My boyfriend doesn't share photos of my on social media

My hubby and I have been together for 10 years and he has never posted me. He doesn’t take hardly any pictures but he also barely uses social media so things like this don’t even cross his mind. But I post alot and tag him so it’s still on his page :woman_shrugging: I don’t think it’s really intentional but most men don’t think this kind of thing is a big deal so I wouldn’t let it bother you too bad.

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That doesn’t mean you don’t exist to him. It just means he loves you enough to protect you from hackers and any other predator out there . I have family members that refuse to post their children and spouse due to predators. Don’t be so sensitive about it. Sit down and talk to him about it. Communication is a key to a successful relationship. Don’t be afraid to become closer by telling him how you feel. God bless.

My fiance is never on FB so him not posting anything never bothered me

I’ve been with my other half 3 years don’t have him on fb and he never posts me. Tbf his family doesn’t know who he’s with but I know he’s with me fully. Some people like to be private it’s just how it is.

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Work on your insecurities or it’s going to be the death of your relationship.


It could be since y’all work together he wants to keep it private. Especially if it’s already going around y’all are dating.

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It’s just social media :woman_facepalming: grow up and stop acting like a child. Good for him for not wanting people all up in his business. You sound like a attention seeker


It’s a double edge sword. He may not be that social mediaish, if he asks you not to tag him or post pictures of you guys then I’d run now.

Me and my husband 10 years occasionally share a photo I don’t even like posting pictures of my kids on fb . The people that need to know about my kids and husband
Know anyone else is irrelevant

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Posting constantly on social media about a relationship is fake. None of that is real. People that need to constantly announce what they are doing or that they are with someone just proves how empty their real life is. :woman_shrugging: you don’t need the internet to validate you.


Could be worse but if you ask me he should be showing you off!!

My guy and I have been together for 6 years and have 2 kids together and he doesn’t post us a lot either. I’m starting to think it is a guy thing from what I’m reading here. Try not to give it to much thought. As long as you’re getting the love and respect you deserve

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The Question is how is he with you in person and in Reall life posting is not Reall life honey

If the only reason you feel this way is because he does not post you, you should not allow it to effect you, let it effect you when his actions show absence and you feel like this on a daily… God will bless your relationship more without it being fully accessed by the Dunya(world)

This will effect you if you allow it, don’t let it become you, be stronger than this more

We all grown ups, if he shows you off to friends and new people you meet or in the mall or just all the time what is social media…

You got this hun

If this is your biggest concern then simply get off social media and see how you feel about it then. Social media is the death of marriages and relationships

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Why do ppl care so much about social media jeez. Wtf you think our parents did :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:


I have been with my hubby 21 years , and we don’ photos of each other on Facebook
. Kinda sad some people need to share everything on social media


Red flags should be going off


My bf doesnt even HAVE social media except for video game groups

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Mine only posts car crap and memes but it says married to me and I’m on the featured photos but we are at 16yrs lol


My husband didn’t post us for like 8 years he just now started doing that last year tagging me and posting us. We been together 10 years next month. Lol sometimes takes a while I guess.

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How are things aside from social media?

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I’ve been with my husband for 12 years… You wouldn’t even know I existed if I didn’t post things. Some men are different than women when it comes to those things! There are much bigger problems in the world lady, move on!


I’ve never had a 'Facebook official ’ relationship. I’m almost 3 years into my current relationship. This is the first man I’ve dated that actually takes pictures of me and with me. Mostly they’re when we go hiking. Some of them, I’m like really, you posted this picture. But having the pictures is more important, because as a mom, usually you’re the one taking the pictures.

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Keep your relationship private, it’s not everyone’s business.


Yeah I had an ex that did that and it was because she was still involved with her not so ex in another state

Do you have a reason to think that he isn’t posting you is sketchy? Like have you caught him cheating before?
If not then I don’t see any reason why you should worry about it. Some people don’t mind putting little things out there, but they don’t want their entire lives shared publicly. My husband basically only posts sports stuff, and hasn’t changed his profile pic in 5 years. He literally never posts anything but sports stuff. So it’s not weird he doesn’t post about our life. I post a lot of our lives and tag his family and him. He doesn’t remove the tags or the pictures, so no reason for concern.

Maybe he’s not a social media guy. Not everyone is into it.


Your relationship isn’t real until it’s Facebook official :joy::joy:
My husband doesn’t have social media. We been together 9 years. I think it’s easier :person_shrugging:


This page really should have a minimum age limit cuz umm… are u 10?


I used to feel the same way. But now that me and my hubby have been together for almost 3 years i dont really bother with it anymore. Half the time were to busy having fun to even take pics but when we do i dont go straight to posting them and neither does he. The whole world doesnt need to be included in every aspect of yalls relationship its for you two and you two alone. If you feel like you need validation from friends and or family on social media then its not the right relationship for you. I agree with the others commenting saying get rid of social media and see if it still bothers you.

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I’ve been married 11 years w 2 kids. My husband never posts me on fb. Everyone in our “Real life” knows we’re married. Fb is just fb. Don’t read too much into nothing.


Most guys don’t post on social media their stuff.

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Please don’t let the social media stigma influence how he may or may not feel about you. How’s the conversation? Does he make you a priority in real life? Is he good to you and the children?

He could either not like social media or possibly cheating. But in all reality if there are no other red flags besides the social media then he probably just doesn’t post private stuff. Lots of men are like that

Hubby barley ever shares photos of me on Facebook we’ve been together 4 years engaged for a year. I don’t need the validation of him posting me on his Facebook for me to feel comfortable in my relationship.
In the beginning it bugged me a bit and I brought it up to him and he talked to me about why he doesn’t share most of his personal life on social media and that was that I accepted it because that is who he is and I can either accept it or leave over a tiny insecurity. I learned how to move past that insecurity and honestly life’s better not caring if I’m posted online or not by my partner at least we’re together enjoying the moments that were captured.
I mean I’m big on sharing photos of my hubby and my kids because I’m proud of them and the moments we create and so is my hubby he just doesn’t care to share much of his life on social media like I do so friends and family can see and that’s something I had to learn to accept just like he learned to accept that I like to share about him and my kids on mine at least.

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Social media isn’t life. You need to talk to someone about your insecurity issues

I suggest getting use to it lol my husband rarely even TAKES photos. My BIL hasn’t changed his profile picture since he got married to my sister…… in 2014. He also rarely takes photos. If relationships were based on FB posts, my husband would be married to a meme :joy::joy::joy::joy::skull:


This is childish. No offense.


My husband doesn’t post me and it doesn’t bother me at all. I post him tag him in pictures of the kids but he doesn’t post much. We’ve been together 5 years and married for 3.

Could be not wanting his mom baby to start drama

Idk my ex didn’t post me either but he also wouldn’t take pictures with me at all but if your guy is willing to take pictures with you then your fine

If you’re gonna get a set of for him not pissing on to show media, step back from the relationship. Not everyone will do what you do.

… this is kinda childish honestly. not all men share pictures on facebook lol. ive been married to my house for almost 10 years and he RARELY if ever posts pictures on his facebook. lmao


My husband doesn’t post much at all. We have a total of 9 kids and 3 grandkids and he only has a few pics of the baby on his page and none of the other kids or me.

I’ve been married 36 yrs my husband doesn’t even have Facebook or any social media, I don’t post pictures of him, or myself actually…I don’t feel the need to post every single aspect of my life


Bahahaha. Welcome to the club of a lot of women. And I’ve been married to mine for 3 years. Together 4

I think we might take social media too seriously sometimes.

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My bf is the same way . It doesn’t bother me. Just because he doesn’t post me doesn’t mean he doesn’t love me. I post pictures of us because I’m always on social media. He rarely uses it unless he’s looking at cars. Not all guys like to post pictures of their life. Most of the guys I’m friends with on fb rarely post so I wouldn’t over think it


Did he post stuff about previous relationships? Some people just aren’t as open on social media. My husband and I have been together for 7 years and I can count on one hand the number of posts he’s made about me/us lol. I’m okay with that because I know how much he loves me, and I would much rather have a strong relationship IRL than a crappy one whose bright spots get displayed on social media.

Maybe he is just a more private person than you . Nothing wrong about it

and honestly-i post MORE PICTURES of my kids and my dog than of my husband.

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My partner is the kindest, most considerate and loving person I have ever known and he has never posted a picture of me or us on here and that doesnt bother me in the slightest because those things dont matter what should matter is the way he treats you and the way your relationship is. If those things are good then you should forget about social media x

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I’ve been married over 17 years and my husband very rarely post pictures of me on FB it’s not a big deal if the people who matter in your life and his know about y’all

Why is that important?


You might need a break from social media if you think this is a serious issue…


It’s social media… Who cares.


Ditto. Mine is just very private.

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Not everyone does social media’s the same way. Stop over thinking it.


Girl, I don’t know if you have seen, but so many “social media “ influencers and just normal people, they portray such a loving relationship, but they are abused or even killed bc it’s not so perfect in real life. Disney, and now social media is showing us these types of relationships that don’t fit into everyone’s box.

I used to feel like same way, now, I stay low and humble, and my husband doesn’t even have fb or insta etc. You see all of these relationships how men are so cute and writing cute things on their page, or writing how amazing you are. Focus on your man girl, don’t get lost in the illusion. What love language does your man have? Maybe he does cute things in real life but not on social media.

Like I said, I would think oh my husband doesn’t take me on dates, he’s always working, doesn’t even take out trash anymore. But last week he bought me a car with money he saved up and flowers. So now I have a car, debt free, and flowers knowing he was thinking of me. Enjoy what your man does/give to you, that’s MEANT for you. Maybe his thing isn’t social media. Talk about what you need from him, besides posting on social media

Also, most of the time when men do post about their girl, it’s bc the girl gets him to do it, or be her photographer and post her etc. They’re dragged into it. Wouldn’t you want your man to do something for you out of love, compared to you begging and nagging him to forcefully do it just to shut you up??

He’s hiding :face_in_clouds: something


Social media is not the be all end all definition of love. If it is for you, you’re requiring an attention that no one will meet. Your life is not for others to enjoy.


What is this culture of “if my SO doesn’t post about me they must not want me” shit? I truly don’t get it. Me and my fiance have been together going on 4 years, I post the occasional photo of us (like once a year), and he doesn’t. Why? He doesn’t like social media, and neither of us like our relationship blasted all over. This is such a childish issue.

April Pellegrini it kind of depends what someone’s regular habits are. If you don’t even have social media, or don’t usually post photos, then the actions are consistent. But if someone is very active on social media, and/or posts photos of their activities, friends, etc, then failing to post photos of a significant other may be a red flag.


If this is something you feel you need in a relationship just talk to him about it

Since when did social media validate a relationship maybe he’s a private person maybe he doesn’t want dudes from his page going to your page and adding you trying to get in your pants social media isn’t the end of all things as long as he keeps girls in line and lets them know he’s with someone I don’t see an issue the relationship is between YOU and HIM not you him and social media

If u have to advertise your relationship or u want him to. I’m sensing trust issues and unhappiness

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Not really important, but if it is important to you, then just tag him in all of your post. All his peeps will see it then.

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MTV has a new show about this…

Did you ask him if you could post things about your relationship with him? Most guys don’t post anything. Does he see your posts? If he has, has he ever said anything about it? Personally I think it’s silly to post anything personal and he may feel the same way.

Tell him how you feel.

Seriously this is what you’re worried about

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I wouldn’t look too much into it. My partner doesn’t share pics of me where as I do. It doesn’t mean he loves you any less x

My bf and I are complete opposite. I post photos he does not. We’ve been together over 2 years and I have a total of THREE photos of us together. He’s not a picture person nor is he a social media person. If you can’t trust your guy then why are you with him?


Does he post any pictures ?? Or… does he think you post enough on yours ??

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In h experience it’s because he doesn’t want other females knowing he’s taken.

I personally don’t post any photos of family. (Hubby or kids) Not my place I feel. If they want photos on social media they’ll post. :woman_shrugging: i dont like that others post any of me either


My husband and I have been together 12 years this year. Married 4 this year. He doesn’t use his social media. Hasn’t in years. And even when he did he barely posted stuff of us. I did sometimes. And sometimes still do. It doesn’t mean anything…


Been with mine 13 years he doesn’t post much but I tag him in ALOT I don’t really see why it’s an issue. But maybe someone else will.

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More important things than social media.


My hubby seldom goes on Fb, and hardly posts things. He has him and I as his profile picture, and it’s been the same pic for 4 years. I, on the other hand post tons of stuffs. I wouldn’t sweat it. Social media isn’t for everyone.

If it’s truly an issue for you, then I would have a serious talk with him about it.

Keeping his options open or saving drama from the ex

I don’t post my relationship on social media :man_shrugging:t2: the people that I care to know I’m with someone will know one way or another


Me and my fiance been together 5 years and he never post pics. I post all the pics and tag him but he doesn’t post much on FB unless it’s a video he watched

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Married 8 years next week and we have 2 children together he doesn’t share pictures of me on his fb nor does he write about me but I know he loves me and our family


My husband has never posted me on social media…and?
We’ve been happily married 14yrs.
If that’s what you value, I have to ask, how old are you?
Most men aren’t into that. Especially if they like to keep their provate life private.
Ask him abt it. If it bothers you that’s much, why?

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Been there done that and gone; in my experience after the first year and we were together 5 plus years it changed because he was keeping his options open… BUT I have seen people just not post private is safe doesn’t always mean sneaky.
Wishing you the best xo

Neither my husband or I post pics of each other.

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Social media isn’t everything plus y’all haven’t even been together that long. Plus social media causes drama.

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He is mature and knows he doesn’t have to share his life on social. Appreciate the fact he respects you and your relationship. Outside noise destroyers a relationship


Welcome to Side Chick City population, you.


I been with mine 5 years and not one single post about me but I post and tag him all the time it doesn’t really bug me that’s just who he is

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My partner is the same he just honestly hates pictures he has engaged to me on page and picture of me on his profile other than that nothing else he barely on it if yours doesn’t at least have these then its definitely red flags

My husband hardly posts pictures of me on social media. But it doesn’t phase me. We’ve been together 10 years. I’m his world. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

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Not everyone likes to put their personal stuff on social media.


My ol dude doesnt post about me… Nor does he post at all really. He doesn’t even react to my posts or comment. This used to irritate me but eventually I realized…its frickin social media and I don’t really want all my business out there… So I even quit posting about our relationship

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My husband hasn’t posted anything on Facebook since probably 2020 when we got married lmao. Your whole life doesn’t have to be put on Facebook


My husband is private and doesn’t post us or really his son or my daughters. It’s not a big deal

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Been with my fiancé for five years and we have a three year old. We’re happy. He’s a loving, caring amazing guy. But we both trust each other. I know he’d never cheat. He’s just not into social media like that. Our families, friends, and everyone he meets still knows about me. Guys don’t care as much about that.

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He could be a super private person :woman_shrugging:t4:


He probly got friends who will slide your dms if he posts about you lmao

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