My boyfriend does not want our son having any contact with my ex: Advice?

He’s being unreasonable. He lives with your ex’s children that he knew about before having one with you.


Sounds like you just had a baby with a man child.

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That is completely ridiculous, your boyfriend needs to grow up or hit the road.

Listen to the boys Dad. The first 3 children s Dad have a relationship with their Dad. This. Is a whole new family. Your youngest Dad feelings should be respected also.


Your bf sounds like a POS and he probably treats your older kids like garbage too.


He’s being ridiculous.

If your ex isn’t a POS then your BF gotta go

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend does not want our son having any contact with my ex: Advice?

Do what needs to be done to have the least amount of impact to the children. Sounds like he’s being kind of childish honestly. If a 2 year old waves hi from the car, it’s kind to wave back. He doesn’t need to be caught up in the drama. These men need to figure out how to coexist and be adults and cordial for the the kids’ sake. All of them. They need to see what a healthy family looks like.

Wow I’m blown away by how utterly childish your boyfriend is being. Sounds like he could take some manners lessons from his son… if it were me I’d be gone!!!


Boy, sounds like your boyfriend needs to grow up just a little. I’m wondering if he’s insecure because he’s comparing himself to your ex? It’s it possible he sees a great Dad there and is afraid his son will prefer your ex over him? Tough situation, but maybe he needs reassurance in some way. But ultimately if you are going to be a blended family the adults all need to do their best to be reasonably good examples for the kids and that means putting pettiness aside. I wish you luck.


That’s pretty petty. Your big kids will be graduating soon, probably have activities where both of their parents would attend. I can’t imagine not having the little one there for those things. That’s just weird and an unrealistic expectation. My son gets gifts from my ex and his family for holidays, goes to my ex’s house to play, they watch him for me sometimes when I’m in a pinch. Your boyfriend is being a baby.


Tell him when you picking your kids up and he needs to be home for his son if he says he can’t cos he’s having good time take his son to him don’t tell him you are dropping him off. I feel sorry for your son but gotta be cruel to be kind

your boyfriend is super toxic . i hope you can show him all these responses, he is so so so wrong. his stance on this is disturbing and if i were you i’d either put my foot down hard or leave. he is being way too controlling.


He’s alienating y’all’s child together from his siblings which isn’t fair to any of them. He is absolutely cresting a wedge that will be between him and his older siblings for the rest of their lives because they spent so much time apart and things were made awkward due to your boyfriend’s insane requests. Maybe try expressing it that way, as an interest for the kids. Also, maybe try pointing out how awkward or weird it would be for him if your ex-husband put the same request in place for the older kids.


Unless he has a good/valid reason that you haven’t mentioned for feeling like this, he’s just jealous, childish, and downright idiotic and not at all thinking about the child or you and only thinking of himself. The kid isn’t going to see a random man he barely knows and assume it’s his father. You shouldn’t have to deal with this sort of stress, he should suck it up and be a parent instead of being just another child for you to raise. Try family therapy because he’s also rejecting your older children in a way by doing this and it’s not okay. If he refuses to cooperate and grow up, I would leave, but that’s just me. You’re not married though so it would be much easier to do it now than later. Sorry.

He would be my ex bf.


Your boyfriend is being a girlfriend.

If your ex is a wonderful father to your children, and you get a long as co-parents, your boyfriend is being possessive and controlling. Be glad y’all aren’t married because he sounds like he’s drama.


He’s being a baby. My ex husband always says hi and talks to my boyfriends son. He’ll he even held him numerous times when he was a baby so that I could get our son around when he came to pick him up, just so that I wouldn’t have to put him down and wake him up.

Your boyfriend is being a baby.

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This is where hate comes from people like that. There is enough hate in this world and teaching it to your child intentionally is utterly disgusting. He’s a scum bag id tell him if he doesn’t like it to hit the road

Your boyfriend is insecure and needs to get over himself. Like you said your son knows who his dad is.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My boyfriend does not want our son having any contact with my ex: Advice?

I think your boyfriend feels threatened by your ex , He needs to get over himself very childish indeed

Tell him to grow up😃

Weird… tell him to get a grip!

Not your boyfriends descision to be fair and your the parents not him
Sounds a bit controlling to me
Expecting you to do this or whatever he asks of you

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Tell him to grow up. That’s just weird.

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Sounds like your little Sons Father needs to grow up and be an Adult Dad sooner than later!!


I would leave that relationship. Sounds awful

People are weird man

I wouldn’t tolerate that at all. telling a 2 year old to not speak is ridiculous. He is young and learning. His father sounds like an ass. (Sorry). He needs to grow up and get over himself.
I got very lucky. My ex is the only person he takes my youngest son when he takes our kids. We all do family things together.

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Tell your boyfriend to bloody grow up…what a weird guy :grimacing:

Regardless if he’s the sons dad or boyfriend, no man would tell me what I can and can’t do when it comes to my children. On your bike mate :v:t3: lol.

Red red RED Flags girl … sorry … it will always be an issue no matter how you present it to him… he’s either with you or against only you can decide how much tour willing to battle but for the sake of the kids and your own happiness please, please, please do not ignore the red flags :triangular_flag_on_post:

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What a little boy your boyfriend is. Stamping his feet because he can’t have his own way. He really can’t have his own way on this.

Co parenting is hard enough! He needs to understand that. Assuming he has no other children with another woman, he would not understand how hard it is. My ex and I have 3 kids together and he has had 2 more kids since our divorce which have both spent many nights at my house. I was also the first person to hold his youngest after he was born. This is honestly a bit childish.

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What happens when your older kids graduate, marry, etc. does your little not get to partake in family events because the ex will be there. Get real and get over it. There was a man before him and if he keeps it up there will be a new “man” after him!


Time to start really looking at your relationship…That is just odd

You’re boyfriend needs to get over himself and fast. If he expects this then do you really want to be with someone who is insecure about you’re ex? Tell him to grow up, my ex speaks to my other 2 kids who aren’t his.

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He’s either with you or against you. Co parenting is hard enough never mind dealing with ur bf untamed ego. You are not leaving this man in charge of his child to be calling him daddy. There is no issue apart from his own issue. Calm and rationally say your peace write out 1st if this causing u stress then move on. A child needs to understand the dynamics of your family like his siblings go to their dad’s not that’s a bad man you can’t talk to him.

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If you let him have this control, please be prepared because it will not stop.

Your boyfriend is trying to control you. What an absolute weird bloke.


Is it the two year old and the boyfriends son? As his dad he has to realise that a 2 year old won’t understand why he can’t wave or say hi to your ex as he has always been there in the background with your other children. It’s sounds like he’s throwing his toys out of the Pram and a bit jealous of your relationship with regards to your children and your ex. Tell him to Grow up and to learn to trust you sounds like he’s a control freak

Tell tour boyfriend to grow up. Next topic.

Does this mean your older children should ignore ur current boyfriend? … no! That’s just rude!.. he sounds really controlling! U said u don’t teach ur children to hate, maybe ur boyfriend should do the same! Childish behaviour from a grown ass man! U do what is right :slightly_smiling_face: good luck doll x


All just seems a bit petty end day you have kids with some one else so that ex partner going to always be there in life for fact that you have child with them if your bf can’t except that then that his issue I’m sure all you want is just a peaceful life and co parent in what ever way makes your children happy because end day I is about the kids not self emotions or feelings of your current bf

If its his son and he has always been part of his life then the boyfriend can go fuck. He has every right to know his dad. And if you let the boyfriend stop that. The child is gonna resent you.

Your boyfriend sounds insecure and controlling as fuck.

He is being really childish.Tell him to grow up


That’s childish and he needs to grow up.

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This is crap. My ex husband is remarried and has a child that is only 2 years younger than our daughter. We speak on the phone when my kids are over there If she wants to talk, we talk st drop off and pick up, we talk if at events. We’ve even bought presents and gave them to her for birthday and Christmas and stuff. I’m currently pregnant with my 3rd child by my boyfriend and i will never tell her she can’t talk with my kids family


Poor kid. They’ll get a complex if he doesnt get a hi or a wave and is ignored.


Your boyfriend is too immature to handle a good coparenting relationship which is sad. Tell him to get over his petty jealousy or learn how to coparent like an adult real fast.


You’re bf sounds controlling! Get rid of him!

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I’d run away from ur bf

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Insane. I have 3 children with my ex husband an anyone has life alll the way fuxed up if they think they are gonna tell me what to do with my kids an their father. Don’t put up with such non sense.

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You’re boyfriend sounds petty and immature. My current bf and my ex get along great. We go to the park together as a family. Which is how is should be. My ex which is who I have 2 kids with will tell his babies make sure you listen to daddy Ryan. He knows that his babies know who daddy is cause he’s been a huge part of there lives since they were in the womb. What you’re going through isn’t healthy. Don’t settle for anything less then what you deserve. Know there is better out there!


Your man needs to grow up. That’s absolutely ridiculous!


I’m more worried that the boyfriend is talking bad about the ex in front of the other kids. You think those kids want to here bad things about their dad by their moms boyfriend or little brother dad? Could cause some resent of the little brother :woman_shrugging:


That sounds ridiculous. There has to be more to this. What is his reasoning for this?

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Your boyfriend is an ass and is being ridiculous. Your ex is just saying hi and acknowledging your youngest (he’s being polite). Unless your ex is a danger to your kids your boyfriend needs to change he’s attitude.

Boyfriend needs to GROW up.

Tell him if he doesn’t want your ex near his son, then he has to be there to watch him no matter what else is going on.

You tell your boyfriend to stfu. That’s what you do. Your ex is the father of your oldest children. Your youngest will not understand why he can’t be around him. My husband originally was a little like this with my ex and our son and I basically told him to shove it. My ex and I are on good terms and we even all hang out now with all of the kids. Nothing romantic whatsoever going on. Just parents hanging out and letting the kiddos play. So I’d personally tell him to get over it.

Is your boyfriend a child? He sounds like a child.


I could understand this of drugs or abuse was involved.
But it doesn’t really sound like that’s the case.

I’m a huge believer in conflict resolution though.
So I’d try to get to the root issue and address that.
Is he afraid your child together will think your ex is his dad too? Is he afraid that your child together will compare your ex and him as parents?
Things like that.
Then work on solving that issue.

If your husband is just being a dick about it for no reason…remind him that

  1. You and your ex will always be a part of each other’s lives…ecause you have kids together.
  2. At least your ex is NICE to your child together rather than being mean or spiteful. (It happens).

Your boyfriend sounds immature.


Your boyfriend needs to grow up!
I have siblings from the same dad but different moms, my mom always let them sleep over, because guess what, it’s not the children’s fault your separated or whatever! My parents get along great. There shouldn’t be any jealousy there. He’s your ex for a reason. Tell him to get off his high horse


He sounds very toxic!


That’s ridiculous. He needs to grow up.

How awful BF is denying your child together a relationship with the father of his siblings. Get counseling, together if possible, go alone if he refuses (a red flag).

Ask BF what happened in his life to have him feel this way. What kind of relationship did he have with dad, stepdad, other men in his life and how did he react/feel about it? Ask BF if something happened to his mom, a sibling or other relative or friend that made him so paranoid.

Ask him what he’s afraid of, what he thinks the worst-case scenario could be. Then at least you’ll know the roots of his unreasonableness.

Do some research on why or why not his thinking is valid or faulty (I’m guessing it all points to faulty). Share it with him. See if you can get BF and ex to talk to each other calmly without the kids around (maybe just watching sports on TV with pizza & beers as long as they aren’t rooting for opposing teams) so BF can realize ex is just another human being, not the spawn of Satan.

Lastly, start planning a careful exit from this relationship, even if you don’t have to use it. Frankly your BF sounds a bit deranged, and like he might get violent. Check out all the laws, figure out a safe house or two, think through lots of safety measures, consult a lawyer, ask about services from a domestic violence hotline, learn how to deal with a violent person with info from a women’s center. Even if you never have to use it, you’ll be ready if you do.

Good luck. Blended families who get along with all the different parties are so much healthier and happier. Regardless of what happens, keep being the awesome mom you are to all your kids. :heart:


He sounds jealous and immature. If he’s smart he will get along and realize that he could be sending his son with all the other kids for the weekend with your ex and have free time with you all weekend long!!

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Does your boyfriend ignore your older children because he is not their dad? Why would the roles be any different reversed? Boyfriend has some serious issues and his behavior could lead to a toxic atmosphere. So your youngest would never be allowed to attend your older children’s school events? Boyfriend would be SOL if you left him J/S.


Tell him he needs to grow up unless he wants to be the Ex.

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I’d leave that crazy controlling bf!

Sounds like he found an easy way to try to control you. The fact that you have attempted to appease him, is kind, however it isn’t sustainable. Unrealistic pressures and requests are the start down a road you don’t want to go down.

Try to set up a counseling appt for yourself and the boyfriend. If he doesn’t want to go, go to it on your own…It will help you (both) work your way through whatever the underlying issue(s) is/are, easier. The sooner, the better. If he won’t go, that will tell you something, as well.

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You run! You’re not bringing a life into this world with a man, you’re bringing one into this world with a pathetic child

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Your man is toxic as hell and either needs to grow up or leave.

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That’s just ridiculous and petty

Your boyfriend needs to grow up and stop being ridiculous and petty.

My parents divorced when I was in middle school so my mom and stepdad had my little sister when I was 16. I would be offended if my sister was rude to my dad or if my stepdad expected her to be cold to him. I would also never say anything negative about her father in her presence or be rude to him. Your man-child boyfriend is being extremely selfish, controlling and disrespectful. Don’t let him disrespect your children like that like their father is such garbage he can’t even be in the same room as your other son. If he didn’t want a blended family he should have found someone without kids.

Sounds like you have 5 children and an ex?
I would tell him to wind it in or he will be replacing the ex!

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It sounds like he is really insecure. I co-parent and I love the fact that my daughter gets a bonus mom. Sure sometime is stings when I hear mama Suzie but that’s just one more person that loves her. But in this occasion it’s just strange it’s not like your ex is trying to parent your youngest it’s just being decent and having polite interaction. Those are still his brothers and you shouldn’t have to choose parts of your family. Talk about his insecurities and set realistic boundaries.


Your boyfriend needs to grow up. It is a total package, your kids with your ex and his kid with you. You can’t choose who to include and who not to.

Tell you man child to get over it. You need to put your foot down that you won’t be teaching your son such behaviour.

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This could be a very bad environment for all the kids and eventually little guy could feel left out. He should be able to go out and about without avoiding anyone :pensive:. You shouldn’t have to ask your ex or. Your baby to do any of that.


You left out a very important part of this. Why? What is the reason? Did I miss something?


How is your boyfriend with your older kids. If he is jealous of your ex, it will also showup in how he treats your older kids.


Super ignorant and childish. Grow up!!! Why are people so immature.

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Tell your boyfriend he knew you had children when he met you and needs to understand that you come as a package the ex is gonna be there regardless as he is their father tell him to grow uo and stop being a jealous insecure DICK HEAD

Your boyfriend is acting like a child. He also sounds controlling and narcissistic.


So i try to avoid having my boys around my husbands ex wife because she oversteps however it is going to happen

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Has your boyfriend ever actually met your ex husband? I mean, obviously they don’t have to be friends but I’m confused on his reasoning for this?

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I imagine my current husband who’s the father of my baby would be just like this if my older two’s father was still alive :smirk: some men…uggghhh it’s a territory issue, not even so much about the child themselves and that’s what bugs me the most about it. Children are meant to be loved, who cares if your ex acknowledges and communicates with the child? It would screw the kid up worse in the head if an adult acknowledged their siblings but not them. Doesn’t he care about that?! It sounds like you and your ex have a great coparenting life and I applaud you for that. I wish I had advice for you - I would be the kind to say f**k that dumb shit and carry on like normal but I know that doesn’t always work. Like I said I know my husband would be the same exact way.

When my ex husband comes to get our son he always talks to my boyfriend and I daughter… he’s even picked her up before … while I’m sure he’s not overly joyed when he picks her up he would never tell me to have him not speak to her… like that’s just rude on all accounts … he seems very insecure and controlling

Your man needs to grow up. My ex and my husband get along… we have 3 kids together and my husband and I have 2. Whenever my ex comes over my youngest kid runs over and hugs my ex and picks him up and everything. My husband treats each kid as his own and has never called the older three his step kids. Your boyfriend needs to stop being so insecure and do what’s best for the kids. If he can’t man up you need to leave him because he will just try to control you any other way he can.


Please don’t marry him. Set a plan to leave. He sounds very jealous and possessive. This is a red flag. Your ex husband is just trying to be friendly.


Very immature just let him say hello… your son too. Maybe he feels insacure of your ex

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How is that going to work at Prom, Graduations, Weddings? He is absolutely ridiculous.


He knew you had kids before yall got together. For the children’s sake if you can be civil with one another and co parent do it. It makes your and the kids relationships better off. Your boyfriend is very insecure and petty. If he is jealous it will be hell for your other kids. Put your foot down now or he will think he can throw a hissy fit and get his way.