why are you still with him?
Love yourself more than him and walk away.
Red flags everywhere! Do you need a ton of bricks to fall on you? Seriously ?
It’s beginning to look a lot like L E A V E T H E M ™
He doesn’t want you… You’re runner up . I’m sorry. It’s his issue and doesn’t decrease your value .
Helllllll nah. He’s still in love with his baby mama if he’s doing stuff like that. I would be more concerned about you and your kiddo’s happiness. I KNOW, it hurts to leave but I promise once you get comfortable being by yourself and only relying on yourself for your happiness and your child’s happiness, nothing can compare to that peace and not having to worry about what another person is doing behind your back
why are you still there???
I don’t understand these questions. You should know the right answer to it. Why stay?
Leave. He doesn’t love or respect you! He’s using you as a place holder for his ex. You and your kids don’t deserve that at all.
You can do this. Get out. Your kid will be too young to remember. Do it soon.
Simple…dump thst zero and get you a hero!
Leave. At this point it’s on you that you’re still dealing with it.
You need to leave before your son gets older because worst case he won’t remember him best case you can get through all the really hard part and get a new normal before he gets too old
Ummmm leave, that’s not healthy at all for you or the kids, he evidently don’t love you back at all.
Say to yourself. I want to stay and be cheated on because I like the pretty picture of a family life he paints for me to dream about while he cheats with the person he really wants. If you can convince yourself that you can live that way for “your kids”… stay and say that to yourself every day while you babysit and live a single mother life with a cheater, until you decide you don’t want to live that way and you and your kids deserve better. Then leave, like you know you should do now. You are not in here for advice. You know you need to leave. You’ve seen all the other posts and all the advice is the same… LEAVE! You are on here because you want to stay and you want just enough people to tell you to stay and that he will change for you, so you can feel better about staying. Stay girl. He won’t change for you even if you have 3 of his kids, pay for every thing and work 2 jobs while taking care of the household. But if you leave and you don’t have the self esteem or self respect for yourself you need, you’ll keep letting him back into your life “for the kids” and because you love the way he lies. You will focus on him instead of your kids for more years than he deserves and your kids will end up suffering more because of you then they ever would have for leaving him. It’s a tale as old as time.
Run NOW. Take it from someone who stayed 30 years… don’t give this guy any more of your youth, your good years! He’s the one with the problem, not you. Leave and heal, then go get what you deserve!!
I know you don’t need anyone to tell you this… you already know the answer, but get away from this loser… fast- why is he going to change when he’s got away with it all already! find someone that makes you happy, there’s no way he is - do you want your son growing up to think this is how to treat people or how to be treated! x
You’re going to try and work it out because you love him and so does your son… But he doesn’t love you…so know your worth and love yourself
Is this a joke? Grow a pair and LEAVE.
“He keeps cheating on me”
Because you stay and take that kind of disrespect.
Why is this even a discussion???
Why would you think staying is a good idea? You and your children deserve far better.
He’s put you in the trash bin ,
Leave. He won’t change. And a baby won’t fix him. Hes trash
You and your babies are much better off with out him! You need to leave . No one deserves that type of treatment, sorry but he’s never gonna stop until u put a end to it
You need to leave him, your son will forget him. I was a single mom to 2 kids for years because I won’t allow myself to be mistreated and won’t allow my children to see their mother be mistreated, that’s not what I wanted my son to learn about how to treat a woman and I didn’t want my daughter to learn that it’s acceptable to be treated that way. I eventually found a real man who treats me like a queen and loves my children as his own. We now have 4 kiddos and life has never been better.
Girl leave. Your babies will appreciate you being strong enough to love yourself and know your self worth.
Why are you still with him? That should be the question
Do you want your son seeing you in a relationship where you’re constantly being cheated on and disrespected?
Girl get out… I’ve always said I’d rather my kids come from a broken home than live in one!! Focus on you and your son and your future bundle of joy!! Get some therapy and heal yourself! When the timing is right you will find a man who will love you and not do those things! You need to love yourself get out now!! He won’t quit as the saying goes once a cheater always a cheater!!
I’m at a loss as to how this is a hard decision since you actually have the evidence in hand. Love yourself and your kids enough to leave. There is no good future with this man.
Clearly, this doesn’t work between you two and that’s ok. Go, take your son, move on and be happy. No hard feelings, just be done.
LEAVE I know its not that easy but trust his mind is made up
Why are you still with him if you know he’s been cheating. Simple answer…LEAVE!!
Leave that would be the logical thing to do, just because you had kids with him doesn’t mean you have to stay. He’s already stepped out on your relationship. You’re just wasting your time.
Get a New boyfriend or accept him the way he is and Don’t complain There are plenty of guys out there.
Stop. You already know the answer. You just don’t want to admit it. Get out.
Although your son calls him daddy and his bio father doesn’t have a lot to do with him, do you really want your son to grow up thinking it’s okay to cheat on someone he’s with? That’s what will eventually happen if you stay with this guy. He will see it and most likely follow this guy’s footsteps. You deserve better. Your son deserves better. Know your worth mama! With this guy cheating on you, you’re chancing getting an std. Leave. He’s not the one girl.
You need to put you and the kids first, yes you love him but he clearly doesn’t love or appreciate you, I would leave him and work on yourself and your future.
Bright red flag that’s a no for me, sorry absolutely no disrespect but I wouldn’t stay
Seriously… ?!?
Leave. Simple as that.
It’s time to leave him, people like that don’t change and being pregnant you don’t need that stress in your life. You will eventually find someone that truly cares for you all. Do not let yourself to continue on this never ending path, you deserve happiness of your own.
My advice is Tell Him To Hit The Road ! You don’t need someone in your Life you cannot TRUST !
Is this really how you want to be treated? Please find someone who loves and values you.
So you really need to ask this??
The cure is a new guy with less shit on his hands
get support for the baby and kick his ass out
He doesn’t respect you cos you keep putting up with the cheating he gets away with it you deserve better leave him and find a man that will respect you
Get out while you still have dignity left. He’s showing you where he wants to be!
Leave the loser and go be happy for yourself and your child, you don’t need someone like that in your life!
Hunny, YOU KNOW the answer.
& please don’t say its cause you don’t wanna hurt your child. You’re hurting your child more by staying there longer!
He is showing his true self. Believe him. Don’t stay. If he’s lied about this what else has he lied about.
Girl… I know you gonna do better for your kids… and show them the right way a man should treat a woman…
And what love looks like . Thats what our parents model so stop accepting toxicity and see someone and get to the root of why you accept less constantly.
Thats childhood trauma and always shows up in adult relationships.
Men don’t respect women that accodmate cheating…
Please don’t keep accepting this… because what you have allowed is continuing .
Get strong lady.
Leave- i didn’t even had to read the story. Just leave.
Dump his ass! Why would you stay with a guy like that? Makes no sense to me
You already know what to do.
Leave, you owe it to yourself and your children tou are showing them disrespect is okay
So why did you let this man get you pregnant?
Please reread that. What advice would you give a stranger asking that? You are too good for this. Please do not marry this man. Get away from him. You will get over it. You will find someone that makes things easy and is faithful. You will never trust him again . Did you confront him?
Respect YOURSELF! You and your son deserve better.
Run while you can. Nothing’s going to change his habits and obviously you’re allowing it because you know about it. You’ll always be seconds or thirds.
Love yourself enough to walk away. He won’t love or respect you all of a sudden.
Pack his belongings ! Leave them on the doorstep and don’t look back ! You don’t deserve that ! I’m sure the kids would be happier with a happy mummy xx
I’m sorry girl, I know YOU love him, but it’s clear he doesn’t love YOU…
And it hurts, I know, I’ve been there.
I know you don’t want to hurt your little one, but it’s going to hurt him in the long run seeing mom with someone that doesn’t respect and/or love her the way she deserves.
He will respect you even MORE when he grows up to know you left that for both yourself and him.
It may be hard, but you can 100% do it.
Know your worth, & add the tax b.
You got this.
For 1 confront him. For 2 leave him. I don’t know about you but in my relationship, cheating is a 100% deal breaker.
Girl 2.5 years dealing with cheating??? With my EGO I COULD NEVER LET THAT HAPPENED a men like that will never ever change so CHANGE OF MAN my friends or stay single know your worth!
Ummm here’s an idea DROP HIM
You need to value yourself and your child. Is this the type of relationship you want your child to think is normal? A cheating deadbeat? Get yourself and your kid out of there now!
No dad for your son is better then a cheater and someone who treats you like crap. Your son doesn’t need to think its acceptable
He can go… if hes a good dad he can be a good dad somewhere else because hes a bad partner… the end