My boyfriend constantly lets his friend stay the night: Advice?

Okay, so… if he is using, you are no longer the priority. The drug is their priority. Which makes sense considering that he knows she’s an addict and still lets her around at all. If she is a user, and in your house, he is most definitely using too. No person that cares about you and your well being would put you and your unborn child’s life in danger. Period.


Tell him it’s his last chance you don’t want that around your child he has to make a choice her or you and tell her straight up you don’t want her there if he continues having her them you will have to decide if you leave or kick him out too tell him your mental health and pregnancy is at risk for her ask him if he rather have her and you lose your pregnancy because of all the stress or her and you end up getting your child removed from your home because of drug use depending on his response you will know if she leaves or if he or you are

Kick him n her out sorry. He obviously has feelings for her :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:. Tell him to chose between you and his baby or the drug addict


Kick his ass to the curb. He has zero respect for you and your child

If he’s not doing drugs with her he’s banging her cause let me tell you what no way anyone in their right mind would alow that kind of reckless behavior around their soon to be born child kick him out or just leave this is screaming all kinds of toxic traits


If it’s your house, your paying Bill’s and he doesn’t. I’d kick him out and tell him to take his friend with him. You don’t need that kinda negativity around when your bundle of joy arrives. You and that baby is #1 priority.

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The trouble with helping out “friends” on drugs or alcohol is that their lives are constantly full of drama and they will bring their drama with them wherever they go!!

Your SO has to understand that at this stage in your and his relationship he has to now make a choice. He either mans up and tells her that he’s about to be a Father and his Lady (you) can’t be around all this stress or drugs. It is dangerous for you and bubs. You have been hospitalised already because of it and he doesn’t want to lose you or his baby. His “friend” has to look elsewhere and take all her negative and damaging drama with her to get help. She is a grown up and is still responsible for her own choices. She can go to NA if she wants to get off the stuff and then will help her…

If your SO doesn’t want her to go and the house is not in your name then tell him that you will have to go. You would never forgive him if anything happened to your baby because he chose some drug addict over you and your child’s welfare and he has also just reinforced where you stand in relation to this girl…last.
If the house you live in is in your name then get them both to leave the next day or take him with you to the real estate agent next day and get them to change the names over on the rental contract…if they will, also making sure to get him to pay you back your share of the original deposit… I don’t think it will co.e to that. He is just caught up in her drama and “can’t see the forest for the trees”.

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If he’s allowing her to do “her thing” in his home he’s just enabling her issues and neglecting you and your unborn child - she needs to go or both need to go - this is unhealthy for all involved and it could cause issues beyond your control if something were to happen to her or anyone in your home - meaning that if something does it could mean you losing your child at birth to the state - if he truly loves YOU and your child then he needs to get rid of the user - he needs to put her in a rehab center or take her to her parents before he gets everything he is suppose to love in unnecessary trouble bc of her. Or you can walk away until he decides what he wants more, to enable his friend or to take care of his family. Good luck on whatever choice you make but no man and his friend are worth jeopardizing yourself or your unborn.

Who owns the house? Who’s name is on the lease??? Meet her at the door and tell her no she can’t come in. If he decides to go with her u and ur baby r better off. If her drugs lead to a special needs child u will be the one caring for him/her alone!!!

Tell her to leave if she refuses call the police. Sounds like she may not only be a “friend” stand up for yourself and if he gets mad kick him out too

Kick them to the curb

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Leave. He doesn’t respect you and it’s not worth it.

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Tell her that you don’t want her there. No one wants to impose, and maybe he makes her feel like she isn’t imposing.

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If you don’t like it then walk a way
From. It

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Okay they both need to go.

Have a prego moment and tell that bitch go away lol