My boyfriend constantly lets his friend stay the night: Advice?

If he really wants to help her he should go to al-anon or nar-anon. He is enabling which only hurts her in the long run. But as others have said, there might be more to their relationship than they are admitting

Honestly I’d call the cops and have them come intervene. You cannot have a drug user in your house especially while your pregnant. If at any point she’s over there and god forbid your baby gets ahold of any drugs or she holds your baby and has any under her nails or on her hands and your child chews on her as babies do you’re baby can get taken away because of the situation. Or kick the boyfriend out then she won’t be there and you won’t have to be there

I would literally tell him no. No she is not coming while intoxicated, while sobering up, no. If he still wants to help then take her to a treatment center and drop her off. Stand your ground. If that doesnt get the message across then you should prolly think about your relationship as a whole

They are having an affair


What the heck is he thinking? If he wants to help her he can find her somewhere else. And she can’t be doing her drugs in your home! This isn’t acceptable especially since you’re going to have a child. If he picks her over you then he doesn’t actually love you. And if thats his child he definitely doesn’t care about his child’s wellbeing.

It would not happen in my house!! Something else os definitely going on here or is about to!! They would both be leaving, if he insisted she stayed!!

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If this continues without a change then I would say it’s time to make an ultimatum. This is about an unborn baby now who is more important than any one else. There is such thing as knowing when to let go. What you allow to continue will go on.

Punt them both out him for his lies and her being a junkie


Tyler Perry made a movie like this


What in the actual f—k? That’s not helping that’s straight enabling. I would
Not want some rando chick doing Drugs in my house. What kind of wacked out shit is this? Is your BF a user and needs her to get his own fix? There is absolutely nothing that makes sense. I literally went through the hell with a meth addicted person myself and they were never really homeless and seemed to always get there fix so unless your bf has some other reason that crazy lady needs to go a shelter and you need to have a conversation with your bf about respect and how he sees things going between you because that’s not ok.

Red Flags Everywhere in this, leave.

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Tell him she ain’t allowed in the house especially if she is doing drugs, he needs to realise that you both gonna be a family soon and you won’t allowed any drugs in the house, if he still doesn’t like it then tell him you will leave

You both live there and both need to feel comfortable with you visits. Not to mention a girl sleeping over by herself is odd. I’m sure she can crash on some one else’s couch. Kick her out and if he disagrees kick him out too


“He comes after you” what does that mean??? You just need to get out!! Let him live with the druggy and take your baby.

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Move out! Tell him it’s either you or her

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Do not, I repeat do not call the cops. You can put your own personal freedom and the right to keep custody of your child in jeopardy by bringing the police into your relationship/home. Be clear and brief when explaining to him that you want nothing to do with her and/or with him under the current circumstances. Explain to him that she must leave. Explain to him that he must leave if he does not agree. When he leaves change the locks.


Take off your rose colored glasses


Get out or take her to a hotel and live with her. Bye

Leave. Run far far away


Hells to the no! Don’t let that fly! they both can go sleep on the streets. tell him its either her or you.


I would talk to her myself… Tell her How I feel

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You cant have it around a baby…are you sure hes not using w her?. Ultimatum time her or you…and if he chooses her leave him…his child should always be first…my sister is an addict…I cut off contact…


Kick him out and her.


They’d both be gone. That’s not a ‘soulmate’


You can’t stop her from coming over if he allows it. Your issue is not her. The issue is him not respecting you and boundaries. Sounds like he’s making you choose between standing up for yourself or his druggy friends. Time to take a stand.


Tell her she can gtfo or you’ll call the police. :woman_shrugging:t2:


If he honestly can’t respect you being uncomfortable about drug use in your home while pregnant don’t expect it to get better once you have a kid.


He may be trying to be a good friend but family need to be his priority.


You need to tell him that you don’t feel safe and don’t feel safe for the baby with her being there and spending the night. You are are better person that I am I wouldn’t want another woman in my house, idc how long her knew her whatever. It doesn’t seem like you are jealous or insecure so kudos.

If she is using at your house you need to put a stop to that ASAP. You don’t need to be around it and damn sure don’t need anyone saying anything about y’all, a lot of the time addicts are known and you don’t want people thinking you are using with her. I am speaking from experience here because we have a huge heart and have helped way too many people out when we shouldn’t have. We learned the hard way. They will not change until they want to.

Your and your boyfriends #1 priority should be the unborn baby you are carrying. You don’t need that stress and if your boyfriend cares he would see that you are uncomfortable with her there so much. You need to speak up to him ASAP before she moves in permanently and y’all have a leech on your couch, that will never go away.

Call the cops. Have her put on trespass. And the bf dont like it he can get out too.


U sure he aint doing the drugs with her??:eyes: either way…him knowing u have ended up in the hospital 2x stressing over his friend…n him continuing to do it. Says plenty…wake up sweetheart :two_hearts: u deserve better


You’re pregnant and he’s putting this girl before you??

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Run get out and don’t look back

Is it in just your name? Just his name? Both yours? If the house is just in his name, tell him you’re leaving if he continues to let her do drugs in the house. If it’s your house, change the locks. Or just tell her to leave. If it’s in both your names, both situations above are options.

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I wouldn’t put up with that shit. My family comes first, and by that I mean my small family that we created. She wouldn’t be putting us at risk and he would be out if he thought otherwise. You can’t help a person who doesn’t want to help themselves.

Throw the whole man away


Better stop having that shit around unless u wanna lose ur baby straight from the hospital. If something happens at ur house ur gona be looked at!

Wow, talk about no respect at all, plus he is thinking of her before you and that’s hours too and your pregnant, that should tell you a lot about him. I would kick him out or leave whichever one is possible for you.


Get rid of him, you don’t need that around you or the baby if he really loved you he would’ve respected your wishes clearly you and the baby are not his priority


“Because I’ve tried telling him in many ways…”. How about bluntly. Her or me? Because it sounds like he is choosing her.

Bring your friend over that’s a guy, problem solved


They both need to go. By the sounds of it he’s no really “winner”.

U mean he is putting g her before you meanwhile you’re pregnant and your own home isn’t a safe space for you. Girl. You have to put your feet down and tell this dude how it’s gonna be or if not you have a long road ahead of you…nd that baby. Good luck

Stand up for yourself & put your foot down, tell her to leave & not come back, if he whinges tell him to go to, he shouldn’t be hanging around people on drugs anyways, especially with a child on the way & bringing her into your house, fk no!


I doubt she’s a friend then

Have them both removed and keep it that way is probably best. Good luck

Kick him to the curb

So, I can tell you with almost a hundred percent certainty, his reasoning for why she’s coming over, is nothing but a convenient excuse… If you want to find out what’s going on, then simply ask him, if he would like to participate, in a trust-building exercise… He should say yes and then you’ll say great, let’s switch phones for 30 minutes and you can go through mine, while I go through yours…Now, if his intentions are truly pure and he has nothing to hide, then without hesitation, he’ll hand you his phone… If he has to repeat a question, or if he stalls, or if he then tries to find a way out of the trust building exercise, you’ll know right away something’s wrong… I’m not there to evaluate him and I don’t know what kind of person he is, but if he hands you that phone without hesitation, then his intentions are truly pure and maybe he’s just trying to help this girl… Which is merely impossible anyway and I could get into that later…
On the other hand, why are you in a relationship like this, in the first place? I’m not trying throw you under the bus, or anything, but people who are a hundred percent comfortable and confident with themselves, would under no circumstance, tolerate or go through something like this…
People who are on point, confident, and 100% sure of themselves, would never tolerate this kind of nonsense and if something like this did happen, they would sit that person down and lay it all out on the table… Now, I’m nowhere near a hundred percent yet, though I do understand the psychology of it… If you truly are going to the hospital, because of stress related issues, caused by this girl coming over, then take my advice and ask him to participate in that trust building exercise… Warning though, it’s a hundred percent foolproof, just make sure his phone is in his hand, when you ask and you might not like the outcome, but it’s something that needs to be done, just say’n…


Bringing an active drug addict into your home is dangerous. You don’t know if she’s bringing in drugs, if she’ll go nuts on bad drugs, overdose, if her dealer or other drug friends will show and also you don’t want to teach the baby that this is normal. He needs to make a choice at this point. If he’s unwilling to respect you and the baby and keep you safe then he needs to go. What’s he gonna do when she gets tenant status Bc she stayed too long. If she’s there and he isn’t tel her to leave and if she doesn’t have her removed.


Tell him not to if he cant respect you leave

Get rid of him. If he chooses her over you in any way…boy bye :wave:


you need to be straight up and let him know it is no longer just the 2 of you. There is going to be a brand new baby as well in a couple of months and it is either your family as a whole that is thought of and feelings considered, above any and all. Period. The drug addict female friend is no longer welcome over, at all. Get rid of these “friends” or lose you and his child being a family. You can not allow it to happen again. Your child should not be subject to these kind of people if it is in your control. Get to it and stick to it girl because I can promise you it isn’t worth your baby crawling in months time and finding her drugs on your floor and ingesting them god forbid (these kind of things happen far to often) you don’t want to subject your baby to this. Tell him what it is now before the baby is here.

Get rid of them both.

No respect whatsoever.


Kick her out lock the door 🤷

Yeah right hes banging her. It’s so obvious. I’d leave before that baby got here. He cant just cheat and put yall at risk with no consequences.


Tell her to get out of your home as she is not welcomed by you. If he has a problem, tell his a** to leave too. I wouldn’t put up with that but for whatever time it took to tell her to get out. You already know it’s not right, or you wouldn’t question this. You have to focus on your health and the baby.

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If She comes here again I’m leaving. You better choose wisely. And if he does it again start packing.

Ummm leave or kick them both out youre a grown ass woman. Theres a BABY about to be involved now.

Nobody stays the night in our house unless we both say it’s ok. If my husband had a deadbeat friend like that, they wouldn’t be staying in my house for 5 minutes, forget about overnight.


Tell him to kick rocks!! You can file a no trespassing order on her in my state. Maybe look into that

:woman_facepalming:t3: I do not understand men. You are owed so much more respect. I would tell him it’s time to choose. Her or you and ya’lls baby!! I’m sure that would make him listen!!

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Boot them both out!! Your pregnant and should be top priority here.


Tell him its her or you


Throw them both out. He shouldn’t be choosing another woman over you anyway. And that’s exactly what he’s doing to you, during your pregnancy at that.


Leave, that’s toxic and he’ll never change.

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It would never happen for me. Leave him. Sounds to me like he might be sleeping with her. Why would he be ok putting some other woman before his pregnant girlfriend??!? That’s a hard no. Tell him she stays gone or you leave.

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Tell her to piss off yourself

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tell her to go and dont come back

Leave his ass he is a piece of s*** and I also think anybody that has to put a question like that out there someone to read needs help no. Do what’s best for you and your unborn child hello

I’d cause a scene but that’s just me :grin: but seriously, hell no. He is supposed to be with you not against you. Bringing a friend, especially a female, into your home with you being uncomfortable with it is beyond disrespectful. And you’re carrying his child too??? No. You need to seriously evaluate your situation and be completely up front with him about your feelings and whatever you decide to do.


Whoever pays the rent gets to make the rules. He’s a lot of things, but your partner isn’t one of them.


Lose him or there’s a good chance you’ll lose your baby. Which one is more important to you?


Girl RUN , get out of that situation


Ugh absolutely not! You better tell them both its not happening anymore! You tell your man if he wants you and your baby in his life then his drug head friend better not show the hell up again because your not going to have either of them your baby or him around that crap anymore! Put that foot down or get out girl. Any man that chooses a “friend” woman over your family and what you feel is wrong then he doesn’t deserve you or your baby!


What the hell, that’s a BIG NO from me! He should already know better than to bring a woman, especially a drug addict to spend the night, especially if he knows you do not like it. Let her have him!

Kick them both out. She needs to leave, he needs to put his family first.
Maybe he’s in love with her.

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Her?? This can’t be real lol

Ummm… hell no!!!
Don’t put up with either of them disrespecting you and your unborn baby like that!!!
Find somewhere else to stay at or kick them both out.
If your man had any kind of respect for you then he wouldn’t continue to let tweakachu stay the night.

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I’d go batshit crazy on her

get rid of him. all the stress will end up causing you to have mental health problem and could cause authorities to eventually take your child away.


I lost it at her…nah. Her and drugs…nah. Gtfo with that cheating right under your nose bullshit.

Tell him she needs to go, and if he doesn’t like it, he can go with her. Simple as that. SMH.

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He’d be gone sorry I’m all for helping but not at the risk of my children
Me and my husband will do anything to help but not bring stuff like that round our kids x

Leave him! Don’t cling to someone who isn’t clinging to you. He’s obviously otherwise engaged, you don’t need him. You look after yourself and your baby.

Sounds fishy why does he want her around so much if he has you…


I wouldn’t be okay with that honestly. Not all the time. That’s my house too

Make him choose her or you :woman_shrugging:

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Nope. That is all i can say.


I say to him u either tell her to go or u can both go dont let him treat you like that and yea sounds fishy to me too sound like he want to keep her around for some reason and taking the piss out of u tell him she need to go if he dont chuck them both out


Tell her straight up she is no longer welcome into your home, and if your man dont like it or defends her, he needs his ass gone too

Exit stage left FAST


If your place kick her out. I would think hard about him too. He can help her by admitting her to rehab place just not your home. If the place isn’t yours then start looking for a place to stay ‘temp’ (friend, family) until you can rent a place for you and baby. She has her foot in the door.


You and the baby or her…simple choice

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Maybe he’s trading for services when u aren’t there .

Tell her to leave …so what if your bf gets mad … your place you decide who can and cannot stay … your bf needs to respect you… it’s not healthy I get he wants to help his friend but should have talked to you first…there’s other places he can get her the help…


With this virus and you being pregnant and him bringing a druggie isn’t a good environment.
Make him take a at home drug test. He probably doing it with her.
She needs to go and if he has a problem he can leave too. I know he is your man but he AIN’T ACTING LIKE IT.


I would seriously have him kick her out if not get him out to, by him doing that if she wanted to she could legally stay, and I mean you would hafe to evict her or she could evict you !!! I would say hurry and do it before she realizes or learns of this!!!

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Also shame on your bf for putting her first, they would both be out …


Sorry but it sounds like he has no respect for you or your unborn baby. You need to put your foot down and tell him how you feel. If he makes excuses or does it again then you know where you stand. Time to move on.


Sounds like he has a choice to make to me. Run before it’s to late. Or always be prepared to be second